import functools import gym from math import log import numpy as np import tree # pip install dm_tree from typing import Optional from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_modelv2 import TorchModelV2 from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import SMALL_NUMBER, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, \ MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import get_base_struct_from_space from ray.rllib.utils.typing import TensorType, List, Union, \ Tuple, ModelConfigDict torch, nn = try_import_torch() class TorchDistributionWrapper(ActionDistribution): """Wrapper class for torch.distributions.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2): # If inputs are not a torch Tensor, make them one and make sure they # are on the correct device. if not isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor): inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs) if isinstance(model, TorchModelV2): inputs = super().__init__(inputs, model) # Store the last sample here. self.last_sample = None @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, actions: TensorType) -> TensorType: return self.dist.log_prob(actions) @override(ActionDistribution) def entropy(self) -> TensorType: return self.dist.entropy() @override(ActionDistribution) def kl(self, other: ActionDistribution) -> TensorType: return torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.dist, other.dist) @override(ActionDistribution) def sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = self.dist.sample() return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def sampled_action_logp(self) -> TensorType: assert self.last_sample is not None return self.logp(self.last_sample) class TorchCategorical(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Wrapper class for PyTorch Categorical distribution.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2 = None, temperature: float = 1.0): if temperature != 1.0: assert temperature > 0.0, \ "Categorical `temperature` must be > 0.0!" inputs /= temperature super().__init__(inputs, model) self.dist = torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical( logits=self.inputs) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = self.dist.probs.argmax(dim=1) return self.last_sample @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: return action_space.n class TorchMultiCategorical(TorchDistributionWrapper): """MultiCategorical distribution for MultiDiscrete action spaces.""" @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2, input_lens: Union[List[int], np.ndarray, Tuple[int, ...]], action_space=None): super().__init__(inputs, model) # If input_lens is np.ndarray or list, force-make it a tuple. inputs_split = self.inputs.split(tuple(input_lens), dim=1) self.cats = [ torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical(logits=input_) for input_ in inputs_split ] # Used in case we are dealing with an Int Box. self.action_space = action_space @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self) -> TensorType: arr = [cat.sample() for cat in self.cats] sample_ = torch.stack(arr, dim=1) if isinstance(self.action_space, gym.spaces.Box): sample_ = torch.reshape(sample_, [-1] + list(self.action_space.shape)) self.last_sample = sample_ return sample_ @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: arr = [torch.argmax(cat.probs, -1) for cat in self.cats] sample_ = torch.stack(arr, dim=1) if isinstance(self.action_space, gym.spaces.Box): sample_ = torch.reshape(sample_, [-1] + list(self.action_space.shape)) self.last_sample = sample_ return sample_ @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def logp(self, actions: TensorType) -> TensorType: # # If tensor is provided, unstack it into list. if isinstance(actions, torch.Tensor): if isinstance(self.action_space, gym.spaces.Box): actions = torch.reshape( actions, [-1, int(np.product(self.action_space.shape))]) actions = torch.unbind(actions, dim=1) logps = torch.stack( [cat.log_prob(act) for cat, act in zip(self.cats, actions)]) return torch.sum(logps, dim=0) @override(ActionDistribution) def multi_entropy(self) -> TensorType: return torch.stack([cat.entropy() for cat in self.cats], dim=1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def entropy(self) -> TensorType: return torch.sum(self.multi_entropy(), dim=1) @override(ActionDistribution) def multi_kl(self, other: ActionDistribution) -> TensorType: return torch.stack( [ torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(cat, oth_cat) for cat, oth_cat in zip(self.cats, other.cats) ], dim=1, ) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def kl(self, other: ActionDistribution) -> TensorType: return torch.sum(self.multi_kl(other), dim=1) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: # Int Box. if isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Box): assert"int") low_ = np.min(action_space.low) high_ = np.max(action_space.high) assert np.all(action_space.low == low_) assert np.all(action_space.high == high_) np.product(action_space.shape) * (high_ - low_ + 1) # MultiDiscrete space. else: return np.sum(action_space.nvec) class TorchDiagGaussian(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Wrapper class for PyTorch Normal distribution.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2, *, action_space: Optional[gym.spaces.Space] = None): super().