fault-tolerance.md 24 KB


Add End-to-End Fault Tolerance

This section helps you:

  • Provide additional fault tolerance for your Serve application
  • understand Serve's recovery procedures
  • simulate system errors in your Serve application

:::{admonition} Relevant Guides :class: seealso This section discusses concepts from:


Guide: end-to-end fault tolerance for your Serve app

Serve provides some fault tolerance features out of the box. You can provide end-to-end fault tolerance by tuning these features and running Serve on top of KubeRay.

Replica health-checking

By default, the Serve controller periodically health-checks each Serve deployment replica and restarts it on failure.

You can define custom application-level health-checks and adjust their frequency and timeout. To define a custom health-check, add a check_health method to your deployment class. This method should take no arguments and return no result, and it should raise an exception if the replica should be considered unhealthy. If the health-check fails, the Serve controller logs the exception, kills the unhealthy replica(s), and restarts them. You can also use the deployment options to customize how frequently the health-check is run and the timeout after which a replica is marked unhealthy.

```{literalinclude} ../doc_code/fault_tolerance/replica_health_check.py :start-after: health_check_start :end-before: health_check_end :language: python

### Worker node recovery

:::{admonition} KubeRay Required
:class: caution, dropdown
You **must** deploy your Serve application with [KubeRay] to use this feature.

See Serve's [Kubernetes production guide](serve-in-production-kubernetes) to learn how you can deploy your app with KubeRay.

By default, Serve can recover from certain failures, such as unhealthy actors. When [Serve runs on Kubernetes](serve-in-production-kubernetes) with [KubeRay], it can also recover from some cluster-level failures, such as dead workers or head nodes.

When a worker node fails, the actors running on it also fail. Serve detects that the actors have failed, and it attempts to respawn the actors on the remaining, healthy nodes. Meanwhile, KubeRay detects that the node itself has failed, so it attempts to restart the worker pod on another running node, and it also brings up a new healthy node to replace it. Once the node comes up, if the pod is still pending, it can be restarted on that node. Similarly, Serve can also respawn any pending actors on that node as well. The deployment replicas running on healthy nodes can continue serving traffic throughout the recovery period.

### Head node recovery: Ray GCS fault tolerance

:::{admonition} KubeRay Required
:class: caution, dropdown
You **must** deploy your Serve application with [KubeRay] to use this feature.

See Serve's [Kubernetes production guide](serve-in-production-kubernetes) to learn how you can deploy your app with KubeRay.

In this section, you'll learn how to add fault tolerance to Ray's Global Control Store (GCS), which allows your Serve application to serve traffic even when the head node crashes.

By default, the Ray head node is a single point of failure: if it crashes, the entire Ray cluster crashes and must be restarted. When running on Kubernetes, the `RayService` controller health-checks the Ray cluster and restarts it if this occurs, but this introduces some downtime.

In Ray 2.0, KubeRay added **experimental support** for [Global Control Store (GCS) fault tolerance](https://ray-project.github.io/kuberay/guidance/gcs-ft/#ray-gcs-fault-tolerancegcs-ft-experimental), preventing the Ray cluster from crashing if the head node goes down.
While the head node is recovering, Serve applications can still handle traffic via worker nodes but cannot be updated or recover from other failures (e.g. actors or worker nodes crashing).
Once the GCS is recovered, the cluster will return to normal behavior.

You can enable GCS fault tolerance on KubeRay by adding an external Redis server and modifying your `RayService` Kubernetes object.

Below, we explain how to do each of these.

#### Step 1: Add external Redis server

GCS fault tolerance requires an external Redis database. You can choose to host your own Redis database, or you can use one through a third-party vendor. We recommend using a highly-available Redis database for resiliency.

**For development purposes**, you can also host a small Redis database on the same Kubernetes cluster as your Ray cluster. For example, you can add a 1-node Redis cluster by prepending these three Redis objects to your Kubernetes YAML:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: redis-config
    app: redis
  redis.conf: |-
    port 6379
    protected-mode no
    requirepass 5241590000000000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis
    app: redis
  type: ClusterIP
    - name: redis
      port: 6379
    app: redis
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis
    app: redis
  replicas: 1
      app: redis
        app: redis
        - name: redis
          image: redis:5.0.8
            - "sh"
            - "-c"
            - "redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf"
            - containerPort: 6379
            - name: config
              mountPath: /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
              subPath: redis.conf
        - name: config
            name: redis-config

This configuration is NOT production-ready, but it is useful for development and testing. When you move to production, it's highly recommended that you replace this 1-node Redis cluster with a highly-available Redis cluster.

Step 2: Add Redis info to RayService

After adding the Redis objects, you also need to modify the RayService configuration.

First, you need to update your RayService metadata's annotations:


:::{tab-item} Vanilla Config

apiVersion: ray.io/v1alpha1
kind: RayService
  name: rayservice-sample


:::{tab-item} Fault Tolerant Config :selected:

apiVersion: ray.io/v1alpha1
kind: RayService
  name: rayservice-sample
    ray.io/ft-enabled: "true"
    ray.io/external-storage-namespace: "my-raycluster-storage-namespace"



The annotations are:

  • ray.io/ft-enabled (REQUIRED): Enables GCS fault tolerance when true
  • ray.io/external-storage-namespace (OPTIONAL): Sets the external storage namespace

Next, you need to add the RAY_REDIS_ADDRESS environment variable to the headGroupSpec:


:::{tab-item} Vanilla Config

apiVersion: ray.io/v1alpha1
kind: RayService


:::{tab-item} Fault Tolerant Config :selected:

apiVersion: ray.io/v1alpha1
kind: RayService
                        - name: RAY_REDIS_ADDRESS
                          value: redis:6379



RAY_REDIS_ADDRESS's value should be your Redis database's redis:// address. It should contain your Redis database's host and port. An example Redis address is redis://user:secret@localhost:6379/0?foo=bar&qux=baz.

In the example above, the Redis deployment name (redis) is the host within the Kubernetes cluster, and the Redis port is 6379. The example is compatible with the previous section's example config.

After you apply the Redis objects along with your updated RayService, your Ray cluster can recover from head node crashes without restarting all the workers!

:::{seealso} Check out the KubeRay guide on GCS fault tolerance to learn more about how Serve leverages the external Redis cluster to provide head node fault tolerance. :::


Serve's recovery procedures

This section explains how Serve recovers from system failures. It uses the following Serve application and config as a working example.


:::{tab-item} Python Code ```{literalinclude} ../doc_code/fault_tolerance/sleepy_pid.py :start-after: start :end-before: end :language: python


:::{tab-item} Kubernetes Config
```{literalinclude} ../doc_code/fault_tolerance/k8s_config.yaml
:language: yaml



