#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script automatically download ray and run the sanity check (sanity_check.py and sanity_check_cpp.sh) # in various Python version. This script requires conda command to exist. unset RAY_ADDRESS export RAY_HASH=$RAY_HASH export RAY_VERSION=$RAY_VERSION if [[ -z "$RAY_HASH" ]]; then echo "RAY_HASH env var should be provided" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$RAY_VERSION" ]]; then echo "RAY_VERSION env var should be provided" exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v conda)" ]; then echo "conda doesn't exist. Please download conda for this machine" exit 1 else echo "conda exists" fi echo "Start downloading Ray version ${RAY_VERSION} of commit ${RAY_HASH}" pip install --upgrade pip # This is required to use conda activate source "$(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" PYTHON_VERSIONS=( "3.8" "3.9" "3.10" "3.11" ) for PYTHON_VERSION in "${PYTHON_VERSIONS[@]}" do env_name="${RAY_VERSION}-${PYTHON_VERSION}-env" conda create -y -n "${env_name}" python="${PYTHON_VERSION}" conda activate "${env_name}" printf "\n\n\n" echo "=========================================================" echo "Python version." python --version echo "This should be equal to ${PYTHON_VERSION}" echo "=========================================================" printf "\n\n\n" # shellcheck disable=SC2102 pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple ray[cpp]=="${RAY_VERSION}" failed=false cpp_failed=false printf "\n\n\n" echo "=========================================================" if python sanity_check.py --ray_version="$RAY_VERSION" --ray_commit="$RAY_HASH"; then echo "PYTHON ${PYTHON_VERSION} succeed sanity check." else failed=true fi if bash sanity_check_cpp.sh; then echo "PYTHON ${PYTHON_VERSION} succeed sanity check C++." else cpp_failed=true fi echo "=========================================================" printf "\n\n\n" conda deactivate conda remove -y --name "${env_name}" --all if [ "$failed" = true ]; then echo "PYTHON ${PYTHON_VERSION} failed sanity check." exit 1 fi if [ "$cpp_failed" = true ]; then echo "PYTHON ${PYTHON_VERSION} failed sanity check C++." exit 1 fi done