requirements-doc.txt 1.0 KB

  1. # Production requirements. This is what picks up
  2. # Required to build the docs on 3.12 due to pkg_resources deprecation
  3. setuptools>=70.0.0
  4. # Syntax highlighting
  5. Pygments==2.16.1
  6. # Sphinx
  7. sphinx==7.3.7
  8. sphinx-click==5.1.0
  9. sphinx-copybutton==0.5.2
  10. sphinxemoji==0.2.0
  11. sphinx-jsonschema==1.19.1
  12. sphinx-sitemap==2.5.1
  13. sphinxcontrib-redoc==1.6.0
  14. sphinx-remove-toctrees==0.0.3
  15. sphinx_design==0.5.0
  16. sphinx-autobuild==2024.4.16
  17. pydata-sphinx-theme==0.14.1
  18. autodoc_pydantic==2.2.0
  19. appnope
  20. sphinx-docsearch==0.0.7
  21. pydantic!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,<3
  22. # MyST
  23. myst-parser==2.0.0 # Needed to parse markdown
  24. myst-nb==1.0.0rc0 # Most recent version of myst-nb; pin when new release is made
  25. # Jupyter conversion
  26. jupytext==1.15.2
  27. # Pin urllib to avoid downstream ssl incompatibility issues
  28. urllib3 < 1.27
  29. # External dependencies such as ML libraries should be mocked out, not added here.
  30. # See doc/source/ for examples of how to mock out external dependencies.
  31. click==8.1.7
  32. boto3==1.34.69
  33. requests==2.32.3