import gymnasium as gym import logging import numpy as np from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union import ray from ray.rllib.evaluation.episode import Episode from ray.rllib.evaluation.postprocessing import compute_bootstrap_value from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_action_dist import TorchCategorical from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.policy.torch_mixins import ( EntropyCoeffSchedule, LearningRateSchedule, ValueNetworkMixin, ) from ray.rllib.policy.torch_policy_v2 import TorchPolicyV2 from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import convert_to_numpy from ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils import ( apply_grad_clipping, explained_variance, global_norm, sequence_mask, ) from ray.rllib.utils.typing import TensorType torch, nn = try_import_torch() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VTraceLoss: def __init__( self, actions, actions_logp, actions_entropy, dones, behaviour_action_logp, behaviour_logits, target_logits, discount, rewards, values, bootstrap_value, dist_class, model, valid_mask, config, vf_loss_coeff=0.5, entropy_coeff=0.01, clip_rho_threshold=1.0, clip_pg_rho_threshold=1.0, ): """Policy gradient loss with vtrace importance weighting. VTraceLoss takes tensors of shape [T, B, ...], where `B` is the batch_size. The reason we need to know `B` is for V-trace to properly handle episode cut boundaries. Args: actions: An int|float32 tensor of shape [T, B, ACTION_SPACE]. actions_logp: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. actions_entropy: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. dones: A bool tensor of shape [T, B]. behaviour_action_logp: Tensor of shape [T, B]. behaviour_logits: A list with length of ACTION_SPACE of float32 tensors of shapes [T, B, ACTION_SPACE[0]], ..., [T, B, ACTION_SPACE[-1]] target_logits: A list with length of ACTION_SPACE of float32 tensors of shapes [T, B, ACTION_SPACE[0]], ..., [T, B, ACTION_SPACE[-1]] discount: A float32 scalar. rewards: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. values: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. bootstrap_value: A float32 tensor of shape [B]. dist_class: action distribution class for logits. valid_mask: A bool tensor of valid RNN input elements (#2992). config: Algorithm config dict. """ import ray.rllib.algorithms.impala.vtrace_torch as vtrace if valid_mask is None: valid_mask = torch.ones_like(actions_logp) # Compute vtrace on the CPU for better perf # (devices handled inside `vtrace.multi_from_logits`). device = behaviour_action_logp[0].device self.vtrace_returns = vtrace.multi_from_logits( behaviour_action_log_probs=behaviour_action_logp, behaviour_policy_logits=behaviour_logits, target_policy_logits=target_logits, actions=torch.unbind(actions, dim=2), discounts=(1.0 - dones.float()) * discount, rewards=rewards, values=values, bootstrap_value=bootstrap_value, dist_class=dist_class, model=model, clip_rho_threshold=clip_rho_threshold, clip_pg_rho_threshold=clip_pg_rho_threshold, ) # Move v-trace results back to GPU for actual loss computing. self.value_targets = # The policy gradients loss. self.pi_loss = -torch.sum( actions_logp * * valid_mask ) # The baseline loss. delta = (values - self.value_targets) * valid_mask self.vf_loss = 0.5 * torch.sum(torch.pow(delta, 2.0)) # The entropy loss. self.entropy = torch.sum(actions_entropy * valid_mask) self.mean_entropy = self.entropy / torch.sum(valid_mask) # The summed weighted loss. self.total_loss = ( self.pi_loss + self.vf_loss * vf_loss_coeff - self.entropy * entropy_coeff ) def make_time_major(policy, seq_lens, tensor): """Swaps batch and trajectory axis. Args: policy: Policy reference seq_lens: Sequence lengths if recurrent or None tensor: A tensor or list of tensors to reshape. Returns: res: A tensor with swapped axes or a list of tensors with swapped axes. """ if isinstance(tensor, (list, tuple)): return [make_time_major(policy, seq_lens, t) for t in tensor] if policy.is_recurrent(): B = seq_lens.shape[0] T = tensor.shape[0] // B else: # Important: chop the tensor into batches at known episode cut # boundaries. # TODO: (sven) this is kind of a hack and won't work for # batch_mode=complete_episodes. T = policy.config["rollout_fragment_length"] B = tensor.shape[0] // T rs = torch.reshape(tensor, [B, T] + list(tensor.shape[1:])) # Swap B and T axes. res = torch.transpose(rs, 1, 0) return res class VTraceOptimizer: """Optimizer function for VTrace torch policies.""" def __init__(self): pass @override(TorchPolicyV2) def optimizer( self, ) -> Union[List["torch.optim.Optimizer"], "torch.optim.Optimizer"]: if self.config["opt_type"] == "adam": return torch.optim.Adam(params=self.model.parameters(), lr=self.cur_lr) else: return torch.optim.RMSprop( params=self.model.parameters(), lr=self.cur_lr, weight_decay=self.config["decay"], momentum=self.config["momentum"], eps=self.config["epsilon"], ) # VTrace mixins are placed in front of more general mixins to make sure # their functions like optimizer() overrides all the other implementations # (e.g., LearningRateSchedule.optimizer()) class ImpalaTorchPolicy( VTraceOptimizer, LearningRateSchedule, EntropyCoeffSchedule, ValueNetworkMixin, TorchPolicyV2, ): """PyTorch policy class used with Impala.""" def __init__(self, observation_space, action_space, config): config = dict( ray.rllib.algorithms.impala.impala.ImpalaConfig().to_dict(), **config ) # If Learner API is used, we don't need any loss-specific mixins. # However, we also would like to avoid creating special Policy-subclasses # for this as the entire Policy concept will soon not be used anymore with # the new Learner- and RLModule APIs. if not config.get("_enable_learner_api"): VTraceOptimizer.