import click import copy import subprocess import os import json import time from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple from pathlib import Path from ray_release.bazel import bazel_runfile from ray_release.logger import logger from ray_release.buildkite.step import get_step from import ( build_anyscale_base_byod_images, build_anyscale_custom_byod_image, ) from ray_release.config import read_and_validate_release_test_collection from ray_release.configs.global_config import init_global_config from ray_release.test import Test from ray_release.test_automation.release_state_machine import ReleaseTestStateMachine @click.command() @click.argument("test_name", required=True, type=str) @click.argument("passing_commit", required=True, type=str) @click.argument("failing_commit", required=True, type=str) @click.option( "--test-collection-file", type=str, multiple=True, help="Test collection file, relative path to ray repo.", ) @click.option( "--concurrency", default=3, type=int, help=( "Maximum number of concurrent test jobs to run. Higher number uses more " "capacity, but reduce the bisect duration" ), ) @click.option( "--run-per-commit", default=1, type=int, help=( "The number of time we run test on the same commit, to account for test " "flakiness. Commit passes only when it passes on all runs" ), ) @click.option( "--is-full-test", is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help=("Use the full, non-smoke version of the test"), ) @click.option( "--global-config", default="oss_config.yaml", type=click.Choice( [ for x in (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "configs").glob("*.yaml")] ), help="Global config to use for test execution.", ) def main( test_name: str, passing_commit: str, failing_commit: str, test_collection_file: Tuple[str], concurrency: int = 1, run_per_commit: int = 1, is_full_test: bool = False, global_config: str = "oss_config.yaml", ) -> None: init_global_config( bazel_runfile("release/ray_release/configs", global_config), ) if concurrency <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Concurrency input need to be a positive number, received: {concurrency}" ) test = _get_test(test_name, test_collection_file) pre_sanity_check = _sanity_check( test, passing_commit, failing_commit, run_per_commit, is_full_test ) if not pre_sanity_check: "Failed pre-saniy check, the test might be flaky or fail due to" " an external (not a code change) factors" ) return commit_lists = _get_commit_lists(passing_commit, failing_commit) blamed_commit = _bisect( test, commit_lists, concurrency, run_per_commit, is_full_test )"Blamed commit found for test {test_name}: {blamed_commit}") # TODO(can): this env var is used as a feature flag, in case we need to turn this # off quickly. We should remove this when the new db reporter is stable. if os.environ.get("UPDATE_TEST_STATE_MACHINE", False):"Updating test state for test {test_name} to CONSISTENTLY_FAILING") _update_test_state(test, blamed_commit) def _bisect( test: Test, commit_list: List[str], concurrency: int, run_per_commit: int, is_full_test: bool = False, ) -> str: while len(commit_list) > 2: f"Bisecting between {len(commit_list)} commits: " f"{commit_list[0]} to {commit_list[-1]} with concurrency {concurrency}" ) idx_to_commit = {} for i in range(concurrency): idx = len(commit_list) * (i + 1) // (concurrency + 1) # make sure that idx is not at the boundary; this avoids rerun bisect # on the previously run revision idx = min(max(idx, 1), len(commit_list) - 2) idx_to_commit[idx] = commit_list[idx] outcomes = _run_test( test, set(idx_to_commit.values()), run_per_commit, is_full_test ) passing_idx = 0 failing_idx = len(commit_list) - 1 for idx, commit in idx_to_commit.items(): is_passing = all( outcome == "passed" for outcome in outcomes[commit].values() ) if is_passing and idx > passing_idx: passing_idx = idx if not is_passing and idx < failing_idx: failing_idx = idx commit_list = commit_list[passing_idx : failing_idx + 1] return commit_list[-1] def _sanity_check( test: Test, passing_revision: str, failing_revision: str, run_per_commit: int, is_full_test: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Sanity check that the test indeed passes on the passing revision, and fails on the failing revision """ f"Sanity check passing revision: {passing_revision}" f" and failing revision: {failing_revision}" ) outcomes = _run_test( test, [passing_revision, failing_revision], run_per_commit, is_full_test ) if any(map(lambda x: x != "passed", outcomes[passing_revision].values())): return False return any(map(lambda x: x != "passed", outcomes[failing_revision].values())) def _run_test( test: Test, commits: Set[str], run_per_commit: int, is_full_test: bool ) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]:'Running test {test["name"]} on commits {commits}') for commit in commits: _trigger_test_run(test, commit, run_per_commit, is_full_test) return _obtain_test_result(commits, run_per_commit) def _trigger_test_run( test: Test, commit: str, run_per_commit: int, is_full_test: bool ) -> None: os.environ["COMMIT_TO_TEST"] = commit build_anyscale_base_byod_images([test]) build_anyscale_custom_byod_image(test) for run in range(run_per_commit): step = get_step( copy.deepcopy(test), # avoid mutating the original test smoke_test=test.get("smoke_test", False) and not is_full_test, env={ "RAY_COMMIT_OF_WHEEL": commit, "COMMIT_TO_TEST": commit, }, ) step["label"] = f'{test["name"]}:{commit[:7]}-{run}' step["key"] = f"{commit}-{run}" pipeline = subprocess.Popen( ["echo", json.dumps({"steps": [step]})], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) subprocess.check_output( ["buildkite-agent", "pipeline", "upload"], stdin=pipeline.stdout ) pipeline.stdout.close() def _obtain_test_result( commits: Set[str], run_per_commit: int ) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]: outcomes = {} wait = 5 total_wait = 0 while True:"... waiting for test result ...({total_wait} seconds)") for commit in commits: if commit in outcomes and len(outcomes[commit]) == run_per_commit: continue for run in range(run_per_commit): outcome = ( subprocess.check_output( [ "buildkite-agent", "step", "get", "outcome", "--step", f"{commit}-{run}", ] ) .decode("utf-8") .strip() ) if not outcome: continue if commit not in outcomes: outcomes[commit] = {} outcomes[commit][run] = outcome all_commit_finished = len(outcomes) == len(commits) per_commit_finished = all( len(outcome) == run_per_commit for outcome in outcomes.values() ) if all_commit_finished and per_commit_finished: break time.sleep(wait) total_wait = total_wait + wait"Final test outcomes: {outcomes}") return outcomes def _get_test(test_name: str, test_collection_file: Tuple[str]) -> Test: test_collection = read_and_validate_release_test_collection( test_collection_file or ["release/release_tests.yaml"], ) return [test for test in test_collection if test["name"] == test_name][0] def _get_commit_lists(passing_commit: str, failing_commit: str) -> List[str]: # This command obtains all commits between inclusively return ( subprocess.check_output( f"git rev-list --reverse ^{passing_commit}~ {failing_commit}", shell=True, ) .decode("utf-8") .strip() .split("\n") ) def _update_test_state(test: Test, blamed_commit: str) -> None: test.update_from_s3()"Test object: {json.dumps(test)}") test[Test.KEY_BISECT_BLAMED_COMMIT] = blamed_commit # Compute and update the next test state, then comment blamed commit on github issue sm = ReleaseTestStateMachine(test) sm.move() sm.comment_blamed_commit_on_github_issue()"Test object: {json.dumps(test)}") test.persist_to_s3() if __name__ == "__main__": main()