/* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const dedent = require('dedent'); const TextBuffer = require('text-buffer'); const { Point } = TextBuffer; const CSON = require('season'); const TextEditor = require('../src/text-editor'); const WASMTreeSitterGrammar = require('../src/wasm-tree-sitter-grammar'); const WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode = require('../src/wasm-tree-sitter-language-mode'); const Random = require('random-seed'); const { getRandomBufferRange, buildRandomLines } = require('./helpers/random'); let PATH = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, '..', 'packages') ); function resolve(modulePath) { return require.resolve(`${PATH}/${modulePath}`) } const cGrammarPath = resolve('language-c/grammars/modern-tree-sitter-c.cson'); const pythonGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-python/grammars/modern-tree-sitter-python.cson' ); const jsGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-javascript/grammars/tree-sitter-2-javascript.cson' ); const jsRegexGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-javascript/grammars/tree-sitter-2-regex.cson' ); const jsdocGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-javascript/grammars/tree-sitter-2-jsdoc.cson' ); const htmlGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-html/grammars/modern-tree-sitter-html.cson' ); const ejsGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-html/grammars/modern-tree-sitter-ejs.cson' ); const rubyGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-ruby/grammars/tree-sitter-2-ruby.cson' ); const rustGrammarPath = resolve( 'language-rust-bundled/grammars/modern-tree-sitter-rust.cson' ); let jsConfig = CSON.readFileSync(jsGrammarPath); let jsRegexConfig = CSON.readFileSync(jsRegexGrammarPath); let cConfig = CSON.readFileSync(cGrammarPath); let rubyConfig = CSON.readFileSync(rubyGrammarPath); let htmlConfig = CSON.readFileSync(htmlGrammarPath); function wait(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } describe('WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode', () => { let editor, buffer, grammar; beforeEach(async () => { grammar = null; editor = await atom.workspace.open(''); buffer = editor.getBuffer(); editor.displayLayer.reset({ foldCharacter: '…' }); atom.config.set('core.useTreeSitterParsers', true); atom.config.set('core.useExperimentalModernTreeSitter', true); }); afterEach(() => { if (grammar) { grammar?.subscriptions?.dispose(); } }); describe('highlighting', () => { it('applies the most specific scope mapping to each node in the syntax tree', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (member_expression object: (identifier) @support) (call_expression function: (identifier) @support) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @variable)) ["="] @keyword ["." "(" ")" ";"] @punctuation `); buffer.setText('aa.bbb = cc(d.eee());'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'aa', scopes: ['support'] }, { text: '.', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: 'bbb', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '=', scopes: ['keyword'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'cc', scopes: ['support'] }, { text: '(', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: 'd', scopes: ['support'] }, { text: '.', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: 'eee', scopes: [] }, { text: '(', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: ')', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: ')', scopes: ['punctuation'] }, { text: ';', scopes: ['punctuation'] } ] ]); }); it('can start or end multiple scopes at the same position', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (member_expression object: (identifier) @support) (call_expression function: (identifier) @call) (call_expression function: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @call)) (assignment_expression left: (identifier) @variable) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @variable)) (member_expression object: (identifier) @object property: (_) @member) "(" @open-paren ")" @close-paren `) buffer.setText('a = bb.ccc();'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'a', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ' = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'bb', scopes: ['support', 'object'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'ccc', scopes: ['call', 'member'] }, { text: '(', scopes: ['open-paren'] }, { text: ')', scopes: ['close-paren'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('can resume highlighting on a line that starts with whitespace', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (member_expression object: (_) @variable) (call_expression (member_expression property: (_) @function)) `); buffer.setText('a\n .b();'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: 'a', scopes: ['variable'] }], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['leading-whitespace'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('correctly skips over tokens with zero size', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, cGrammarPath, cConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (primitive_type) @storage (declaration declarator: (identifier) @variable) (function_declarator declarator: (identifier) @entity) `); buffer.setText('int main() {\n int a\n int b;\n}'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); // editor.displayLayer.getScreenLines(0, Infinity); expect( languageMode.tree.rootNode .descendantForPosition(Point(1, 2), Point(1, 6)) .toString() ).toBe( '(declaration type: (primitive_type)' + ' declarator: (identifier) (MISSING ";"))' ); languageMode.emitRangeUpdate(buffer.getRange()); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'int', scopes: ['storage'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'main', scopes: ['entity'] }, { text: '() {', scopes: [] } ], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['leading-whitespace'] }, { text: 'int', scopes: ['storage'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'a', scopes: ['variable'] } ], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['leading-whitespace'] }, { text: 'int', scopes: ['storage'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ], [{ text: '}', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it("updates lines' highlighting when they are affected by distant changes", async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (call_expression (identifier) @function) (property_identifier) @member `); buffer.setText('a(\nb,\nc\n'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); // missing closing paren expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: 'a(', scopes: [] }], [{ text: 'b,', scopes: [] }], [{ text: 'c', scopes: [] }], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }] ]); buffer.append(')'); // TODO: Any way around this? await languageMode.nextTransaction; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'a', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '(', scopes: [] } ], [{ text: 'b,', scopes: [] }], [{ text: 'c', scopes: [] }], [{ text: ')', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it('updates the range of the current node in the tree when highlight.invalidateOnChange is set', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((template_string) @lorem (#match? @lorem "lorem") (#set! highlight.invalidateOnChange true)) ((template_string) @ipsum (#not-match? @ipsum "lorem") (#set! highlight.invalidateOnChange true)) `); buffer.setText(dedent`\` lore \``); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '`', scopes: ['ipsum'] }, ], [ { text: '', scopes: [] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: [] } ], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['ipsum', 'leading-whitespace'] }, { text: 'lore', scopes: ['ipsum'] } ], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [ { text: '`', scopes: ['ipsum'] }, ] ]); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([3, 6]); editor.insertText('m'); // TODO: Any way around this? await languageMode.nextTransaction; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '`', scopes: ['lorem'] }, ], [ { text: '', scopes: [] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: [] } ], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['lorem', 'leading-whitespace'] }, { text: 'lorem', scopes: ['lorem'] } ], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [ { text: '`', scopes: ['lorem'] }, ] ]); }) it('handles edits after tokens that end between CR and LF characters (regression)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (string) @string (property_identifier) @property `); buffer.setText(['// abc', '', 'a("b").c'].join('\r\n')); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: '// abc', scopes: ['comment'] }], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [ { text: 'a(', scopes: [] }, { text: '"b"', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ').', scopes: [] }, { text: 'c', scopes: ['property'] } ] ]); buffer.insert([2, 0], ' '); await languageMode.nextTransaction; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: '// abc', scopes: ['comment'] }], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [ { text: ' ', scopes: ['leading-whitespace'] }, { text: 'a(', scopes: [] }, { text: '"b"', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ').', scopes: [] }, { text: 'c', scopes: ['property'] } ] ]); }); it('handles multi-line nodes with children on different lines (regression)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (template_string) @string ["\${" "}"] @interpolation `); buffer.setText('`\na${1}\nb${2}\n`;'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }], [ { text: 'a', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '1', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] } ], [ { text: 'b', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '2', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] } ], [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it('handles folds inside of highlighted tokens', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (call_expression (identifier) @function) `); buffer.setText(dedent` /* * Hello */ hello(); `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.foldBufferRange([[0, 2], [2, 0]]); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '/*', scopes: ['comment'] }, { text: '…', scopes: ['fold-marker'] }, { text: ' */', scopes: ['comment'] } ], [{ text: '', scopes: [] }], [ { text: 'hello', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('applies regex match rules when specified', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((identifier) @global (#match? @global "^(exports|document|window|global)$")) ((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z_]+$") (#set! capture.final true)) ((identifier) @constructor (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) ((identifier) @variable (#set! capture.shy true)) `); buffer.setText(`exports.object = Class(SOME_CONSTANT, x)`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'exports', scopes: ['global'] }, { text: '.object = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'Class', scopes: ['constructor'] }, { text: '(', scopes: [] }, { text: 'SOME_CONSTANT', scopes: ['constant'] }, { text: ', ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'x', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ')', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('handles nodes that start before their first child and end after their last child', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, rubyGrammarPath, rubyConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (bare_string) @string (interpolation) @embedded ["#{" "}"] @punctuation `); // The bare string node `bc#{d}ef` has one child: the interpolation, and that child // starts later and ends earlier than the bare string. buffer.setText('a = %W( bc#{d}ef )'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'a = %W( ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'bc', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '#{', scopes: ['string', 'embedded', 'punctuation'] }, { text: 'd', scopes: ['string', 'embedded'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'embedded', 'punctuation'] }, { text: 'ef', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ' )', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); // TODO: Ignoring these specs because web-tree-sitter doesn't seem to do // async. We can rehabilitate them if we ever figure it out. xdescribe('when the buffer changes during a parse', () => { it('immediately parses again when the current parse completes', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (identifier) @variable `); buffer.setText('abc;'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ buffer, grammar, syncTimeoutMicros: 10 }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); // await languageMode.ready; await nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode); await new Promise(process.nextTick); await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'abc', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); console.log('adding: ()'); buffer.setTextInRange([[0, 3], [0, 3]], '()'); console.log('done: ()'); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'abc()', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); console.log('adding: new'); buffer.setTextInRange([[0, 0], [0, 0]], 'new '); console.log('done: new'); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'new ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'abc()', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); await nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode); // await wait(0); // await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); console.log('proceeding!'); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'new ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'abc', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: [] } ] ]); await nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'new ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'abc', scopes: ['constructor'] }, { text: '();', scopes: [] } ] ]); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); // await wait(2000); }); }); describe('when changes are small enough to be re-parsed synchronously', () => { it('can incorporate multiple consecutive synchronous updates', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (call_expression (member_expression (property_identifier) @method) (#set! capture.final true)) ((property_identifier) @property (#set! capture.final true)) (call_expression (identifier) @function) `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); buffer.setText('a'); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [[{ text: 'a', scopes: [] }]]); buffer.append('.'); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [[{ text: 'a.', scopes: [] }]]); buffer.append('b'); // TODO: The need to defer injection layer highlighting while we load // those layers' language modules means that we can't actually do // synchronous highlighting in 100% of cases and sometimes have to // settle for incredibly-fast-but-technically-async highlighting. await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: 'a.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['property'] }] ]); buffer.append('()'); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'a.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['method'] }, { text: '()', scopes: [] } ] ]); buffer.delete([[0, 1], [0, 2]]); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: 'ab', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '()', scopes: [] }] ]); }); }); describe('injectionPoints and injectionPatterns', () => { let jsGrammar, htmlGrammar; beforeEach(async () => { let tempJsConfig = { ...jsConfig }; jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, tempJsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (property_identifier) @property (call_expression (identifier) @function) (template_string) @string (template_substitution ["\${" "}"] @interpolation) `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(JSDOC_INJECTION_POINT); let tempHtmlConfig = { ...htmlConfig }; htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, tempHtmlConfig); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (fragment) @html (tag_name) @tag (attribute_name) @attr `); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); }); it('highlights code inside of injection points', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('node.innerHTML = html `\na ${b}\n`;'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await new Promise(process.nextTick); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'node.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'innerHTML', scopes: ['property'] }, { text: ' = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '', scopes: ['string', 'html'] } ], [ { text: 'a ', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'interpolation'] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '<', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: 'img', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'tag'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: 'src', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'attr'] }, { text: '="d">', scopes: ['string', 'html'] } ], [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] }] ]); const range = buffer.findSync('html'); buffer.setTextInRange(range, 'xml'); // await nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode); await new Promise(process.nextTick); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'node.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'innerHTML', scopes: ['property'] }, { text: ' = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'xml', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] } ], [ { text: 'a ', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '', scopes: ['string'] } ], [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it('highlights the content after injections', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('\n
'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '<', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'script', scopes: ['html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: 'hello', scopes: ['html', 'function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '<', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'div', scopes: ['html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: ['html'] } ] ]); }); it('updates a buffer\'s highlighting when a grammar with injectionRegex is added', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); buffer.setText('node.innerHTML = html `\na ${b}\n`;'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'node.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'innerHTML', scopes: ['property'] }, { text: ' = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] } ], [ { text: 'a ', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '', scopes: ['string'] } ], [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] }] ]); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); await languageMode.nextTransaction; // TODO: Still need a `wait(0)` here and I'm not sure why. await wait(0); expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'node.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'innerHTML', scopes: ['property'] }, { text: ' = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '', scopes: ['string', 'html'] } ], [ { text: 'a ', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: '${', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'interpolation'] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: '}', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'interpolation'] }, { text: '<', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: 'img', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'tag'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: 'src', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'attr'] }, { text: '="d">', scopes: ['string', 'html'] } ], [{ text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it('handles injections that intersect', async () => { const ejsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, ejsGrammarPath, CSON.readFileSync(ejsGrammarPath) ); await ejsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ["<%=" "%>"] @directive `); ejsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'template', language: () => 'javascript', content: (node) => node.descendantsOfType('code') }); ejsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'template', language: () => 'html', content: (node) => node.descendantsOfType('content') }); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('\n\n'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: ejsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '<', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'body', scopes: ['html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '<', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'script', scopes: ['html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: 'b', scopes: ['html', 'function'] }, { text: '(', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: '<%=', scopes: ['html', 'directive'] }, { text: ' c.', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'd', scopes: ['html', 'property'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: '%>', scopes: ['html', 'directive'] }, { text: ')', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: ['html'] } ] ]); }); it('handles injections that are empty', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('text = html'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [[{ text: 'text = html', scopes: [] }]]); buffer.append(' ``;'); // await nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode); await languageMode.nextTransaction; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'text = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '``', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); buffer.insert( { row: 0, column: buffer.getText().lastIndexOf('`') }, '
