pipeline.macos.yml 4.5 KB

  1. common: &common
  2. artifact_paths:
  3. - "/tmp/bazel_event_logs/*"
  4. env:
  5. BUILDKITE: "true"
  6. CI: "true"
  7. PYTHON: "3.6"
  10. LC_ALL: en_US.UTF-8
  11. LANG: en_US.UTF-8
  12. prelude_commands: &prelude_commands |-
  13. ./ci/travis/upload_build_info.sh
  14. (which bazel && bazel clean) || true;
  15. . ./ci/travis/ci.sh init && source ~/.zshrc
  16. . ./ci/travis/ci.sh build
  17. ./ci/travis/install-dependencies.sh
  18. epilogue_commands: &epilogue_commands |-
  19. # Cleanup runtime environment to save storage
  20. rm -rf /tmp/ray
  21. # Cleanup local caches (this shouldn't clean up global disk cache)
  22. bazel clean
  23. steps:
  24. - label: ":mac: :apple: Wheels and Jars"
  25. <<: *common
  26. commands:
  27. # Cleanup environments
  28. - ./ci/travis/upload_build_info.sh
  29. - (which bazel && bazel clean) || true
  30. # TODO(simon): make sure to change both PR and wheel builds
  31. # Special setup for jar builds (will be installed to the machine instead)
  32. # - brew remove --force java & brew uninstall --force java & rm -rf /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask
  33. # - brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8
  34. - diskutil list external physical
  35. - export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home
  36. - java -version
  37. # Build wheels
  38. - export MAC_WHEELS=1
  39. - export MAC_JARS=1
  40. - export RAY_INSTALL_JAVA=1
  41. - . ./ci/travis/ci.sh init && source ~/.zshrc
  42. - . ./ci/travis/ci.sh build
  43. # Test wheels
  44. - . ./ci/travis/ci.sh test_wheels
  45. # Build jars
  46. - bash ./java/build-jar-multiplatform.sh darwin
  47. # Upload the wheels and jars
  48. # We don't want to push on PRs, in fact, the copy_files will fail because unauthenticated.
  49. - if [ "$BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then exit 0; fi
  50. - pip install -q docker aws_requests_auth boto3
  51. # Upload to branch directory.
  52. - python .buildkite/copy_files.py --destination branch_wheels --path ./.whl
  53. - python .buildkite/copy_files.py --destination branch_jars --path ./.jar/darwin
  54. # Upload to latest directory.
  55. - if [ "$BUILDKITE_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then python .buildkite/copy_files.py --destination wheels --path ./.whl; fi
  56. - if [ "$BUILDKITE_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then python .buildkite/copy_files.py --destination jars --path ./.jar/darwin; fi
  57. - label: ":mac: :apple: Ray C++ and Libraries"
  58. <<: *common
  59. commands:
  60. - *prelude_commands
  61. - TORCH_VERSION=1.6 ./ci/travis/install-dependencies.sh
  62. - bazel test --config=ci --test_env=CI $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) --build_tests_only --test_tag_filters=-flaky,-flaky-mac,-post_wheel_build --
  63. //:all python/ray/serve/... python/ray/dashboard/... -rllib/... -core_worker_test
  64. - *epilogue_commands
  65. - label: ":mac: :apple: Worker"
  66. <<: *common
  67. commands:
  68. - *prelude_commands
  69. - cleanup() { if [ "${BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then ./ci/travis/upload_build_info.sh; fi }; trap cleanup EXIT
  70. - ./ci/travis/ci.sh test_cpp
  71. - label: ":mac: :apple: Small and Large"
  72. <<: *common
  73. commands:
  74. - *prelude_commands
  75. - bazel test $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) --config=ci
  76. --test_env=CONDA_EXE --test_env=CONDA_PYTHON_EXE --test_env=CONDA_SHLVL --test_env=CONDA_PREFIX
  77. --test_env=CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV --test_env=CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER --test_env=CI
  78. --test_tag_filters=-kubernetes,-medium_size_python_tests_a_to_j,-medium_size_python_tests_k_to_z,-flaky,-flaky-mac
  79. python/ray/tests/...
  80. - *epilogue_commands
  81. - label: ":mac: :apple: Medium A-J"
  82. <<: *common
  83. commands:
  84. - *prelude_commands
  85. - bazel test --config=ci $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) --test_env=CI
  86. --test_tag_filters=-kubernetes,medium_size_python_tests_a_to_j,-flaky,-flaky-mac
  87. python/ray/tests/...
  88. - *epilogue_commands
  89. - label: ":mac: :apple: Medium K-Z"
  90. <<: *common
  91. commands:
  92. - *prelude_commands
  93. - bazel test --config=ci $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) --test_env=CI
  94. --test_tag_filters=-kubernetes,medium_size_python_tests_k_to_z,-flaky,-flaky-mac
  95. python/ray/tests/...
  96. - *epilogue_commands
  97. - label: ":mac: :apple: :snowflake: Flaky"
  98. <<: *common
  99. commands:
  100. - *prelude_commands
  101. - ./ci/travis/install-dependencies.sh
  102. - bazel test --config=ci $(./scripts/bazel_export_options)
  103. --test_tag_filters=-kubernetes,flaky,flaky-mac
  104. --test_env=CONDA_EXE
  105. --test_env=CONDA_PYTHON_EXE
  106. --test_env=CONDA_SHLVL
  107. --test_env=CONDA_PREFIX
  108. --test_env=CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV
  109. --test_env=CI
  110. python/ray/tests/... python/ray/serve/...
  111. - *epilogue_commands