__init__(self) # Need to initialize learning rate variable before calling # TorchPolicyV2.__init__. LearningRateSchedule.__init__(self, config["lr"], config["lr_schedule"]) EntropyCoeffSchedule.__init__( self, config["entropy_coeff"], config["entropy_coeff_schedule"] ) TorchPolicyV2.__init__( self, observation_space, action_space, config, max_seq_len=config["model"]["max_seq_len"], ) ValueNetworkMixin.__init__(self, config) self._initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch() @override(TorchPolicyV2) def loss( self, model: ModelV2, dist_class: Type[ActionDistribution], train_batch: SampleBatch, ) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: model_out, _ = model(train_batch) action_dist = dist_class(model_out, model) if isinstance(self.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete): is_multidiscrete = False output_hidden_shape = [self.action_space.n] elif isinstance(self.action_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete): is_multidiscrete = True output_hidden_shape = self.action_space.nvec.astype(np.int32) else: is_multidiscrete = False output_hidden_shape = 1 def _make_time_major(*args, **kw): return make_time_major( self, train_batch.get(SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS), *args, **kw ) actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] dones = train_batch[SampleBatch.TERMINATEDS] rewards = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] behaviour_action_logp = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTION_LOGP] behaviour_logits = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS] if isinstance(output_hidden_shape, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): unpacked_behaviour_logits = torch.split( behaviour_logits, list(output_hidden_shape), dim=1 ) unpacked_outputs = torch.split(model_out, list(output_hidden_shape), dim=1) else: unpacked_behaviour_logits = torch.chunk( behaviour_logits, output_hidden_shape, dim=1 ) unpacked_outputs = torch.chunk(model_out, output_hidden_shape, dim=1) values = model.value_function() values_time_major = _make_time_major(values) bootstrap_values_time_major = _make_time_major( train_batch[SampleBatch.VALUES_BOOTSTRAPPED] ) bootstrap_value = bootstrap_values_time_major[-1] if self.is_recurrent(): max_seq_len = torch.max(train_batch[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS]) mask_orig = sequence_mask(train_batch[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS], max_seq_len) mask = torch.reshape(mask_orig, [-1]) else: mask = torch.ones_like(rewards) # Prepare actions for loss. loss_actions = actions if is_multidiscrete else torch.unsqueeze(actions, dim=1) # Inputs are reshaped from [B * T] => [(T|T-1), B] for V-trace calc. loss = VTraceLoss( actions=_make_time_major(loss_actions), actions_logp=_make_time_major(action_dist.logp(actions)), actions_entropy=_make_time_major(action_dist.entropy()), dones=_make_time_major(dones), behaviour_action_logp=_make_time_major(behaviour_action_logp), behaviour_logits=_make_time_major(unpacked_behaviour_logits), target_logits=_make_time_major(unpacked_outputs), discount=self.config["gamma"], rewards=_make_time_major(rewards), values=values_time_major, bootstrap_value=bootstrap_value, dist_class=TorchCategorical if is_multidiscrete else dist_class, model=model, valid_mask=_make_time_major(mask), config=self.config, vf_loss_coeff=self.config["vf_loss_coeff"], entropy_coeff=self.entropy_coeff, clip_rho_threshold=self.config["vtrace_clip_rho_threshold"], clip_pg_rho_threshold=self.config["vtrace_clip_pg_rho_threshold"], ) # Store values for stats function in model (tower), such that for # multi-GPU, we do not override them during the parallel loss phase. model.tower_stats["pi_loss"] = loss.pi_loss model.tower_stats["vf_loss"] = loss.vf_loss model.tower_stats["entropy"] = loss.entropy model.tower_stats["mean_entropy"] = loss.mean_entropy model.tower_stats["total_loss"] = loss.total_loss values_batched = make_time_major( self, train_batch.get(SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS), values, ) model.tower_stats["vf_explained_var"] = explained_variance( torch.reshape(loss.value_targets, [-1]), torch.reshape(values_batched, [-1]) ) return loss.total_loss @override(TorchPolicyV2) def stats_fn(self, train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: return convert_to_numpy( { "cur_lr": self.cur_lr, "total_loss": torch.mean( torch.stack(self.get_tower_stats("total_loss")) ), "policy_loss": torch.mean(torch.stack(self.get_tower_stats("pi_loss"))), "entropy": torch.mean( torch.stack(self.get_tower_stats("mean_entropy")) ), "entropy_coeff": self.entropy_coeff, "var_gnorm": global_norm(self.model.trainable_variables()), "vf_loss": torch.mean(torch.stack(self.get_tower_stats("vf_loss"))), "vf_explained_var": torch.mean( torch.stack(self.get_tower_stats("vf_explained_var")) ), } ) @override(TorchPolicyV2) def postprocess_trajectory( self, sample_batch: SampleBatch, other_agent_batches: Optional[SampleBatch] = None, episode: Optional["Episode"] = None, ): # Call super's postprocess_trajectory first. # sample_batch = super().postprocess_trajectory( # sample_batch, other_agent_batches, episode # ) if self.config["vtrace"]: # Add the SampleBatch.VALUES_BOOTSTRAPPED column, which we'll need # inside the loss for vtrace calculations. sample_batch = compute_bootstrap_value(sample_batch, self) return sample_batch @override(TorchPolicyV2) def extra_grad_process( self, optimizer: "torch.optim.Optimizer", loss: TensorType ) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: return apply_grad_clipping(self, optimizer, loss) @override(TorchPolicyV2) def get_batch_divisibility_req(self) -> int: return self.config["rollout_fragment_length"]