#!/bin/bash set -x # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e ROOT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd)" WORKSPACE_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/.." JAVA_DIRS_PATH=('java' 'streaming/java') RAY_JAVA_MODULES=('api' 'runtime') RAY_STREAMING_JAVA_MODULES=('streaming-api' 'streaming-runtime' 'streaming-state') JAR_BASE_DIR="$WORKSPACE_DIR"/.jar mkdir -p "$JAR_BASE_DIR" cd "$WORKSPACE_DIR/java" # ray jar version, ex: 0.1-SNAPSHORT version=$(python -c "import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET; r = ET.parse('pom.xml').getroot(); print(r.find(r.tag.replace('project', 'version')).text);" | tail -n 1) cd - check_java_version() { local VERSION VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}') if [[ ! $VERSION =~ 1.8 ]]; then echo "Java version is $VERSION. Please install jkd8." exit 1 fi } build_jars() { local platform="$1" local bazel_build="${2:-true}" echo "bazel_build $bazel_build" echo "Start building jar for $platform" local JAR_DIR="$JAR_BASE_DIR/$platform" mkdir -p "$JAR_DIR" for p in "${JAVA_DIRS_PATH[@]}"; do cd "$WORKSPACE_DIR/$p" bazel build cp_java_generated if [[ $bazel_build == "true" ]]; then echo "Starting building java native dependencies for $p" bazel build gen_maven_deps echo "Finished building java native dependencies for $p" fi echo "Start building jars for $p" mvn -T16 clean package install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip mvn -T16 source:jar -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip echo "Finished building jars for $p" done copy_jars "$JAR_DIR" # ray runtime jar and streaming runtime jar are in a dir specifed by maven-jar-plugin cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/build/java/ray*.jar "$JAR_DIR" cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/streaming/build/java/streaming*.jar "$JAR_DIR" echo "Finished building jar for $platform" } copy_jars() { local JAR_DIR="$1" echo "Copy to dir $JAR_DIR" for module in "${RAY_JAVA_MODULES[@]}"; do cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/java/"$module"/target/*jar "$JAR_DIR" done for module in "${RAY_STREAMING_JAVA_MODULES[@]}"; do cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/streaming/java/"$module"/target/*jar "$JAR_DIR" done # ray runtime jar and streaming runtime jar are in a dir specifed by maven-jar-plugin cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/build/java/ray*.jar "$JAR_DIR" cp -f "$WORKSPACE_DIR"/streaming/build/java/streaming*.jar "$JAR_DIR" } # This function assuem all dependencies are installed already. build_jars_linux() { build_jars linux } # This function assuem all dependencies are installed already. build_jars_darwin() { build_jars darwin } build_jars_multiplatform() { if [ "${TRAVIS-}" = true ]; then if [[ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG-}" != "ray-project/ray" || "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST-}" != "false" ]]; then echo "Skip build multiplatform jars when this build is from a pull request or not a build for commit in ray-project/ray." return fi fi if download_jars "ray-runtime-$version.jar" "streaming-runtime-$version.jar"; then prepare_native build_jars multiplatform false else echo "download_jars failed, skip building multiplatform jars" fi } # Download darwin/windows ray-related jar from s3 # This function assumes linux jars exist already. download_jars() { local wait_time=0 local sleep_time_units=60 for f in "$@"; do for os in 'darwin' 'linux' 'windows'; do if [[ "$os" == "windows" ]]; then continue fi local url="https://ray-wheels.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/jars/$TRAVIS_BRANCH/$TRAVIS_COMMIT/$os/$f" mkdir -p "$JAR_BASE_DIR/$os" local dest_file="$JAR_BASE_DIR/$os/$f" echo "Jar url: $url" echo "Jar dest_file: $dest_file" while true; do if ! wget -q "$url" -O "$dest_file">/dev/null; then echo "Waiting $url to be ready for $wait_time seconds..." sleep $sleep_time_units wait_time=$((wait_time + sleep_time_units)) if [[ wait_time == $((sleep_time_units * 100)) ]]; then echo "Download $url timeout" return 1 fi else echo "Download $url to $dest_file succeed" break fi done done done echo "Download jars took $wait_time seconds" } # prepare native binaries and libraries. prepare_native() { for os in 'darwin' 'linux'; do cd "$JAR_BASE_DIR/$os" jar xf "ray-runtime-$version.jar" "native/$os" local native_dir="$WORKSPACE_DIR/java/runtime/native_dependencies/native/$os" mkdir -p "$native_dir" rm -rf "$native_dir" mv "native/$os" "$native_dir" jar xf "streaming-runtime-$version.jar" "native/$os" local native_dir="$WORKSPACE_DIR/streaming/java/streaming-runtime/native_dependencies/native/$os" mkdir -p "$native_dir" rm -rf "$native_dir" mv "native/$os" "$native_dir" done } # Return 0 if native bianries and libraries exist and 1 if not. native_files_exist() { local os for os in 'darwin' 'linux'; do native_dirs=() native_dirs+=("$WORKSPACE_DIR/java/runtime/native_dependencies/native/$os") native_dirs+=("$WORKSPACE_DIR/streaming/java/streaming-runtime/native_dependencies/native/$os") for native_dir in "${native_dirs[@]}"; do if [ ! -d "$native_dir" ]; then echo "$native_dir doesn't exist" return 1 fi done done } # This function assume all multiplatform binaries are prepared already. deploy_jars() { if [ "${TRAVIS-}" = true ]; then mkdir -p ~/.m2 echo "ossrh${OSSRH_KEY}${OSSRH_TOKEN}" > ~/.m2/settings.xml if [[ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "ray-project/ray" || "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" || "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then echo "Skip deploying jars when this build is from a pull request or not a build for commit of master branch in ray-project/ray" return fi fi echo "Start deploying jars" if native_files_exist; then ( cd "$WORKSPACE_DIR/java" mvn -T16 install deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip -Prelease -Dgpg.skip="${GPG_SKIP:-true}" ) ( cd "$WORKSPACE_DIR/streaming/java" mvn -T16 deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip -Prelease -Dgpg.skip="${GPG_SKIP:-true}" ) echo "Finished deploying jars" else echo "Native bianries/libraries are not ready, skip deploying jars." fi } if [ -z "${BUILDKITE-}" ]; then check_java_version fi case "$1" in linux) # build jars that only contains Linux binaries. build_jars_linux ;; darwin) # build jars that only contains macos binaries. build_jars_darwin ;; multiplatform) # downloading jars of multiple platforms and packaging them into one jar. build_jars_multiplatform ;; deploy) # Deploy jars to maven repository. deploy_jars ;; *) echo "Execute command $*" "$@" ;; esac