import dataclasses import gymnasium as gym from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union import numpy as np from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import PublicAPI from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.serialization import ( gym_space_to_dict, gym_space_from_dict, ) torch, _ = try_import_torch() @PublicAPI @dataclasses.dataclass class ViewRequirement: """Single view requirement (for one column in an SampleBatch/input_dict). Policies and ModelV2s return a Dict[str, ViewRequirement] upon calling their `[train|inference]_view_requirements()` methods, where the str key represents the column name (C) under which the view is available in the input_dict/SampleBatch and ViewRequirement specifies the actual underlying column names (in the original data buffer), timestep shifts, and other options to build the view. Examples: >>> from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 >>> # The default ViewRequirement for a Model is: >>> req = ModelV2(...).view_requirements # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(req) # doctest: +SKIP {"obs": ViewRequirement(shift=0)} Args: data_col: The data column name from the SampleBatch (str key). If None, use the dict key under which this ViewRequirement resides. space: The gym Space used in case we need to pad data in inaccessible areas of the trajectory (t<0 or t>H). Default: Simple box space, e.g. rewards. shift: Single shift value or list of relative positions to use (relative to the underlying `data_col`). Example: For a view column "prev_actions", you can set `data_col="actions"` and `shift=-1`. Example: For a view column "obs" in an Atari framestacking fashion, you can set `data_col="obs"` and `shift=[-3, -2, -1, 0]`. Example: For the obs input to an attention net, you can specify a range via a str: `shift="-100:0"`, which will pass in the past 100 observations plus the current one. index: An optional absolute position arg, used e.g. for the location of a requested inference dict within the trajectory. Negative values refer to counting from the end of a trajectory. (#TODO: Is this still used?) batch_repeat_value: determines how many time steps we should skip before we repeat the view indexing for the next timestep. For RNNs this number is usually the sequence length that we will rollout over. Example: view_col = "state_in_0", data_col = "state_out_0" batch_repeat_value = 5, shift = -1 buffer["state_out_0"] = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] output["state_in_0"] = [-1, 4, 9] Explanation: For t=0, we output buffer["state_out_0"][-1]. We then skip 5 time steps and repeat the view. for t=5, we output buffer["state_out_0"][4] . Continuing on this pattern, for t=10, we output buffer["state_out_0"][9]. used_for_compute_actions: Whether the data will be used for creating input_dicts for `Policy.compute_actions()` calls (or `Policy.compute_actions_from_input_dict()`). used_for_training: Whether the data will be used for training. If False, the column will not be copied into the final train batch. """ data_col: Optional[str] = None space: gym.Space = None shift: Union[int, str, List[int]] = 0 index: Optional[int] = None batch_repeat_value: int = 1 used_for_compute_actions: bool = True used_for_training: bool = True shift_arr: Optional[np.ndarray] = dataclasses.field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): """Initializes a ViewRequirement object. shift_arr is infered from the shift value. For example: - if shift is -1, then shift_arr is np.array([-1]). - if shift is [-1, -2], then shift_arr is np.array([-2, -1]). - if shift is "-2:2", then shift_arr is np.array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]). """ if is None: = gym.spaces.Box(float("-inf"), float("inf"), shape=()) # TODO: ideally we won't need shift_from and shift_to, and shift_step. # all of them should be captured within shift_arr. # Special case: Providing a (probably larger) range of indices, e.g. # "-100:0" (past 100 timesteps plus current one). self.shift_from = self.shift_to = self.shift_step = None if isinstance(self.shift, str): split = self.shift.split(":") assert len(split) in [2, 3], f"Invalid shift str format: {self.shift}" if len(split) == 2: f, t = split self.shift_step = 1 else: f, t, s = split self.shift_step = int(s) self.shift_from = int(f) self.shift_to = int(t) shift = self.shift self.shfit_arr = None if self.shift_from: self.shift_arr = np.arange( self.shift_from, self.shift_to + 1, self.shift_step ) else: if isinstance(shift, int): self.shift_arr = np.array([shift]) elif isinstance(shift, list): self.shift_arr = np.array(shift) else: ValueError(f'unrecognized shift type: "{shift}"') def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return a dict for this ViewRequirement that can be JSON serialized.""" return { "data_col": self.data_col, "space": gym_space_to_dict(, "shift": self.shift, "index": self.index, "batch_repeat_value": self.batch_repeat_value, "used_for_training": self.used_for_training, "used_for_compute_actions": self.used_for_compute_actions, } @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict): """Construct a ViewRequirement instance from JSON deserialized dict.""" d["space"] = gym_space_from_dict(d["space"]) return cls(**d)