' ); await languageMode.nextTransaction; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'text = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: '<', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: 'div', scopes: ['string', 'html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['string', 'html'] }, { text: '`', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); buffer.undo(); await languageMode.nextTransaction; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'text = ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'html', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '``', scopes: ['string'] }, { text: ';', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('terminates comment token at the end of an injection, so that the next injection is NOT a continuation of the comment', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const ejsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, ejsGrammarPath, CSON.readFileSync(ejsGrammarPath) ); await ejsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ["<%" "%>"] @directive `); ejsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'template', language: () => 'javascript', content: (node) => node.descendantsOfType('code'), newlinesBetween: true }); ejsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'template', language: () => 'html', content: (node) => node.descendantsOfType('content') }); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('<% // js comment %> b\n<% b() %>'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: ejsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '<%', scopes: ['directive'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: '// js comment ', scopes: ['comment'] }, { text: '%>', scopes: ['directive'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '<%', scopes: ['directive'] }, { text: ' ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '() ', scopes: [] }, { text: '%>', scopes: ['directive'] } ] ]); }); it('only covers scope boundaries in parent layers if a nested layer has a boundary at the same position', async () => { const jsdocGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, jsdocGrammarPath, CSON.readFileSync(jsdocGrammarPath) ); jsdocGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ''); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsdocGrammar); editor.setGrammar(jsGrammar); editor.setText('/**\n*/\n{\n}'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [{ text: '/**', scopes: ['comment'] }], [{ text: '*/', scopes: ['comment'] }], [{ text: '{', scopes: [] }], [{ text: '}', scopes: [] }] ]); }); it('reports scopes from shallower layers when they are at the start or end of an injection', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-javascript'); let jsdocGrammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName('source.jsdoc'); await jsdocGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((ERROR) @comment.block.js (#is? test.root true)) (document) @comment.block.js (tag_name) @storage.type.class.jsdoc `); let jsGrammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName('source.js'); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ["{" "}"] @punctuation.brace `); editor.setGrammar(jsGrammar); editor.setText('/** @babel */\n{\n}'); let languageMode = buffer.getLanguageMode(); if (languageMode.ready) { await languageMode.ready; await languageMode.nextTransaction; } expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '/** ', scopes: ['comment block js'] }, { text: '@babel', scopes: ['comment block js', 'storage type class jsdoc'] }, { text: ' */', scopes: ['comment block js'] } ], [ { text: '{', scopes: [ 'punctuation brace' ] } ], [ { text: '}', scopes: [ 'punctuation brace' ] } ] ]); }); it('respects the `includeChildren` property of injection points', async () => { const rustGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, rustGrammarPath, CSON.readFileSync(rustGrammarPath) ); for (const nodeType of ['macro_invocation', 'macro_rule']) { atom.grammars.addInjectionPoint('source.rust', { type: nodeType, language() { return 'rust'; }, content(node) { return node.lastChild; }, includeChildren: true, languageScope: null, coverShallowerScopes: true }); } await rustGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (macro_invocation macro: (identifier) @macro (#set! capture.final true)) (call_expression (field_expression (field_identifier) @function) (#set! capture.final true)) ((field_identifier) @property (#set! capture.final true)) ((identifier) @variable (#set! capture.shy true)) `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(rustGrammar); // Macro call within another macro call. buffer.setText('assert_eq!(a.b.c(), vec![d.e()]); f.g();'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: rustGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // There should not be duplicate scopes due to the root layer // and for the injected rust layer. expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: 'assert_eq', scopes: ['macro'] }, { text: '!(', scopes: [] }, { text: 'a', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'b', scopes: ['property'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'c', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '(), ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'vec', scopes: ['macro'] }, { text: '![', scopes: [] }, { text: 'd', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'e', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '()]); ', scopes: [] }, { text: 'f', scopes: ['variable'] }, { text: '.', scopes: [] }, { text: 'g', scopes: ['function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: [] } ] ]); }); it('omits the injected grammar\'s base scope when `languageScope` is `null`', async () => { let customJsConfig = { ...jsConfig }; let customJsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, customJsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (property_identifier) @property (call_expression (identifier) @function) (template_string) @string (template_substitution ["\${" "}"] @interpolation) `); let customHtmlConfig = { ...htmlConfig }; let customHtmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, customHtmlConfig); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (fragment) @html (tag_name) @tag (attribute_name) @attr `); customHtmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ ...SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT, languageScope: null }); jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customJsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customHtmlGrammar); buffer.setText('\n
'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: customHtmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let descriptor = languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition([1, 1]); expect( descriptor.getScopesArray().includes('source.js') ).toBe(false); }); it('uses a custom base scope on the injected layer when `languageScope` is a string', async () => { let customJsConfig = { ...jsConfig }; let customJsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, customJsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (property_identifier) @property (call_expression (identifier) @function) (template_string) @string (template_substitution ["\${" "}"] @interpolation) `); let customHtmlConfig = { ...htmlConfig }; let customHtmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, customHtmlConfig); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (fragment) @html (tag_name) @tag (attribute_name) @attr `); customHtmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ ...SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT, languageScope: 'source.js.embedded' }); jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customJsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customHtmlGrammar); buffer.setText('\n
'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: customHtmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let descriptor = languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition([1, 1]); expect( descriptor.getScopesArray().includes('source.js') ).toBe(false); expect( descriptor.getScopesArray().includes('source.js.embedded') ).toBe(true); }); it('uses a custom base scope on the injected layer when `languageScope` is a function', async () => { let customJsConfig = { ...jsConfig }; let customJsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, customJsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment (property_identifier) @property (call_expression (identifier) @function) (template_string) @string (template_substitution ["\${" "}"] @interpolation) `); let customHtmlConfig = { ...htmlConfig }; let customHtmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, customHtmlConfig); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (fragment) @html (tag_name) @tag (attribute_name) @attr `); let timestamp = Date.now(); customHtmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ ...SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT, languageScope: (grammar) => `${grammar.scopeName}.custom-${timestamp}` }); jasmine.useRealClock(); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customJsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(customHtmlGrammar); buffer.setText('\n
