#include "wasapi-notify.hpp" #include "enum-wasapi.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define OPT_DEVICE_ID "device_id" #define OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING "use_device_timing" #define OPT_WINDOW "window" #define OPT_PRIORITY "priority" WASAPINotify *GetNotify(); static void GetWASAPIDefaults(obs_data_t *settings); #define OBS_KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_4POINT1 (KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_SURROUND | SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY) typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync)(LPCWSTR, REFIID, PROPVARIANT *, IActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler *, IActivateAudioInterfaceAsyncOperation **); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_RtwqUnlockWorkQueue)(DWORD); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_RtwqLockSharedWorkQueue)(PCWSTR usageClass, LONG basePriority, DWORD *taskId, DWORD *id); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_RtwqCreateAsyncResult)(IUnknown *, IRtwqAsyncCallback *, IUnknown *, IRtwqAsyncResult **); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_RtwqPutWorkItem)(DWORD, LONG, IRtwqAsyncResult *); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *PFN_RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem)(HANDLE, LONG, IRtwqAsyncResult *, RTWQWORKITEM_KEY *); class WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass, Microsoft::WRL::FtmBase, IActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler> { IUnknown *unknown; HRESULT activationResult; WinHandle activationSignal; public: WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler(); HRESULT GetActivateResult(IAudioClient **client); private: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ActivateCompleted(IActivateAudioInterfaceAsyncOperation *activateOperation) override final; }; WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler::WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler() { activationSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!activationSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create receive signal"; } HRESULT WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler::GetActivateResult(IAudioClient **client) { WaitForSingleObject(activationSignal, INFINITE); *client = static_cast(unknown); return activationResult; } HRESULT WASAPIActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler::ActivateCompleted( IActivateAudioInterfaceAsyncOperation *activateOperation) { HRESULT hr, hr_activate; hr = activateOperation->GetActivateResult(&hr_activate, &unknown); hr = SUCCEEDED(hr) ? hr_activate : hr; activationResult = hr; SetEvent(activationSignal); return hr; } enum class SourceType { Input, DeviceOutput, ProcessOutput, }; class ARtwqAsyncCallback : public IRtwqAsyncCallback { protected: ARtwqAsyncCallback(void *source) : source(source) {} public: STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return ++refCount; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { return --refCount; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; if (riid == __uuidof(IRtwqAsyncCallback) || riid == __uuidof(IUnknown)) { *ppvObject = this; AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } else { *ppvObject = NULL; } return hr; } STDMETHOD(GetParameters) (DWORD *pdwFlags, DWORD *pdwQueue) { *pdwFlags = 0; *pdwQueue = queue_id; return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(Invoke) (IRtwqAsyncResult *) override = 0; DWORD GetQueueId() const { return queue_id; } void SetQueueId(DWORD id) { queue_id = id; } protected: std::atomic refCount = 1; void *source; DWORD queue_id = 0; }; class WASAPISource { ComPtr enumerator; ComPtr client; ComPtr capture; obs_source_t *source; obs_weak_source_t *reroute_target = nullptr; wstring default_id; string device_id; string device_name; WinModule mmdevapi_module; PFN_ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync activate_audio_interface_async = NULL; PFN_RtwqUnlockWorkQueue rtwq_unlock_work_queue = NULL; PFN_RtwqLockSharedWorkQueue rtwq_lock_shared_work_queue = NULL; PFN_RtwqCreateAsyncResult rtwq_create_async_result = NULL; PFN_RtwqPutWorkItem rtwq_put_work_item = NULL; PFN_RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem rtwq_put_waiting_work_item = NULL; bool rtwq_supported = false; window_priority priority; string window_class; string title; string executable; HWND hwnd = NULL; DWORD process_id = 0; const SourceType sourceType; std::atomic useDeviceTiming = false; std::atomic isDefaultDevice = false; std::atomic sawBadTimestamp = false; bool hooked = false; bool previouslyFailed = false; WinHandle reconnectThread = NULL; class CallbackStartCapture : public ARtwqAsyncCallback { public: CallbackStartCapture(WASAPISource *source) : ARtwqAsyncCallback(source) {} STDMETHOD(Invoke) (IRtwqAsyncResult *) override { ((WASAPISource *)source)->OnStartCapture(); return S_OK; } } startCapture; ComPtr startCaptureAsyncResult; class CallbackSampleReady : public ARtwqAsyncCallback { public: CallbackSampleReady(WASAPISource *source) : ARtwqAsyncCallback(source) {} STDMETHOD(Invoke) (IRtwqAsyncResult *) override { ((WASAPISource *)source)->OnSampleReady(); return S_OK; } } sampleReady; ComPtr sampleReadyAsyncResult; class CallbackRestart : public ARtwqAsyncCallback { public: CallbackRestart(WASAPISource *source) : ARtwqAsyncCallback(source) {} STDMETHOD(Invoke) (IRtwqAsyncResult *) override { ((WASAPISource *)source)->OnRestart(); return S_OK; } } restart; ComPtr restartAsyncResult; WinHandle captureThread; WinHandle