import time from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, List import anyscale from anyscale.sdk.anyscale_client.models import ( CreateProductionJob, HaJobStates, ) from ray_release.anyscale_util import get_cluster_name from ray_release.cluster_manager.cluster_manager import ClusterManager from ray_release.exception import ( CommandTimeout, JobStartupTimeout, JobStartupFailed, ) from ray_release.logger import logger from ray_release.signal_handling import register_handler, unregister_handler from ray_release.util import ( exponential_backoff_retry, anyscale_job_url, format_link, ) job_status_to_return_code = { HaJobStates.SUCCESS: 0, HaJobStates.OUT_OF_RETRIES: -1, HaJobStates.BROKEN: -2, HaJobStates.TERMINATED: -3, } terminal_state = set(job_status_to_return_code.keys()) class AnyscaleJobManager: def __init__(self, cluster_manager: ClusterManager): self.start_time = None self.counter = 0 self.cluster_manager = cluster_manager self._last_job_result = None self._last_logs = None self.cluster_startup_timeout = 600 self._duration = None def _run_job( self, cmd_to_run: str, env_vars: Dict[str, Any], working_dir: Optional[str] = None, upload_path: Optional[str] = None, pip: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: env_vars_for_job = env_vars.copy() env_vars_for_job[ "ANYSCALE_JOB_CLUSTER_ENV_NAME" ] = self.cluster_manager.cluster_env_name f"Executing {cmd_to_run} with {env_vars_for_job} via Anyscale job submit" ) anyscale_client = self.sdk runtime_env = { "env_vars": env_vars_for_job, "pip": pip or [], } if working_dir: runtime_env["working_dir"] = working_dir if upload_path: runtime_env["upload_path"] = upload_path try: job_response = anyscale_client.create_job( CreateProductionJob( name=self.cluster_manager.cluster_name, description=f"Smoke test: {self.cluster_manager.smoke_test}", project_id=self.cluster_manager.project_id, config=dict( entrypoint=cmd_to_run, runtime_env=runtime_env, build_id=self.cluster_manager.cluster_env_build_id, compute_config_id=self.cluster_manager.cluster_compute_id, max_retries=0, ), ), ) except Exception as e: raise JobStartupFailed( "Error starting job with name " f"{self.cluster_manager.cluster_name}: " f"{e}" ) from e self.last_job_result = job_response.result self.start_time = time.time()"Link to job: " f"{format_link(self.job_url)}") return @property def sdk(self): return self.cluster_manager.sdk @property def last_job_result(self): return self._last_job_result @last_job_result.setter def last_job_result(self, value): cluster_id = value.state.cluster_id # Set this only once. if self.cluster_manager.cluster_id is None and cluster_id: self.cluster_manager.cluster_id = value.state.cluster_id self.cluster_manager.cluster_name = get_cluster_name( value.state.cluster_id, self.sdk ) self._last_job_result = value @property def job_id(self) -> Optional[str]: if not self.last_job_result: return None return @property def job_url(self) -> Optional[str]: if not self.job_id: return None return anyscale_job_url(self.job_id) @property def last_job_status(self) -> Optional[HaJobStates]: if not self.last_job_result: return None return self.last_job_result.state.current_state @property def in_progress(self) -> bool: return self.last_job_result and self.last_job_status not in terminal_state def _get_job_status_with_retry(self): anyscale_client = self.cluster_manager.sdk return exponential_backoff_retry( lambda: anyscale_client.get_production_job(self.job_id), retry_exceptions=Exception, initial_retry_delay_s=1, max_retries=3, ).result def _terminate_job(self, raise_exceptions: bool = False): if not self.in_progress: return"Terminating job {self.job_id}...") try: self.sdk.terminate_job(self.job_id)"Job {self.job_id} terminated!") except Exception: msg = f"Couldn't terminate job {self.job_id}!" if raise_exceptions: logger.error(msg) raise else: logger.exception(msg) @contextmanager def _terminate_job_context(self): """ Context to ensure the job is terminated. Aside from running _terminate_job at exit, it also registers a signal handler to terminate the job if the program is interrupted or terminated. It restores the original handlers on exit. """ def terminate_handler(signum, frame): self._terminate_job() register_handler(terminate_handler) yield self._terminate_job() unregister_handler(terminate_handler) def _wait_job(self, timeout: int): # The context ensures the job always either finishes normally # or is terminated. with self._terminate_job_context(): assert self.job_id, "Job must have been started" start_time = time.monotonic() # Waiting for cluster needs to be a part of the whole # run. timeout_at = start_time + self.cluster_startup_timeout next_status = start_time + 30 job_running = False while True: now = time.monotonic() if now >= timeout_at: self._terminate_job() if not job_running: raise JobStartupTimeout( "Cluster did not start within " f"{self.cluster_startup_timeout} seconds." ) raise CommandTimeout(f"Job timed out after {timeout} seconds.") if now >= next_status: if job_running: msg = "... job still running ..." else: msg = "... job not yet running ..." f"{msg}({int(now - start_time)} seconds, " f"{int(timeout_at - now)} seconds to job timeout) ..." ) next_status += 30 result = self._get_job_status_with_retry() self.last_job_result = result status = self.last_job_status if not job_running and status in { HaJobStates.RUNNING, HaJobStates.ERRORED, }: f"... job started ...({int(now - start_time)} seconds) ..." ) job_running = True # If job has started, we switch from waiting for cluster # to the actual command (incl. prepare commands) timeout. timeout_at = now + timeout if status in terminal_state:"Job entered terminal state {status}.") break time.sleep(1) result = self._get_job_status_with_retry() self.last_job_result = result status = self.last_job_status assert status in terminal_state if status == HaJobStates.TERMINATED and not job_running: # Soft infra error retcode = -4 else: retcode = job_status_to_return_code[status] self._duration = time.time() - self.start_time return retcode, self._duration def run_and_wait( self, cmd_to_run, env_vars, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, timeout: int = 120, upload_path: Optional[str] = None, pip: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, float]: self._run_job( cmd_to_run, env_vars, working_dir=working_dir, upload_path=upload_path, pip=pip, ) return self._wait_job(timeout) def _get_ray_logs(self) -> str: """ Obtain the last few logs """ if self.cluster_manager.log_streaming_limit == -1: return anyscale.job.get_logs(id=self.job_id) return anyscale.job.get_logs( id=self.job_id, max_lines=self.cluster_manager.log_streaming_limit ) def get_last_logs(self): if not self.job_id: raise RuntimeError( "Job has not been started, therefore there are no logs to obtain." ) if self._last_logs: return self._last_logs # Skip loading logs when the job ran for too long and collected too much logs. if self._duration is not None and self._duration > 4 * 3_600: return None ret = exponential_backoff_retry( self._get_ray_logs, retry_exceptions=Exception, initial_retry_delay_s=30, max_retries=3, ) if ret and not self.in_progress: self._last_logs = ret return ret