Follow the KubeRay quickstart guide to:

  • Install kubectl and Helm
  • Prepare a Kubernetes cluster
  • Deploy a KubeRay operator

Then, deploy the Serve application above:

$ kubectl apply -f config.yaml

Worker node failure

You can simulate a worker node failure in the working example. First, take a look at the nodes and pods running in your Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl get nodes

NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   Ready    <none>   3d22h   v1.22.12-gke.1200
gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-m888   Ready    <none>   3d22h   v1.22.12-gke.1200
gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-pu2q   Ready    <none>   3d22h   v1.22.12-gke.1200

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE    IP           NODE                                        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-bdv6q   1/1     Running   0               3m3s   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-pztzk   1/1     Running   0               3m3s   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-m888   <none>           <none>
rayservice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-head-28mdh             1/1     Running   1 (2m55s ago)   3m3s   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-pu2q   <none>           <none>
redis-75c8b8b65d-4qgfz                                    1/1     Running   0               3m3s   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>

Open a separate terminal window and port-forward to one of the worker nodes:

$ kubectl port-forward ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-bdv6q 8000
Forwarding from -> 8000
Forwarding from [::1]:8000 -> 8000

While the port-forward is running, you can query the application in another terminal window:

$ curl localhost:8000

The output is the process ID of the deployment replica that handled the request. The application launches 6 deployment replicas, so if you run the query multiple times, you should see different process IDs:

$ curl localhost:8000
$ curl localhost:8000
$ curl localhost:8000

Now you can simulate worker failures. You have two options: kill a worker pod or kill a worker node. Let's start with the worker pod. Make sure to kill the pod that you're not port-forwarding to, so you can continue querying the living worker while the other one relaunches.

$ kubectl delete pod ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-pztzk
pod "ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-pztzk" deleted

$ curl localhost:8000

While the pod crashes and recovers, the live pod can continue serving traffic!