idleSignal; WinHandle stopSignal; WinHandle receiveSignal; WinHandle restartSignal; WinHandle reconnectExitSignal; WinHandle exitSignal; WinHandle initSignal; DWORD reconnectDuration = 0; WinHandle reconnectSignal; speaker_layout speakers; audio_format format; uint32_t sampleRate; vector silence; static DWORD WINAPI ReconnectThread(LPVOID param); static DWORD WINAPI CaptureThread(LPVOID param); bool ProcessCaptureData(); void Start(); void Stop(); static ComPtr InitDevice(IMMDeviceEnumerator *enumerator, bool isDefaultDevice, SourceType type, const string device_id); static ComPtr InitClient(IMMDevice *device, SourceType type, DWORD process_id, PFN_ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync activate_audio_interface_async, speaker_layout &speakers, audio_format &format, uint32_t &sampleRate); static void InitFormat(const WAVEFORMATEX *wfex, enum speaker_layout &speakers, enum audio_format &format, uint32_t &sampleRate); static void ClearBuffer(IMMDevice *device); static ComPtr InitCapture(IAudioClient *client, HANDLE receiveSignal); void Initialize(); bool TryInitialize(); struct UpdateParams { string device_id; bool useDeviceTiming; bool isDefaultDevice; window_priority priority; string window_class; string title; string executable; }; UpdateParams BuildUpdateParams(obs_data_t *settings); void UpdateSettings(UpdateParams &¶ms); void LogSettings(); public: WASAPISource(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source_, SourceType type); ~WASAPISource(); void Update(obs_data_t *settings); void OnWindowChanged(obs_data_t *settings); void Activate(); void Deactivate(); void SetDefaultDevice(EDataFlow flow, ERole role, LPCWSTR id); void OnStartCapture(); void OnSampleReady(); void OnRestart(); bool GetHooked(); HWND GetHwnd(); void SetRerouteTarget(obs_source_t *target) { obs_weak_source_release(reroute_target); reroute_target = obs_source_get_weak_source(target); } }; WASAPISource::WASAPISource(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source_, SourceType type) : source(source_), sourceType(type), startCapture(this), sampleReady(this), restart(this) { mmdevapi_module = LoadLibrary(L"Mmdevapi"); if (mmdevapi_module) { activate_audio_interface_async = (PFN_ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync)GetProcAddress(mmdevapi_module, "ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync"); } UpdateSettings(BuildUpdateParams(settings)); LogSettings(); idleSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); if (!idleSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create idle signal"; stopSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); if (!stopSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create stop signal"; receiveSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!receiveSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create receive signal"; restartSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); if (!restartSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create restart signal"; reconnectExitSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); if (!reconnectExitSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create reconnect exit signal"; exitSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); if (!exitSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create exit signal"; initSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!initSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create init signal"; reconnectSignal = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!reconnectSignal.Valid()) throw "Could not create reconnect signal"; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_PPV_ARGS(enumerator.Assign())); if (FAILED(hr)) throw HRError("Failed to create enumerator", hr); /* OBS will already load DLL on startup if it exists */ const HMODULE rtwq_module = GetModuleHandle(L"RTWorkQ.dll"); // while RTWQ was introduced in Win 8.1, it silently fails // to capture Desktop Audio for some reason. Disable for now. struct win_version_info win1703 = {}; win1703.major = 10; win1703.minor = 0; win1703.build = 15063; win1703.revis = 0; struct win_version_info ver; get_win_ver(&ver); if (win_version_compare(&ver, &win1703) >= 0) rtwq_supported = rtwq_module != NULL; if (rtwq_supported) { rtwq_unlock_work_queue = (PFN_RtwqUnlockWorkQueue)GetProcAddress(rtwq_module, "RtwqUnlockWorkQueue"); rtwq_lock_shared_work_queue = (PFN_RtwqLockSharedWorkQueue)GetProcAddress(rtwq_module, "RtwqLockSharedWorkQueue"); rtwq_create_async_result = (PFN_RtwqCreateAsyncResult)GetProcAddress(rtwq_module, "RtwqCreateAsyncResult"); rtwq_put_work_item = (PFN_RtwqPutWorkItem)GetProcAddress(rtwq_module, "RtwqPutWorkItem"); rtwq_put_waiting_work_item = (PFN_RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem)GetProcAddress(rtwq_module, "RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem"); try { hr = rtwq_create_async_result(nullptr, &startCapture, nullptr, &startCaptureAsyncResult); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw HRError("Could not create startCaptureAsyncResult", hr); } hr = rtwq_create_async_result(nullptr, &sampleReady, nullptr, &sampleReadyAsyncResult); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw HRError("Could not create sampleReadyAsyncResult", hr); } hr = rtwq_create_async_result(nullptr, &restart, nullptr, &restartAsyncResult); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw HRError("Could not create restartAsyncResult", hr); } DWORD taskId = 0; DWORD id = 0; hr = rtwq_lock_shared_work_queue(L"Capture", 0, &taskId, &id); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw HRError("RtwqLockSharedWorkQueue failed", hr); } startCapture.SetQueueId(id); sampleReady.SetQueueId(id); restart.SetQueueId(id); } catch (HRError &err) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "RTWQ setup failed: %s (0x%08X)", err.str, err.hr); rtwq_supported = false; } } if (!rtwq_supported) { captureThread = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, WASAPISource::CaptureThread, this, 0, nullptr); if (!captureThread.Valid()) { throw "Failed to create capture thread"; } } auto notify = GetNotify(); if (notify) { notify->AddDefaultDeviceChangedCallback(this, std::bind(&WASAPISource::SetDefaultDevice, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); } Start(); } void WASAPISource::Start() { if (rtwq_supported) { rtwq_put_work_item(startCapture.GetQueueId(), 0, startCaptureAsyncResult); } else { SetEvent(initSignal); } } void WASAPISource::Stop() { SetEvent(stopSignal); blog(LOG_INFO, "WASAPI: Device '%s' Terminated", device_name.c_str()); if (rtwq_supported) SetEvent(receiveSignal); if (reconnectThread.Valid()) { WaitForSingleObject(idleSignal, INFINITE); } else { const HANDLE sigs[] = {reconnectSignal, idleSignal}; WaitForMultipleObjects(_countof(sigs), sigs, false, INFINITE); } SetEvent(exitSignal); if (reconnectThread.Valid()) { SetEvent(reconnectExitSignal); WaitForSingleObject(reconnectThread, INFINITE); } if (rtwq_supported) rtwq_unlock_work_queue(sampleReady.GetQueueId()); else WaitForSingleObject(captureThread, INFINITE); obs_weak_source_release(reroute_target); } WASAPISource::~WASAPISource() { auto notify = GetNotify(); if (notify) { notify->RemoveDefaultDeviceChangedCallback(this); } Stop(); } WASAPISource::UpdateParams WASAPISource::BuildUpdateParams(obs_data_t *settings) { WASAPISource::UpdateParams params; params.device_id = obs_data_get_string(settings, OPT_DEVICE_ID); params.useDeviceTiming = obs_data_get_bool(settings, OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING); params.isDefaultDevice = _strcmpi(params.device_id.c_str(), "default") == 0; params.priority = (window_priority)obs_data_get_int(settings, "priority"); params.window_class.clear(); params.title.clear(); params.executable.clear(); if (sourceType != SourceType::Input) { const char *const window = obs_data_get_string(settings, OPT_WINDOW); char *window_class = nullptr; char *title = nullptr; char *executable = nullptr; ms_build_window_strings(window, &window_class, &title, &executable); if (window_class) { params.window_class = window_class; bfree(window_class); } if (title) { params.title = title; bfree(title); } if (executable) { params.executable = executable; bfree(executable); } } return params; } void WASAPISource::UpdateSettings(UpdateParams &¶ms) { device_id = std::move(params.device_id); useDeviceTiming = params.useDeviceTiming; isDefaultDevice = params.isDefaultDevice; priority = params.priority; window_class = std::move(params.window_class); title = std::move(params.title); executable = std::move(params.executable); } void WASAPISource::LogSettings() { if (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) { blog(LOG_INFO, "[win-wasapi: '%s'] update settings:\n" "\texecutable: %s\n" "\ttitle: %s\n" "\tclass: %s\n" "\tpriority: %d", obs_source_get_name(source), executable.c_str(), title.c_str(), window_class.c_str(), (int)priority); } else { blog(LOG_INFO, "[win-wasapi: '%s'] update settings:\n" "\tdevice id: %s\n" "\tuse device timing: %d", obs_source_get_name(source), device_id.c_str(), (int)useDeviceTiming); } } void WASAPISource::Update(obs_data_t *settings) { UpdateParams params = BuildUpdateParams(settings); const bool restart = (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) ? ((priority != params.priority) || (window_class != params.window_class) || (title != params.title) || (executable != params.executable)) : (device_id.compare(params.device_id) != 0); UpdateSettings(std::move(params)); LogSettings(); if (restart) SetEvent(restartSignal); } void WASAPISource::OnWindowChanged(obs_data_t *settings) { UpdateParams params = BuildUpdateParams(settings); const bool restart = (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) ? ((priority != params.priority) || (window_class != params.window_class) || (title != params.title) || (executable != params.executable)) : (device_id.compare(params.device_id) != 0); UpdateSettings(std::move(params)); if (restart) SetEvent(restartSignal); } void WASAPISource::Activate() { if (!reconnectThread.Valid()) { ResetEvent(reconnectExitSignal); reconnectThread = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, WASAPISource::ReconnectThread, this, 0, nullptr); } } void WASAPISource::Deactivate() { if (reconnectThread.Valid()) { SetEvent(reconnectExitSignal); WaitForSingleObject(reconnectThread, INFINITE); reconnectThread = NULL; } } ComPtr WASAPISource::InitDevice(IMMDeviceEnumerator *enumerator, bool isDefaultDevice, SourceType type, const string device_id) { ComPtr device; if (isDefaultDevice) { const bool input = type == SourceType::Input; HRESULT res = enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(input ? eCapture : eRender, input ? eCommunications : eConsole, device.Assign()); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed GetDefaultAudioEndpoint", res); } else { wchar_t *w_id; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(device_id.c_str(), device_id.size(), &w_id); if (!w_id) throw "Failed to widen device id string"; const HRESULT res = enumerator->GetDevice(w_id, device.Assign()); bfree(w_id); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to