requirements.txt 1.4 KB

  1. # These are mirrored in as install_requires,
  2. # which is what the users of the ray package will install. The rest of this file
  3. # sets up all the packages necessary for a /developer/ of Ray.
  4. #
  5. # In short, if you change it here, PLEASE also change it in
  6. #
  7. # install_requires
  8. aiohttp==3.7
  9. aioredis
  10. click >= 7.0
  11. cloudpickle
  12. colorama
  13. colorful
  14. filelock
  15. gpustat
  16. grpcio >= 1.28.1
  17. jsonschema
  18. msgpack >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0
  19. numpy >= 1.16
  20. opencensus
  21. prometheus_client >= 0.7.1
  22. protobuf >= 3.8.0
  23. py-spy >= 0.2.0
  24. pydantic >= 1.8
  25. pyyaml
  26. redis >= 3.5.0
  27. requests
  28. ## extras
  29. dm_tree
  30. flask
  31. gym
  32. lz4
  33. opencv-python-headless==
  34. pandas==1.0.5
  35. scipy==1.4.1
  36. tabulate
  37. tensorboardX >= 1.9
  38. uvicorn
  39. dataclasses; python_version < '3.7'
  40. starlette
  41. # Requirements for running tests
  42. pyarrow==4.0.1
  43. blist; platform_system != "Windows"
  44. azure-common
  45. azure-mgmt-resource
  46. msrestazure
  47. boto3
  48. cython >= 0.29.15
  49. dataclasses; python_version < '3.7'
  50. feather-format
  51. google-api-python-client
  52. gym
  53. gym-minigrid
  54. kubernetes
  55. lxml
  56. moto
  57. mypy
  58. networkx
  59. numba
  60. # higher version of llvmlite breaks windows
  61. llvmlite==0.34.0
  62. openpyxl
  63. opentelemetry-api==1.1.0
  64. opentelemetry-sdk==1.1.0
  65. opentelemetry-exporter-otlp==1.1.0
  66. pexpect
  67. Pillow; platform_system != "Windows"
  68. pygments
  69. pytest==5.4.3
  70. pytest-asyncio
  71. pytest-rerunfailures
  72. pytest-sugar
  73. pytest-timeout
  74. scikit-learn==0.22.2
  75. tensorflow
  76. testfixtures
  77. werkzeug
  78. xlrd
  79. starlette
  80. fastapi
  81. smart_open[s3]
  82. tqdm
  83. async-exit-stack
  84. async-generator