installation.rst 21 KB

  1. .. _installation:
  2. Installing Ray
  3. ==============
  4. Ray currently officially supports x86_64, aarch64 (ARM) for Linux, and Apple silicon (M1) hardware.
  5. Ray on Windows is currently in beta.
  6. Official Releases
  7. -----------------
  8. From Wheels
  9. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. You can install the latest official version of Ray from PyPI on Linux, Windows,
  11. and macOS by choosing the option that best matches your use case.
  12. .. tab-set::
  13. .. tab-item:: Recommended
  14. **For machine learning applications**
  15. .. code-block:: shell
  16. pip install -U "ray[air]"
  17. # For reinforcement learning support, install RLlib instead.
  18. # pip install -U "ray[rllib]"
  19. **For general Python applications**
  20. .. code-block:: shell
  21. pip install -U "ray[default]"
  22. # If you don't want Ray Dashboard or Cluster Launcher, install Ray with minimal dependencies instead.
  23. # pip install -U "ray"
  24. .. tab-item:: Advanced
  25. .. list-table::
  26. :widths: 2 3
  27. :header-rows: 1
  28. * - Command
  29. - Installed components
  30. * - `pip install -U "ray"`
  31. - Core
  32. * - `pip install -U "ray[default]"`
  33. - Core, Dashboard, Cluster Launcher
  34. * - `pip install -U "ray[data]"`
  35. - Core, Data
  36. * - `pip install -U "ray[train]"`
  37. - Core, Train
  38. * - `pip install -U "ray[tune]"`
  39. - Core, Tune
  40. * - `pip install -U "ray[serve]"`
  41. - Core, Dashboard, Cluster Launcher, Serve
  42. * - `pip install -U "ray[rllib]"`
  43. - Core, Tune, RLlib
  44. * - `pip install -U "ray[air]"`
  45. - Core, Dashboard, Cluster Launcher, Data, Train, Tune, Serve
  46. * - `pip install -U "ray[all]"`
  47. - Core, Dashboard, Cluster Launcher, Data, Train, Tune, Serve, RLlib
  48. .. tip::
  49. You can combine installation extras.
  50. For example, to install Ray with Dashboard, Cluster Launcher, and Train support, you can run:
  51. .. code-block:: shell
  52. pip install -U "ray[default,train]"
  53. .. _install-nightlies:
  54. Daily Releases (Nightlies)
  55. --------------------------
  56. You can install the nightly Ray wheels via the following links. These daily releases are tested via automated tests but do not go through the full release process. To install these wheels, use the following ``pip`` command and wheels:
  57. .. code-block:: bash
  58. # Clean removal of previous install
  59. pip uninstall -y ray
  60. # Install Ray with support for the dashboard + cluster launcher
  61. pip install -U "ray[default] @ LINK_TO_WHEEL.whl"
  62. # Install Ray with minimal dependencies
  63. # pip install -U LINK_TO_WHEEL.whl
  64. .. tab-set::
  65. .. tab-item:: Linux
  66. =============================================== ================================================
  67. Linux (x86_64) Linux (arm64/aarch64)
  68. =============================================== ================================================
  69. `Linux Python 3.10 (x86_64)`_ `Linux Python 3.10 (aarch64)`_
  70. `Linux Python 3.9 (x86_64)`_ `Linux Python 3.9 (aarch64)`_
  71. `Linux Python 3.8 (x86_64)`_ `Linux Python 3.8 (aarch64)`_
  72. `Linux Python 3.7 (x86_64)`_ `Linux Python 3.7 (aarch64)`_
  73. `Linux Python 3.11 (x86_64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`_ `Linux Python 3.11 (aarch64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`_
  74. =============================================== ================================================
  75. .. tab-item:: MacOS
  76. ============================================ ==============================================
  77. MacOS (x86_64) MacOS (arm64)
  78. ============================================ ==============================================
  79. `MacOS Python 3.10 (x86_64)`_ `MacOS Python 3.10 (arm64)`_
  80. `MacOS Python 3.9 (x86_64)`_ `MacOS Python 3.9 (arm64)`_
  81. `MacOS Python 3.8 (x86_64)`_ `MacOS Python 3.8 (arm64)`_
  82. `MacOS Python 3.7 (x86_64)`_ `MacOS Python 3.11 (arm64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`_
  83. `MacOS Python 3.11 (x86_64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`_
  84. ============================================ ==============================================
  85. .. tab-item:: Windows (beta)
  86. .. list-table::
  87. :header-rows: 1
  88. * - Windows (beta)
  89. * - `Windows Python 3.10`_
  90. * - `Windows Python 3.9`_
  91. * - `Windows Python 3.8`_
  92. * - `Windows Python 3.7`_
  93. .. note::
  94. On Windows, support for multi-node Ray clusters is currently experimental and untested.
  95. If you run into issues please file a report at
  96. .. note::
  97. :ref:`Usage stats <ref-usage-stats>` collection is enabled by default (can be :ref:`disabled <usage-disable>`) for nightly wheels including both local clusters started via ``ray.init()`` and remote clusters via cli.