:::{tip} Killing a node and waiting for it to recover usually takes longer than killing a pod and waiting for it to recover. For this type of debugging, it's quicker to simulate failures by killing at the pod level rather than at the node level. :::

You can similarly kill a worker node and see that the other nodes can continue serving traffic:

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE     IP           NODE                                        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-bdv6q   1/1     Running   0             65m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-mznwq   1/1     Running   0             5m46s    gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-m888   <none>           <none>
rayservice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-head-28mdh             1/1     Running   1 (65m ago)   65m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-pu2q   <none>           <none>
redis-75c8b8b65d-4qgfz                                    1/1     Running   0             65m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>

$ kubectl delete node gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-m888
node "gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-m888" deleted

$ curl localhost:8000

Head node failure

You can simulate a head node failure by either killing the head pod or the head node. First, take a look at the running pods in your cluster:

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE     IP           NODE                                        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-6f2pk   1/1     Running   0             6m59s   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>
ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-bdv6q   1/1     Running   0             79m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>
rayservice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-head-28mdh             1/1     Running   1 (79m ago)   79m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-pu2q   <none>           <none>
redis-75c8b8b65d-4qgfz                                    1/1     Running   0             79m   gke-serve-demo-default-pool-ed597cce-nvm2   <none>           <none>

Port-forward to one of your worker pods. Make sure this pod is on a separate node from the head node, so you can kill the head node without crashing the worker:

$ kubectl port-forward ervice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-worker-small-group-bdv6q
Forwarding from -> 8000
Forwarding from [::1]:8000 -> 8000

In a separate terminal, you can make requests to the Serve application:

$ curl localhost:8000

You can kill the head pod to simulate killing the Ray head node:

$ kubectl delete pod rayservice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-head-28mdh
pod "rayservice-sample-raycluster-thwmr-head-28mdh" deleted

$ curl localhost:8000

If you have configured GCS fault tolerance on your cluster, your worker pod can continue serving traffic without restarting when the head pod crashes and recovers. Without GCS fault tolerance, KubeRay restarts all worker pods when the head pod crashes, so you'll need to wait for the workers to restart and the deployments to reinitialize before you can port-forward and send more requests.

Serve controller failure

You can simulate a Serve controller failure by manually killing the Serve actor.

If you're running KubeRay, exec into one of your pods:

$ kubectl get pods

NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ervice-sample-raycluster-mx5x6-worker-small-group-hfhnw   1/1     Running   0          118m
ervice-sample-raycluster-mx5x6-worker-small-group-nwcpb   1/1     Running   0          118m
rayservice-sample-raycluster-mx5x6-head-bqjhw             1/1     Running   0          118m
redis-75c8b8b65d-4qgfz                                    1/1     Running   0          3h36m

$ kubectl exec -it rayservice-sample-raycluster-mx5x6-head-bqjhw -- bash

You can use the Ray State API to inspect your Serve app:

$ ray summary actors

======== Actors Summary: 2022-10-04 21:06:33.678706 ========
total_actors: 10

Table (group by class):
    CLASS_NAME              STATE_COUNTS
0   HTTPProxyActor          ALIVE: 3
1   ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE: 6
2   ServeController         ALIVE: 1

$ ray list actors --filter "class_name=ServeController"

======== List: 2022-10-04 21:09:14.915881 ========
Total: 1

    ACTOR_ID                          CLASS_NAME       STATE    NAME                      PID
 0  70a718c973c2ce9471d318f701000000  ServeController  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR  48570

You can then kill the Serve controller via the Python interpreter. Note that you'll need to use the NAME from the ray list actor output to get a handle to the Serve controller.

$ python

>>> import ray
>>> controller_handle = ray.get_actor("SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR", namespace="serve")
>>> ray.kill(controller_handle, no_restart=True)
>>> exit()

You can use the Ray State API to check the controller's status:

$ ray list actors --filter "class_name=ServeController"

======== List: 2022-10-04 21:36:37.157754 ========
Total: 2

    ACTOR_ID                          CLASS_NAME       STATE    NAME                      PID
 0  3281133ee86534e3b707190b01000000  ServeController  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR  49914
 1  70a718c973c2ce9471d318f701000000  ServeController  DEAD     SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR  48570

You should still be able to query your deployments while the controller is recovering:

# If you're running KubeRay, you
# can do this from inside the pod:

$ python

>>> import requests
>>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000").json()

:::{note} While the controller is dead, replica health-checking and deployment autoscaling will not work. They'll continue working once the controller recovers. :::

Deployment replica failure

You can simulate replica failures by manually killing deployment replicas. If you're running KubeRay, make sure to exec into a Ray pod before running these commands.

