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Production Guide

The recommended way to run Ray Serve in production is on Kubernetes using the KubeRay RayService custom resource. The RayService custom resource automatically handles important production requirements such as health checking, status reporting, failure recovery, and upgrades. If you're not running on Kubernetes, you can also run Ray Serve on a Ray cluster directly using the Serve CLI.

This section will walk you through a quickstart of how to generate a Serve config file and deploy it using the Serve CLI. For more details, you can check out the other pages in the production guide:

For deploying on VMs instead of Kubernetes, see Deploy on VM.


Working example: FruitStand application

Throughout the production guide, we will use the following Serve application as a working example. The application takes in requests containing a list of two values, a fruit name and an amount, and returns the total price for the batch of fruits.

```{literalinclude} ../doc_code/ :language: python :start-after: fruit_example_begin :end-before: fruit_example_end

Save this code locally in `` to follow along.
In development, we would likely use the `serve run` command to iteratively run, develop, and repeat (see the [Development Workflow](serve-dev-workflow) for more information).
When we're ready to go to production, we will generate a structured [config file](serve-in-production-config-file) that acts as the single source of truth for the application.

This config file can be generated using `serve build`:

$ serve build fruit:deployment_graph -o fruit_config.yaml

The generated version of this file contains an `import_path`, `runtime_env`, and configuration options for each deployment in the application.
A minimal version of the config looks as follows (save this config locally in `fruit_config.yaml` to follow along):

import_path: fruit:deployment_graph

runtime_env: {}


port: 8000


- name: MangoStand
  num_replicas: 2

- name: OrangeStand
  num_replicas: 1

- name: PearStand
  num_replicas: 1

- name: FruitMarket
  num_replicas: 2

- name: DAGDriver
  num_replicas: 1

You can use serve deploy to deploy the application to a local Ray cluster and serve status to get the status at runtime:

# Start a local Ray cluster.
ray start --head

# Deploy the FruitStand application to the local Ray cluster.
serve deploy fruit_config.yaml
2022-08-16 12:51:22,043 SUCC --
Sent deploy request successfully!
 * Use `serve status` to check deployments' statuses.
 * Use `serve config` to see the running app's config.

$ serve status
  status: RUNNING
  message: ''
  deployment_timestamp: 1660672282.0406542
- name: MangoStand
  status: HEALTHY
  message: ''
- name: OrangeStand
  status: HEALTHY
  message: ''
- name: PearStand
  status: HEALTHY
  message: ''
- name: FruitMarket
  status: HEALTHY
  message: ''
- name: DAGDriver
  status: HEALTHY
  message: ''

You can test the application using curl:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '["PEAR", 2]' "http://localhost:8000/"

To update the application, modify the config file and use serve deploy again.

Next Steps

For a deeper dive into how to deploy, update, and monitor Serve applications, see the following pages: