#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ $ ./benchmark_worker_startup.py --help usage: benchmark_worker_startup.py [-h] --num_gpus_in_cluster NUM_GPUS_IN_CLUSTER --num_cpus_in_cluster NUM_CPUS_IN_CLUSTER --num_tasks_or_actors_per_run NUM_TASKS_OR_ACTORS_PER_RUN --num_measurements_per_configuration NUM_MEASUREMENTS_PER_CONFIGURATION This release test measures Ray worker startup time. Specifically, it measures the time to start N different tasks or actors, where each task or actor imports a large library (currently PyTorch). N is configurable. The test runs under a few different configurations: {task, actor} x {runtime env, no runtime env} x {GPU, no GPU} x {cold start, warm start} x {import torch, no imports}. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --num_gpus_in_cluster NUM_GPUS_IN_CLUSTER The number of GPUs in the cluster. This determines how many GPU resources each actor/task requests. --num_cpus_in_cluster NUM_CPUS_IN_CLUSTER The number of CPUs in the cluster. This determines how many CPU resources each actor/task requests. --num_tasks_or_actors_per_run NUM_TASKS_OR_ACTORS_PER_RUN The number of tasks or actors per 'run'. A run starts this many tasks/actors and consitutes a single measurement. Several runs can be composed within a single job for measure warm start, or spread across different jobs to measure cold start. --num_measurements_per_configuration NUM_MEASUREMENTS_PER_CONFIGURATION The number of measurements to record per configuration. This script uses test_single_configuration.py to run the actual measurements. """ from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass from ray._private.test_utils import safe_write_to_results_json from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient, JobStatus import argparse import asyncio import random import ray import statistics import subprocess import sys def main( num_cpus_in_cluster: int, num_gpus_in_cluster: int, num_tasks_or_actors_per_run: int, num_measurements_per_configuration: int, ): """ Generate test cases, then run them in random order via run_and_stream_logs. """ metrics_actor_name = "metrics_actor" metrics_actor_namespace = "metrics_actor_namespace" metrics_actor = MetricsActor.options( # noqa: F841 name=metrics_actor_name, namespace=metrics_actor_namespace, ).remote( expected_measurements_per_test=num_measurements_per_configuration, ) print_disk_config() run_matrix = generate_test_matrix( num_cpus_in_cluster, num_gpus_in_cluster, num_tasks_or_actors_per_run, num_measurements_per_configuration, ) print(f"List of tests: {run_matrix}") for test in random.sample(list(run_matrix), k=len(run_matrix)): print(f"Running test {test}") asyncio.run( run_and_stream_logs( metrics_actor_name, metrics_actor_namespace, test, ) ) @ray.remote(num_cpus=0) class MetricsActor: """ Actor which tests will report metrics to. """ def __init__(self, expected_measurements_per_test: int): self.measurements = defaultdict(list) self.expected_measurements_per_test = expected_measurements_per_test def submit(self, test_name: str, latency: float): print(f"got latency {latency} s for test {test_name}") self.measurements[test_name].append(latency) results = self.create_results_dict_from_measurements( self.measurements, self.expected_measurements_per_test ) safe_write_to_results_json(results) assert ( len(self.measurements[test_name]) <= self.expected_measurements_per_test ), ( f"Expected {self.measurements[test_name]} to not have more elements than " f"{self.expected_measurements_per_test}" ) @staticmethod def create_results_dict_from_measurements( all_measurements, expected_measurements_per_test ): results = {} perf_metrics = [] for test_name, measurements in all_measurements.items(): test_summary = { "measurements": measurements, } if len(measurements) == expected_measurements_per_test: median = statistics.median(measurements) test_summary["p50"] = median perf_metrics.append( { "perf_metric_name": f"p50.{test_name}", "perf_metric_value": median, "perf_metric_type": "LATENCY", } ) results[test_name] = test_summary results["perf_metrics"] = perf_metrics return results def print_disk_config(): print("Getting disk sizes via df -h") subprocess.check_call("df -h", shell=True) def generate_test_matrix( num_cpus_in_cluster: int, num_gpus_in_cluster: int, num_tasks_or_actors_per_run: int, num_measurements_per_test: int, ): num_repeated_jobs_or_runs = num_measurements_per_test total_num_tasks_or_actors = num_tasks_or_actors_per_run * num_repeated_jobs_or_runs num_jobs_per_type = { "cold_start": num_repeated_jobs_or_runs, "warm_start": 1, } imports_to_try = ["torch", "none"] tests = set() for with_tasks in [True, False]: for with_gpu in [True, False]: # Do not run without runtime env. TODO(cade) Infra team added cgroups to # default runtime env, need to find some way around that if we want # "pure" (non-runtime-env) measurements. for with_runtime_env in [True]: for import_to_try in imports_to_try: for num_jobs in num_jobs_per_type.values(): num_tasks_or_actors_per_job = ( total_num_tasks_or_actors // num_jobs ) num_runs_per_job = ( num_tasks_or_actors_per_job // num_tasks_or_actors_per_run ) test = TestConfiguration( num_jobs=num_jobs, num_runs_per_job=num_runs_per_job, num_tasks_or_actors_per_run=num_tasks_or_actors_per_run, with_tasks=with_tasks, with_gpu=with_gpu, with_runtime_env=with_runtime_env, import_to_try=import_to_try, num_cpus_in_cluster=num_cpus_in_cluster, num_gpus_in_cluster=num_gpus_in_cluster, num_nodes_in_cluster=1, ) tests.add(test) return tests @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class TestConfiguration: num_jobs: int num_runs_per_job: int num_tasks_or_actors_per_run: int with_gpu: bool with_tasks: bool with_runtime_env: bool import_to_try: str num_cpus_in_cluster: int num_gpus_in_cluster: int num_nodes_in_cluster: int def __repr__(self): with_gpu_str = "with_gpu" if self.with_gpu else "without_gpu" executable_unit = "tasks" if self.with_tasks else "actors" cold_or_warm_start = "cold" if self.num_jobs > 1 else "warm" with_runtime_env_str = ( "with_runtime_env" if self.with_runtime_env else "without_runtime_env" ) single_node_or_multi_node = ( "single_node" if self.num_nodes_in_cluster == 1 else "multi_node" ) import_torch_or_none = ( "import_torch" if self.import_to_try == "torch" else "no_import" ) return "-".join( [ f"seconds_to_{cold_or_warm_start}_start_" f"{self.num_tasks_or_actors_per_run}_{executable_unit}", import_torch_or_none, with_gpu_str, single_node_or_multi_node, with_runtime_env_str, f"{self.num_cpus_in_cluster}_CPU_{self.num_gpus_in_cluster}" "_GPU_cluster", ] ) async def run_and_stream_logs( metrics_actor_name, metrics_actor_namespace, test: TestConfiguration ): """ Run a particular test configuration by invoking ./test_single_configuration.py. """ client = JobSubmissionClient("") entrypoint = generate_entrypoint(metrics_actor_name, metrics_actor_namespace, test) for _ in range(test.num_jobs): print(f"Running {entrypoint}") if not test.with_runtime_env: # On non-workspaces, this will run as a job but without a runtime env. subprocess.check_call(entrypoint, shell=True) else: job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint=entrypoint, runtime_env={"working_dir": "./"}, ) try: async for lines in client.tail_job_logs(job_id): print(lines, end="") except KeyboardInterrupt: print(f"Stopping job {job_id}") client.stop_job(job_id) raise job_status = client.get_job_status(job_id) if job_status != JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: raise ValueError( f"Job {job_id} was not successful; status is {job_status}" ) def generate_entrypoint( metrics_actor_name: str, metrics_actor_namespace: str, test: TestConfiguration ): task_or_actor_arg = "--with_tasks" if test.with_tasks else "--with_actors" with_gpu_arg = "--with_gpu" if test.with_gpu else "--without_gpu" with_runtime_env_arg = ( "--with_runtime_env" if test.with_runtime_env else "--without_runtime_env" ) return " ".join( [ "python ./test_single_configuration.py", f"--metrics_actor_name {metrics_actor_name}", f"--metrics_actor_namespace {metrics_actor_namespace}", f"--test_name {test}", f"--num_runs {test.num_runs_per_job} ", f"--num_tasks_or_actors_per_run {test.num_tasks_or_actors_per_run}", f"--num_cpus_in_cluster {test.num_cpus_in_cluster}", f"--num_gpus_in_cluster {test.num_gpus_in_cluster}", task_or_actor_arg, with_gpu_arg, with_runtime_env_arg, f"--library_to_import {test.import_to_try}", ] ) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="This release test measures Ray worker startup time. " "Specifically, it measures the time to start N different tasks or" " actors, where each task or actor imports a large library (" "currently PyTorch). N is configurable.\nThe test runs under a " "few different configurations: {task, actor} x {runtime env, " "no runtime env} x {GPU, no GPU} x {cold start, warm start} x " "{import torch, no imports}.", epilog="This script uses test_single_configuration.py to run the " "actual measurements.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_gpus_in_cluster", type=int, required=True, help="The number of GPUs in the cluster. This determines how many " "GPU resources each actor/task requests.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_cpus_in_cluster", type=int, required=True, help="The number of CPUs in the cluster. This determines how many " "CPU resources each actor/task requests.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_tasks_or_actors_per_run", type=int, required=True, help="The number of tasks or actors per 'run'. A run starts this " "many tasks/actors and consitutes a single measurement. Several " "runs can be composed within a single job for measure warm start, " "or spread across different jobs to measure cold start.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_measurements_per_configuration", type=int, required=True, help="The number of measurements to record per configuration.", ) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() sys.exit( main( args.num_cpus_in_cluster, args.num_gpus_in_cluster, args.num_tasks_or_actors_per_run, args.num_measurements_per_configuration, ) )