.gitignore 3.4 KB

  1. # The build output should clearly not be checked in
  2. *test-output.xml
  3. /bazel-*
  4. /python/ray/core
  5. /python/ray/pickle5_files/
  6. /python/ray/thirdparty_files/
  7. /python/ray/pyarrow_files/
  8. /python/ray/jars/
  9. /python/ray/cpp/
  10. /python/build
  11. /python/dist
  12. /python/python-driver-*
  13. /python/ray/serve/generated
  14. /thirdparty/pkg/
  15. /build/java
  16. .jar
  17. /dashboard/client/build
  18. # Kuberay config lives in a separate repository
  19. python/ray/autoscaler/kuberay/config
  20. # Files generated by flatc should be ignored
  21. /src/ray/gcs/format/*_generated.h
  22. /src/ray/object_manager/format/*_generated.h
  23. /src/ray/raylet/format/*_generated.h
  24. /java/runtime/src/main/java/io/ray/runtime/generated/*
  25. /java/serve/src/main/java/io/ray/serve/generated/*
  26. # Files genrated by c++ worker should be ignored.
  27. /cpp/example/thirdparty/
  28. /cpp/example/bazel-*
  29. /python/ray/cpp
  30. # Redis temporary files
  31. *dump.rdb
  32. # Python byte code files
  33. *.pyc
  34. python/.eggs
  35. # Backup files
  36. *.bak
  37. # Emacs temporary files
  38. *~
  39. *#
  40. # Compiled Object files
  41. *.slo
  42. *.lo
  43. *.o
  44. *.xo
  45. *.obj
  46. # Precompiled Headers
  47. *.gch
  48. *.pch
  49. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  50. *.so
  51. *.dylib
  52. *.dll
  53. python/ray/_raylet.pyd
  54. # Incremental linking files
  55. *.ilk
  56. # Library export files
  57. *.exp
  58. # Debug symbols
  59. *.pdb
  60. # Fortran module files
  61. *.mod
  62. !deploy/ray-operator/go.mod
  63. # Compiled Static libraries
  64. *.lai
  65. *.la
  66. *.a
  67. *.lib
  68. # Executables
  69. *.exe
  70. *.out
  71. *.app
  72. # Visual Studio files
  73. /packages
  74. *.suo
  75. *.user
  76. *.VC.db
  77. *.VC.opendb
  78. # Protobuf-generated files
  79. *_pb2.py
  80. *.pb.h
  81. *.pb.cc
  82. # Ray cluster configuration
  83. scripts/nodes.txt
  84. # OS X folder attributes
  85. .DS_Store
  86. # Debug files
  87. *.dSYM/
  88. *.su
  89. # Python setup files
  90. *.egg-info
  91. # Compressed files
  92. *.gz
  93. # Datasets from examples
  94. **/MNIST_data/
  95. **/cifar-10-batches-bin/
  96. # Generated documentation files
  97. /doc/_build
  98. /doc/source/_static/thumbs
  99. /doc/source/tune/generated_guides/
  100. /doc/source/**/doc/
  101. # User-specific stuff:
  102. .idea/**/workspace.xml
  103. .idea/**/tasks.xml
  104. .idea/dictionaries
  105. .llvm-local.bazelrc
  106. # Sensitive or high-churn files:
  107. .idea/**/dataSources/
  108. .idea/**/dataSources.ids
  109. .idea/**/dataSources.xml
  110. .idea/**/dataSources.local.xml
  111. .idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml
  112. .idea/**/dynamic.xml
  113. .idea/**/uiDesigner.xml
  114. # Gradle:
  115. .idea/**/gradle.xml
  116. .idea/**/libraries
  117. .idea
  118. # Website
  119. /site/Gemfile.lock
  120. /site/.sass-cache
  121. /site/_site
  122. # Pytest Cache
  123. **/.pytest_cache
  124. **/.cache
  125. .benchmarks
  126. python-driver-*
  127. # Vscode
  128. .vscode/
  129. *.iml
  130. # Java
  131. java/**/target
  132. java/**/lib
  133. java/**/.settings
  134. java/**/.classpath
  135. java/**/.project
  136. java/runtime/native_dependencies/
  137. java/testng_custom.xml
  138. dependency-reduced-pom.xml
  139. # Cpp
  140. cpp/example/thirdparty/
  141. .clwb
  142. # pom.xml files generated from pom_template.xml
  143. java/**/pom.xml
  144. # python virtual env
  145. venv
  146. # pyenv version file
  147. .python-version
  148. # Vim
  149. .*.swp
  150. *.swp
  151. .*.swo
  152. *.swo
  153. tags
  154. tags.lock
  155. tags.temp
  156. *.vim
  157. # Emacs
  158. .#*
  159. # tools
  160. tools/prometheus*
  161. # ray project files
  162. project-id
  163. .mypy_cache/
  164. # release test related
  165. .anyscale.yaml
  166. test_state.json
  167. # workflow storage
  168. workflow_data/
  169. # vscode java extention generated
  170. .factorypath
  171. # Jupyter Notebooks
  172. **/.ipynb_checkpoints/
  173. ### Added by Hedron's Bazel Compile Commands Extractor: https://github.com/hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands-extractor
  174. # The external link: Differs on Windows vs macOS/Linux, so we can't check it in. The pattern needs to not have a trailing / because it's a symlink on macOS/Linux.
  175. /external
  176. # Compiled output -> don't check in
  177. /compile_commands.json
  178. # Directory where clangd puts its indexing work
  179. /.cache/
  180. # Auto-generated tag mapping
  181. tag-mapping.json
  182. .bazeliskrc