$ ray summary actors

======== Actors Summary: 2022-10-04 21:40:36.454488 ========
total_actors: 11

Table (group by class):
    CLASS_NAME              STATE_COUNTS
0   HTTPProxyActor          ALIVE: 3
1   ServeController         ALIVE: 1
2   ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE: 6

$ ray list actors --filter "class_name=ServeReplica:SleepyPid"

======== List: 2022-10-04 21:41:32.151864 ========
Total: 6

    ACTOR_ID                          CLASS_NAME              STATE    NAME                               PID
 0  39e08b172e66a5d22b2b4cf401000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#RlRptP    203
 1  55d59bcb791a1f9353cd34e301000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#BnoOtj    348
 2  8c34e675edf7b6695461d13501000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#SakmRM    283
 3  a95405318047c5528b7483e701000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#rUigUh    347
 4  c531188fede3ebfc868b73a001000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#gbpoFe    383
 5  de8dfa16839443f940fe725f01000000  ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE    SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#PHvdJW    176

You can use the NAME from the ray list actor output to get a handle to one of the replicas:

$ python

>>> import ray
>>> replica_handle = ray.get_actor("SERVE_REPLICA::SleepyPid#RlRptP", namespace="serve")
>>> ray.kill(replica_handle, no_restart=True)
>>> exit()

While the replica is restarted, the other replicas can continue processing requests. Eventually the replica restarts and continues serving requests:

$ python

>>> import requests
>>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000").json()

HTTPProxy failure

You can simulate HTTPProxy failures by manually killing deployment replicas. If you're running KubeRay, make sure to exec into a Ray pod before running these commands.

$ ray summary actors

======== Actors Summary: 2022-10-04 21:51:55.903800 ========
total_actors: 12

Table (group by class):
    CLASS_NAME              STATE_COUNTS
0   HTTPProxyActor          ALIVE: 3
1   ServeController         ALIVE: 1
2   ServeReplica:SleepyPid  ALIVE: 6

$ ray list actors --filter "class_name=HTTPProxyActor"

======== List: 2022-10-04 21:52:39.853758 ========
Total: 3

    ACTOR_ID                          CLASS_NAME      STATE    NAME                                                                                                 PID
 0  283fc11beebb6149deb608eb01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-91f9a685e662313a0075efcb7fd894249a5bdae7ee88837bea7985a0    101
 1  2b010ce28baeff5cb6cb161e01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-cc262f3dba544a49ea617d5611789b5613f8fe8c86018ef23c0131eb    133
 2  7abce9dd241b089c1172e9ca01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-7589773fc62e08c2679847aee9416805bbbf260bee25331fa3389c4f    267

You can use the NAME from the ray list actor output to get a handle to one of the replicas:

$ python

>>> import ray
>>> proxy_handle = ray.get_actor("SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-91f9a685e662313a0075efcb7fd894249a5bdae7ee88837bea7985a0", namespace="serve")
>>> ray.kill(proxy_handle, no_restart=False)
>>> exit()

While the proxy is restarted, the other proxies can continue accepting requests. Eventually the proxy restarts and continues accepting requests. You can use the ray list actor command to see when the proxy restarts:

$ ray list actors --filter "class_name=HTTPProxyActor"

======== List: 2022-10-04 21:58:41.193966 ========
Total: 3

    ACTOR_ID                          CLASS_NAME      STATE    NAME                                                                                                 PID
 0  283fc11beebb6149deb608eb01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE     SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-91f9a685e662313a0075efcb7fd894249a5bdae7ee88837bea7985a0  57317
 1  2b010ce28baeff5cb6cb161e01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-cc262f3dba544a49ea617d5611789b5613f8fe8c86018ef23c0131eb    133
 2  7abce9dd241b089c1172e9ca01000000  HTTPProxyActor  ALIVE    SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-7589773fc62e08c2679847aee9416805bbbf260bee25331fa3389c4f    267

Note that the PID for the first HTTPProxyActor has changed, indicating that it restarted.