#include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "source-tree.hpp" #include "platform.hpp" #include "source-label.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static inline OBSScene GetCurrentScene() { OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); return main->GetCurrentScene(); } /* ========================================================================= */ SourceTreeItem::SourceTreeItem(SourceTree *tree_, OBSSceneItem sceneitem_) : tree(tree_), sceneitem(sceneitem_) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); setMouseTracking(true); obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); const char *name = obs_source_get_name(source); OBSDataAutoRelease privData = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(sceneitem); int preset = obs_data_get_int(privData, "color-preset"); if (preset == 1) { const char *color = obs_data_get_string(privData, "color"); std::string col = "background: "; col += color; setStyleSheet(col.c_str()); } else if (preset > 1) { setStyleSheet(""); setProperty("bgColor", preset - 1); } else { setStyleSheet("background: none"); } OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); const char *id = obs_source_get_id(source); bool sourceVisible = obs_sceneitem_visible(sceneitem); if (tree->iconsVisible) { QIcon icon; if (strcmp(id, "scene") == 0) icon = main->GetSceneIcon(); else if (strcmp(id, "group") == 0) icon = main->GetGroupIcon(); else icon = main->GetSourceIcon(id); QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)); iconLabel = new QLabel(); iconLabel->setPixmap(pixmap); iconLabel->setEnabled(sourceVisible); iconLabel->setStyleSheet("background: none"); iconLabel->setProperty("class", "source-icon"); } vis = new QCheckBox(); vis->setProperty("class", "checkbox-icon indicator-visibility"); vis->setChecked(sourceVisible); vis->setAccessibleName(QTStr("Basic.Main.Sources.Visibility")); vis->setAccessibleDescription(QTStr("Basic.Main.Sources.VisibilityDescription").arg(name)); lock = new QCheckBox(); lock->setProperty("class", "checkbox-icon indicator-lock"); lock->setChecked(obs_sceneitem_locked(sceneitem)); lock->setAccessibleName(QTStr("Basic.Main.Sources.Lock")); lock->setAccessibleDescription(QTStr("Basic.Main.Sources.LockDescription").arg(name)); label = new OBSSourceLabel(source); label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); label->setEnabled(sourceVisible); #ifdef __APPLE__ vis->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); lock->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); #endif boxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); boxLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); boxLayout->setSpacing(0); if (iconLabel) { boxLayout->addWidget(iconLabel); boxLayout->addSpacing(2); } boxLayout->addWidget(label); boxLayout->addWidget(vis); boxLayout->addWidget(lock); #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Hack: Fixes a bug where scrollbars would be above the lock icon */ boxLayout->addSpacing(16); #endif Update(false); setLayout(boxLayout); /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ auto setItemVisible = [this](bool val) { obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(sceneitem); obs_source_t *scenesource = obs_scene_get_source(scene); int64_t id = obs_sceneitem_get_id(sceneitem); const char *name = obs_source_get_name(scenesource); const char *uuid = obs_source_get_uuid(scenesource); obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); auto undo_redo = [](const std::string &uuid, int64_t id, bool val) { OBSSourceAutoRelease s = obs_get_source_by_uuid(uuid.c_str()); obs_scene_t *sc = obs_group_or_scene_from_source(s); obs_sceneitem_t *si = obs_scene_find_sceneitem_by_id(sc, id); if (si) obs_sceneitem_set_visible(si, val); }; QString str = QTStr(val ? "Undo.ShowSceneItem" : "Undo.HideSceneItem"); OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); main->undo_s.add_action(str.arg(obs_source_get_name(source), name), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, id, !val), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, id, val), uuid, uuid); QSignalBlocker sourcesSignalBlocker(this); obs_sceneitem_set_visible(sceneitem, val); }; auto setItemLocked = [this](bool checked) { QSignalBlocker sourcesSignalBlocker(this); obs_sceneitem_set_locked(sceneitem, checked); }; connect(vis, &QAbstractButton::clicked, setItemVisible); connect(lock, &QAbstractButton::clicked, setItemLocked); } void SourceTreeItem::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QStyleOption opt; opt.initFrom(this); QPainter