enumerate device", res); } return device; } #define BUFFER_TIME_100NS (5 * 10000000) static DWORD GetSpeakerChannelMask(speaker_layout layout) { switch (layout) { case SPEAKERS_STEREO: return KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_STEREO; case SPEAKERS_2POINT1: return KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_2POINT1; case SPEAKERS_4POINT0: return KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_SURROUND; case SPEAKERS_4POINT1: return OBS_KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_4POINT1; case SPEAKERS_5POINT1: return KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_5POINT1_SURROUND; case SPEAKERS_7POINT1: return KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_7POINT1_SURROUND; } return (DWORD)layout; } ComPtr WASAPISource::InitClient(IMMDevice *device, SourceType type, DWORD process_id, PFN_ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync activate_audio_interface_async, speaker_layout &speakers, audio_format &format, uint32_t &samples_per_sec) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wfextensible; CoTaskMemPtr wfex; const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat; HRESULT res; ComPtr client; if (type == SourceType::ProcessOutput) { if (activate_audio_interface_async == NULL) throw "ActivateAudioInterfaceAsync is not available"; struct obs_audio_info oai; obs_get_audio_info(&oai); const WORD nChannels = (WORD)get_audio_channels(oai.speakers); const DWORD nSamplesPerSec = oai.samples_per_sec; constexpr WORD wBitsPerSample = 32; const WORD nBlockAlign = nChannels * wBitsPerSample / 8; WAVEFORMATEX &wf = wfextensible.Format; wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; wf.nChannels = nChannels; wf.nSamplesPerSec = nSamplesPerSec; wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign; wf.nBlockAlign = nBlockAlign; wf.wBitsPerSample = wBitsPerSample; wf.cbSize = sizeof(wfextensible) - sizeof(wf); wfextensible.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = wBitsPerSample; wfextensible.dwChannelMask = GetSpeakerChannelMask(oai.speakers); wfextensible.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT; AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_PARAMS audioclientActivationParams; audioclientActivationParams.ActivationType = AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE_PROCESS_LOOPBACK; audioclientActivationParams.ProcessLoopbackParams.TargetProcessId = process_id; audioclientActivationParams.ProcessLoopbackParams.ProcessLoopbackMode = PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE_INCLUDE_TARGET_PROCESS_TREE; PROPVARIANT activateParams{}; activateParams.vt = VT_BLOB; activateParams.blob.cbSize = sizeof(audioclientActivationParams); activateParams.blob.pBlobData = reinterpret_cast(&audioclientActivationParams); { Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr handler = Microsoft::WRL::Make(); ComPtr asyncOp; res = activate_audio_interface_async(VIRTUAL_AUDIO_DEVICE_PROCESS_LOOPBACK, __uuidof(IAudioClient), &activateParams, handler.Get(), &asyncOp); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get activate audio client", res); res = handler->GetActivateResult(client.Assign()); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Async activation failed", res); } pFormat = &wf; } else { res = device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient), CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void **)client.Assign()); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to activate client context", res); res = client->GetMixFormat(&wfex); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get mix format", res); pFormat = wfex.Get(); } InitFormat(pFormat, speakers, format, samples_per_sec); DWORD flags = AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK; if (type != SourceType::Input) flags |= AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_LOOPBACK; res = client->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, flags, BUFFER_TIME_100NS, 0, pFormat, nullptr); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to initialize audio client", res); return client; } void WASAPISource::ClearBuffer(IMMDevice *device) { CoTaskMemPtr wfex; HRESULT res; LPBYTE buffer; UINT32 frames; ComPtr client; res = device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient), CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void **)client.Assign()); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to activate client context", res); res = client->GetMixFormat(&wfex); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get mix format", res); res = client->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, 0, BUFFER_TIME_100NS, 0, wfex, nullptr); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to initialize audio client", res); /* Silent loopback fix. Prevents audio stream from stopping and */ /* messing up timestamps and other weird glitches during silence */ /* by playing a silent sample all over again. */ res = client->GetBufferSize(&frames); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get buffer size", res); ComPtr render; res = client->GetService(IID_PPV_ARGS(render.Assign())); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get render client", res); res = render->GetBuffer(frames, &buffer); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to get buffer", res); memset(buffer, 0, (size_t)frames * (size_t)wfex->nBlockAlign); render->ReleaseBuffer(frames, 0); } static speaker_layout ConvertSpeakerLayout(DWORD layout, WORD channels) { switch (layout) { case KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_2POINT1: return SPEAKERS_2POINT1; case KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_SURROUND: return SPEAKERS_4POINT0; case OBS_KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_4POINT1: return SPEAKERS_4POINT1; case KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_5POINT1_SURROUND: return SPEAKERS_5POINT1; case KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_7POINT1_SURROUND: return SPEAKERS_7POINT1; } return (speaker_layout)channels; } void WASAPISource::InitFormat(const WAVEFORMATEX *wfex, enum speaker_layout &speakers, enum audio_format &format, uint32_t &sampleRate) { DWORD layout = 0; if (wfex->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *ext = (WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *)wfex; layout = ext->dwChannelMask; } /* WASAPI is always float */ speakers = ConvertSpeakerLayout(layout, wfex->nChannels); format = AUDIO_FORMAT_FLOAT; sampleRate = wfex->nSamplesPerSec; } ComPtr WASAPISource::InitCapture(IAudioClient *client, HANDLE receiveSignal) { ComPtr capture; HRESULT res = client->GetService(IID_PPV_ARGS(capture.Assign())); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to create capture context", res); res = client->SetEventHandle(receiveSignal); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to set event handle", res); res = client->Start(); if (FAILED(res)) throw HRError("Failed to start capture client", res); return capture; } void WASAPISource::Initialize() { ComPtr device; if (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) { device_name = "[VIRTUAL_AUDIO_DEVICE_PROCESS_LOOPBACK]"; hwnd = ms_find_window(INCLUDE_MINIMIZED, priority, window_class.c_str(), title.c_str(), executable.c_str()); if (!hwnd) throw "Failed to find window"; DWORD dwProcessId = 0; if (!GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwProcessId)) { hwnd = NULL; throw "Failed to get process id of window"; } process_id = dwProcessId; } else { device = InitDevice(enumerator, isDefaultDevice, sourceType, device_id); device_name = GetDeviceName(device); } ResetEvent(receiveSignal); ComPtr temp_client = InitClient(device, sourceType, process_id, activate_audio_interface_async, speakers, format, sampleRate); if (sourceType == SourceType::DeviceOutput) ClearBuffer(device); ComPtr temp_capture = InitCapture(temp_client, receiveSignal); client = std::move(temp_client); capture = std::move(temp_capture); if (rtwq_supported) { HRESULT hr = rtwq_put_waiting_work_item(receiveSignal, 0, sampleReadyAsyncResult, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { capture.Clear(); client.Clear(); throw HRError("RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem failed", hr); } hr = rtwq_put_waiting_work_item(restartSignal, 0, restartAsyncResult, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { capture.Clear(); client.Clear(); throw HRError("RtwqPutWaitingWorkItem failed", hr); } } blog(LOG_INFO, "WASAPI: Device '%s' [%" PRIu32 " Hz] initialized (source: %s)", device_name.c_str(), sampleRate, obs_source_get_name(source)); if (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput && !hooked) { hooked = true; signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); calldata_t data = {0}; struct dstr title = {0}; struct dstr window_class = {0}; struct dstr executable = {0}; ms_get_window_title(&title, hwnd); ms_get_window_class(&window_class, hwnd); ms_get_window_exe(&executable, hwnd); calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", source); calldata_set_string(&data, "title", title.array); calldata_set_string(&data, "class", window_class.array); calldata_set_string(&data, "executable", executable.array); signal_handler_signal(sh, "hooked", &data); dstr_free(&title); dstr_free(&window_class); dstr_free(&executable); calldata_free(&data); } } bool WASAPISource::TryInitialize() { bool success = false; try { Initialize(); success = true; } catch (HRError &error) { if (!previouslyFailed) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[%s] %s: %lX", device_name.empty() ? device_id.c_str() : device_name.c_str(), error.str, error.hr); } } catch (const char *error) { if (!previouslyFailed) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[%s] %s", device_name.empty() ? device_id.c_str() : device_name.c_str(), error); } } previouslyFailed = !success; return success; } DWORD WINAPI WASAPISource::ReconnectThread(LPVOID param) { os_set_thread_name("win-wasapi: reconnect thread"); WASAPISource *source = (WASAPISource *)param; const HANDLE sigs[] = { source->reconnectExitSignal, source->reconnectSignal, }; const HANDLE reconnect_sigs[] = { source->reconnectExitSignal, source->stopSignal, }; bool exit = false; while (!exit) { const DWORD ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(_countof(sigs), sigs, false, INFINITE); switch (ret) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: exit = true; break; default: assert(ret == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)); if (source->reconnectDuration > 0) { WaitForMultipleObjects(_countof(reconnect_sigs), reconnect_sigs, false, source->reconnectDuration); } source->Start(); } } return 0; } bool WASAPISource::ProcessCaptureData() { HRESULT res; LPBYTE buffer; UINT32 frames; DWORD flags; UINT64 pos, ts; UINT captureSize = 0; while (true) { if ((sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) && !IsWindow(hwnd)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::ProcessCaptureData] window disappeared"); return false; } res = capture->GetNextPacketSize(&captureSize); if (FAILED(res)) { if (res != AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::ProcessCaptureData]" " capture->GetNextPacketSize" " failed: %lX", res); return false; } if (!captureSize) break; res = capture->GetBuffer(&buffer, &frames, &flags, &pos, &ts); if (FAILED(res)) { if (res != AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::ProcessCaptureData]" " capture->GetBuffer" " failed: %lX", res); return false; } if (!sawBadTimestamp && flags & AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_TIMESTAMP_ERROR) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WASAPISource::ProcessCaptureData]" " Timestamp error!"); sawBadTimestamp = true; } if (flags & AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_SILENT) { /* buffer size = frame size * number of frames * frame size = channels * sample size * sample size = 4 bytes (always float per InitFormat) */ uint32_t requiredBufSize = get_audio_channels(speakers) * frames * 4; if (silence.size() < requiredBufSize) silence.resize(requiredBufSize); buffer = silence.data(); } obs_source_audio data = {}; data.data[0] = buffer; data.frames = frames; data.speakers = speakers; data.samples_per_sec = sampleRate; data.format = format; if (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput) { data.timestamp = ts * 100; } else { data.timestamp = useDeviceTiming ? ts * 100 : os_gettime_ns(); if (!useDeviceTiming) data.timestamp -= util_mul_div64(frames, UINT64_C(1000000000), sampleRate); } if (reroute_target) { obs_source_t *target = obs_weak_source_get_source(reroute_target); if (target) { obs_source_output_audio(target, &data); obs_source_release(target); } } else { obs_source_output_audio(source, &data); } capture->ReleaseBuffer(frames); } return true; } #define RECONNECT_INTERVAL 3000 DWORD WINAPI WASAPISource::CaptureThread(LPVOID param) { os_set_thread_name("win-wasapi: capture thread"); const HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); const bool com_initialized = SUCCEEDED(hr); if (!com_initialized) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "[WASAPISource::CaptureThread]" " CoInitializeEx failed: 0x%08X", hr); } DWORD unused = 0; const HANDLE handle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Audio", &unused); WASAPISource *source = (WASAPISource *)param; const HANDLE inactive_sigs[] = { source->exitSignal, source->stopSignal, source->initSignal, }; const HANDLE active_sigs[] = { source->exitSignal, source->stopSignal, source->receiveSignal, source->restartSignal, }; DWORD sig_count = _countof(inactive_sigs); const HANDLE *sigs = inactive_sigs; bool exit = false; while (!exit) { bool idle = false; bool stop = false; bool reconnect = false; do { /* Windows 7 does not seem to wake up for LOOPBACK */ const DWORD dwMilliseconds = ((sigs == active_sigs) && (source->sourceType != SourceType::Input)) ? 10 : INFINITE; const DWORD ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(sig_count, sigs, false, dwMilliseconds); switch (ret) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { exit = true; stop = true; idle = true; break; } case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: stop = true; idle = true; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: case WAIT_TIMEOUT: if (sigs == inactive_sigs) { assert(ret != WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (source->TryInitialize()) { sig_count = _countof(active_sigs); sigs = active_sigs; } else { if (source->reconnectDuration == 0) { blog(LOG_INFO, "WASAPI: Device '%s' failed to start (source: %s)", source->device_id.c_str(), obs_source_get_name(source->source)); } stop = true; reconnect = true; source->reconnectDuration = RECONNECT_INTERVAL; } } else { stop = !source->ProcessCaptureData(); if (stop) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Device '%s' invalidated. Retrying (source: %s)", source->device_name.c_str(), obs_source_get_name(source->source)); if (source->sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput && source->hooked) { source->hooked = false; signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source->source); calldata_t data = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", source->source); signal_handler_signal(sh, "unhooked", &data); calldata_free(&data); } stop = true; reconnect = true; source->reconnectDuration = RECONNECT_INTERVAL; } } break; default: assert(sigs == active_sigs); assert(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3); stop = true; reconnect = true; source->reconnectDuration = 0; ResetEvent(source->restartSignal); } } while (!stop); sig_count = _countof(inactive_sigs); sigs = inactive_sigs; if (source->client) { source->client->Stop(); source->capture.Clear(); source->client.Clear(); } if (idle) { SetEvent(source->idleSignal); } else if (reconnect) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Device '%s' invalidated. Retrying (source: %s)", source->device_name.c_str(), obs_source_get_name(source->source)); if (source->sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput && source->hooked) { source->hooked = false; signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source->source); calldata_t data = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", source->source); signal_handler_signal(sh, "unhooked", &data); calldata_free(&data); } SetEvent(source->reconnectSignal); } } if (handle) AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(handle); if (com_initialized) CoUninitialize(); return 0; } void WASAPISource::SetDefaultDevice(EDataFlow flow, ERole role, LPCWSTR id) { if (!isDefaultDevice) return; const bool input = sourceType == SourceType::Input; const EDataFlow expectedFlow = input ? eCapture : eRender; const