__init__(inputs, model) mean, log_std = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=1) self.dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, torch.exp(log_std)) # Remember to squeeze action samples in case action space is Box(shape) self.zero_action_dim = action_space and action_space.shape == () @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self) -> TensorType: sample = super().sample() if self.zero_action_dim: return torch.squeeze(sample, dim=-1) return sample @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = self.dist.mean return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def logp(self, actions: TensorType) -> TensorType: return super().logp(actions).sum(-1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def entropy(self) -> TensorType: return super().entropy().sum(-1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def kl(self, other: ActionDistribution) -> TensorType: return super().kl(other).sum(-1) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: return * 2 class TorchSquashedGaussian(TorchDistributionWrapper): """A tanh-squashed Gaussian distribution defined by: mean, std, low, high. The distribution will never return low or high exactly, but `low`+SMALL_NUMBER or `high`-SMALL_NUMBER respectively. """ def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2, low: float = -1.0, high: float = 1.0): """Parameterizes the distribution via `inputs`. Args: low (float): The lowest possible sampling value (excluding this value). high (float): The highest possible sampling value (excluding this value). """ super().__init__(inputs, model) # Split inputs into mean and log(std). mean, log_std = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=-1) # Clip `scale` values (coming from NN) to reasonable values. log_std = torch.clamp(log_std, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT) std = torch.exp(log_std) self.dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, std) assert np.all(np.less(low, high)) self.low = low self.high = high self.mean = mean self.std = std @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = self._squash(self.dist.mean) return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self) -> TensorType: # Use the reparameterization version of `dist.sample` to allow for # the results to be backprop'able e.g. in a loss term. normal_sample = self.dist.rsample() self.last_sample = self._squash(normal_sample) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x: TensorType) -> TensorType: # Unsquash values (from [low,high] to ]-inf,inf[) unsquashed_values = self._unsquash(x) # Get log prob of unsquashed values from our Normal. log_prob_gaussian = self.dist.log_prob(unsquashed_values) # For safety reasons, clamp somehow, only then sum up. log_prob_gaussian = torch.clamp(log_prob_gaussian, -100, 100) log_prob_gaussian = torch.sum(log_prob_gaussian, dim=-1) # Get log-prob for squashed Gaussian. unsquashed_values_tanhd = torch.tanh(unsquashed_values) log_prob = log_prob_gaussian - torch.sum( torch.log(1 - unsquashed_values_tanhd**2 + SMALL_NUMBER), dim=-1) return log_prob def sample_logp(self): z = self.dist.rsample() actions = self._squash(z) return actions, torch.sum( self.dist.log_prob(z) - torch.log(1 - actions * actions + SMALL_NUMBER), dim=-1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def entropy(self) -> TensorType: raise ValueError("Entropy not defined for SquashedGaussian!") @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def kl(self, other: ActionDistribution) -> TensorType: raise ValueError("KL not defined for SquashedGaussian!") def _squash(self, raw_values: TensorType) -> TensorType: # Returned values are within [low, high] (including `low` and `high`). squashed = ((torch.tanh(raw_values) + 1.0) / 2.0) * \ (self.high - self.low) + self.low return torch.clamp(squashed, self.low, self.high) def _unsquash(self, values: TensorType) -> TensorType: normed_values = (values - self.low) / (self.high - self.low) * 2.0 - \ 1.0 # Stabilize input to atanh. save_normed_values = torch.clamp(normed_values, -1.0 + SMALL_NUMBER, 1.0 - SMALL_NUMBER) unsquashed = torch.atanh(save_normed_values) return unsquashed @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: return * 2 class TorchBeta(TorchDistributionWrapper): """ A Beta distribution is defined on the interval [0, 1] and parameterized by shape parameters alpha and beta (also called concentration parameters). PDF(x; alpha, beta) = x**(alpha - 1) (1 - x)**(beta - 1) / Z with Z = Gamma(alpha) Gamma(beta) / Gamma(alpha + beta) and Gamma(n) = (n - 1)! """ def __init__(self, inputs: List[TensorType], model: TorchModelV2, low: float = 0.0, high: float = 1.0): super().__init__(inputs, model) # Stabilize input parameters (possibly coming from a linear layer). self.inputs = torch.clamp(self.inputs, log(SMALL_NUMBER), -log(SMALL_NUMBER)) self.inputs = torch.log(torch.exp(self.inputs) + 1.0) + 1.0 self.low = low self.high = high alpha, beta = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=-1) # Note: concentration0==beta, concentration1=alpha (!) self.dist = torch.distributions.Beta( concentration1=alpha, concentration0=beta) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = self._squash(self.dist.mean) return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self) -> TensorType: # Use the reparameterization version of `dist.sample` to allow for # the results to be backprop'able e.g. in a loss term. normal_sample = self.dist.rsample() self.last_sample = self._squash(normal_sample) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x: TensorType) -> TensorType: unsquashed_values = self._unsquash(x) return torch.sum(self.dist.log_prob(unsquashed_values), dim=-1) def _squash(self, raw_values: TensorType) -> TensorType: return raw_values * (self.high - self.low) + self.low def _unsquash(self, values: TensorType) -> TensorType: return (values - self.low) / (self.high - self.low) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: return * 2 class TorchDeterministic(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Action distribution that returns the input values directly. This is similar to DiagGaussian with standard deviation zero (thus only requiring the "mean" values as NN