widgets_right_panel_widget.js.html 3.7 KB

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  16. <h1 class="page-title">Source: widgets/right_panel_widget.js</h1>
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  19. <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>import NoteContextAwareWidget from "./note_context_aware_widget.js";
  20. const WIDGET_TPL = `
  21. &lt;div class="card widget">
  22. &lt;div class="card-header">
  23. &lt;div class="card-header-title">&lt;/div>
  24. &lt;div class="card-header-buttons">&lt;/div>
  25. &lt;/div>
  26. &lt;div id="[to be set]" class="body-wrapper">
  27. &lt;div class="card-body">&lt;/div>
  28. &lt;/div>
  29. &lt;/div>`;
  30. /**
  31. * This widget manages rendering panels in the right-hand pane.
  32. * @extends {NoteContextAwareWidget}
  33. */
  34. class RightPanelWidget extends NoteContextAwareWidget {
  35. /** Title to show in the panel. */
  36. get widgetTitle() { return "Untitled widget"; }
  37. get widgetButtons() { return []; }
  38. get help() { return {}; }
  39. constructor() {
  40. super();
  41. this.child(...this.widgetButtons);
  42. }
  43. /**
  44. * Do not override this method unless you know what you're doing.
  45. * Do not override this method unless you know what you're doing.
  46. */
  47. doRender() {
  48. this.$widget = $(WIDGET_TPL);
  49. this.contentSized();
  50. this.$widget.find('[data-target]').attr('data-target', `#${this.componentId}`);
  51. this.$bodyWrapper = this.$widget.find('.body-wrapper');
  52. this.$bodyWrapper.attr('id', this.componentId); // for toggle to work we need id
  53. this.$body = this.$bodyWrapper.find('.card-body');
  54. this.$title = this.$widget.find('.card-header .card-header-title');
  55. this.$title.text(this.widgetTitle);
  56. this.$buttons = this.$widget.find('.card-header .card-header-buttons');
  57. this.$buttons.empty();
  58. for (const buttonWidget of this.children) {
  59. this.$buttons.append(buttonWidget.render());
  60. }
  61. this.initialized = this.doRenderBody();
  62. }
  63. /**
  64. * Method used for rendering the body of the widget (via existing this.$body)
  65. *
  66. * Your class should override this method.
  67. * @returns {Promise|undefined} if widget needs async operation to initialize, it can return a Promise
  68. */
  69. async doRenderBody() {}
  70. }
  71. export default RightPanelWidget;
  72. </code></pre>
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