2gpus_32cpus_gce.yaml 933 B

  1. cloud_id: {{env["ANYSCALE_CLOUD_ID"]}}
  2. region: us-west1
  3. allowed_azs:
  4. - us-west1-b
  5. max_workers: 0
  6. # This head node was intentionally chosen to be larger than 2GPUs (has 4GPUs).
  7. # This makes sure we can safely migrate the 2GPU testcases to GCE without having
  8. # 2GPU instances available on GCE today.
  9. # TODO (Artur): Move to 2GPU head node once it's available or possibly make tests using this use 4 GPUs.
  10. # Note: Remember to also update the worker counts in this file when doing this!
  11. head_node_type:
  12. name: head_node
  13. instance_type: n1-highmem-32-nvidia-tesla-v100-4 # g3.8xlarge
  14. worker_node_types: []
  15. gcp_advanced_configurations_json:
  16. instance_properties:
  17. disks:
  18. - boot: true
  19. auto_delete: true
  20. initialize_params:
  21. disk_size_gb: 500
  22. #aws:
  23. # BlockDeviceMappings:
  24. # - DeviceName: /dev/sda1
  25. # Ebs:
  26. # DeleteOnTermination: true
  27. # VolumeSize: 500