requirements_dl.txt 747 B

  1. # These requirements are used for the CI and CPU-only Docker images so we install CPU only versions of torch.
  2. # For GPU Docker images, you should install requirements_ml_docker.txt afterwards.
  3. tensorflow==2.9.0
  4. tensorflow-probability==0.17.0
  5. # If you make changes below this line, please also make the corresponding changes to `requirements_ml_docker.txt`!
  6. --extra-index-url # for CPU versions of torch, torchvision
  7. --find-links # for CPU versions of torch-scatter, torch-sparse, torch-cluster, torch-spline-conv
  8. torch==1.13.0
  9. torchvision==0.14.0
  10. torch-scatter==2.1.0
  11. torch-sparse==0.6.15
  12. torch-cluster==1.6.0
  13. torch-spline-conv==1.2.1
  14. torch-geometric==2.1.0