'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: customHtmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let descriptor = languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition([1, 1]); expect( descriptor.getScopesArray().includes('source.js') ).toBe(false); expect( descriptor.getScopesArray().includes(`source.js.custom-${timestamp}`) ).toBe(true); }); it('notifies onDidTokenize listeners the first time all syntax highlighting is done', async () => { const promise = new Promise(resolve => { editor.onDidTokenize(event => { expectTokensToEqual(editor, [ [ { text: '<', scopes: ['html'] }, { text: 'script', scopes: ['html', 'tag'] }, { text: '>', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: 'hello', scopes: ['html', 'function'] }, { text: '();', scopes: ['html'] } ], [ { text: '', scopes: ['html'] } ] ]); resolve(); }); }); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(''); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await promise; }); }); }); describe('highlighting after random changes', () => { let originalTimeout; beforeEach(() => { originalTimeout = jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval; jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 60 * 1000; }); afterEach(() => { jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = originalTimeout; }); it('matches the highlighting of a freshly-opened editor', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const text = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'sample.js'), 'utf8' ); atom.grammars.loadGrammarSync(jsGrammarPath); atom.grammars.assignLanguageMode(buffer, 'source.js'); // buffer.getLanguageMode().syncTimeoutMicros = 0; const initialSeed = Date.now(); for (let i = 0, trialCount = 10; i < trialCount; i++) { let seed = initialSeed + i; // seed = 1541201470759 const random = Random(seed); // Parse the initial content and render all of the screen lines. buffer.setText(text); buffer.clearUndoStack(); let languageModeA = buffer.getLanguageMode(); // await buffer.getLanguageMode().parseCompletePromise(); expect(languageModeA instanceof WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode).toBe(true); await languageModeA.ready; editor.displayLayer.getScreenLines(); // Make several random edits. for (let j = 0, editCount = 1 + random(4); j < editCount; j++) { const editRoll = random(10); const range = getRandomBufferRange(random, buffer); if (editRoll < 2) { const linesToInsert = buildRandomLines( random, range.getExtent().row + 1 ); // console.log('replace', range.toString(), JSON.stringify(linesToInsert)) buffer.setTextInRange(range, linesToInsert); } else if (editRoll < 5) { // console.log('delete', range.toString()) buffer.delete(range); } else { const linesToInsert = buildRandomLines(random, 3); // console.log('insert', range.start.toString(), JSON.stringify(linesToInsert)) buffer.insert(range.start, linesToInsert); } // console.log(buffer.getText()) // Sometimes, let the parse complete before re-rendering. // Sometimes re-render and move on before the parse completes. // if (random(2)) await buffer.getLanguageMode().parseCompletePromise(); await buffer.getLanguageMode().nextTransaction; editor.displayLayer.getScreenLines(); } // Revert the edits, because Tree-sitter's error recovery is somewhat path-dependent, // and we want a state where the tree parse result is guaranteed. while (buffer.undo()) {} // Create a fresh buffer and editor with the same text. const buffer2 = new TextBuffer(buffer.getText()); const editor2 = new TextEditor({ buffer: buffer2 }); atom.grammars.assignLanguageMode(buffer2, 'source.js'); // Verify that the the two buffers have the same syntax highlighting. let languageModeB = buffer.getLanguageMode(); expect(languageModeB instanceof WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode).toBe(true); await languageModeB.ready; expect(languageModeA.tree.rootNode.toString()).toEqual( languageModeB.tree.rootNode.toString(), `Seed: ${seed}` ); // TODO: `wait(0)` works here when awaiting the next transaction // doesn't. Not sure why. await wait(0); for (let j = 0, n = editor.getScreenLineCount(); j < n; j++) { const tokens1 = editor.tokensForScreenRow(j); const tokens2 = editor2.tokensForScreenRow(j); expect(tokens1).toEqual(tokens2, `Seed: ${seed}, screen line: ${j}`); if (jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.results().failedCount > 0) { console.log(tokens1); console.log(tokens2); debugger; // eslint-disable-line no-debugger break; } } if (jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.results().failedCount > 0) break; } }); }); describe('.suggestedIndentForBufferRow', () => { let editor; describe('javascript', () => { beforeEach(async () => { editor = await atom.workspace.open('sample.js', { autoIndent: false }); await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-javascript'); await editor.getBuffer().getLanguageMode().ready; }); it('bases indentation off of the previous non-blank line', () => { expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(0)).toBe(0); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(1)).toBe(1); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(2)).toBe(2); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(5)).toBe(3); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(7)).toBe(2); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(9)).toBe(1); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(11)).toBe(1); }); it('does not take invisibles into account', () => { editor.update({ showInvisibles: true }); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(0)).toBe(0); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(1)).toBe(1); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(2)).toBe(2); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(5)).toBe(3); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(7)).toBe(2); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(9)).toBe(1); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(11)).toBe(1); }); }); describe('css', () => { beforeEach(async () => { editor = await atom.workspace.open('css.css', { autoIndent: true }); await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-source'); await atom.packages.activatePackage('language-css'); await editor.getBuffer().getLanguageMode().ready; }); it('does not return negative values (regression)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); editor.setText('.test {\npadding: 0;\n}'); await wait(0); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(2)).toBe(0); editor.setText('@media screen {\n .test {\n padding: 0;\n }\n}'); await wait(0); expect(editor.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(3)).toBe(1); }); }); }); describe('.suggestedIndentForBufferRows', () => { it('works correctly when straddling an injection boundary', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); // `suggestedIndentForBufferRows` should use the HTML grammar to // determine the indent level of `let foo` rather than the JS grammar. buffer.setText(dedent` `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let map = languageMode.suggestedIndentForBufferRows(1, 1, editor.getTabLength()); expect(map.get(1)).toBe(1); }); }); describe('folding', () => { it('can fold nodes that start and end with specified tokens', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` [ (statement_block) (switch_body) (class_body) (object) (formal_parameters) ] @fold `); // { // parser: 'tree-sitter-javascript', // folds: [ // { // start: { type: '{', index: 0 }, // end: { type: '}', index: -1 } // }, // { // start: { type: '(', index: 0 }, // end: { type: ')', index: -1 } // } // ] // } buffer.setText(dedent` module.exports = class A { getB (c, d, e) { return this.f(g) } } `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(0)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(1)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(2)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(3)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(4)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(5)).toBe(false); editor.foldBufferRow(2); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` module.exports = class A { getB (c,…) { return this.f(g) } } `); editor.foldBufferRow(4); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` module.exports = class A { getB (c,…) {…} } `); }); it('folds entire buffer rows when necessary to keep words on separate lines', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` [ (switch_body) (class_body) (object) (formal_parameters) ] @fold ((if_statement consequence: (statement_block) @fold) (#set! fold.offsetEnd -1)) (else_clause (statement_block) @fold) (statement_block) @fold `); buffer.setText(dedent` if (a) { b } else if (c) { d } else { e } `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // NOTE: I had to decrement all the line numbers to get this test to // pass, but that matches up with my expectations just from experimenting // in the editor. I have no idea how the `TreeSitterLanguageMode` specs // get this to pass with the wrong line numbers. // Avoid bringing the `else if...` up onto the same screen line as the // preceding `if`. editor.foldBufferRow(0); editor.foldBufferRow(2); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` if (a) {… } else if (c) {… } else { e } `); // It's ok to bring the final `}` onto the same screen line as the // preceding `else`. editor.foldBufferRow(4); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` if (a) {… } else if (c) {… } else {…} `); }); it('can fold nodes of specified types', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` (jsx_element (jsx_opening_element ">" @fold) (#set! fold.endAt parent.parent.lastChild.startPosition) (#set! fold.offsetEnd -1) ) (jsx_element (jsx_opening_element) @fold (#set! fold.endAt lastChild.previousSibling.endPosition)) ((jsx_self_closing_element) @fold (#set! fold.endAt lastChild.previousSibling.startPosition)) `); buffer.setText(dedent` const element1 = const element2 = hello world `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(0)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(1)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(2)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(3)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(4)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(5)).toBe(false); editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` const element1 = const element2 = hello world `); editor.foldBufferRow(4); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` const element1 = const element2 = `); }); it('can fold entire nodes when no start or end parameters are specified', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` ((comment) @fold (#set! fold.endAt endPosition) (#set! fold.adjustEndColumn 0)) `); buffer.setText(dedent` /** * Important */ const x = 1 /* Also important */ `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(0)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(1)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(2)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(3)).toBe(true); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(4)).toBe(false); editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` /**… */ const x = 1 /* Also important */ `); editor.foldBufferRow(3); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` /**… */ const x = 1 /*…*/ `); }); it('folds between arbitrary points in the buffer with @fold.start and @fold.end markers', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, cGrammarPath, cConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` ["#ifndef" "#ifdef" "#elif" "#else"] @fold.start ["#elif" "#else" "#endif"] @fold.end `); buffer.setText(dedent` #ifndef FOO_H_ #define FOO_H_ #ifdef _WIN32 #include const char *path_separator = "\\"; #elif defined MACOS #include const char *path_separator = "/"; #else #include const char *path_separator = "/"; #endif #endif `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(0)).toBe(true); editor.foldBufferRow(3); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` #ifndef FOO_H_ #define FOO_H_ #ifdef _WIN32… #elif defined MACOS #include const char *path_separator = "/"; #else #include const char *path_separator = "/"; #endif #endif `); editor.foldBufferRow(8); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` #ifndef FOO_H_ #define FOO_H_ #ifdef _WIN32… #elif defined MACOS… #else #include const char *path_separator = "/"; #endif #endif `); editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` #ifndef FOO_H_… #endif `); console.time('folding all'); editor.foldAllAtIndentLevel(1); console.timeEnd('folding all'); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` #ifndef FOO_H_ #define FOO_H_ #ifdef _WIN32… #elif defined MACOS… #else… #endif #endif `); }); it('does not fold when the start and end parameters match the same child', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` (element) @fold `); buffer.setText(dedent` `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // Void elements have only one child expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(1)).toBe(false); expect(editor.isFoldableAtBufferRow(2)).toBe(false); editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` … `); }); it('can target named vs anonymous nodes as fold boundaries', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, rubyGrammarPath, rubyConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` ((if alternative: [(elsif) (else)]) @fold (#set! fold.endAt firstNamedChild.nextNamedSibling.nextNamedSibling.startPosition) (#set! fold.offsetEnd -1)) ((elsif consequence: [(then) (elsif)]) @fold (#set! fold.endAt firstNamedChild.nextNamedSibling.nextNamedSibling.startPosition) (#set! fold.offsetEnd -1)) ((else) @fold (#set! fold.endAt endPosition)) (if) @fold `); buffer.setText(dedent` if a b elsif c d else e end `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(languageMode.tree.rootNode.toString()).toBe( '(program (if condition: (identifier) consequence: (then ' + '(identifier)) ' + 'alternative: (elsif condition: (identifier) consequence: (then ' + '(identifier)) ' + 'alternative: (else ' + '(identifier)))))' ); editor.foldBufferRow(2); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` if a b elsif c… else e end `); editor.foldBufferRow(4); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` if a b elsif c… else… end `); }); it('updates fold locations when the buffer changes', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` [ (switch_body) (class_body) (object) (formal_parameters) (statement_block) @fold ] @fold `); buffer.setText(dedent` class A { // a constructor (b) { this.b = b } } `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; languageMode.isFoldableCache = []; expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(0)).toBe(true); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(1)).toBe(false); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(2)).toBe(true); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(3)).toBe(false); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(4)).toBe(false); buffer.insert([0, 0], '\n'); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(0)).toBe(false); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(1)).toBe(true); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(2)).toBe(false); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(3)).toBe(true); expect(languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(4)).toBe(false); }); describe('when folding a node that ends with a line break', () => { it('ends the fold at the end of the previous line', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, pythonGrammarPath, CSON.readFileSync(pythonGrammarPath) ); await grammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` ([ (function_definition) (class_definition) (while_statement) (for_statement) (with_statement) (try_statement) (match_statement) (elif_clause) (else_clause) (case_clause) (import_from_statement) (parameters) (argument_list) (parenthesized_expression) (generator_expression) (list_comprehension) (set_comprehension) (dictionary_comprehension) (tuple) (list) (set) (dictionary) (string) ] @fold (#set! fold.endAt endPosition)) `); buffer.setText(dedent` def ab(): print 'a' print 'b' def cd(): print 'c' print 'd' `); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe(dedent` def ab():… def cd(): print 'c' print 'd' `); }); }); it('folds code in injected languages', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` [(element) (script_element)] @fold `); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('foldsQuery', ` (template_string) @fold ((arguments) @fold (#set! fold.adjustEndColumn 0) (#set! fold.offsetEnd -1)) `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText( `a = html \`
c\${def( 1, 2, 3, )}e\${f}g
\` ` ); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.foldBufferRow(2); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe( `a = html \`
c\${def(… )}e\${f}g
\` ` ); editor.foldBufferRow(1); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe( `a = html \`
\` ` ); editor.foldBufferRow(0); expect(getDisplayText(editor)).toBe( `a = html \`…\` ` ); }); }); describe('.scopeDescriptorForPosition', () => { it('returns a scope descriptor representing the given position in the syntax tree', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @property.name (comment) @comment.block `); buffer.setText('foo({bar: baz});'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor .scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 'foo({b'.length]) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'property.name']); expect( editor .scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 'foo({'.length]) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'property.name']); // Drive-by test for .tokenForPosition() const token = editor.tokenForBufferPosition([0, 'foo({b'.length]); expect(token.value).toBe('bar'); expect(token.scopes).toEqual(['source.js', 'property.name']); buffer.setText('// baz\n'); // Adjust position when at end of line languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor .scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, '// baz'.length]) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'comment.block']); }); it('includes nodes in injected syntax trees', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (template_string) @string.quoted (property_identifier) @property.name `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (script_element) @script.tag `); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(`
`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const position = buffer.findSync('name').start; expect( languageMode .scopeDescriptorForPosition(position) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual([ 'text.html.basic', 'script.tag', 'source.js', 'string.quoted', 'property.name' ]); }); it('reports scopes correctly at boundaries where more than one layer adds a scope', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (template_string) @string.quoted ((template_string) @string-insides (#set! adjust.startAfterFirstMatchOf "^\`") (#set! adjust.endBeforeFirstMatchOf "\`$")) "\`" @punctuation (property_identifier) @property.name `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (start_tag) @tag `); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(dedent` html\`\${person.name}\` `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const position = buffer.findSync('html`').end; expect( languageMode .scopeDescriptorForPosition(position) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual([ 'source.js', 'string.quoted', 'string-insides', 'text.html.basic', 'tag' ]); }); it('includes the root scope name even when the given position is in trailing whitespace at EOF', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @property.name `); buffer.setText('a; '); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 3]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js']); }); it('works when the given position is between tokens', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment.block `); buffer.setText('a // b'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 2]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js']); expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 3]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'comment.block']); }); it('works when a scope range has been adjusted', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (comment) @comment.block ((comment) @punctuation.definition.comment.begin (#set! adjust.startAndEndAroundFirstMatchOf "^/\\\\*")) `); buffer.setText('\n/* lorem ipsum dolor sit amet */'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([1, 0]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'comment.block', 'punctuation.definition.comment.begin']); expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([1, 1]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'comment.block', 'punctuation.definition.comment.begin']); expect( editor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([1, 2]).getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'comment.block']); }); it('ignores a parent\'s scopes if an injection layer sets `coverShallowerScopes`', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); let tempJsRegexConfig = { ...jsRegexConfig, injectionRegex: '^(js-regex-for-test)$' }; const regexGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsRegexGrammarPath, tempJsRegexConfig); await regexGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (pattern) @string.regexp (optional "?" @keyword.operator.optional) `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'regex_pattern', language(regex) { return 'js-regex-for-test'; }, content(regex) { return regex; }, includeChildren: true, languageScope: null, coverShallowerScopes: true }); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((regex) @gadfly (#set! adjust.startAndEndAroundFirstMatchOf "lor\\\\?em")) (regex) @regex-outer (regex_pattern) @regex-inner `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(regexGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); buffer.setText(dedent` let foo = /patt.lor?em.ern/; `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // Wait for injections. await wait(100); let injectionLayers = languageMode.getAllInjectionLayers(); expect(injectionLayers.length).toBe(1); let descriptor = languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition(new Point(0, 19)); let scopes = descriptor.getScopesArray(); expect(scopes.includes('gadfly')).toBe(false); expect(scopes.includes('regex-outer')).toBe(true); expect(scopes.includes('regex-inner')).toBe(false); }); it('arranges scopes in the proper order when scopes from several layers were already open at a given point', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); let tempJsRegexConfig = { ...jsRegexConfig, injectionRegex: '^(js-regex-for-test)$' }; const regexGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsRegexGrammarPath, tempJsRegexConfig); await regexGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (pattern) @string.regexp `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'regex_pattern', language(regex) { return 'js-regex-for-test'; }, content(regex) { return regex; }, includeChildren: true, languageScope: null }); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((regex_pattern) @gadfly (#set! adjust.startAndEndAroundFirstMatchOf "lor\\\\?em")) (regex) @regex-outer (regex_pattern) @regex-inner `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(regexGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); buffer.setText(dedent` let foo = /patt.lor?em.ern/; `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // Wait for injections. await wait(100); let injectionLayers = languageMode.getAllInjectionLayers(); expect(injectionLayers.length).toBe(1); let descriptor = languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition(new Point(0, 19)); let scopes = descriptor.getScopesArray(); expect(scopes).toEqual([ "source.js", "regex-outer", "regex-inner", "string.regexp", "gadfly" ]); }); }); describe('.syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForPosition', () => { it('returns a scope descriptor representing the given position in the syntax tree', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); buffer.setText('foo({bar: baz});'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor .syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 6]) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual([ 'source.js', 'program', 'expression_statement', 'call_expression', 'arguments', 'object', 'pair', 'property_identifier' ]); languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setText('//bar\n'); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await languageMode.nextTransaction; expect( editor .syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([0, 5]) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual(['source.js', 'program', 'comment']); }); it('includes nodes in injected syntax trees', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(`
`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const position = buffer.findSync('name').start; expect( editor .syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(position) .getScopesArray() ).toEqual([ 'text.html.basic', 'fragment', 'element', 'script_element', 'raw_text', 'program', 'expression_statement', 'call_expression', 'template_string', 'fragment', 'element', 'template_substitution', 'member_expression', 'property_identifier' ]); }); }); describe('.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(selector?, position)', () => { describe('when selector = null', () => { it('returns the range of the smallest node at position', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); buffer.setText('foo({bar: baz});'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect(editor.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(null, [0, 6])).toEqual([ [0, 5], [0, 8] ]); expect(editor.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(null, [0, 8])).toEqual([ [0, 8], [0, 9] ]); }); it('includes nodes in injected syntax trees', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @property `); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(`
`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const nameProperty = buffer.findSync('name'); const { start } = nameProperty; const position = { ...start, column: start.column + 2 }; expect( languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(null, position) ).toEqual(nameProperty); }); }); describe('with a selector', () => { it('returns the range of the smallest matching node at position', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @variable.other.object.property (template_string) @string.quoted.template `); buffer.setText('a(`${b({ccc: ddd})} eee`);'); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( editor.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('.variable.property', [0, 9]) ).toEqual([[0, 8], [0, 11]]); expect( editor.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('.string.quoted', [0, 6]) ).toEqual([[0, 2], [0, 24]]); }); it('includes nodes in injected syntax trees', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @variable.other.object.property `); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (element) @meta.element.html `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(`
`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const nameProperty = buffer.findSync('name'); const { start } = nameProperty; const position = Object.assign({}, start, { column: start.column + 2 }); expect( languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition( '.object.property', position ) ).toEqual(nameProperty); expect( languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition( '.meta.element.html', position ) ).toEqual(buffer.findSync('\\${person\\.name}')); }); it('reports results correctly when scope ranges have been adjusted', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((regex) @keyword.operator.optional (#set! adjust.startAndEndAroundFirstMatchOf "\\\\?")) (regex) @string.regexp.js ((comment) @comment.block.js) ((comment) @punctuation.definition.comment.begin.js (#set! adjust.endAfterFirstMatchOf "^/\\\\*")) `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); buffer.setText(dedent` let foo = /patt?ern/; /* this is a block comment */ `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let range = languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('keyword', new Point(0, 15)); expect(range.toString()).toBe(`[(0, 15) - (0, 16)]`); range = languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('punctuation', new Point(1, 0)); expect(range.toString()).toBe(`[(1, 0) - (1, 2)]`); range = languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('comment.block', new Point(1, 0)); expect(range.toString()).toBe(`[(1, 0) - (1, 29)]`); }); it('ignores scopes that are not present because they are covered by a deeper layer', async () => { // A similar test to the one above, except now we expect not to see the // scope because it's being covered by the injection layer. jasmine.useRealClock(); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); let tempJsRegexConfig = { ...jsRegexConfig, injectionRegex: '^(js-regex-for-test)$' }; const regexGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsRegexGrammarPath, tempJsRegexConfig); await regexGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (pattern) @string.regexp `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint({ type: 'regex_pattern', language(regex) { return 'js-regex-for-test'; }, content(regex) { return regex; }, languageScope: null, coverShallowerScopes: true }); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` ((regex) @keyword.operator.optional (#set! adjust.startAndEndAroundFirstMatchOf "\\\\?")) ((regex_pattern) @string.regexp.js) `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(regexGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); buffer.setText(dedent` let foo = /patt?ern/; `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(100); let point = new Point(0, 15); let range = languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition('keyword', point); expect(range).toBe(undefined); }); it('accepts node-matching functions as selectors', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ';'); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ';'); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText(`
`); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; const nameProperty = buffer.findSync('name'); const { start } = nameProperty; const position = Object.assign({}, start, { column: start.column + 2 }); const templateStringInCallExpression = node => node.type === 'template_string' && node.parent.type === 'call_expression'; expect( languageMode.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition( templateStringInCallExpression, position ) ).toEqual([[3, 19], [5, 15]]); }); }); }); describe('.getSyntaxNodeAtPosition(position, where?)', () => { it('returns the range of the smallest matching node at position', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); buffer.setText('foo(bar({x: 2}));'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; expect( languageMode.getSyntaxNodeAtPosition([0, 6]).range ).toEqual( buffer.findSync('bar') ); const findFoo = node => ( node.type === 'call_expression' && node.firstChild.text === 'foo' ); expect( languageMode.getSyntaxNodeAtPosition([0, 6], findFoo).range ).toEqual([[0, 0], [0, buffer.getText().length - 1]]); }); }); describe('.commentStringsForPosition(position)', () => { it('returns the correct comment strings for nested languages', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); htmlGrammar.addInjectionPoint(SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT); atom.grammars.addGrammar(jsGrammar); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: htmlGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; buffer.setText( `
`.trim() ); const htmlCommentStrings = { commentStartString: '' }; const jsCommentStrings = { commentStartString: '// ', commentEndString: undefined }; // Needs a short delay to allow injection grammars to be loaded. await languageMode.nextTransaction; expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(0, 0))).toEqual( htmlCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(1, 0))).toEqual( htmlCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(2, 0))).toEqual( jsCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(3, 0))).toEqual( jsCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(4, 0))).toEqual( htmlCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(5, 0))).toEqual( jsCommentStrings ); expect(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(6, 0))).toEqual( htmlCommentStrings ); }); }); describe('TextEditor.selectLargerSyntaxNode and .selectSmallerSyntaxNode', () => { it('expands and contracts the selection based on the syntax tree', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (program) @source `); // { // parser: 'tree-sitter-javascript', // scopes: { program: 'source' } // }); buffer.setText(dedent` function a (b, c, d) { eee.f() g() } `); let languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 3]); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee.f'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee.f()'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('{\n eee.f()\n g()\n}'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe( 'function a (b, c, d) {\n eee.f()\n g()\n}' ); editor.selectSmallerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('{\n eee.f()\n g()\n}'); editor.selectSmallerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee.f()'); editor.selectSmallerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee.f'); editor.selectSmallerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('eee'); editor.selectSmallerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual([[1, 3], [1, 3]]); }); it('handles injected languages', async () => { const jsGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await jsGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (property_identifier) @property (call_expression (identifier) @function) (template_string) @string (template_substitution ["\${" "}"] @interpolation) `); jsGrammar.addInjectionPoint(HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT); const htmlGrammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar( atom.grammars, htmlGrammarPath, htmlConfig ); await htmlGrammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (fragment) @html (tag_name) @tag (attribute_name) @attr `); atom.grammars.addGrammar(htmlGrammar); buffer.setText('a = html ` c${def()}e${f}g `'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar: jsGrammar, buffer, config: atom.config, grammars: atom.grammars }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition({ row: 0, column: buffer.getText().indexOf('ef()') }); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('def'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('def()'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('${def()}'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('c${def()}e${f}g'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('c${def()}e${f}g'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('c${def()}e${f}g '); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('` c${def()}e${f}g `'); editor.selectLargerSyntaxNode(); expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe('html ` c${def()}e${f}g `'); }); }); describe('.tokenizedLineForRow(row)', () => { it('returns a shimmed TokenizedLine with tokens', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('highlightsQuery', ` (program) @source (call_expression (member_expression (property_identifier) @method) (#set! capture.final true)) (call_expression (identifier) @function (#set! capture.final true)) ((property_identifier) @property (#set! capture.final true)) (identifier) @variable `); buffer.setText('aa.bbb = cc(d.eee());\n\n \n b'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; let streamlinedTokenizedRows = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let tokenizedRow = languageMode.tokenizedLineForRow(i).tokens; for (let { scopes } of tokenizedRow) { if (scopes[0] === 'source.js') { scopes.shift(); } } streamlinedTokenizedRows.push(tokenizedRow); } expect(streamlinedTokenizedRows[0]).toEqual([ { value: 'aa', scopes: ['source', 'variable'] }, { value: '.', scopes: ['source'] }, { value: 'bbb', scopes: ['source', 'property'] }, { value: ' = ', scopes: ['source'] }, { value: 'cc', scopes: ['source', 'function'] }, { value: '(', scopes: ['source'] }, { value: 'd', scopes: ['source', 'variable'] }, { value: '.', scopes: ['source'] }, { value: 'eee', scopes: ['source', 'method'] }, { value: '());', scopes: ['source'] } ]); expect(streamlinedTokenizedRows[1]).toEqual([]); expect(streamlinedTokenizedRows[2]).toEqual([ { value: ' ', scopes: ['source'] } ]); expect(streamlinedTokenizedRows[3]).toEqual([ { value: ' ', scopes: ['source'] }, { value: 'b', scopes: ['source', 'variable'] } ]); }); }); describe('indentation', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await atom.packages.activatePackage('whitespace'); atom.config.set('whitespace.removeTrailingWhitespace', false); }); it('interprets @indent and @dedent captures', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` "if" @indent "else" @dedent `); const originalText = 'if (foo)'; buffer.setText(originalText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 8]); editor.insertText('\n', { autoIndent: true, autoIndentNewline: true }); await new Promise(process.nextTick); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(1, 2)'); editor.insertText( 'console.log("bar");\n', { autoIndent: true, autoIndentNewline: true } ); editor.insertText('else', { autoIndent: true }); await new Promise(process.nextTick); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(2, 4)'); editor.undo(); editor.undo(); editor.undo(); expect(buffer.getText()).toEqual(originalText); }); it('allows @dedents to cancel out @indents when appropriate', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` "{" @indent "}" @dedent `); buffer.setText('if (foo) { bar(); }'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; // await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 19]); editor.insertText('\n', { autoIndentNewline: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(1, 0)'); // a } that comes before a { should not cancel it out. buffer.setText('} else if (foo) {'); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 17]); await wait(0); editor.insertText('\n', { autoIndent: true, autoIndentNewline: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(1, 2)'); }); it('allows @dedent.next to decrease the indent of the next line before any typing takes place', async () => { const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); // Pretend we're in a universe where lines after comments should be // dedented. await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` (comment) @dedent.next `); buffer.setText(' // lorem ipsum'); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 14]); editor.insertText('\n', { autoIndentNewline: true }); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(1, 0)'); }); it('resolves @match captures', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` (template_string "\`" @match (#is? test.last true) (#set! indent.matchIndentOf parent.firstChild.startPosition)) `); buffer.setText(dedent` \` this is a ridiculous amount of indentation `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 52]); editor.getLastCursor().moveToEndOfLine(); editor.insertText('\n', { autoDecreaseIndent: true, autoIndentNewline: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(2, 10)'); editor.insertText('`', { autoIndent: true, autoDecreaseIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(2, 1)'); }); it('prefers a @match capture even if a @dedent matches first', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` (template_string "\`" @dedent @match (#is? test.last true) (#set! indent.matchIndentOf parent.firstChild.startPosition)) `); buffer.setText(dedent` \` this is a ridiculous amount of indentation `); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 52]); editor.getLastCursor().moveToEndOfLine(); editor.insertText('\n', { autoDecreaseIndent: true, autoIndentNewline: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(2, 10)'); editor.insertText('`', { autoIndent: true, autoDecreaseIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect( editor.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition().toString() ).toEqual('(2, 1)'); }); it('adjusts correctly when text is pasted', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); expect(editor.getUndoGroupingInterval()).toBe(300); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let textToPaste = `// this is a comment\n// and this is another`; buffer.setText(textToPaste); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); // Don't rely on this method to give us an accurate answer. spyOn( languageMode, 'suggestedIndentForLineAtBufferRow' ).andReturn(9); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.selectAll(); editor.cutSelectedText(); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 2]); editor.pasteText({ autoIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( ` // this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( ` // and this is another` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('skips trying to insert at the correct indentation level when "paste without formatting" is invoked', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); expect(editor.getUndoGroupingInterval()).toBe(300); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let textToPaste = `// this is a comment\n // and this is another`; buffer.setText(textToPaste); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.selectAll(); editor.cutSelectedText(); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); // These are the same options used by the // `editor:paste-without-reformatting` command. editor.pasteText({ normalizeLineEndings: false, autoIndent: false, preserveTrailingLineIndentation: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( `// this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( ` // and this is another` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('preserves relative indentation across pasted text', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); expect(editor.getUndoGroupingInterval()).toBe(300); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let textToPaste = `// this is a comment\n // and this is another`; buffer.setText(textToPaste); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.selectAll(); editor.cutSelectedText(); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.pasteText({ autoIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( ` // this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( ` // and this is another` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(3)).toEqual( `}` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('preserves relative indentation across pasted text (when the pasted text ends in a newline)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); expect(editor.getUndoGroupingInterval()).toBe(300); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let textToPaste = `// this is a comment\n // and this is another\n`; buffer.setText(textToPaste); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.selectAll(); editor.cutSelectedText(); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.pasteText({ autoIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( ` // this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( ` // and this is another` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(3)).toEqual( `}` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); // This test is known to fail (and expected to fail) without async-indent enabled. it('auto-indents correctly if any change in a transaction wants auto-indentation', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); editor.updateAutoIndent(true); // Pretend we're in a universe where a line comment should cause the next // line to be indented, but only in a class body. await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent ((comment) @indent (#is? test.descendantOfType class_body)) `); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.transact(() => { editor.insertText('// this is a comment', { autoIndent: true }); editor.insertNewline(); editor.insertText('// and this is another', { autoIndent: true }); editor.insertNewline(); }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( ` // this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( ` // and this is another` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('does not auto-indent if no change in a transaction wants auto-indentation', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); // Pretend we're in a universe where a line comment should cause the next // line to be indented, but only in a class body. await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent ((comment) @indent (#is? test.descendantOfType class_body)) `); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.transact(() => { editor.insertText('// this is a comment', { autoIndent: false }); editor.insertNewline(); editor.insertText('// and this is another', { autoIndent: false }); editor.insertNewline(); }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( `// this is a comment` ); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual( `// and this is another` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('auto-dedents exactly once and not after each new insertion on a line', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); editor.updateAutoIndent(true); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { if (foo) { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([2, 4]); editor.insertText('}', { autoIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual(` }`); editor.indentSelectedRows(); editor.insertText(' ', { autoIndent: true }); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual(` } `); }); it('maintains indent level through multiple newlines (removeTrailingWhitespace: true)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); editor.updateAutoIndent(true); atom.config.set('whitespace.removeTrailingWhitespace', true); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.indent(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); editor.insertText('// this is a comment', { autoIndent: true }); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual(' // this is a comment'); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual(' '); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(3)).toEqual(' '); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(4)).toEqual(' '); }); it('does not attempt to adjust indent on pasted text without a newline', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); expect(editor.getUndoGroupingInterval()).toBe(300); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); // let textToPaste = `// this is a comment\n // and this is another`; let textToPaste = `a comment`; buffer.setText(textToPaste); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; await wait(0); editor.selectAll(); editor.cutSelectedText(); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { // this is… } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); await wait(0); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 18]); editor.pasteText({ autoIndent: true }); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual( ` // this is…a comment` ); editor.undo(); await wait(0); expect(editor.getText()).toEqual(emptyClassText); }); it('maintains indent level through multiple newlines (removeTrailingWhitespace: false)', async () => { jasmine.useRealClock(); editor.updateAutoIndent(true); atom.config.set('whitespace.removeTrailingWhitespace', false); const grammar = new WASMTreeSitterGrammar(atom.grammars, jsGrammarPath, jsConfig); await grammar.setQueryForTest('indentsQuery', ` ["{"] @indent ["}"] @dedent `); let emptyClassText = dedent` class Example { } `; buffer.setText(emptyClassText); const languageMode = new WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode({ grammar, buffer }); buffer.setLanguageMode(languageMode); await languageMode.ready; editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.indent(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); editor.insertText('// this is a comment', { autoIndent: true }); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(1)).toEqual(' // this is a comment'); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(2)).toEqual(' '); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(3)).toEqual(' '); editor.insertNewline(); await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); await wait(0); expect(editor.lineTextForBufferRow(4)).toEqual(' '); }); }); }); async function nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode) { return await languageMode.atTransactionEnd(); } // function nextHighlightingUpdate(languageMode) { // return new Promise(resolve => { // const subscription = languageMode.onDidChangeHighlighting(() => { // subscription.dispose(); // resolve(); // }); // }); // } function getDisplayText(editor) { return editor.displayLayer.getText(); } function expectTokensToEqual(editor, expectedTokenLines) { const lastRow = editor.getLastScreenRow(); let baseScope = editor.getBuffer().getLanguageMode().grammar.scopeName; let languageMode = editor.getBuffer().getLanguageMode(); let layers = languageMode.getAllLanguageLayers(); let baseScopeClasses = new Set(); // Ignore the base scope applied within each language layer. for (let layer of layers) { let grammar = layer.grammar; if (!grammar) { continue; } let scopeClass = layer.grammar.scopeName .split('.') .map(p => `syntax--${p}`) .join(' '); baseScopeClasses.add(scopeClass); } // Assert that the correct tokens are returned regardless of which row // the highlighting iterator starts on. for (let startRow = 0; startRow <= lastRow; startRow++) { // Clear the screen line cache between iterations, but not on the first // iteration, so that the first iteration tests that the cache has been // correctly invalidated by any changes. if (startRow > 0) { editor.displayLayer.clearSpatialIndex(); } editor.displayLayer.getScreenLines(startRow, Infinity); const tokenLines = []; for (let row = startRow; row <= lastRow; row++) { let lineTokens = editor.tokensForScreenRow(row); let result = []; for (let token of lineTokens) { let { text, scopes: rawScopes } = token; let scopes = []; for (let scope of rawScopes) { if (baseScopeClasses.has(scope)) { continue; } scopes.push( scope .split(' ') .map(c => c.replace('syntax--', '')) .join(' ') ); } result.push({ text, scopes }); } tokenLines[row] = result; } // console.log('EXPECTED:', expectedTokenLines); // console.log('ACTUAL:', tokenLines); for (let row = startRow; row <= lastRow; row++) { const tokenLine = tokenLines[row]; const expectedTokenLine = expectedTokenLines[row]; for (let i = 0; i < tokenLine.length; i++) { let line = tokenLine[i], expectedLine = expectedTokenLine[i]; expect(tokenLine[i]).toEqual( expectedTokenLine[i], `Token ${i}, row: ${row}, startRow: ${startRow}` ); } } } // Fully populate the screen line cache again so that cache invalidation // due to subsequent edits can be tested. editor.displayLayer.getScreenLines(0, Infinity); } const HTML_TEMPLATE_LITERAL_INJECTION_POINT = { type: 'call_expression', language(node) { if ( node.lastChild?.type === 'template_string' && node.firstChild?.type === 'identifier' ) { return node.firstChild?.text; } }, content(node) { return node?.lastChild; } }; const SCRIPT_TAG_INJECTION_POINT = { type: 'script_element', language() { return 'javascript'; }, content(node) { return node?.child(1); } }; const JSDOC_INJECTION_POINT = { type: 'comment', language(comment) { if (comment.text?.startsWith('/**')) return 'jsdoc'; }, content(comment) { return comment; } };