#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # TODO(aslonnie): refactor this test to be hermetic. echo "--- Build image" bazel run //ci/ray_ci:build_in_docker -- docker \ --platform cpu --canonical-tag kuberay-test docker tag rayproject/ray:kuberay-test ray-ci:kuberay-test echo "--- Setup k8s environment" bash ci/k8s/prep-k8s-environment.sh kind load docker-image ray-ci:kuberay-test # The following is essentially running # python python/ray/tests/kuberay/setup/setup_kuberay.py bash python/ray/autoscaler/kuberay/init-config.sh kubectl create -k python/ray/autoscaler/kuberay/config/default echo "--- Test ray cluster creation" kubectl apply -f python/ray/tests/kuberay/setup/raycluster_test.yaml kubectl get rayclusters.ray.io kubectl delete -f python/ray/tests/kuberay/setup/raycluster_test.yaml echo "--- Wait until all pods of test cluster are deleted" kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=POD:metadata.name --no-headers for i in {1..120}; do if [[ "$(kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=POD:metadata.name --no-headers | wc -l)" == "0" ]]; then break fi if [[ $i == 120 ]]; then echo "Timed out waiting for pods to be deleted" exit 1 fi sleep 1 done echo "--- Run bazel tests" # Needs to send in the kubeconfig file in base64 encoding. bazel run //ci/ray_ci:test_in_docker -- //python/ray/tests/... kuberay \ --build-name k8sbuild \ --network host \ --test-env=RAY_IMAGE=docker.io/library/ray-ci:kuberay-test \ --test-env=PULL_POLICY=Never \ --test-env=KUBECONFIG=/tmp/rayci-kubeconfig \ "--test-env=KUBECONFIG_BASE64=$(base64 -w0 "$HOME/.kube/config")" # Test for autoscaler v2. bazel run //ci/ray_ci:test_in_docker -- //python/ray/tests/... kuberay \ --build-name k8sbuild \ --network host \ --test-env=RAY_IMAGE=docker.io/library/ray-ci:kuberay-test \ --test-env=PULL_POLICY=Never \ --test-env=AUTOSCALER_V2=True \ --test-env=KUBECONFIG=/tmp/rayci-kubeconfig \ "--test-env=KUBECONFIG_BASE64=$(base64 -w0 "$HOME/.kube/config")"