requirements_tune.txt 1.4 KB

  1. -r requirements_dl.txt
  2. aim==3.16.1
  3. ax-platform==0.1.9; python_version < '3.7'
  4. ax-platform==0.2.6; python_version == '3.7'
  5. ax-platform==0.3.1; python_version >= '3.8'
  6. bayesian-optimization==1.2.0
  7. comet-ml==3.31.9
  8. ConfigSpace==0.4.18
  9. dragonfly-opt==0.1.6
  10. flaml==1.1.1
  11. freezegun==1.1.0
  12. # Requires decord which is unavailable for arm64
  13. gluoncv==0.10.1.post0; platform_machine != "arm64"
  14. gpy==1.10.0
  15. # Requires libtorrent which is unavailable for arm64
  16. autorom[accept-rom-license]; platform_machine != "arm64"
  17. h5py==3.7.0
  18. hpbandster==0.7.4
  19. HEBO==0.3.2
  20. hyperopt==0.2.5
  21. jupyterlab==3.6.1
  22. lightgbm==3.3.5
  23. matplotlib!=3.4.3
  24. mlflow==1.30.0
  25. # Unavailable for arm64 in more recent versions
  26. mxnet==1.8.0.post0; platform_machine != "arm64"
  27. nevergrad==0.4.3.post7
  28. optuna==2.10.0
  29. # For HEBO compatibility
  30. pymoo==0.5.0
  31. pytest-remotedata==0.3.2
  32. lightning-bolts==0.4.0
  33. protobuf==3.19.6
  34. pytorch-lightning==1.6.5
  35. fairscale==0.4.6
  36. s3fs==2023.1.0
  37. shortuuid==1.0.1
  38. scikit-optimize==0.9.0
  39. sigopt==7.5.0
  40. timm==0.4.5
  41. transformers==4.18.0; python_version <= '3.6'
  42. transformers==4.19.1; python_version > '3.6'
  43. # Used by ax-platform for type checking.
  44. # Since we pin ax-platform at an earlier version,
  45. # we need to pin this as well to prevent incompatible
  46. # more recent versions from being used.
  47. # ax-platform was updated for py3.8+, which is incompatible
  48. # with this pin, so we restrict the version here to <=3.7
  49. typeguard==2.13.0; python_version <= '3.7'
  50. wandb==0.13.4
  51. xgboost==1.3.3
  52. zoopt==0.4.1