import gym import logging import importlib.util from types import FunctionType from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union import ray from import ActorHandle from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import RolloutWorker from ray.rllib.env.base_env import BaseEnv from ray.rllib.env.env_context import EnvContext from ray.rllib.offline import NoopOutput, JsonReader, MixedInput, JsonWriter, \ ShuffledInput, D4RLReader from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, PolicySpec from ray.rllib.utils import merge_dicts from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.from_config import from_config from ray.rllib.utils.typing import EnvCreator, EnvType, PolicyID, \ TrainerConfigDict from ray.tune.registry import registry_contains_input, registry_get_input tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Generic type var for foreach_* methods. T = TypeVar("T") @DeveloperAPI class WorkerSet: """Set of RolloutWorkers with n @ray.remote workers and one local worker. Where n may be 0. """ def __init__( self, *, env_creator: Optional[EnvCreator] = None, validate_env: Optional[Callable[[EnvType], None]] = None, policy_class: Optional[Type[Policy]] = None, trainer_config: Optional[TrainerConfigDict] = None, num_workers: int = 0, local_worker: bool = True, logdir: Optional[str] = None, _setup: bool = True, ): """Initializes a WorkerSet instance. Args: env_creator: Function that returns env given env config. validate_env: Optional callable to validate the generated environment (only on worker=0). policy_class: An optional Policy class. If None, PolicySpecs can be generated automatically by using the Trainer's default class of via a given multi-agent policy config dict. trainer_config: Optional dict that extends the common config of the Trainer class. num_workers: Number of remote rollout workers to create. local_worker: Whether to create a local (non @ray.remote) worker in the returned set as well (default: True). If `num_workers` is 0, always create a local worker. logdir: Optional logging directory for workers. _setup: Whether to setup workers. This is only for testing. """ if not trainer_config: from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import COMMON_CONFIG trainer_config = COMMON_CONFIG self._env_creator = env_creator self._policy_class = policy_class self._remote_config = trainer_config self._logdir = logdir if _setup: # Force a local worker if num_workers == 0 (no remote workers). # Otherwise, this WorkerSet would be empty. self._local_worker = None if num_workers == 0: local_worker = True self._local_config = merge_dicts( trainer_config, {"tf_session_args": trainer_config["local_tf_session_args"]}) # Create a number of @ray.remote workers. self._remote_workers = [] self.add_workers(num_workers) # Create a local worker, if needed. # If num_workers > 0 and we don't have an env on the local worker, # get the observation- and action spaces for each policy from # the first remote worker (which does have an env). if local_worker and self._remote_workers and \ not trainer_config.get("create_env_on_driver") and \ (not trainer_config.get("observation_space") or not trainer_config.get("action_space")): remote_spaces = ray.get(self.remote_workers( )[0].foreach_policy.remote( lambda p, pid: (pid, p.observation_space, p.action_space))) spaces = { e[0]: (getattr(e[1], "original_space", e[1]), e[2]) for e in remote_spaces } # Try to add the actual env's obs/action spaces. try: env_spaces = ray.get(self.remote_workers( )[0].foreach_env.remote( lambda env: (env.observation_space, env.action_space)) )[0] spaces["__env__"] = env_spaces except Exception: pass"Inferred observation/action spaces from remote " f"worker (local worker has no env): {spaces}") else: spaces = None if local_worker: self._local_worker = self._make_worker( cls=RolloutWorker, env_creator=env_creator, validate_env=validate_env, policy_cls=self._policy_class, worker_index=0, num_workers=num_workers, config=self._local_config, spaces=spaces, ) def local_worker(self) -> RolloutWorker: """Returns the local rollout worker.""" return self._local_worker def remote_workers(self) -> List[ActorHandle]: """Returns a list of remote rollout workers.""" return self._remote_workers def sync_weights(self, policies: Optional[List[PolicyID]] = None, from_worker: Optional[RolloutWorker] = None) -> None: """Syncs model weights from the local worker to all remote workers. Args: policies: Optional list of PolicyIDs to sync weights for. If None (default), sync weights to/from all policies. from_worker: Optional RolloutWorker instance to sync from. If None (default), sync from this WorkerSet's local worker. """ if self.local_worker() is None and from_worker is None: raise TypeError( "No `local_worker` in WorkerSet, must provide `from_worker` " "arg in `sync_weights()`!") # Only sync if we have remote workers or `from_worker` is provided. if self.remote_workers() or from_worker is not None: weights = (from_worker or self.local_worker()).get_weights(policies) # Put weights only once into object store and use same object # ref to synch to all workers. weights_ref = ray.put(weights) # Sync to all remote workers in this WorkerSet. for to_worker in self.remote_workers(): to_worker.set_weights.remote(weights_ref) # If `from_worker` is provided, also sync to this WorkerSet's # local worker. if from_worker is not None and self.local_worker() is not None: self.local_worker().set_weights(weights) def add_workers(self, num_workers: int) -> None: """Creates and adds a number of remote workers to this worker set. Can be called several times on the same WorkerSet to add more