from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import importlib import json import os import re import yaml from ray.rllib.utils import force_list, merge_dicts def from_config(cls, config=None, **kwargs): """Uses the given config to create an object. If `config` is a dict, an optional "type" key can be used as a "constructor hint" to specify a certain class of the object. If `config` is not a dict, `config`'s value is used directly as this "constructor hint". The rest of `config` (if it's a dict) will be used as kwargs for the constructor. Additional keys in **kwargs will always have precedence (overwrite keys in `config` (if a dict)). Also, if the config-dict or **kwargs contains the special key "_args", it will be popped from the dict and used as *args list to be passed separately to the constructor. The following constructor hints are valid: - None: Use `cls` as constructor. - An already instantiated object: Will be returned as is; no constructor call. - A string or an object that is a key in `cls`'s `__type_registry__` dict: The value in `__type_registry__` for that key will be used as the constructor. - A python callable: Use that very callable as constructor. - A string: Either a json/yaml filename or the name of a python module+class (e.g. "ray.rllib. [...] .[some class name]") Args: cls (class): The class to build an instance for (from `config`). config (Optional[dict, str]): The config dict or type-string or filename. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Optional possibility to pass the constructor arguments in here and use `config` as the type-only info. Then we can call this like: from_config([type]?, [**kwargs for constructor]) If `config` is already a dict, then `kwargs` will be merged with `config` (overwriting keys in `config`) after "type" has been popped out of `config`. If a constructor of a Configurable needs *args, the special key `_args` can be passed inside `kwargs` with a list value (e.g. kwargs={"_args": [arg1, arg2, arg3]}). Returns: any: The object generated from the config. """ # `cls` is the config (config is None). if config is None and isinstance(cls, (dict, str)): config = cls cls = None # `config` is already a created object of this class -> # Take it as is. elif isinstance(cls, type) and isinstance(config, cls): return config # `type_`: Indicator for the Configurable's constructor. # `ctor_args`: *args arguments for the constructor. # `ctor_kwargs`: **kwargs arguments for the constructor. # Try to copy, so caller can reuse safely. try: config = deepcopy(config) except Exception: pass if isinstance(config, dict): type_ = config.pop("type", None) if type_ is None and isinstance(cls, str): type_ = cls ctor_kwargs = config # Give kwargs priority over things defined in config dict. # This way, one can pass a generic `spec` and then override single # constructor parameters via the kwargs in the call to `from_config`. ctor_kwargs.update(kwargs) else: type_ = config if type_ is None and "type" in kwargs: type_ = kwargs.pop("type") ctor_kwargs = kwargs # Special `_args` field in kwargs for *args-utilizing constructors. ctor_args = force_list(ctor_kwargs.pop("_args", [])) # Figure out the actual constructor (class) from `type_`. # None: Try __default__object (if no args/kwargs), only then # constructor of cls (using args/kwargs). if type_ is None: # We have a default constructor that was defined directly by cls # (not by its children). if cls is not None and hasattr(cls, "__default_constructor__") and \ cls.__default_constructor__ is not None and \ ctor_args == [] and \ ( not hasattr(cls.__bases__[0], "__default_constructor__") or cls.__bases__[0].__default_constructor__ is None or cls.__bases__[0].__default_constructor__ is not cls.__default_constructor__ ): constructor = cls.__default_constructor__ # Default constructor's keywords into ctor_kwargs. if isinstance(constructor, partial): kwargs = merge_dicts(ctor_kwargs, constructor.keywords) constructor = partial(constructor.func, **kwargs) ctor_kwargs = {} # erase to avoid duplicate kwarg error # No default constructor -> Try cls itself as constructor. else: constructor = cls # Try the __type_registry__ of this class. else: constructor = lookup_type(cls, type_) # Found in cls.__type_registry__. if constructor is not None: pass # type_ is False or None (and this value is not registered) -> # return value of type_. elif type_ is False or type_ is None: return type_ # Python callable. elif callable(type_): constructor = type_ # A string: Filename or a python module+class or a json/yaml str. elif isinstance(type_, str): if"\\.(yaml|yml|json)$", type_): return from_file(cls, type_, *ctor_args, **ctor_kwargs) # Try un-json/un-yaml'ing the string into a dict. obj = yaml.safe_load(type_) if isinstance(obj, dict): return from_config(cls, obj) try: obj = from_config(cls, json.loads(type_)) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass else: return obj # Test for absolute module.class path specifier. if type_.find(".") != -1: module_name, function_name = type_.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) constructor = getattr(module, function_name) # Module not found. except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass # If constructor still not found, try attaching cls' module, # then look for type_ in there. if constructor is None: if isinstance(cls, str): # Module found, but doesn't have the specified # c'tor/function. raise ValueError( f"Full classpath specifier ({type_}) must be a valid " "full [module].[class] string! E.g.: " "``.") try: module = importlib.import_module(cls.__module__) constructor = getattr(module, type_) except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): # Try the package as well. try: package_name = importlib.import_module( cls.__module__).__package__ module = __import__(package_name, fromlist=[type_]) constructor = getattr(module, type_) except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass if constructor is None: raise ValueError( f"String specifier ({type_}) must be a valid filename, " f"a [module].[class], a class within '{cls.__module__}', " f"or a key into {cls.__name__}.__type_registry__!") if not constructor: raise TypeError( "Invalid type '{}'. Cannot create `from_config`.".format(type_)) # Create object with inferred constructor. try: object_ = constructor(*ctor_args, **ctor_kwargs) # Catch attempts to construct from an abstract class and return None. except TypeError as e: if re.match("Can't instantiate abstract class", e.args[0]): return None raise e # Re-raise # No sanity check for fake (lambda)-"constructors". if type(constructor).__name__ != "function": assert isinstance( object_, constructor.func if isinstance(constructor, partial) else constructor) return object_ def from_file(cls, filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Create object from config saved in filename. Expects json or yaml file. Args: filename (str): File containing the config (json or yaml). Returns: any: The object generated from the file. """ path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise FileNotFoundError("File '{}' not found!".format(filename)) with open(path, "rt") as fp: if path.endswith(".yaml") or path.endswith(".yml"): config = yaml.safe_load(fp) else: config = json.load(fp) # Add possible *args. config["_args"] = args return from_config(cls, config=config, **kwargs) def lookup_type(cls, type_): if cls is not None and hasattr(cls, "__type_registry__") and \ isinstance(cls.__type_registry__, dict) and ( type_ in cls.__type_registry__ or ( isinstance(type_, str) and re.sub("[\\W_]", "", type_.lower()) in cls.__type_registry__)): available_class_for_type = cls.__type_registry__.get(type_) if available_class_for_type is None: available_class_for_type = \ cls.__type_registry__[re.sub("[\\W_]", "", type_.lower())] return available_class_for_type return None