replay-buffers.rst 1.6 KB

  1. .. _replay-buffer-api-reference-docs:
  2. Replay Buffer API
  3. =================
  4. The following classes don't take into account the separation of experiences from different policies, multi-agent replay buffers will be explained further below.
  5. Replay Buffer Base Classes
  6. --------------------------
  7. .. currentmodule:: ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers
  8. .. autosummary::
  9. :toctree: doc/
  10. ~replay_buffer.StorageUnit
  11. ~replay_buffer.ReplayBuffer
  12. ~prioritized_replay_buffer.PrioritizedReplayBuffer
  13. ~reservoir_replay_buffer.ReservoirReplayBuffer
  14. Public Methods
  15. --------------
  16. .. currentmodule:: ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.replay_buffer
  17. .. autosummary::
  18. :toctree: doc/
  19. ~ReplayBuffer.sample
  20. ~ReplayBuffer.add
  21. ~ReplayBuffer.get_state
  22. ~ReplayBuffer.set_state
  23. Multi Agent Buffers
  24. -------------------
  25. The following classes use the above, "single-agent", buffers as underlying buffers to facilitate splitting up experiences between the different agents' policies.
  26. In multi-agent RL, more than one agent exists in the environment and not all of these agents may utilize the same policy (mapping M agents to N policies, where M <= N).
  27. This leads to the need for MultiAgentReplayBuffers that store the experiences of different policies separately.
  28. .. currentmodule:: ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers
  29. .. autosummary::
  30. :toctree: doc/
  31. ~multi_agent_replay_buffer.MultiAgentReplayBuffer
  32. ~multi_agent_prioritized_replay_buffer.MultiAgentPrioritizedReplayBuffer
  33. Utility Methods
  34. ---------------
  35. .. autosummary::
  36. :toctree: doc/
  37. ~utils.update_priorities_in_replay_buffer
  38. ~utils.sample_min_n_steps_from_buffer