describe("Autoflow package", () => { let [autoflow, editor, editorElement] = []; const tabLength = 4; describe("autoflow:reflow-selection", () => { beforeEach(() => { let activationPromise = null; waitsForPromise(() =>; runs(() => { editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor(); editorElement = atom.views.getView(editor); atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', 30); atom.config.set('editor.tabLength', tabLength); activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('autoflow'); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); }); waitsForPromise(() => activationPromise); }); it("uses the preferred line length based on the editor's scope", () => { atom.config.set('editor.preferredLineLength', 4, {scopeSelector: '.text.plain.null-grammar'}); editor.setText("foo bar"); editor.selectAll(); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); expect(editor.getText()).toBe(`\ foo bar\ ` ); }); it("rearranges line breaks in the current selection to ensure lines are shorter than config.editor.preferredLineLength honoring tabLength", () => { editor.setText("\t\tThis is the first paragraph and it is longer than the preferred line length so it should be reflowed.\n\n\t\tThis is a short paragraph.\n\n\t\tAnother long paragraph, it should also be reflowed with the use of this single command."); editor.selectAll(); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); const exedOut = editor.getText().replace(/\t/g, Array(tabLength+1).join('X')); expect(exedOut).toBe("XXXXXXXXThis is the first\nXXXXXXXXparagraph and it is\nXXXXXXXXlonger than the\nXXXXXXXXpreferred line length\nXXXXXXXXso it should be\nXXXXXXXXreflowed.\n\nXXXXXXXXThis is a short\nXXXXXXXXparagraph.\n\nXXXXXXXXAnother long\nXXXXXXXXparagraph, it should\nXXXXXXXXalso be reflowed with\nXXXXXXXXthe use of this single\nXXXXXXXXcommand."); }); it("rearranges line breaks in the current selection to ensure lines are shorter than config.editor.preferredLineLength", () => { editor.setText(`\ This is the first paragraph and it is longer than the preferred line length so it should be reflowed. This is a short paragraph. Another long paragraph, it should also be reflowed with the use of this single command.\ ` ); editor.selectAll(); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); expect(editor.getText()).toBe(`\ This is the first paragraph and it is longer than the preferred line length so it should be reflowed. This is a short paragraph. Another long paragraph, it should also be reflowed with the use of this single command.\ ` ); }); it("is not confused when the selection boundary is between paragraphs", () => { editor.setText(`\ v--- SELECTION STARTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT LINE (pos 1,0) The preceding newline should not be considered part of this paragraph. The newline at the end of this paragraph should be preserved and not converted into a space. ^--- SELECTION ENDS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PREVIOUS LINE (pos 6,0)\ ` ); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 0]); editor.selectToBufferPosition([6, 0]); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); expect(editor.getText()).toBe(`\ v--- SELECTION STARTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT LINE (pos 1,0) The preceding newline should not be considered part of this paragraph. The newline at the end of this paragraph should be preserved and not converted into a space. ^--- SELECTION ENDS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PREVIOUS LINE (pos 6,0)\ ` ); }); it("reflows the current paragraph if nothing is selected", () => { editor.setText(`\ This is a preceding paragraph, which shouldn't be modified by a reflow of the following paragraph. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The preceding sentence contains every letter in the entire English alphabet, which has absolutely no relevance to this test. This is a following paragraph, which shouldn't be modified by a reflow of the preciding paragraph. \ ` ); editor.setCursorBufferPosition([3, 5]); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); expect(editor.getText()).toBe(`\ This is a preceding paragraph, which shouldn't be modified by a reflow of the following paragraph. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The preceding sentence contains every letter in the entire English alphabet, which has absolutely no relevance to this test. This is a following paragraph, which shouldn't be modified by a reflow of the preciding paragraph. \ ` ); }); it("allows for single words that exceed the preferred wrap column length", () => { editor.setText("this-is-a-super-long-word-that-shouldn't-break-autoflow and these are some smaller words"); editor.selectAll(); atom.commands.dispatch(editorElement, 'autoflow:reflow-selection'); expect(editor.getText()).toBe(`\ this-is-a-super-long-word-that-shouldn't-break-autoflow and these are some smaller words\ ` ); }); }); describe("reflowing text", () => { beforeEach(() => autoflow = require("../lib/autoflow")); it('respects current paragraphs', () => { const text = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis erat dolor. rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis fermentum.\ `; const res = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis erat dolor. rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis fermentum.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('respects indentation', () => { const text = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis erat dolor. rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis fermentum\ `; const res = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis erat dolor. rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis fermentum\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('respects prefixed text (comments!)', () => { const text = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. # Phasellus gravida # nibh id magna ullamcorper # tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis erat dolor. # rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis fermentum\ `; const res = `\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida nibh id magna ullamcorper sagittis. Maecenas et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida # nibh id magna ullamcorper tincidunt adipiscing lacinia a dui. Etiam quis # erat dolor. rutrum nisl fermentum rhoncus. Duis blandit ligula facilisis # fermentum\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('respects multiple prefixes (js/c comments)', () => { const text = `\ // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula.\ `; const res = `\ // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida et // enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly handles * prefix', () => { const text = `\ * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida et enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. * soidjfiojsoidj foi\ `; const res = `\ * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus gravida et * enim eu orci tincidunt adipiscing aliquam ligula. * soidjfiojsoidj foi\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it("does not throw invalid regular expression errors (regression)", () => { const text = `\ *** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(text); }); it('handles different initial indentation', () => { const text = `\ Magna ea magna fugiat nisi minim in id duis. Culpa sit sint consequat quis elit magna pariatur incididunt proident laborum deserunt est aliqua reprehenderit. Occaecat et ex non do Lorem irure adipisicing mollit excepteur eu ullamco consectetur. Ex ex Lorem duis labore quis ad exercitation elit dolor non adipisicing. Pariatur commodo ullamco culpa dolor sunt enim. Ullamco dolore do ea nulla ut commodo minim consequat cillum ad velit quis.\ `; const res = `\ Magna ea magna fugiat nisi minim in id duis. Culpa sit sint consequat quis elit magna pariatur incididunt proident laborum deserunt est aliqua reprehenderit. Occaecat et ex non do Lorem irure adipisicing mollit excepteur eu ullamco consectetur. Ex ex Lorem duis labore quis ad exercitation elit dolor non adipisicing. Pariatur commodo ullamco culpa dolor sunt enim. Ullamco dolore do ea nulla ut commodo minim consequat cillum ad velit quis.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly handles CRLF', () => { const text = "This is the first line and it is longer than the preferred line length so it should be reflowed.\r\nThis is a short line which should\r\nbe reflowed with the following line.\rAnother long line, it should also be reflowed with everything above it when it is all reflowed."; const res = `\ This is the first line and it is longer than the preferred line length so it should be reflowed. This is a short line which should be reflowed with the following line. Another long line, it should also be reflowed with everything above it when it is all reflowed.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('handles cyrillic text', () => { const text = `\ В начале июля, в чрезвычайно жаркое время, под вечер, один молодой человек вышел из своей каморки, которую нанимал от жильцов в С-м переулке, на улицу и медленно, как бы в нерешимости, отправился к К-ну мосту.\ `; const res = `\ В начале июля, в чрезвычайно жаркое время, под вечер, один молодой человек вышел из своей каморки, которую нанимал от жильцов в С-м переулке, на улицу и медленно, как бы в нерешимости, отправился к К-ну мосту.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('handles `yo` character properly', () => { // Because there're known problems with this character in major regex engines const text = 'Ё Ё Ё'; const res = `\ Ё Ё Ё\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 2})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows // comments ', () => { const text = `\ // Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ // Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard // sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical // fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest // quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro // actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia // sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher // direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. // Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows /* comments ', () => { const text = `\ /* Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas. */\ `; const res = `\ /* Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas. */\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows pound comments ', () => { const text = `\ # Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ # Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha # banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical # fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa # leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually # aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial # letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, # tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation # microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows - list items ', () => { const text = `\ - Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ - Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows % comments ', () => { const text = `\ % Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ % Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha % banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical % fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa % leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually % aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial % letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, % tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation % microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it("properly reflows roxygen comments ", () => { const text = `\ #' Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ #' Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard #' sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical #' fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest #' quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro #' actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia #' sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher #' direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. #' Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it("properly reflows -- comments ", () => { const text = `\ -- Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ -- Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard -- sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical -- fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest -- quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro -- actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia -- sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher -- direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. -- Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it("properly reflows ||| comments ", () => { const text = `\ ||| Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ ||| Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard ||| sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical ||| fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest ||| quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro ||| actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia ||| sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher ||| direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. ||| Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows ;; comments ', () => { const text = `\ ;; Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ ;; Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard ;; sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical ;; fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest ;; quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro ;; actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia ;; sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher ;; direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. ;; Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('does not treat lines starting with a single semicolon as ;; comments', () => { const text = `\ ;! Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ ;! Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows > ascii email inclusions ', () => { const text = `\ > Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; const res = `\ > Beard pinterest actually brunch brooklyn jean shorts YOLO. Knausgaard sriracha > banh mi, cold-pressed retro whatever ethical man braid asymmetrical > fingerstache narwhal. Intelligentsia wolf photo booth, tumblr pinterest quinoa > leggings four loko poutine. DIY tattooed drinking vinegar, wolf retro actually > aesthetic austin keffiyeh marfa beard. Marfa trust fund salvia sartorial > letterpress, keffiyeh plaid butcher. Swag try-hard dreamcatcher direct trade, > tacos pickled fanny pack literally meh pinterest slow-carb. Meditation > microdosing distillery 8-bit humblebrag migas.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it("doesn't allow special characters to surpass wrapColumn", () => { const test = `\ Imagine that I'm writing some LaTeX code. I start a comment, but change my mind. % Now I'm just kind of trucking along, doing some math and stuff. For instance, $3 + 4 = 7$. But maybe I'm getting really crazy and I use subtraction. It's kind of an obscure technique, but often it goes a bit like this: let $x = 2 + 2$, so $x - 1 = 3$ (quick maths). That's OK I guess, but now look at this cool thing called set theory: $\\{n + 42 : n \\in \\mathbb{N}\\}$. Wow. Neat. But we all know why we're really here. If you peer deep down into your heart, and you stare into the depths of yourself: is $P = NP$? Beware, though; many have tried and failed to answer this question. It is by no means for the faint of heart.\ `; const res = `\ Imagine that I'm writing some LaTeX code. I start a comment, but change my mind. % Now I'm just kind of trucking along, doing some math and stuff. For instance, $3 + 4 = 7$. But maybe I'm getting really crazy and I use subtraction. It's kind of an obscure technique, but often it goes a bit like this: let $x = 2 + 2$, so $x - 1 = 3$ (quick maths). That's OK I guess, but now look at this cool thing called set theory: $\\{n + 42 : n \\in \\mathbb{N}\\}$. Wow. Neat. But we all know why we're really here. If you peer deep down into your heart, and you stare into the depths of yourself: is $P = NP$? Beware, though; many have tried and failed to answer this question. It is by no means for the faint of heart.\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(test, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); describe('LaTeX', () => { it('properly reflows text around LaTeX tags', () => { const text = `\ \\begin{verbatim} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. \\end{verbatim}\ `; const res = `\ \\begin{verbatim} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. \\end{verbatim}\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows text inside LaTeX tags', () => { const text = `\ \\item{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. }\ `; const res = `\ \\item{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. }\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('properly reflows text inside nested LaTeX tags', () => { const text = `\ \\begin{enumerate}[label=(\\alph*)] \\item{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. } \\end{enumerate}\ `; const res = `\ \\begin{enumerate}[label=(\\alph*)] \\item{ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl odio amet, et tempor netus neque at at blandit, vel vestibulum libero dolor, semper lobortis ligula praesent. Eget condimentum integer, porta sagittis nam, fusce vitae a vitae augue. Nec semper quis sed ut, est porttitor praesent. Nisl velit quam dolore velit quam, elementum neque pellentesque pulvinar et vestibulum. } \\end{enumerate}\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 80})).toEqual(res); }); it('does not attempt to reflow a selection that contains only LaTeX tags and nothing else', () => { const text = `\ \\begin{enumerate} \\end{enumerate}\ `; expect(autoflow.reflow(text, {wrapColumn: 5})).toEqual(text); }); }); }); });