.gitignore 4.4 KB

  1. ### Project Specific stuff
  2. test_run_dir/*
  3. ### XilinxISE template
  4. # intermediate build files
  5. *.bgn
  6. *.bit
  7. *.bld
  8. *.cmd_log
  9. *.drc
  10. *.ll
  11. *.lso
  12. *.msd
  13. *.msk
  14. *.ncd
  15. *.ngc
  16. *.ngd
  17. *.ngr
  18. *.pad
  19. *.par
  20. *.pcf
  21. *.prj
  22. *.ptwx
  23. *.rbb
  24. *.rbd
  25. *.stx
  26. *.syr
  27. *.twr
  28. *.twx
  29. *.unroutes
  30. *.ut
  31. *.xpi
  32. *.xst
  33. *_bitgen.xwbt
  34. *_envsettings.html
  35. *_map.map
  36. *_map.mrp
  37. *_map.ngm
  38. *_map.xrpt
  39. *_ngdbuild.xrpt
  40. *_pad.csv
  41. *_pad.txt
  42. *_par.xrpt
  43. *_summary.html
  44. *_summary.xml
  45. *_usage.xml
  46. *_xst.xrpt
  47. # project-wide generated files
  48. *.gise
  49. par_usage_statistics.html
  50. usage_statistics_webtalk.html
  51. webtalk.log
  52. webtalk_pn.xml
  53. # generated folders
  54. iseconfig/
  55. xlnx_auto_0_xdb/
  56. xst/
  57. _ngo/
  58. _xmsgs/
  59. ### Eclipse template
  60. *.pydevproject
  61. .metadata
  62. .gradle
  63. bin/
  64. tmp/
  65. *.tmp
  66. *.bak
  67. *.swp
  68. *~.nib
  69. local.properties
  70. .settings/
  71. .loadpath
  72. # Eclipse Core
  73. .project
  74. # External tool builders
  75. .externalToolBuilders/
  76. # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
  77. *.launch
  78. # CDT-specific
  79. .cproject
  80. # JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools)
  81. .classpath
  82. # Java annotation processor (APT)
  83. .factorypath
  84. # PDT-specific
  85. .buildpath
  86. # sbteclipse plugin
  87. .target
  88. # TeXlipse plugin
  89. .texlipse
  90. ### C template
  91. # Object files
  92. *.o
  93. *.ko
  94. *.obj
  95. *.elf
  96. # Precompiled Headers
  97. *.gch
  98. *.pch
  99. # Libraries
  100. *.lib
  101. *.a
  102. *.la
  103. *.lo
  104. # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
  105. *.dll
  106. *.so
  107. *.so.*
  108. *.dylib
  109. # Executables
  110. *.exe
  111. *.out
  112. *.app
  113. *.i*86
  114. *.x86_64
  115. *.hex
  116. # Debug files
  117. *.dSYM/
  118. ### SBT template
  119. # Simple Build Tool
  120. # http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Directories.html#configuring-version-control
  121. target/
  122. lib_managed/
  123. src_managed/
  124. project/boot/
  125. .history
  126. .cache
  127. ### Emacs template
  128. # -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
  129. *~
  130. \#*\#
  131. /.emacs.desktop
  132. /.emacs.desktop.lock
  133. *.elc
  134. auto-save-list
  135. tramp
  136. .\#*
  137. # Org-mode
  138. .org-id-locations
  139. *_archive
  140. # flymake-mode
  141. *_flymake.*
  142. # eshell files
  143. /eshell/history
  144. /eshell/lastdir
  145. # elpa packages
  146. /elpa/
  147. # reftex files
  148. *.rel
  149. # AUCTeX auto folder
  150. /auto/
  151. # cask packages
  152. .cask/
  153. ### Vim template
  154. [._]*.s[a-w][a-z]
  155. [._]s[a-w][a-z]
  156. *.un~
  157. Session.vim
  158. .netrwhist
  159. *~
  160. ### JetBrains template
  161. # Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio
  162. *.iml
  163. ## Directory-based project format:
  164. .idea/
  165. # if you remove the above rule, at least ignore the following:
  166. # User-specific stuff:
  167. # .idea/workspace.xml
  168. # .idea/tasks.xml
  169. # .idea/dictionaries
  170. # Sensitive or high-churn files:
  171. # .idea/dataSources.ids
  172. # .idea/dataSources.xml
  173. # .idea/sqlDataSources.xml
  174. # .idea/dynamic.xml
  175. # .idea/uiDesigner.xml
  176. # Gradle:
  177. # .idea/gradle.xml
  178. # .idea/libraries
  179. # Mongo Explorer plugin:
  180. # .idea/mongoSettings.xml
  181. ## File-based project format:
  182. *.ipr
  183. *.iws
  184. ## Plugin-specific files:
  185. # IntelliJ
  186. /out/
  187. # mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
  188. .idea_modules/
  189. # JIRA plugin
  190. atlassian-ide-plugin.xml
  191. # Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
  192. com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml
  193. crashlytics.properties
  194. crashlytics-build.properties
  195. ### C++ template
  196. # Compiled Object files
  197. *.slo
  198. *.lo
  199. *.o
  200. *.obj
  201. # Precompiled Headers
  202. *.gch
  203. *.pch
  204. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  205. *.so
  206. *.dylib
  207. *.dll
  208. # Fortran module files
  209. *.mod
  210. # Compiled Static libraries
  211. *.lai
  212. *.la
  213. *.a
  214. *.lib
  215. # Executables
  216. *.exe
  217. *.out
  218. *.app
  219. ### OSX template
  220. .DS_Store
  221. .AppleDouble
  222. .LSOverride
  223. # Icon must end with two \r
  224. Icon
  225. # Thumbnails
  226. ._*
  227. # Files that might appear in the root of a volume
  228. .DocumentRevisions-V100
  229. .fseventsd
  230. .Spotlight-V100
  231. .TemporaryItems
  232. .Trashes
  233. .VolumeIcon.icns
  234. # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
  235. .AppleDB
  236. .AppleDesktop
  237. Network Trash Folder
  238. Temporary Items
  239. .apdisk
  240. ### Xcode template
  241. # Xcode
  242. #
  243. # gitignore contributors: remember to update Global/Xcode.gitignore, Objective-C.gitignore & Swift.gitignore
  244. ## Build generated
  245. build
  246. DerivedData
  247. ## Various settings
  248. *.pbxuser
  249. !default.pbxuser
  250. *.mode1v3
  251. !default.mode1v3
  252. *.mode2v3
  253. !default.mode2v3
  254. *.perspectivev3
  255. !default.perspectivev3
  256. xcuserdata
  257. ## Other
  258. *.xccheckout
  259. *.moved-aside
  260. *.xcuserstate
  261. ### Scala template
  262. *.class
  263. *.log
  264. # sbt specific
  265. .cache
  266. .history
  267. .lib/
  268. dist/*
  269. target/
  270. lib_managed/
  271. src_managed/
  272. project/boot/
  273. project/plugins/project/
  274. # Scala-IDE specific
  275. .scala_dependencies
  276. .worksheet
  277. ### Java template
  278. *.class
  279. # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
  280. .mtj.tmp/
  281. # Package Files #
  282. *.jar
  283. *.war
  284. *.ear
  285. # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml
  286. hs_err_pid*
  287. # vscode environment
  288. .vscode
  289. .metals
  290. .bloop
  291. .bsp
  292. .coursier
  293. mill.rdiB
  294. stale_outputs_checked
  295. *.snapshot
  296. __pycache__
  297. overnight.sh
  298. # VCS files
  299. simv
  300. simv.daidir
  301. ucli.key
  302. stack.info*
  303. *.vpd
  304. *.vcd
  305. *.bin
  306. !ready-to-run/*
  307. simulator_err.txt
  308. simulator_out.txt