import json import os import shutil import sys from typing import Tuple from pathlib import Path import click from ray_release.buildkite.filter import filter_tests, group_tests from ray_release.buildkite.settings import get_pipeline_settings from ray_release.buildkite.step import get_step_for_test_group from import ( build_anyscale_base_byod_images, build_anyscale_custom_byod_image, ) from ray_release.config import read_and_validate_release_test_collection from ray_release.configs.global_config import init_global_config from ray_release.exception import ReleaseTestCLIError, ReleaseTestConfigError from ray_release.logger import logger from ray_release.wheels import get_buildkite_repo_branch PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH = "/tmp/pipeline_artifacts" @click.command() @click.option( "--test-collection-file", type=str, multiple=True, help="Test collection file, relative path to ray repo.", ) @click.option( "--run-jailed-tests", is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help=("Will run jailed tests."), ) @click.option( "--run-unstable-tests", is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help=("Will run unstable tests."), ) @click.option( "--global-config", default="oss_config.yaml", type=click.Choice( [ for x in (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "configs").glob("*.yaml")] ), help="Global config to use for test execution.", ) @click.option( "--run-per-test", default=1, type=int, help=("The number of time we run test on the same commit"), ) def main( test_collection_file: Tuple[str], run_jailed_tests: bool = False, run_unstable_tests: bool = False, global_config: str = "oss_config.yaml", run_per_test: int = 1, ): global_config_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "configs", global_config ) init_global_config(global_config_file) settings = get_pipeline_settings() tmpdir = None env = {} frequency = settings["frequency"] prefer_smoke_tests = settings["prefer_smoke_tests"] test_attr_regex_filters = settings["test_attr_regex_filters"] priority = settings["priority"] f"Found the following buildkite pipeline settings:\n\n" f" frequency = {settings['frequency']}\n" f" prefer_smoke_tests = {settings['prefer_smoke_tests']}\n" f" test_attr_regex_filters = {settings['test_attr_regex_filters']}\n" f" ray_test_repo = {settings['ray_test_repo']}\n" f" ray_test_branch = {settings['ray_test_branch']}\n" f" priority = {settings['priority']}\n" f" no_concurrency_limit = {settings['no_concurrency_limit']}\n" ) try: test_collection = read_and_validate_release_test_collection( test_collection_file or ["release/release_tests.yaml"] ) except ReleaseTestConfigError as e: raise ReleaseTestConfigError( "Cannot load test yaml file.\nHINT: If you're kicking off tests for a " "specific commit on Buildkite to test Ray wheels, after clicking " "'New build', leave the commit at HEAD, and only specify the commit " "in the dialog that asks for the Ray wheels." ) from e if tmpdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) filtered_tests = filter_tests( test_collection, frequency=frequency, test_attr_regex_filters=test_attr_regex_filters, prefer_smoke_tests=prefer_smoke_tests, run_jailed_tests=run_jailed_tests, run_unstable_tests=run_unstable_tests, )"Found {len(filtered_tests)} tests to run.") if len(filtered_tests) == 0: raise ReleaseTestCLIError( "Empty test collection. The selected frequency or filter did " "not return any tests to run. Adjust your filters." ) tests = [test for test, _ in filtered_tests]"Build anyscale base BYOD images") build_anyscale_base_byod_images(tests)"Build anyscale custom BYOD images") for test in tests: build_anyscale_custom_byod_image(test) grouped_tests = group_tests(filtered_tests) group_str = "" for group, tests in grouped_tests.items(): group_str += f"\n{group}:\n" for test, smoke in tests: group_str += f" {test['name']}" if smoke: group_str += " [smoke test]" group_str += "\n""Tests to run:\n{group_str}") no_concurrency_limit = settings["no_concurrency_limit"] if no_concurrency_limit: logger.warning("Concurrency is not limited for this run!") _, buildkite_branch = get_buildkite_repo_branch() if os.environ.get("REPORT_TO_RAY_TEST_DB", False): env["REPORT_TO_RAY_TEST_DB"] = "1" steps = get_step_for_test_group( grouped_tests, minimum_run_per_test=run_per_test, test_collection_file=test_collection_file, env=env, priority=priority.value, global_config=global_config, is_concurrency_limit=not no_concurrency_limit, ) if "BUILDKITE" in os.environ: if os.path.exists(PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH): shutil.rmtree(PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH) os.makedirs(PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH, exist_ok=True, mode=0o755) with open(os.path.join(PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH, "pipeline.json"), "wt") as fp: json.dump(steps, fp) settings["frequency"] = settings["frequency"].value settings["priority"] = settings["priority"].value with open(os.path.join(PIPELINE_ARTIFACT_PATH, "settings.json"), "wt") as fp: json.dump(settings, fp) steps_str = json.dumps(steps) print(steps_str) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())