  98. .. note::
  99. Python 3.11 support is experimental.
  100. .. _`Linux Python 3.11 (x86_64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`:
  101. .. _`Linux Python 3.10 (x86_64)`:
  102. .. _`Linux Python 3.9 (x86_64)`:
  103. .. _`Linux Python 3.8 (x86_64)`:
  104. .. _`Linux Python 3.7 (x86_64)`:
  105. .. _`Linux Python 3.11 (aarch64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`:
  106. .. _`Linux Python 3.10 (aarch64)`:
  107. .. _`Linux Python 3.9 (aarch64)`:
  108. .. _`Linux Python 3.8 (aarch64)`:
  109. .. _`Linux Python 3.7 (aarch64)`:
  110. .. _`MacOS Python 3.11 (x86_64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`:
  111. .. _`MacOS Python 3.10 (x86_64)`:
  112. .. _`MacOS Python 3.9 (x86_64)`:
  113. .. _`MacOS Python 3.8 (x86_64)`:
  114. .. _`MacOS Python 3.7 (x86_64)`:
  115. .. _`MacOS Python 3.11 (arm64) (EXPERIMENTAL)`:
  116. .. _`MacOS Python 3.10 (arm64)`:
  117. .. _`MacOS Python 3.9 (arm64)`:
  118. .. _`MacOS Python 3.8 (arm64)`:
  119. .. _`Windows Python 3.10`:
  120. .. _`Windows Python 3.9`:
  121. .. _`Windows Python 3.8`:
  122. .. _`Windows Python 3.7`:
  123. Installing from a specific commit
  124. ---------------------------------
  125. You can install the Ray wheels of any particular commit on ``master`` with the following template. You need to specify the commit hash, Ray version, Operating System, and Python version:
  126. .. code-block:: bash
  128. For example, here are the Ray 3.0.0.dev0 wheels for Python 3.9, MacOS for commit ``4f2ec46c3adb6ba9f412f09a9732f436c4a5d0c9``:
  129. .. code-block:: bash
  130. pip install
  131. There are minor variations to the format of the wheel filename; it's best to match against the format in the URLs listed in the :ref:`Nightlies section <install-nightlies>`.
  132. Here's a summary of the variations:
  133. * For MacOS, commits predating August 7, 2021 will have ``macosx_10_13`` in the filename instead of ``macosx_10_15``.
  134. .. _ray-install-java:
  135. Install Ray Java with Maven
  136. ---------------------------
  137. Before installing Ray Java with Maven, you should install Ray Python with `pip install -U ray` . Note that the versions of Ray Java and Ray Python must match.
  138. Note that nightly Ray python wheels are also required if you want to install Ray Java snapshot version.
  139. The latest Ray Java release can be found in `central repository <>`__. To use the latest Ray Java release in your application, add the following entries in your ``pom.xml``:
  140. .. code-block:: xml
  141. <dependency>
  142. <groupId>io.ray</groupId>
  143. <artifactId>ray-api</artifactId>
  144. <version>${ray.version}</version>
  145. </dependency>
  146. <dependency>
  147. <groupId>io.ray</groupId>
  148. <artifactId>ray-runtime</artifactId>
  149. <version>${ray.version}</version>
  150. </dependency>
  151. The latest Ray Java snapshot can be found in `sonatype repository <;quick~io.ray>`__. To use the latest Ray Java snapshot in your application, add the following entries in your ``pom.xml``:
  152. .. code-block:: xml
  153. <!-- only needed for snapshot version of ray -->
  154. <repositories>
  155. <repository>
  156. <id>sonatype</id>
  157. <url></url>
  158. <releases>
  159. <enabled>false</enabled>
  160. </releases>
  161. <snapshots>
  162. <enabled>true</enabled>
  163. </snapshots>
  164. </repository>
  165. </repositories>
  166. <dependencies>
  167. <dependency>
  168. <groupId>io.ray</groupId>
  169. <artifactId>ray-api</artifactId>
  170. <version>${ray.version}</version>
  171. </dependency>
  172. <dependency>
  173. <groupId>io.ray</groupId>
  174. <artifactId>ray-runtime</artifactId>
  175. <version>${ray.version}</version>
  176. </dependency>
  177. </dependencies>
  178. .. note::
  179. When you run ``pip install`` to install Ray, Java jars are installed as well. The above dependencies are only used to build your Java code and to run your code in local mode.
