modern-tree-sitter-bash.cson 1002 B

  1. name: 'Shell Script'
  2. scopeName: ''
  3. type: 'modern-tree-sitter'
  4. parser: 'tree-sitter-bash'
  5. fileTypes: [
  6. 'sh'
  7. 'bash'
  8. 'ksh'
  9. 'zsh'
  10. 'zsh-theme'
  11. 'zshenv'
  12. 'zlogin'
  13. 'zlogout'
  14. 'zprofile'
  15. 'zshrc'
  16. 'bashrc'
  17. 'bash_aliases'
  18. 'bash_profile'
  19. 'bash_login'
  20. 'profile'
  21. 'bash_logout'
  22. 'npmrc'
  23. 'PKGBUILD'
  24. 'install'
  25. 'cygport'
  26. 'bats'
  27. 'ebuild'
  28. ]
  29. firstLineRegex: [
  30. # shebang line
  31. '^#!.*\\b(bash|sh)\\r?\\n'
  32. # vim modeline
  33. 'vim\\b.*\\bset\\b.*\\b(filetype|ft|syntax)=(sh|bash)'
  34. ]
  35. # Try to match `bash` exactly, or failing that, anything that ends in `sh`
  36. # (for zsh/fish/etc.).
  37. injectionRegex: '(^(bash|BASH)$|sh$|SH$)'
  38. treeSitter:
  39. parserSource: 'github:tree-sitter/tree-sitter-bash#8df9ea875d557a150d025d3a15b6e6a58624379a'
  40. grammar: 'tree-sitter/tree-sitter-bash.wasm'
  41. highlightsQuery: 'tree-sitter/highlights.scm'
  42. tagsQuery: 'tree-sitter/tags.scm'
  43. foldsQuery: 'tree-sitter/folds.scm'
  44. indentsQuery: 'tree-sitter/indents.scm'
  46. start: '# '