class KnownWordsChecker { static initClass() { this.prototype.enableAdd = false; this.prototype.spelling = null; this.prototype.checker = null; } constructor(knownWords) { // Set up the spelling manager we'll be using. const spellingManager = require('spelling-manager'); this.spelling = new spellingManager.TokenSpellingManager(); this.checker = new spellingManager.BufferSpellingChecker(this.spelling); // Set our known words. this.setKnownWords(knownWords); } deactivate() {} getId() { return 'spell-check:known-words'; } getName() { return 'Known Words'; } getPriority() { return 10; } isEnabled() { return this.spelling.sensitive || this.spelling.insensitive; } getStatus() { return 'Working correctly.'; } providesSpelling(args) { return true; } providesSuggestions(args) { return true; } providesAdding(args) { return this.enableAdd; } check(args, text) { const ranges = []; const checked = this.checker.check(text); const id = this.getId(); for (let token of checked) { if (token.status === 1) { ranges.push({ start: token.start, end: token.end }); } } return { id, correct: ranges }; } suggest(args, word) { return this.spelling.suggest(word); } getAddingTargets(args) { if (this.enableAdd) { return [{ sensitive: false, label: 'Add to ' + this.getName() }]; } else { return []; } } add(args, target) { const c = atom.config.get('spell-check.knownWords'); c.push(target.word); return atom.config.set('spell-check.knownWords', c); } setAddKnownWords(newValue) { return (this.enableAdd = newValue); } setKnownWords(knownWords) { // Clear out the old list. this.spelling.sensitive = {}; this.spelling.insensitive = {}; // Add the new ones into the list. if (knownWords) { return => this.spelling.add(ignore)); } } } KnownWordsChecker.initClass(); module.exports = KnownWordsChecker;