1. workspace(name = "com_github_ray_project_ray")
  2. load("//bazel:ray_deps_setup.bzl", "ray_deps_setup")
  3. ray_deps_setup()
  4. load("//bazel:ray_deps_build_all.bzl", "ray_deps_build_all")
  5. ray_deps_build_all()
  6. # This needs to be run after grpc_deps() in ray_deps_build_all() to make
  7. # sure all the packages loaded by grpc_deps() are available. However a
  8. # load() statement cannot be in a function so we put it here.
  9. load("@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_extra_deps.bzl", "grpc_extra_deps")
  10. grpc_extra_deps()
  11. load("@bazel_skylib//lib:versions.bzl", "versions")
  12. # TODO (shrekris-anyscale): Update the min version to 4.2.2 once Windows uses
  13. # it in CI.
  14. # When the bazel version is updated, make sure to update it
  15. # in as well.
  16. versions.check(minimum_bazel_version = "4.2.1")
  17. # Tools to generate `compile_commands.json` to enable awesome tooling of the C language family.
  18. # Just run `bazel run @hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_all`
  19. load("@hedron_compile_commands//:workspace_setup.bzl", "hedron_compile_commands_setup")
  20. hedron_compile_commands_setup()