Ray Tutorials and Examples ========================== Get started with Ray, Tune, and RLlib with these notebooks that you can run online in Colab or Binder: `Ray Tutorial Notebooks `__ Ray Examples ------------ .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :hidden: tips-for-first-time.rst testing-tips.rst progress_bar.rst plot_streaming.rst placement-group.rst .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Tips for first time users. :figure: /images/pipeline.png :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/tips-for-first-time` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Tips for testing Ray applications :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/testing-tips` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Progress Bar for Ray Tasks :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/progress_bar` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implement a simple streaming application using Ray’s actors. :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_streaming` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Learn placement group use cases with examples. :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/placement-group` .. raw:: html
Machine Learning Examples ------------------------- .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :hidden: plot_parameter_server.rst plot_hyperparameter.rst plot_lbfgs.rst plot_example-lm.rst plot_newsreader.rst .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Build a simple parameter server using Ray. :figure: /images/param_actor.png :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_parameter_server` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Simple parallel asynchronous hyperparameter evaluation. :figure: /images/hyperparameter.png :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_hyperparameter` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Walkthrough of parallelizing the L-BFGS algorithm. :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_lbfgs` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Distributed Fault-Tolerant BERT training for FAIRSeq using Ray. :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_example-lm` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implementing a simple news reader using Ray. :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_newsreader` .. raw:: html
Reinforcement Learning Examples ------------------------------- These are simple examples that show you how to leverage Ray Core. For Ray's production-grade reinforcement learning library, see `RLlib `__. .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :hidden: plot_pong_example.rst plot_example-a3c.rst .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic agent using Ray. :figure: /images/a3c.png :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_example-a3c` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Parallelizing a policy gradient calculation on OpenAI Gym Pong. :figure: /images/pong.png :description: :doc:`/auto_examples/plot_pong_example` .. raw:: html