  180. If you want to run your Java code in a multi-node Ray cluster, it's better to exclude Ray jars when packaging your code to avoid jar conficts if the versions (installed Ray with ``pip install`` and maven dependencies) don't match.
  181. .. _ray-install-cpp:
  182. Install Ray C++
  183. ---------------
  184. You can install and use Ray C++ API as follows.
  185. .. code-block:: bash
  186. pip install -U ray[cpp]
  187. # Create a Ray C++ project template to start with.
  188. ray cpp --generate-bazel-project-template-to ray-template
  189. .. note::
  190. If you build Ray from source, remove the build option ``build --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0"`` from the file ``cpp/example/.bazelrc`` before running your application. The related issue is `this <>`_.
  191. .. _apple-silcon-supprt:
  192. M1 Mac (Apple Silicon) Support
  193. ------------------------------
  194. Ray has experimental support for machines running Apple Silicon (such as M1 macs).
  195. Multi-node clusters are untested. To get started with local Ray development:
  196. #. Install `miniforge <>`_.
  197. * ``wget``
  198. * ``bash``
  199. * ``rm # Cleanup.``
  200. #. Ensure you're using the miniforge environment (you should see (base) in your terminal).
  201. * ``source ~/.bash_profile``
  202. * ``conda activate``
  203. #. Install Ray as you normally would.
  204. * ``pip install ray``
  205. #. Ensure that the ``grpcio`` package is installed via forge and **not pypi**. Grpcio requires special compilation flags, which pypi does _not_ correctly build with. Miniforge provides a prebuilt version of grpcio for M1 macs.
  206. * ``pip uninstall grpcio; conda install grpcio=1.43.0 -c conda-forge``
  207. .. note::
  208. At this time, Apple Silicon ray wheels are being published for **releases only**. As support stabilizes, nightly wheels will be published in the future.
  209. .. _windows-support:
  210. Windows Support
  211. ---------------
  212. Windows support is currently in beta, and multi-node Ray clusters are untested.
  213. Please submit any issues you encounter on
  214. `GitHub <>`_.
  215. Installing Ray on Arch Linux
  216. ----------------------------
  217. Note: Installing Ray on Arch Linux is not tested by the Project Ray developers.
  218. Ray is available on Arch Linux via the Arch User Repository (`AUR`_) as
  219. ``python-ray``.
  220. You can manually install the package by following the instructions on the
  221. `Arch Wiki`_ or use an `AUR helper`_ like `yay`_ (recommended for ease of install)
  222. as follows:
  223. .. code-block:: bash
  224. yay -S python-ray
  225. To discuss any issues related to this package refer to the comments section
  226. on the AUR page of ``python-ray`` `here`_.
  227. .. _`AUR`:
  228. .. _`Arch Wiki`:
  229. .. _`AUR helper`:
  230. .. _`yay`:
  231. .. _`here`:
  232. .. _ray_anaconda:
  233. Installing From conda-forge
  234. ---------------------------
  235. Ray can also be installed as a conda package on Linux and Windows.
  236. .. code-block:: bash
  237. # also works with mamba
  238. conda create -c conda-forge python=3.9 -n ray
  239. conda activate ray
  240. # Install Ray with support for the dashboard + cluster launcher
  241. conda install -c conda-forge "ray-default"
  242. # Install Ray with minimal dependencies
  243. # conda install -c conda-forge ray
  244. To install Ray libraries, use ``pip`` as above or ``conda``/``mamba``.
  245. .. code-block:: bash
  246. conda install -c conda-forge "ray-air" # installs Ray + dependencies for Ray AI Runtime
  247. conda install -c conda-forge "ray-tune" # installs Ray + dependencies for Ray Tune
  248. conda install -c conda-forge "ray-rllib" # installs Ray + dependencies for Ray RLlib
  249. conda install -c conda-forge "ray-serve" # installs Ray + dependencies for Ray Serve
  250. For a complete list of available ``ray`` libraries on Conda-forge, have a look
  251. at
  252. .. note::
  253. Ray conda packages are maintained by the community, not the Ray team. While
  254. using a conda environment, it is recommended to install Ray from PyPi using
  255. `pip install ray` in the newly created environment.
  256. Building Ray from Source
  257. ------------------------
  258. Installing from ``pip`` should be sufficient for most Ray users.
  259. However, should you need to build from source, follow :ref:`these instructions for building <building-ray>` Ray.
  260. .. _docker-images:
  261. Docker Source Images
  262. --------------------
  263. Most users should pull a Docker image from the `Ray Docker Hub <>`__.
  264. - The ``rayproject/ray`` `images <>`__ include Ray and all required dependencies. It comes with anaconda and various versions of Python.
  265. - The ``rayproject/ray-ml`` `images <>`__ include the above as well as many additional ML libraries.
