from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from itertools import chain import json import logging import time from tqdm import tqdm from typing import Any, Dict, List import ray from ray.serve._private.utils import generate_request_id logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) @dataclass class LocustStage: duration_s: int users: int spawn_rate: float @dataclass class LocustLoadTestConfig: num_workers: int host_url: str auth_token: str data: Any stages: List[LocustStage] wait_for_workers_timeout_s: float = 600 @dataclass class PerformanceStats: p50_latency: float p90_latency: float p99_latency: float rps: float @dataclass class LocustTestResults: history: List[Dict] total_requests: int num_failures: int avg_latency: float p50_latency: float p90_latency: float p99_latency: float avg_rps: float stats_in_stages: List[PerformanceStats] @dataclass class FailedRequest: request_id: str status_code: int exception: str response_time_s: float start_time_s: float class LocustClient: def __init__( self, host_url: str, token: str, data: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): from locust import task, constant, events, FastHttpUser from locust.contrib.fasthttp import FastResponse self.errors = [] class EndpointUser(FastHttpUser): wait_time = constant(0) failed_requests = [] host = host_url @task def test(self): request_id = generate_request_id() headers = ( {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "X-Request-ID": request_id} if token else None ) with self.client.get( "", headers=headers, json=data, catch_response=True ) as r: r.request_meta["context"]["request_id"] = request_id @events.request.add_listener def on_request( response: FastResponse, exception, context, start_time: float, response_time: float, **kwargs, ): if exception: request_id = context["request_id"] response.encoding = "utf-8" err = FailedRequest( request_id=request_id, status_code=response.status_code, exception=response.text, response_time_s=response_time, start_time_s=start_time, ) self.errors.append(err) print( f"Request '{request_id}' failed with exception: {response.text}" ) self.user_class = EndpointUser @ray.remote(num_cpus=1) class LocustWorker(LocustClient): def __init__( self, host_url: str, token: str, master_address: str, data: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): # NOTE(zcin): We need to lazily import locust because the driver # script won't connect to ray properly otherwise. import locust from locust.env import Environment from locust.log import setup_logging super().__init__(host_url=host_url, token=token, data=data) setup_logging("INFO") self.env = Environment(user_classes=[self.user_class], self.master_address = master_address def run(self) -> List[Dict]: runner = self.env.create_worker_runner( master_host=self.master_address, master_port=5557 ) runner.greenlet.join() return self.errors @ray.remote(num_cpus=1) class LocustMaster(LocustClient): def __init__( self, host_url: str, token: str, expected_num_workers: int, stages: List[LocustStage], wait_for_workers_timeout_s: float, ): # NOTE(zcin): We need to lazily import locust because the driver # script won't connect to ray properly otherwise. import locust from locust import LoadTestShape from locust.env import Environment from locust.log import setup_logging super().__init__(host_url=host_url, token=token) setup_logging("INFO") self.stats_in_stages: List[PerformanceStats] = [] class StagesShape(LoadTestShape): curr_stage_ix = 0 def tick(cls): run_time = cls.get_run_time() prefix_time = 0 for i, stage in enumerate(stages): prefix_time += stage.duration_s if run_time < prefix_time: if i != cls.curr_stage_ix: self.on_stage_finished() cls.curr_stage_ix = i current_stage = stages[cls.curr_stage_ix] return current_stage.users, current_stage.spawn_rate # End of stage test self.on_stage_finished() self.master_env = Environment( user_classes=[self.user_class], shape_class=StagesShape(),, ) self.expected_num_workers = expected_num_workers self.wait_for_workers_timeout_s = wait_for_workers_timeout_s self.master_runner = None def on_stage_finished(self): stats_entry_key = ("", "GET") stats_entry = self.master_runner.stats.entries.get(stats_entry_key) self.stats_in_stages.append( PerformanceStats( p50_latency=stats_entry.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.5), p90_latency=stats_entry.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.9), p99_latency=stats_entry.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.99), rps=stats_entry.current_rps, ) ) def run(self): import gevent from locust.stats import ( get_stats_summary, get_percentile_stats_summary, get_error_report_summary, stats_history, stats_printer, ) self.master_runner = self.master_env.create_master_runner("*", 5557) start = time.time() while len(self.master_runner.clients.ready) < self.expected_num_workers: if time.time() - start > self.wait_for_workers_timeout_s: raise RuntimeError( f"Timed out waiting for {self.expected_num_workers} workers to " "connect to Locust master." ) print( f"Waiting for workers to be ready, " f"{len(self.master_runner.clients.ready)} " f"of {self.expected_num_workers} ready." ) time.sleep(1) # Periodically output current stats (each entry is aggregated # stats over the past 10 seconds, by default) gevent.spawn(stats_printer(self.master_env.stats)) gevent.spawn(stats_history, self.master_runner) # Start test & wait for the shape test to finish self.master_runner.start_shape() self.master_runner.shape_greenlet.join() # Send quit signal to all locust workers self.master_runner.quit() # Print stats for line in get_stats_summary(self.master_runner.stats, current=False): print(line) # Print percentile stats for line in get_percentile_stats_summary(self.master_runner.stats): print(line) # Print error report if self.master_runner.stats.errors: for line in get_error_report_summary(self.master_runner.stats): print(line) stats_entry_key = ("", "GET") stats_entry = self.master_runner.stats.entries.get(stats_entry_key) return LocustTestResults( history=self.master_runner.stats.history, total_requests=self.master_runner.stats.num_requests, num_failures=self.master_runner.stats.num_failures, avg_latency=stats_entry.avg_response_time, p50_latency=stats_entry.get_response_time_percentile(0.5), p90_latency=stats_entry.get_response_time_percentile(0.9), p99_latency=stats_entry.get_response_time_percentile(0.99), avg_rps=stats_entry.total_rps, stats_in_stages=self.stats_in_stages, ) def run_locust_load_test(config: LocustLoadTestConfig) -> LocustTestResults: """Runs a Locust load test against a service. Returns: Performance results (e.g. throughput and latency) from the test. Raises: RuntimeError if any requests failed during the load test. """"Spawning {config.num_workers} Locust worker Ray tasks.") master_address = ray.util.get_node_ip_address() worker_refs = [] # Start Locust workers for _ in tqdm(range(config.num_workers)): locust_worker = LocustWorker.remote( host_url=config.host_url, token=config.auth_token, master_address=master_address,, ) worker_refs.append( # Start Locust master master_worker = LocustMaster.remote( host_url=config.host_url, token=config.auth_token, expected_num_workers=config.num_workers, stages=config.stages, wait_for_workers_timeout_s=config.wait_for_workers_timeout_s, ) master_ref = # Collect results and metrics stats: LocustTestResults = ray.get(master_ref) errors = sorted(chain(*ray.get(worker_refs)), key=lambda e: e.start_time_s) # If there were any requests that failed, raise error. if stats.num_failures > 0: errors_json = [asdict(err) for err in errors] raise RuntimeError( f"There were failed requests: {json.dumps(errors_json, indent=4)}" ) return stats