RolloutWorkers to the set. Args: num_workers: The number of remote Workers to add to this WorkerSet. """ remote_args = { "num_cpus": self._remote_config["num_cpus_per_worker"], "num_gpus": self._remote_config["num_gpus_per_worker"], "resources": self._remote_config["custom_resources_per_worker"], } cls = RolloutWorker.as_remote(**remote_args).remote self._remote_workers.extend([ self._make_worker( cls=cls, env_creator=self._env_creator, validate_env=None, policy_cls=self._policy_class, worker_index=i + 1, num_workers=num_workers, config=self._remote_config, ) for i in range(num_workers) ]) def reset(self, new_remote_workers: List[ActorHandle]) -> None: """Hard overrides the remote workers in this set with the given one. Args: new_remote_workers: A list of new RolloutWorkers (as `ActorHandles`) to use as remote workers. """ self._remote_workers = new_remote_workers def stop(self) -> None: """Calls `stop` on all rollout workers (including the local one).""" try: self.local_worker().stop() tids = [w.stop.remote() for w in self.remote_workers()] ray.get(tids) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to stop workers!") finally: for w in self.remote_workers(): w.__ray_terminate__.remote() @DeveloperAPI def foreach_worker(self, func: Callable[[RolloutWorker], T]) -> List[T]: """Calls the given function with each worker instance as arg. Args: func: The function to call for each worker (as only arg). Returns: The list of return values of all calls to `func([worker])`. """ local_result = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_result = [func(self.local_worker())] remote_results = ray.get( [w.apply.remote(func) for w in self.remote_workers()]) return local_result + remote_results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_worker_with_index( self, func: Callable[[RolloutWorker, int], T]) -> List[T]: """Calls `func` with each worker instance and worker idx as args. The index will be passed as the second arg to the given function. Args: func: The function to call for each worker and its index (as args). The local worker has index 0, all remote workers have indices > 0. Returns: The list of return values of all calls to `func([worker, idx])`. The first entry in this list are the results of the local worker, followed by all remote workers' results. """ local_result = [] # Local worker: Index=0. if self.local_worker() is not None: local_result = [func(self.local_worker(), 0)] # Remote workers: Index > 0. remote_results = ray.get([ w.apply.remote(func, i + 1) for i, w in enumerate(self.remote_workers()) ]) return local_result + remote_results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_policy(self, func: Callable[[Policy, PolicyID], T]) -> List[T]: """Calls `func` with each worker's (policy, PolicyID) tuple. Note that in the multi-agent case, each worker may have more than one policy. Args: func: A function - taking a Policy and its ID - that is called on all workers' Policies. Returns: The list of return values of func over all workers' policies. The length of this list is: (num_workers + 1 (local-worker)) * [num policies in the multi-agent config dict]. The local workers' results are first, followed by all remote workers' results """ results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: results = self.local_worker().foreach_policy(func) ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append( worker.apply.remote(lambda w: w.foreach_policy(func))) remote_results = ray.get(ray_gets) for r in remote_results: results.extend(r) return results @DeveloperAPI def trainable_policies(self) -> List[PolicyID]: """Returns the list of trainable policy ids.""" if self.local_worker() is not None: return self.local_worker().policies_to_train else: raise NotImplementedError @DeveloperAPI def foreach_trainable_policy( self, func: Callable[[Policy, PolicyID], T]) -> List[T]: """Apply `func` to all workers' Policies iff in `policies_to_train`. Args: func: A function - taking a Policy and its ID - that is called on all workers' Policies in `worker.policies_to_train`. Returns: List[any]: The list of n return values of all `func([trainable policy], [ID])`-calls. """ results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: results = self.local_worker().foreach_trainable_policy(func) ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append( worker.apply.remote( lambda w: w.foreach_trainable_policy(func))) remote_results = ray.get(ray_gets) for r in remote_results: results.extend(r) return results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_env(self, func: Callable[[EnvType], List[T]]) -> List[List[T]]: """Calls `func` with all workers' sub-environments as args. An "underlying sub environment" is a single clone of an env within a vectorized environment. `func` takes a single underlying sub environment as arg, e.g. a gym.Env object. Args: func: A function - taking an EnvType (normally a gym.Env object) as arg and returning a list of lists of return values, one value per underlying sub-environment per each worker. Returns: The list (workers) of lists (sub environments) of results. """ local_results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_results = [self.local_worker().foreach_env(func)] ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append(worker.foreach_env.remote(func)) return local_results + ray.get(ray_gets) @DeveloperAPI def foreach_env_with_context( self, func: Callable[[BaseEnv, EnvContext], List[T]]) -> List[List[T]]: """Calls `func` with all workers' sub-environments and env_ctx as args. An "underlying sub environment" is a single clone of an env within a vectorized environment. `func` takes a