  266. - The ``rayproject/base-deps`` and ``rayproject/ray-deps`` images are for the Linux and Python dependencies respectively.
  267. Images are `tagged` with the format ``{Ray version}[-{Python version}][-{Platform}]``. ``Ray version`` tag can be one of the following:
  268. .. list-table::
  269. :widths: 25 50
  270. :header-rows: 1
  271. * - Ray version tag
  272. - Description
  273. * - latest
  274. - The most recent Ray release.
  275. * - x.y.z
  276. - A specific Ray release, e.g. 1.12.1
  277. * - nightly
  278. - The most recent Ray development build (a recent commit from Github ``master``)
  279. * - 6 character Git SHA prefix
  280. - A specific development build (uses a SHA from the Github ``master``, e.g. ``8960af``).
  281. The optional ``Python version`` tag specifies the Python version in the image. All Python versions supported by Ray are available, e.g. ``py37``, ``py38``, ``py39`` and ``py310``. If unspecified, the tag points to an image using ``Python 3.7``.
  282. The optional ``Platform`` tag specifies the platform where the image is intended for:
  283. .. list-table::
  284. :widths: 16 40
  285. :header-rows: 1
  286. * - Platform tag
  287. - Description
  288. * - -cpu
  289. - These are based off of an Ubuntu image.
  290. * - -cuXX
  291. - These are based off of an NVIDIA CUDA image with the specified CUDA version. They require the Nvidia Docker Runtime.
  292. * - -gpu
  293. - Aliases to a specific ``-cuXX`` tagged image.
  294. * - <no tag>
  295. - Aliases to ``-cpu`` tagged images. For ``ray-ml`` image, aliases to ``-gpu`` tagged image.
  296. Example: for the nightly image based on ``Python 3.8`` and without GPU support, the tag is ``nightly-py38-cpu``.
  297. If you want to tweak some aspect of these images and build them locally, refer to the following script:
  298. .. code-block:: bash
  299. cd ray
  300. ./
  301. Beyond creating the above Docker images, this script can also produce the following two images.
  302. - The ``rayproject/development`` image has the ray source code included and is setup for development.
  303. - The ``rayproject/examples`` image adds additional libraries for running examples.
  304. Review images by listing them:
  305. .. code-block:: bash
  306. docker images
  307. Output should look something like the following:
  308. .. code-block:: bash
  310. rayproject/ray latest 7243a11ac068 2 days ago 1.11 GB
  311. rayproject/ray-deps latest b6b39d979d73 8 days ago 996 MB
  312. rayproject/base-deps latest 5606591eeab9 8 days ago 512 MB
  313. ubuntu focal 1e4467b07108 3 weeks ago 73.9 MB
  314. Launch Ray in Docker
  315. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  316. Start out by launching the deployment container.
  317. .. code-block:: bash
  318. docker run --shm-size=<shm-size> -t -i rayproject/ray
  319. Replace ``<shm-size>`` with a limit appropriate for your system, for example
  320. ``512M`` or ``2G``. A good estimate for this is to use roughly 30% of your available memory (this is
  321. what Ray uses internally for its Object Store). The ``-t`` and ``-i`` options here are required to support
  322. interactive use of the container.
  323. If you use a GPU version Docker image, remember to add ``--gpus all`` option. Replace ``<ray-version>`` with your target ray version in the following command:
  324. .. code-block:: bash
  325. docker run --shm-size=<shm-size> -t -i --gpus all rayproject/ray:<ray-version>-gpu
  326. **Note:** Ray requires a **large** amount of shared memory because each object
  327. store keeps all of its objects in shared memory, so the amount of shared memory
  328. will limit the size of the object store.
  329. You should now see a prompt that looks something like:
  330. .. code-block:: bash
  331. root@ebc78f68d100:/ray#
  332. Test if the installation succeeded
  333. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  334. To test if the installation was successful, try running some tests. This assumes
  335. that you've cloned the git repository.
  336. .. code-block:: bash
  337. python -m pytest -v python/ray/tests/
  338. Installed Python dependencies
  339. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  340. Our docker images are shipped with pre-installed Python dependencies
  341. required for Ray and its libraries.
  342. We publish the dependencies that are installed in our ``ray`` and ``ray-ml``
  343. Docker images for Python 3.9.
  344. .. tabs::
  345. .. group-tab:: ray (Python 3.9)
  346. Ray version: nightly (`0d880e3 <>`_)
  347. .. literalinclude:: ./pip_freeze_ray-py39-cpu.txt
  348. .. group-tab:: ray-ml (Python 3.9)
  349. Ray version: nightly (`0d880e3 <>`_)
  350. .. literalinclude:: ./pip_freeze_ray-ml-py39-cpu.txt