mkdocs.yml 4.5 KB

  1. #
  2. # txtai Material for MkDocs configuration
  3. #
  4. site_name: txtai
  5. site_description: "txtai is an all-in-one open-source embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows"
  6. repo_name: neuml/txtai
  7. repo_url:
  8. copyright: © NeuML LLC, Apache-2.0 License
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  48. markdown_extensions:
  49. - pymdownx.highlight
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  51. nav:
  52. - Home:
  53. - Why txtai?:
  54. - Use Cases:
  55. - Installation:
  56. - Model Guide:
  57. - Embeddings:
  58. - embeddings/
  59. - Configuration:
  60. - embeddings/configuration/
  61. - ANN: embeddings/configuration/
  62. - Cloud: embeddings/configuration/
  63. - Database: embeddings/configuration/
  64. - General: embeddings/configuration/
  65. - Graph: embeddings/configuration/
  66. - Scoring: embeddings/configuration/
  67. - Vectors: embeddings/configuration/
  68. - Index Format: embeddings/
  69. - Index Guide: embeddings/
  70. - Methods: embeddings/
  71. - Query Guide: embeddings/
  72. - Pipeline:
  73. - pipeline/
  74. - Audio:
  75. - Audio Mixer: pipeline/audio/
  76. - Audio Stream: pipeline/audio/
  77. - Microphone: pipeline/audio/
  78. - Text To Audio: pipeline/audio/
  79. - Text To Speech: pipeline/audio/
  80. - Transcription: pipeline/audio/
  81. - Data:
  82. - Segmentation: pipeline/data/
  83. - Tabular: pipeline/data/
  84. - Textractor: pipeline/data/
  85. - Image:
  86. - Caption: pipeline/image/
  87. - Image Hash: pipeline/image/
  88. - Objects: pipeline/image/
  89. - Text:
  90. - Entity: pipeline/text/
  91. - Labels: pipeline/text/
  92. - LLM: pipeline/text/
  93. - RAG: pipeline/text/
  94. - Similarity: pipeline/text/
  95. - Summary: pipeline/text/
  96. - Translation: pipeline/text/
  97. - Train:
  98. - HF ONNX: pipeline/train/
  99. - ML ONNX: pipeline/train/
  100. - Trainer: pipeline/train/
  101. - Workflow:
  102. - workflow/
  103. - Schedule: workflow/
  104. - Tasks:
  105. - workflow/task/
  106. - Console: workflow/task/
  107. - Export: workflow/task/
  108. - File: workflow/task/
  109. - Image: workflow/task/
  110. - Retrieve: workflow/task/
  111. - Service: workflow/task/
  112. - Storage: workflow/task/
  113. - Template: workflow/task/
  114. - Url: workflow/task/
  115. - Workflow: workflow/task/
  116. - API:
  117. - api/
  118. - Cluster: api/
  119. - Configuration: api/
  120. - Customization: api/
  121. - Methods: api/
  122. - Security: api/
  123. - Cloud:
  124. - Examples:
  125. - FAQ:
  126. - Powered by txtai:
  127. - Further Reading: