{ "name": "whitespace", "version": "0.37.8", "main": "./lib/main", "description": "Strips trailing whitespace and adds a trailing newline when an editor is saved.", "repository": "https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar", "license": "MIT", "engines": { "atom": "*" }, "devDependencies": { "fs-plus": "2.x", "temp": "~0.8.1" }, "configSchema": { "removeTrailingWhitespace": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "scopes": { ".source.diff": { "default": false }, ".source.jade": { "default": false }, ".source.patch": { "default": false }, ".source.pug": { "default": false } }, "description": "Automatically remove whitespace characters at ends of lines when the buffer is saved. To disable/enable for a certain language, use [syntax-scoped properties](https://github.com/pulsar-edit/whitespace#readme) in your `config.cson`." }, "keepMarkdownLineBreakWhitespace": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Markdown uses two or more spaces at the end of a line to signify a line break. Enable this option to keep this whitespace in Markdown files, even if other settings would remove it." }, "ignoreWhitespaceOnCurrentLine": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Skip removing trailing whitespace on the line which the cursor is positioned on when the buffer is saved. To disable/enable for a certain language, use [syntax-scoped properties](https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/tree/master/packages/whitespace#readme) in your `config.cson`." }, "ignoreWhitespaceOnlyLines": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Skip removing trailing whitespace on lines which consist only of whitespace characters. To disable/enable for a certain language, use [syntax-scoped properties](https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/tree/master/packages/whitespace#readme) in your `config.cson`." }, "ensureSingleTrailingNewline": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "If the buffer doesn't end with a newline character when it's saved, then append one. If it ends with more than one newline, remove all but one. To disable/enable for a certain language, use [syntax-scoped properties](https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/tree/master/packages/whitespace#readme) in your `config.cson`." } } }