single underlying sub environment and the env_context as args. Args: func: A function - taking a BaseEnv object and an EnvContext as arg - and returning a list of lists of return values over envs of the worker. Returns: The list (1 item per workers) of lists (1 item per sub-environment) of results. """ local_results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_results = [ self.local_worker().foreach_env_with_context(func) ] ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append(worker.foreach_env_with_context.remote(func)) return local_results + ray.get(ray_gets) @staticmethod def _from_existing(local_worker: RolloutWorker, remote_workers: List[ActorHandle] = None): workers = WorkerSet( env_creator=None, policy_class=None, trainer_config={}, _setup=False) workers._local_worker = local_worker workers._remote_workers = remote_workers or [] return workers def _make_worker( self, *, cls: Callable, env_creator: EnvCreator, validate_env: Optional[Callable[[EnvType], None]], policy_cls: Type[Policy], worker_index: int, num_workers: int, config: TrainerConfigDict, spaces: Optional[Dict[PolicyID, Tuple[gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space]]] = None, ) -> Union[RolloutWorker, ActorHandle]: def session_creator(): logger.debug("Creating TF session {}".format( config["tf_session_args"])) return tf1.Session( config=tf1.ConfigProto(**config["tf_session_args"])) def valid_module(class_path): if isinstance(class_path, str) and "." in class_path: module_path, class_name = class_path.rsplit(".", 1) try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_path) if spec is not None: return True except (ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError): print( f"module {module_path} not found while trying to get " f"input {class_path}") return False if isinstance(config["input"], FunctionType): input_creator = config["input"] elif config["input"] == "sampler": input_creator = (lambda ioctx: ioctx.default_sampler_input()) elif isinstance(config["input"], dict): input_creator = ( lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput(MixedInput(config["input"], ioctx), config["shuffle_buffer_size"])) elif isinstance(config["input"], str) and \ registry_contains_input(config["input"]): input_creator = registry_get_input(config["input"]) elif "d4rl" in config["input"]: env_name = config["input"].split(".")[-1] input_creator = (lambda ioctx: D4RLReader(env_name, ioctx)) elif valid_module(config["input"]): input_creator = (lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput(from_config( config["input"], ioctx=ioctx))) else: input_creator = ( lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput(JsonReader(config["input"], ioctx), config["shuffle_buffer_size"])) if isinstance(config["output"], FunctionType): output_creator = config["output"] elif config["output"] is None: output_creator = (lambda ioctx: NoopOutput()) elif config["output"] == "logdir": output_creator = (lambda ioctx: JsonWriter( ioctx.log_dir, ioctx, max_file_size=config["output_max_file_size"], compress_columns=config["output_compress_columns"])) else: output_creator = (lambda ioctx: JsonWriter( config["output"], ioctx, max_file_size=config["output_max_file_size"], compress_columns=config["output_compress_columns"])) if config["input"] == "sampler": input_evaluation = [] else: input_evaluation = config["input_evaluation"] # Assert everything is correct in "multiagent" config dict (if given). ma_policies = config["multiagent"]["policies"] if ma_policies: for pid, policy_spec in ma_policies.copy().items(): assert isinstance(policy_spec, PolicySpec) # Class is None -> Use `policy_cls`. if policy_spec.policy_class is None: ma_policies[pid] = ma_policies[pid]._replace( policy_class=policy_cls) policies = ma_policies # Create a policy_spec (MultiAgentPolicyConfigDict), # even if no "multiagent" setup given by user. else: policies = policy_cls if worker_index == 0: extra_python_environs = config.get( "extra_python_environs_for_driver", None) else: extra_python_environs = config.get( "extra_python_environs_for_worker", None) worker = cls( env_creator=env_creator, validate_env=validate_env, policy_spec=policies, policy_mapping_fn=config["multiagent"]["policy_mapping_fn"], policies_to_train=config["multiagent"]["policies_to_train"], tf_session_creator=(session_creator if config["tf_session_args"] else None), rollout_fragment_length=config["rollout_fragment_length"], count_steps_by=config["multiagent"]["count_steps_by"], batch_mode=config["batch_mode"], episode_horizon=config["horizon"], preprocessor_pref=config["preprocessor_pref"], sample_async=config["sample_async"], compress_observations=config["compress_observations"], num_envs=config["num_envs_per_worker"], observation_fn=config["multiagent"]["observation_fn"], observation_filter=config["observation_filter"], clip_rewards=config["clip_rewards"], normalize_actions=config["normalize_actions"], clip_actions=config["clip_actions"], env_config=config["env_config"], policy_config=config, worker_index=worker_index, num_workers=num_workers, record_env=config["record_env"], log_dir=self._logdir, log_level=config["log_level"], callbacks=config["callbacks"], input_creator=input_creator, input_evaluation=input_evaluation, output_creator=output_creator, remote_worker_envs=config["remote_worker_envs"], remote_env_batch_wait_ms=config["remote_env_batch_wait_ms"], soft_horizon=config["soft_horizon"], no_done_at_end=config["no_done_at_end"], seed=(config["seed"] + worker_index) if config["seed"] is not None else None, fake_sampler=config["fake_sampler"], extra_python_environs=extra_python_environs, spaces=spaces, ) return worker