output). """ @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: return self.inputs @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sampled_action_logp(self) -> TensorType: return torch.zeros((self.inputs.size()[0], ), dtype=torch.float32) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self) -> TensorType: return self.deterministic_sample() @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape( action_space: gym.Space, model_config: ModelConfigDict) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: return class TorchMultiActionDistribution(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Action distribution that operates on multiple, possibly nested actions. """ def __init__(self, inputs, model, *, child_distributions, input_lens, action_space): """Initializes a TorchMultiActionDistribution object. Args: inputs (torch.Tensor): A single tensor of shape [BATCH, size]. model (TorchModelV2): The TorchModelV2 object used to produce inputs for this distribution. child_distributions (any[torch.Tensor]): Any struct that contains the child distribution classes to use to instantiate the child distributions from `inputs`. This could be an already flattened list or a struct according to `action_space`. input_lens (any[int]): A flat list or a nested struct of input split lengths used to split `inputs`. action_space (Union[gym.spaces.Dict,gym.spaces.Tuple]): The complex and possibly nested action space. """ if not isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor): inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs) if isinstance(model, TorchModelV2): inputs = super().__init__(inputs, model) self.action_space_struct = get_base_struct_from_space(action_space) self.input_lens = tree.flatten(input_lens) flat_child_distributions = tree.flatten(child_distributions) split_inputs = torch.split(inputs, self.input_lens, dim=1) self.flat_child_distributions = tree.map_structure( lambda dist, input_: dist(input_, model), flat_child_distributions, list(split_inputs)) @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = torch.Tensor(x) # Single tensor input (all merged). if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): split_indices = [] for dist in self.flat_child_distributions: if isinstance(dist, TorchCategorical): split_indices.append(1) elif isinstance(dist, TorchMultiCategorical) and \ dist.action_space is not None: split_indices.append(int( else: sample = dist.sample() # Cover Box(shape=()) case. if len(sample.shape) == 1: split_indices.append(1) else: split_indices.append(sample.size()[1]) split_x = list(torch.split(x, split_indices, dim=1)) # Structured or flattened (by single action component) input. else: split_x = tree.flatten(x) def map_(val, dist): # Remove extra categorical dimension. if isinstance(dist, TorchCategorical): val = (torch.squeeze(val, dim=-1) if len(val.shape) > 1 else val).int() return dist.logp(val) # Remove extra categorical dimension and take the logp of each # component. flat_logps = tree.map_structure(map_, split_x, self.flat_child_distributions) return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, flat_logps) @override(ActionDistribution) def kl(self, other): kl_list = [ d.kl(o) for d, o in zip(self.flat_child_distributions, other.flat_child_distributions) ] return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, kl_list) @override(ActionDistribution) def entropy(self): entropy_list = [d.entropy() for d in self.flat_child_distributions] return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, entropy_list) @override(ActionDistribution) def sample(self): child_distributions = tree.unflatten_as(self.action_space_struct, self.flat_child_distributions) return tree.map_structure(lambda s: s.sample(), child_distributions) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): child_distributions = tree.unflatten_as(self.action_space_struct, self.flat_child_distributions) return tree.map_structure(lambda s: s.deterministic_sample(), child_distributions) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sampled_action_logp(self): p = self.flat_child_distributions[0].sampled_action_logp() for c in self.flat_child_distributions[1:]: p += c.sampled_action_logp() return p @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(self, action_space, model_config): return np.sum(self.input_lens) class TorchDirichlet(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Dirichlet distribution for continuous actions that are between [0,1] and sum to 1. e.g. actions that represent resource allocation.""" def __init__(self, inputs, model): """Input is a tensor of logits. The exponential of logits is used to parametrize the Dirichlet distribution as all parameters need to be positive. An arbitrary small epsilon is added to the concentration parameters to be zero due to numerical error. See issue #4440 for more details. """ self.epsilon = torch.tensor(1e-7).to(inputs.device) concentration = torch.exp(inputs) + self.epsilon self.dist = torch.distributions.dirichlet.Dirichlet( concentration=concentration, validate_args=True, ) super().__init__(concentration, model) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self) -> TensorType: self.last_sample = nn.functional.softmax(self.dist.concentration) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x): # Support of Dirichlet are positive real numbers. x is already # an array of positive numbers, but we clip to avoid zeros due to # numerical errors. x = torch.max(x, self.epsilon) x = x / torch.sum(x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) return self.dist.log_prob(x) @override(ActionDistribution) def entropy(self): return self.dist.entropy() @override(ActionDistribution) def kl(self, other): return self.dist.kl_divergence(other.dist) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return