const {CompositeDisposable, Disposable} = require('atom') const getIconServices = require('./get-icon-services') const ReporterProxy = require('./reporter-proxy') const metricsReporter = new ReporterProxy() module.exports = { activate (state) { = true this.disposables = new CompositeDisposable() this.disposables.add(atom.commands.add('atom-workspace', { 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder': () => { this.createProjectView().toggle() }, 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-buffer-finder': () => { this.createBufferView().toggle() }, 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-git-status-finder': () => { this.createGitStatusView().toggle() } })) process.nextTick(() => this.startLoadPathsTask()) for (let editor of atom.workspace.getTextEditors()) { editor.lastOpened = state[editor.getPath()] } this.disposables.add(atom.workspace.observePanes(pane => { this.disposables.add(pane.observeActiveItem(item => { if (item != null) item.lastOpened = })) })) }, deactivate () { this.disposables.dispose() if (this.projectView != null) { this.projectView.destroy() this.projectView = null } if (this.bufferView != null) { this.bufferView.destroy() this.bufferView = null } if (this.gitStatusView != null) { this.gitStatusView.destroy() this.gitStatusView = null } this.projectPaths = null this.stopLoadPathsTask() = false }, consumeElementIcons (service) { getIconServices().setElementIcons(service) return new Disposable(() => getIconServices().resetElementIcons()) }, consumeFileIcons (service) { getIconServices().setFileIcons(service) return new Disposable(() => getIconServices().resetFileIcons()) }, consumeTeletype (teletypeService) { this.teletypeService = teletypeService if (this.bufferView) this.bufferView.setTeletypeService(teletypeService) if (this.projectView) this.projectView.setTeletypeService(teletypeService) }, consumeMetricsReporter (metricsReporterService) { metricsReporter.setReporter(metricsReporterService) return new Disposable(() => metricsReporter.unsetReporter()) }, serialize () { const paths = {} for (let editor of atom.workspace.getTextEditors()) { const path = editor.getPath() if (path != null) { paths[path] = editor.lastOpened } } return paths }, createProjectView () { this.stopLoadPathsTask() if (this.projectView == null) { const ProjectView = require('./project-view') this.projectView = new ProjectView(this.projectPaths, metricsReporter) this.projectPaths = null if (this.teletypeService) { this.projectView.setTeletypeService(this.teletypeService) } } return this.projectView }, createGitStatusView () { if (this.gitStatusView == null) { const GitStatusView = require('./git-status-view') this.gitStatusView = new GitStatusView(metricsReporter) } return this.gitStatusView }, createBufferView () { if (this.bufferView == null) { const BufferView = require('./buffer-view') this.bufferView = new BufferView(metricsReporter) if (this.teletypeService) { this.bufferView.setTeletypeService(this.teletypeService) } } return this.bufferView }, startLoadPathsTask () { this.stopLoadPathsTask() if (! return if (atom.project.getPaths().length === 0) return const PathLoader = require('./path-loader') this.loadPathsTask = PathLoader.startTask((projectPaths) => { this.projectPaths = projectPaths }, metricsReporter) this.projectPathsSubscription = atom.project.onDidChangePaths(() => { this.projectPaths = null this.stopLoadPathsTask() }) }, stopLoadPathsTask () { if (this.projectPathsSubscription != null) { this.projectPathsSubscription.dispose() } this.projectPathsSubscription = null if (this.loadPathsTask != null) { this.loadPathsTask.terminate() } this.loadPathsTask = null } }