ERole expectedRole = input ? eCommunications : eConsole; if (flow != expectedFlow || role != expectedRole) return; if (id) { if (default_id.compare(id) == 0) return; default_id = id; } else { if (default_id.empty()) return; default_id.clear(); } blog(LOG_INFO, "WASAPI: Default %s device changed", input ? "input" : "output"); SetEvent(restartSignal); } void WASAPISource::OnStartCapture() { const DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(stopSignal, 0); switch (ret) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: SetEvent(idleSignal); break; default: assert(ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (!TryInitialize()) { if (reconnectDuration == 0) { blog(LOG_INFO, "WASAPI: Device '%s' failed to start (source: %s)", device_id.c_str(), obs_source_get_name(source)); } reconnectDuration = RECONNECT_INTERVAL; SetEvent(reconnectSignal); } } } void WASAPISource::OnSampleReady() { bool stop = false; bool reconnect = false; if (!ProcessCaptureData()) { stop = true; reconnect = true; reconnectDuration = RECONNECT_INTERVAL; } if (WaitForSingleObject(restartSignal, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { stop = true; reconnect = true; reconnectDuration = 0; ResetEvent(restartSignal); rtwq_put_waiting_work_item(restartSignal, 0, restartAsyncResult, nullptr); } if (WaitForSingleObject(stopSignal, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { stop = true; reconnect = false; } if (!stop) { if (FAILED(rtwq_put_waiting_work_item(receiveSignal, 0, sampleReadyAsyncResult, nullptr))) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Could not requeue sample receive work"); stop = true; reconnect = true; reconnectDuration = RECONNECT_INTERVAL; } } if (stop) { client->Stop(); capture.Clear(); client.Clear(); if (reconnect) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Device '%s' invalidated. Retrying (source: %s)", device_name.c_str(), obs_source_get_name(source)); SetEvent(reconnectSignal); if (sourceType == SourceType::ProcessOutput && hooked) { hooked = false; signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); calldata_t data = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", source); signal_handler_signal(sh, "unhooked", &data); calldata_free(&data); } } else { SetEvent(idleSignal); } } } void WASAPISource::OnRestart() { SetEvent(receiveSignal); } bool WASAPISource::GetHooked() { return hooked; } HWND WASAPISource::GetHwnd() { return hwnd; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *GetWASAPIInputName(void *) { return obs_module_text("AudioInput"); } static const char *GetWASAPIDeviceOutputName(void *) { return obs_module_text("AudioOutput"); } static const char *GetWASAPIProcessOutputName(void *) { return obs_module_text("ApplicationAudioCapture"); } static void GetWASAPIDefaultsInput(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_string(settings, OPT_DEVICE_ID, "default"); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING, false); } static void GetWASAPIDefaultsDeviceOutput(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_string(settings, OPT_DEVICE_ID, "default"); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING, true); } static void GetWASAPIDefaultsProcessOutput(obs_data_t *) {} static void wasapi_get_hooked(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { WASAPISource *wasapi_source = reinterpret_cast(data); if (!wasapi_source) return; bool hooked = wasapi_source->GetHooked(); HWND hwnd = wasapi_source->GetHwnd(); if (hooked && hwnd) { calldata_set_bool(cd, "hooked", true); struct dstr title = {0}; struct dstr window_class = {0}; struct dstr executable = {0}; ms_get_window_title(&title, hwnd); ms_get_window_class(&window_class, hwnd); ms_get_window_exe(&executable, hwnd); calldata_set_string(cd, "title", title.array); calldata_set_string(cd, "class", window_class.array); calldata_set_string(cd, "executable", executable.array); dstr_free(&title); dstr_free(&window_class); dstr_free(&executable); } else { calldata_set_bool(cd, "hooked", false); calldata_set_string(cd, "title", ""); calldata_set_string(cd, "class", ""); calldata_set_string(cd, "executable", ""); } } static void wasapi_reroute_audio(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { auto wasapi_source = static_cast(data); if (!wasapi_source) return; obs_source_t *target = nullptr; calldata_get_ptr(cd, "target", &target); wasapi_source->SetRerouteTarget(target); } static void *CreateWASAPISource(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source, SourceType type) { try { if (type != SourceType::ProcessOutput) { return new WASAPISource(settings, source, type); } else { WASAPISource *wasapi_source = new WASAPISource(settings, source, type); if (wasapi_source) { signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); signal_handler_add(sh, "void unhooked(ptr source)"); signal_handler_add( sh, "void hooked(ptr source, string title, string class, string executable)"); proc_handler_t *ph = obs_source_get_proc_handler(source); proc_handler_add( ph, "void get_hooked(out bool hooked, out string title, out string class, out string executable)", wasapi_get_hooked, wasapi_source); proc_handler_add(ph, "void reroute_audio(in ptr target)", wasapi_reroute_audio, wasapi_source); } return wasapi_source; } } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "[CreateWASAPISource] %s", error); } return nullptr; } static void *CreateWASAPIInput(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { return CreateWASAPISource(settings, source, SourceType::Input); } static void *CreateWASAPIDeviceOutput(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { return CreateWASAPISource(settings, source, SourceType::DeviceOutput); } static void *CreateWASAPIProcessOutput(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { return CreateWASAPISource(settings, source, SourceType::ProcessOutput); } static void DestroyWASAPISource(void *obj) { delete static_cast(obj); } static void UpdateWASAPISource(void *obj, obs_data_t *settings) { static_cast(obj)->Update(settings); } static void ActivateWASAPISource(void *obj) { static_cast(obj)->Activate(); } static void DeactivateWASAPISource(void *obj) { static_cast(obj)->Deactivate(); } static bool UpdateWASAPIMethod(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *, obs_data_t *settings) { WASAPISource *source = (WASAPISource *)obs_properties_get_param(props); if (!source) return false; source->Update(settings); return true; } static obs_properties_t *GetWASAPIPropertiesInput(void *) { obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); vector devices; obs_property_t *device_prop = obs_properties_add_list(props, OPT_DEVICE_ID, obs_module_text("Device"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); GetWASAPIAudioDevices(devices, true); if (devices.size()) obs_property_list_add_string(device_prop, obs_module_text("Default"), "default"); for (size_t i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) { AudioDeviceInfo &device = devices[i]; obs_property_list_add_string(device_prop, device.name.c_str(), device.id.c_str()); } obs_properties_add_bool(props, OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING, obs_module_text("UseDeviceTiming")); return props; } static obs_properties_t *GetWASAPIPropertiesDeviceOutput(void *) { obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); vector devices; obs_property_t *device_prop = obs_properties_add_list(props, OPT_DEVICE_ID, obs_module_text("Device"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); GetWASAPIAudioDevices(devices, false); if (devices.size()) obs_property_list_add_string(device_prop, obs_module_text("Default"), "default"); for (size_t i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) { AudioDeviceInfo &device = devices[i]; obs_property_list_add_string(device_prop, device.name.c_str(), device.id.c_str()); } obs_properties_add_bool(props, OPT_USE_DEVICE_TIMING, obs_module_text("UseDeviceTiming")); return props; } static bool wasapi_window_changed(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { WASAPISource *source = (WASAPISource *)obs_properties_get_param(props); if (!source) return false; source->OnWindowChanged(settings); ms_check_window_property_setting(props, p, settings, "window", 0); return true; } static obs_properties_t *GetWASAPIPropertiesProcessOutput(void *data) { obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); obs_properties_set_param(props, data, NULL); obs_property_t *const window_prop = obs_properties_add_list(props, OPT_WINDOW, obs_module_text("Window"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); ms_fill_window_list(window_prop, INCLUDE_MINIMIZED, nullptr); obs_property_set_modified_callback(window_prop, wasapi_window_changed); obs_property_t *const priority_prop = obs_properties_add_list(props, OPT_PRIORITY, obs_module_text("Priority"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(priority_prop, obs_module_text("Priority.Title"), WINDOW_PRIORITY_TITLE); obs_property_list_add_int(priority_prop, obs_module_text("Priority.Class"), WINDOW_PRIORITY_CLASS); obs_property_list_add_int(priority_prop, obs_module_text("Priority.Exe"), WINDOW_PRIORITY_EXE); return props; } void RegisterWASAPIInput() { obs_source_info info = {}; info.id = "wasapi_input_capture"; info.type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT; info.output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE; info.get_name = GetWASAPIInputName; info.create = CreateWASAPIInput; info.destroy = DestroyWASAPISource; info.update = UpdateWASAPISource; info.activate = ActivateWASAPISource; info.deactivate = DeactivateWASAPISource; info.get_defaults = GetWASAPIDefaultsInput; info.get_properties = GetWASAPIPropertiesInput; info.icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_AUDIO_INPUT; obs_register_source(&info); } void RegisterWASAPIDeviceOutput() { obs_source_info info = {}; info.id = "wasapi_output_capture"; info.type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT; info.output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_SELF_MONITOR; info.get_name = GetWASAPIDeviceOutputName; info.create = CreateWASAPIDeviceOutput; info.destroy = DestroyWASAPISource; info.update = UpdateWASAPISource; info.activate = ActivateWASAPISource; info.deactivate = DeactivateWASAPISource; info.get_defaults = GetWASAPIDefaultsDeviceOutput; info.get_properties = GetWASAPIPropertiesDeviceOutput; info.icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_AUDIO_OUTPUT; obs_register_source(&info); } void RegisterWASAPIProcessOutput() { obs_source_info info = {}; info.id = "wasapi_process_output_capture"; info.type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT; info.output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_SELF_MONITOR; info.get_name = GetWASAPIProcessOutputName; info.create = CreateWASAPIProcessOutput; info.destroy = DestroyWASAPISource; info.update = UpdateWASAPISource; info.activate = ActivateWASAPISource; info.deactivate = DeactivateWASAPISource; info.get_defaults = GetWASAPIDefaultsProcessOutput; info.get_properties = GetWASAPIPropertiesProcessOutput; info.icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_PROCESS_AUDIO_OUTPUT; obs_register_source(&info); }