from gym.spaces import Discrete, MultiDiscrete, Space import numpy as np from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from import Categorical, MultiCategorical from ray.rllib.models.torch.misc import SlimFC from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_action_dist import TorchCategorical, \ TorchMultiCategorical from ray.rllib.models.utils import get_activation_fn from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.utils import NullContextManager from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.exploration.exploration import Exploration from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, \ try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.from_config import from_config from ray.rllib.utils.tf_utils import get_placeholder, one_hot as tf_one_hot from ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils import one_hot from ray.rllib.utils.typing import FromConfigSpec, ModelConfigDict, TensorType tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() torch, nn = try_import_torch() F = None if nn is not None: F = nn.functional class Curiosity(Exploration): """Implementation of: [1] Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction Pathak, Agrawal, Efros, and Darrell - UC Berkeley - ICML 2017. Learns a simplified model of the environment based on three networks: 1) Embedding observations into latent space ("feature" network). 2) Predicting the action, given two consecutive embedded observations ("inverse" network). 3) Predicting the next embedded obs, given an obs and action ("forward" network). The less the agent is able to predict the actually observed next feature vector, given obs and action (through the forwards network), the larger the "intrinsic reward", which will be added to the extrinsic reward. Therefore, if a state transition was unexpected, the agent becomes "curious" and will further explore this transition leading to better exploration in sparse rewards environments. """ def __init__(self, action_space: Space, *, framework: str, model: ModelV2, feature_dim: int = 288, feature_net_config: Optional[ModelConfigDict] = None, inverse_net_hiddens: Tuple[int] = (256, ), inverse_net_activation: str = "relu", forward_net_hiddens: Tuple[int] = (256, ), forward_net_activation: str = "relu", beta: float = 0.2, eta: float = 1.0, lr: float = 1e-3, sub_exploration: Optional[FromConfigSpec] = None, **kwargs): """Initializes a Curiosity object. Uses as defaults the hyperparameters described in [1]. Args: feature_dim (int): The dimensionality of the feature (phi) vectors. feature_net_config (Optional[ModelConfigDict]): Optional model configuration for the feature network, producing feature vectors (phi) from observations. This can be used to configure fcnet- or conv_net setups to properly process any observation space. inverse_net_hiddens (Tuple[int]): Tuple of the layer sizes of the inverse (action predicting) NN head (on top of the feature outputs for phi and phi'). inverse_net_activation (str): Activation specifier for the inverse net. forward_net_hiddens (Tuple[int]): Tuple of the layer sizes of the forward (phi' predicting) NN head. forward_net_activation (str): Activation specifier for the forward net. beta (float): Weight for the forward loss (over the inverse loss, which gets weight=1.0-beta) in the common loss term. eta (float): Weight for intrinsic rewards before being added to extrinsic ones. lr (float): The learning rate for the curiosity-specific optimizer, optimizing feature-, inverse-, and forward nets. sub_exploration (Optional[FromConfigSpec]): The config dict for the underlying Exploration to use (e.g. epsilon-greedy for DQN). If None, uses the FromSpecDict provided in the Policy's default config. """ if not isinstance(action_space, (Discrete, MultiDiscrete)): raise ValueError( "Only (Multi)Discrete action spaces supported for Curiosity " "so far!") super().__init__( action_space, model=model, framework=framework, **kwargs) if self.policy_config["num_workers"] != 0: raise ValueError( "Curiosity exploration currently does not support parallelism." " `num_workers` must be 0!") self.feature_dim = feature_dim if feature_net_config is None: feature_net_config = self.policy_config["model"].copy() self.feature_net_config = feature_net_config self.inverse_net_hiddens = inverse_net_hiddens self.inverse_net_activation = inverse_net_activation self.forward_net_hiddens = forward_net_hiddens self.forward_net_activation = forward_net_activation self.action_dim = self.action_space.n if isinstance( self.action_space, Discrete) else np.sum(self.action_space.nvec) self.beta = beta self.eta = eta = lr # TODO: (sven) if sub_exploration is None, use Trainer's default # Exploration config. if sub_exploration is None: raise NotImplementedError self.sub_exploration = sub_exploration # Creates modules/layers inside the actual ModelV2. self._curiosity_feature_net = ModelCatalog.get_model_v2( self.model.obs_space, self.action_space, self.feature_dim, model_config=self.feature_net_config, framework=self.framework, name="feature_net", ) self._curiosity_inverse_fcnet = self._create_fc_net( [2 * self.feature_dim] + list(self.inverse_net_hiddens) + [self.action_dim], self.inverse_net_activation, name="inverse_net") self._curiosity_forward_fcnet = self._create_fc_net( [self.feature_dim + self.action_dim] + list( self.forward_net_hiddens) + [self.feature_dim], self.forward_net_activation, name="forward_net") # This is only used to select the correct action self.exploration_submodule = from_config( cls=Exploration, config=self.sub_exploration, action_space=self.action_space, framework=self.framework, policy_config=self.policy_config, model=self.model, num_workers=self.num_workers, worker_index=self.worker_index, ) @override(Exploration) def get_exploration_action(self, *, action_distribution: ActionDistribution, timestep: Union[int, TensorType], explore: bool = True): # Simply delegate to sub-Exploration module. return self.exploration_submodule.get_exploration_action( action_distribution=action_distribution, timestep=timestep, explore=explore) @override(Exploration) def get_exploration_optimizer(self, optimizers): # Create, but don't add Adam for curiosity NN updating to the policy. # If we added and returned it here, it would be used in the policy's # update loop, which we don't want (curiosity updating happens inside # `postprocess_trajectory`). if self.framework == "torch": feature_params = list(self._curiosity_feature_net.parameters()) inverse_params = list(self._curiosity_inverse_fcnet.parameters()) forward_params = list(self._curiosity_forward_fcnet.parameters()) # Now that the Policy's own optimizer(s) have been created (from # the Model parameters (IMPORTANT: w/o(!) the curiosity params), # we can add our curiosity sub-modules to the Policy's Model. self.model._curiosity_feature_net = \ self.model._curiosity_inverse_fcnet = \ self.model._curiosity_forward_fcnet = \ self._optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( forward_params + inverse_params + feature_params, else: self.model._curiosity_feature_net = self._curiosity_feature_net self.model._curiosity_inverse_fcnet = self._curiosity_inverse_fcnet self.model._curiosity_forward_fcnet = self._curiosity_forward_fcnet # Feature net is a RLlib ModelV2, the other 2 are keras Models. self._optimizer_var_list = \ self._curiosity_feature_net.base_model.variables + \ self._curiosity_inverse_fcnet.variables + \ self._curiosity_forward_fcnet.variables self._optimizer = tf1.train.AdamOptimizer( # Create placeholders and initialize the loss. if self.framework == "tf": self._obs_ph = get_placeholder( space=self.model.obs_space, name="_curiosity_obs") self._next_obs_ph = get_placeholder( space=self.model.obs_space, name="_curiosity_next_obs") self._action_ph = get_placeholder( space=self.model.action_space, name="_curiosity_action") self._forward_l2_norm_sqared, self._update_op = \ self._postprocess_helper_tf( self._obs_ph, self._next_obs_ph, self._action_ph) return optimizers @override(Exploration) def postprocess_trajectory(self, policy, sample_batch, tf_sess=None): """Calculates phi values (obs, obs', and predicted obs') and ri. Also calculates forward and inverse losses and updates the curiosity module on the provided batch using our optimizer. """ if self.framework != "torch": self._postprocess_tf(policy, sample_batch, tf_sess) else: self._postprocess_torch(policy, sample_batch) def _postprocess_tf(self, policy, sample_batch, tf_sess): # tf1 static-graph: Perform session call on our loss and update ops. if self.framework == "tf": forward_l2_norm_sqared, _ = [self._forward_l2_norm_sqared, self._update_op], feed_dict={ self._obs_ph: sample_batch[SampleBatch.OBS], self._next_obs_ph: sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], self._action_ph: sample_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], }) # tf-eager: Perform model calls, loss calculations, and optimizer # stepping on the fly. else: forward_l2_norm_sqared, _ = self._postprocess_helper_tf( sample_batch[SampleBatch.OBS], sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], sample_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], ) # Scale intrinsic reward by eta hyper-parameter. sample_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] = \ sample_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] + \ self.eta * forward_l2_norm_sqared return sample_batch def _postprocess_helper_tf(self, obs, next_obs, actions): with (tf.GradientTape() if self.framework != "tf" else NullContextManager()) as tape: # Push both observations through feature net to get both phis. phis, _ = self.model._curiosity_feature_net({ SampleBatch.OBS: tf.concat([obs, next_obs], axis=0) }) phi, next_phi = tf.split(phis, 2) # Predict next phi with forward model. predicted_next_phi = self.model._curiosity_forward_fcnet( tf.concat( [phi, tf_one_hot(actions, self.action_space)], axis=-1)) # Forward loss term (predicted phi', given phi and action vs # actually observed phi'). forward_l2_norm_sqared = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(predicted_next_phi - next_phi), axis=-1) forward_loss = tf.reduce_mean(forward_l2_norm_sqared) # Inverse loss term (prediced action that led from phi to phi' vs # actual action taken). phi_cat_next_phi = tf.concat([phi, next_phi], axis=-1) dist_inputs = self.model._curiosity_inverse_fcnet(phi_cat_next_phi) action_dist = Categorical(dist_inputs, self.model) if \ isinstance(self.action_space, Discrete) else \ MultiCategorical( dist_inputs, self.model, self.action_space.nvec) # Neg log(p); p=probability of observed action given the inverse-NN # predicted action distribution. inverse_loss = -action_dist.logp(tf.convert_to_tensor(actions)) inverse_loss = tf.reduce_mean(inverse_loss) # Calculate the ICM loss. loss = (1.0 - self.beta) * inverse_loss + self.beta * forward_loss # Step the optimizer. if self.framework != "tf": grads = tape.gradient(loss, self._optimizer_var_list) grads_and_vars = [(g, v) for g, v in zip(grads, self._optimizer_var_list) if g is not None] update_op = self._optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars) else: update_op = self._optimizer.minimize( loss, var_list=self._optimizer_var_list) # Return the squared l2 norm and the optimizer update op. return forward_l2_norm_sqared, update_op def _postprocess_torch(self, policy, sample_batch): # Push both observations through feature net to get both phis. phis, _ = self.model._curiosity_feature_net({ SampleBatch.OBS:[ torch.from_numpy(sample_batch[SampleBatch.OBS]), torch.from_numpy(sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]) ]) }) phi, next_phi = torch.chunk(phis, 2) actions_tensor = torch.from_numpy( sample_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]).long().to(policy.device) # Predict next phi with forward model. predicted_next_phi = self.model._curiosity_forward_fcnet( [phi, one_hot(actions_tensor, self.action_space).float()], dim=-1)) # Forward loss term (predicted phi', given phi and action vs actually # observed phi'). forward_l2_norm_sqared = 0.5 * torch.sum( torch.pow(predicted_next_phi - next_phi, 2.0), dim=-1) forward_loss = torch.mean(forward_l2_norm_sqared) # Scale intrinsic reward by eta hyper-parameter. sample_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] = \ sample_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] + \ self.eta * forward_l2_norm_sqared.detach().cpu().numpy() # Inverse loss term (prediced action that led from phi to phi' vs # actual action taken). phi_cat_next_phi =[phi, next_phi], dim=-1) dist_inputs = self.model._curiosity_inverse_fcnet(phi_cat_next_phi) action_dist = TorchCategorical(dist_inputs, self.model) if \ isinstance(self.action_space, Discrete) else \ TorchMultiCategorical( dist_inputs, self.model, self.action_space.nvec) # Neg log(p); p=probability of observed action given the inverse-NN # predicted action distribution. inverse_loss = -action_dist.logp(actions_tensor) inverse_loss = torch.mean(inverse_loss) # Calculate the ICM loss. loss = (1.0 - self.beta) * inverse_loss + self.beta * forward_loss # Perform an optimizer step. self._optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self._optimizer.step() # Return the postprocessed sample batch (with the corrected rewards). return sample_batch def _create_fc_net(self, layer_dims, activation, name=None): """Given a list of layer dimensions (incl. input-dim), creates FC-net. Args: layer_dims (Tuple[int]): Tuple of layer dims, including the input dimension. activation (str): An activation specifier string (e.g. "relu"). Examples: If layer_dims is [4,8,6] we'll have a two layer net: 4->8 (8 nodes) and 8->6 (6 nodes), where the second layer (6 nodes) does not have an activation anymore. 4 is the input dimension. """ layers = [ tf.keras.layers.Input( shape=(layer_dims[0], ), name="{}_in".format(name)) ] if self.framework != "torch" else [] for i in range(len(layer_dims) - 1): act = activation if i < len(layer_dims) - 2 else None if self.framework == "torch": layers.append( SlimFC( in_size=layer_dims[i], out_size=layer_dims[i + 1], initializer=torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, activation_fn=act)) else: layers.append( tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=layer_dims[i + 1], activation=get_activation_fn(act), name="{}_{}".format(name, i))) if self.framework == "torch": return nn.Sequential(*layers) else: return tf.keras.Sequential(layers)