.travis.yml 831 B

  1. language: python
  2. cache: pip
  3. dist: xenial
  4. matrix:
  5. include:
  6. - env: TOXENV=py36-dj22-sqlite-elasticsearch2 INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH2=yes
  7. python: 3.6
  8. allow_failures:
  9. # Ignore failures on Elasticsearch tests because ES on Travis is intermittently flaky
  10. - env: TOXENV=py36-dj22-sqlite-elasticsearch2 INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH2=yes
  11. # Package installation
  12. install:
  13. - pip install tox codecov
  14. - 'if [[ -n "$INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH2" ]]; then ./scripts/travis/install_elasticsearch2.sh; fi'
  15. # Run the tests
  16. script:
  17. tox
  18. after_success:
  19. - codecov -F backend
  20. # Who to notify about build results
  21. notifications:
  22. slack:
  23. secure: Y/UERaVnR+RL2dOqLR0Nc60JdGkejQ1Ae5zvPRYdDiMIGSv/1KC3T5Dp8NxamqIlozbQNmRaZD+i4AdX60g1M3xlB9DMINzY584YK0X2T2S28+xIgE0MQJijbpfbk2veV8PMeA6EHNpG4zoT+4sbcSyljt9TPcYTTTiTB8rAtc0=
  24. # bump Travis: 1