p(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this); QWidget::paintEvent(event); } void SourceTreeItem::DisconnectSignals() { sigs.clear(); } void SourceTreeItem::Clear() { DisconnectSignals(); sceneitem = nullptr; } void SourceTreeItem::ReconnectSignals() { if (!sceneitem) return; DisconnectSignals(); /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ auto removeItem = [](void *data, calldata_t *cd) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t *curItem = (obs_sceneitem_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "item"); obs_scene_t *curScene = (obs_scene_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "scene"); if (curItem == this_->sceneitem) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_->tree, "Remove", Q_ARG(OBSSceneItem, curItem), Q_ARG(OBSScene, curScene)); curItem = nullptr; } if (!curItem) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_, "Clear"); }; auto itemVisible = [](void *data, calldata_t *cd) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t *curItem = (obs_sceneitem_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "item"); bool visible = calldata_bool(cd, "visible"); if (curItem == this_->sceneitem) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_, "VisibilityChanged", Q_ARG(bool, visible)); }; auto itemLocked = [](void *data, calldata_t *cd) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t *curItem = (obs_sceneitem_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "item"); bool locked = calldata_bool(cd, "locked"); if (curItem == this_->sceneitem) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_, "LockedChanged", Q_ARG(bool, locked)); }; auto itemSelect = [](void *data, calldata_t *cd) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t *curItem = (obs_sceneitem_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "item"); if (curItem == this_->sceneitem) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_, "Select"); }; auto itemDeselect = [](void *data, calldata_t *cd) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t *curItem = (obs_sceneitem_t *)calldata_ptr(cd, "item"); if (curItem == this_->sceneitem) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_, "Deselect"); }; auto reorderGroup = [](void *data, calldata_t *) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_->tree, "ReorderItems"); }; obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(sceneitem); obs_source_t *sceneSource = obs_scene_get_source(scene); signal_handler_t *signal = obs_source_get_signal_handler(sceneSource); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "remove", removeItem, this); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "item_remove", removeItem, this); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "item_visible", itemVisible, this); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "item_locked", itemLocked, this); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "item_select", itemSelect, this); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "item_deselect", itemDeselect, this); if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(sceneitem)) { obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); signal = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "reorder", reorderGroup, this); } /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ auto removeSource = [](void *data, calldata_t *) { SourceTreeItem *this_ = reinterpret_cast(data); this_->DisconnectSignals(); this_->sceneitem = nullptr; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this_->tree, "RefreshItems"); }; obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); signal = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); sigs.emplace_back(signal, "remove", removeSource, this); } void SourceTreeItem::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); if (expand) { expand->setChecked(!expand->isChecked()); } else { obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); if (obs_source_configurable(source)) { main->CreatePropertiesWindow(source); } } } void SourceTreeItem::enterEvent(QEnterEvent *event) { QWidget::enterEvent(event); OBSBasicPreview *preview = OBSBasicPreview::Get(); std::lock_guard lock(preview->selectMutex); preview->hoveredPreviewItems.clear(); preview->hoveredPreviewItems.push_back(sceneitem); } void SourceTreeItem::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { QWidget::leaveEvent(event); OBSBasicPreview *preview = OBSBasicPreview::Get(); std::lock_guard lock(preview->selectMutex); preview->hoveredPreviewItems.clear(); } bool SourceTreeItem::IsEditing() { return editor != nullptr; } void SourceTreeItem::EnterEditMode() { setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); int index = boxLayout->indexOf(label); boxLayout->removeWidget(label); editor = new QLineEdit(label->text()); editor->setStyleSheet("background: none"); editor->selectAll(); editor->installEventFilter(this); boxLayout->insertWidget(index, editor); setFocusProxy(editor); } void SourceTreeItem::ExitEditMode(bool save) { ExitEditModeInternal(save); if (tree->undoSceneData) { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); main->undo_s.pop_disabled(); OBSData redoSceneData = main->BackupScene(GetCurrentScene()); QString text = QTStr("Undo.GroupItems").arg(newName.c_str()); main->CreateSceneUndoRedoAction(text, tree->undoSceneData, redoSceneData); tree->undoSceneData = nullptr; } } void SourceTreeItem::ExitEditModeInternal(bool save) { if (!editor) { return; } OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); OBSScene scene = main->GetCurrentScene(); newName = QT_TO_UTF8(editor->text()); setFocusProxy(nullptr); int index = boxLayout->indexOf(editor); boxLayout->removeWidget(editor); delete editor; editor = nullptr; setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); boxLayout->insertWidget(index, label); setFocus(); /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* check for empty string */ if (!save) return; if (newName.empty()) { OBSMessageBox::information(main, QTStr("NoNameEntered.Title"), QTStr("NoNameEntered.Text")); return; } /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Check for same name */ obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(sceneitem); if (newName == obs_source_get_name(source)) return; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* check for existing source */ OBSSourceAutoRelease existingSource = obs_get_source_by_name(newName.c_str()); bool exists = !!existingSource; if (exists) { OBSMessageBox::information(main, QTStr("NameExists.Title"), QTStr("NameExists.Text")); return; } /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* rename */ QSignalBlocker sourcesSignalBlocker(this); std::string prevName(obs_source_get_name(source)); std::string scene_uuid = obs_source_get_uuid(main->GetCurrentSceneSource()); auto undo = [scene_uuid, prevName, main](const std::string &data) { OBSSourceAutoRelease source = obs_get_source_by_uuid(data.c_str()); obs_source_set_name(source, prevName.c_str()); OBSSourceAutoRelease scene_source = obs_get_source_by_uuid(scene_uuid.c_str()); main->SetCurrentScene(scene_source.Get(), true); }; std::string editedName = newName; auto redo = [scene_uuid, main, editedName](const std::string &data) { OBSSourceAutoRelease source = obs_get_source_by_uuid(data.c_str()); obs_source_set_name(source, editedName.c_str()); OBSSourceAutoRelease scene_source = obs_get_source_by_uuid(scene_uuid.c_str()); main->SetCurrentScene(scene_source.Get(), true); }; const char *uuid = obs_source_get_uuid(source); main->undo_s.add_action(QTStr("Undo.Rename").arg(newName.c_str()), undo, redo, uuid, uuid); obs_source_set_name(source, newName.c_str()); } bool SourceTreeItem::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (editor != object) return false; if (LineEditCanceled(event)) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "ExitEditMode", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, false)); return true; } if (LineEditChanged(event)) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "ExitEditMode", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, true)); return true; } return false; } void SourceTreeItem::VisibilityChanged(bool visible) { if (iconLabel) { iconLabel->setEnabled(visible); } label->setEnabled(visible); vis->setChecked(visible); } void SourceTreeItem::LockedChanged(bool locked) { lock->setChecked(locked); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateEditMenu(); } void SourceTreeItem::Update(bool force) { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); obs_scene_t *itemScene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(sceneitem); Type newType; /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* if it's a group item, insert group checkbox */ if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(sceneitem)) { newType = Type::Group; /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* if it's a group sub-item */ } else if (itemScene != scene) { newType = Type::SubItem; /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* if it's a regular item */ } else { newType = Type::Item; } /* ------------------------------------------------- */ if (!force && newType == type) { return; } /* ------------------------------------------------- */ ReconnectSignals(); if (spacer) { boxLayout->removeItem(spacer); delete spacer; spacer = nullptr; } if (type == Type::Group) { boxLayout->removeWidget(expand); expand->deleteLater(); expand = nullptr; } type = newType; if (type == Type::SubItem) { spacer = new QSpacerItem(16, 1); boxLayout->insertItem(0, spacer); } else if (type == Type::Group) { expand = new QCheckBox(); expand->setProperty("class", "checkbox-icon indicator-expand"); #ifdef __APPLE__ expand->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); #endif boxLayout->insertWidget(0, expand); OBSDataAutoRelease data = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(sceneitem); expand->blockSignals(true); expand->setChecked(obs_data_get_bool(data, "collapsed")); expand->blockSignals(false); connect(expand, &QPushButton::toggled, this, &SourceTreeItem::ExpandClicked); } else { spacer = new QSpacerItem(3, 1); boxLayout->insertItem(0, spacer); } } void SourceTreeItem::ExpandClicked(bool checked) { OBSDataAutoRelease data = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(sceneitem); obs_data_set_bool(data, "collapsed", checked); if (!checked) tree->GetStm()->ExpandGroup(sceneitem); else tree->GetStm()->CollapseGroup(sceneitem); } void SourceTreeItem::Select() { tree->SelectItem(sceneitem, true); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateContextBarDeferred(); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateEditMenu(); } void SourceTreeItem::Deselect() { tree->SelectItem(sceneitem, false); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateContextBarDeferred(); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateEditMenu(); } /* ========================================================================= */ void SourceTreeModel::OBSFrontendEvent(enum obs_frontend_event event, void *ptr) { SourceTreeModel *stm = reinterpret_cast(ptr); switch (event) { case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_PREVIEW_SCENE_CHANGED: stm->SceneChanged(); break; case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_EXIT: stm->Clear(); obs_frontend_remove_event_callback(OBSFrontendEvent, stm); break; case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_SCENE_COLLECTION_CLEANUP: stm->Clear(); break; default: break; } } void SourceTreeModel::Clear() { beginResetModel(); items.clear(); endResetModel(); hasGroups = false; } static bool enumItem(obs_scene_t *, obs_sceneitem_t *item, void *ptr) { QVector &items = *reinterpret_cast *>(ptr); obs_source_t *src = obs_sceneitem_get_source(item); if (obs_source_removed(src)) { return true; } if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { OBSDataAutoRelease data = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(item); bool collapse = obs_data_get_bool(data, "collapsed"); if (!collapse) { obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_group_get_scene(item); obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enumItem, &items); } } items.insert(0, item); return true; } void SourceTreeModel::SceneChanged() { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); beginResetModel(); items.clear(); obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enumItem, &items); endResetModel(); UpdateGroupState(false); st->ResetWidgets(); for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) { bool select = obs_sceneitem_selected(items[i]); QModelIndex index = createIndex(i, 0); st->selectionModel()->select(index, select ? QItemSelectionModel::Select : QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); } } /* moves a scene item index (blame linux distros for using older Qt builds) */ static inline void MoveItem(QVector &items, int oldIdx, int newIdx) { OBSSceneItem item = items[oldIdx]; items.remove(oldIdx); items.insert(newIdx, item); } /* reorders list optimally with model reorder funcs */ void SourceTreeModel::ReorderItems() { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); QVector newitems; obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enumItem, &newitems); /* if item list has changed size, do full reset */ if (newitems.count() != items.count()) { SceneChanged(); return; } for (;;) { int idx1Old = 0; int idx1New = 0; int count; int i; /* find first starting changed item index */ for (i = 0; i < newitems.count(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *oldItem = items[i]; obs_sceneitem_t *newItem = newitems[i]; if (oldItem != newItem) { idx1Old = i; break; } } /* if everything is the same, break */ if (i == newitems.count()) { break; } /* find new starting index */ for (i = idx1Old + 1; i < newitems.count(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *oldItem = items[idx1Old]; obs_sceneitem_t *newItem = newitems[i]; if (oldItem == newItem) { idx1New = i; break; } } /* if item could not be found, do full reset */ if (i == newitems.count()) { SceneChanged(); return; } /* get move count */ for (count = 1; (idx1New + count) < newitems.count(); count++) { int oldIdx = idx1Old + count; int newIdx = idx1New + count; obs_sceneitem_t *oldItem = items[oldIdx]; obs_sceneitem_t *newItem = newitems[newIdx]; if (oldItem != newItem) { break; } } /* move items */ beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx1Old, idx1Old + count - 1, QModelIndex(), idx1New + count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { int to = idx1New + count; if (to > idx1Old) to--; MoveItem(items, idx1Old, to); } endMoveRows(); } } void SourceTreeModel::Add(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { SceneChanged(); } else { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); items.insert(0, item); endInsertRows(); st->UpdateWidget(createIndex(0, 0, nullptr), item); } } void SourceTreeModel::Remove(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) { if (items[i] == item) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx == -1) return; int startIdx = idx; int endIdx = idx; bool is_group = obs_sceneitem_is_group(item); if (is_group) { obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_group_get_scene(item); for (int i = endIdx + 1; i < items.count(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *subitem = items[i]; obs_scene_t *subscene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(subitem); if (subscene == scene) endIdx = i; else break; } } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), startIdx, endIdx); items.remove(idx, endIdx - startIdx + 1); endRemoveRows(); if (is_group) UpdateGroupState(true); OBSBasic::Get()->UpdateContextBarDeferred(); } OBSSceneItem SourceTreeModel::Get(int idx) { if (idx == -1 || idx >= items.count()) return OBSSceneItem(); return items[idx]; } SourceTreeModel::SourceTreeModel(SourceTree *st_) : QAbstractListModel(st_), st(st_) { obs_frontend_add_event_callback(OBSFrontendEvent, this); } int SourceTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : items.count(); } QVariant SourceTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (role == Qt::AccessibleTextRole) { OBSSceneItem item = items[index.row()]; obs_source_t *source = obs_sceneitem_get_source(item); return QVariant(QT_UTF8(obs_source_get_name(source))); } return QVariant(); } Qt::ItemFlags SourceTreeModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QAbstractListModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[index.row()]; bool is_group = obs_sceneitem_is_group(item); return QAbstractListModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | (is_group ? Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled : Qt::NoItemFlags); } Qt::DropActions SourceTreeModel::supportedDropActions() const { return QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions() | Qt::MoveAction; } QString SourceTreeModel::GetNewGroupName() { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); QString name = QTStr("Group"); int i = 2; for (;;) { OBSSourceAutoRelease group = obs_get_source_by_name(QT_TO_UTF8(name)); if (!group) break; name = QTStr("Basic.Main.Group").arg(QString::number(i++)); } return name; } void SourceTreeModel::AddGroup() { QString name = GetNewGroupName(); obs_sceneitem_t *group = obs_scene_add_group(GetCurrentScene(), QT_TO_UTF8(name)); if (!group) return; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); items.insert(0, group); endInsertRows(); st->UpdateWidget(createIndex(0, 0, nullptr), group); UpdateGroupState(true); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(st, "Edit", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, 0)); } void SourceTreeModel::GroupSelectedItems(QModelIndexList &indices) { if (indices.count() == 0) return; OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); QString name = GetNewGroupName(); QVector item_order; for (int i = indices.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; item_order << item; } st->undoSceneData = main->BackupScene(scene); obs_sceneitem_t *item = obs_scene_insert_group(scene, QT_TO_UTF8(name), item_order.data(), item_order.size()); if (!item) { st->undoSceneData = nullptr; return; } main->undo_s.push_disabled(); for (obs_sceneitem_t *item : item_order) obs_sceneitem_select(item, false); hasGroups = true; st->UpdateWidgets(true); obs_sceneitem_select(item, true); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* obs_scene_insert_group triggers a full refresh of scene items via */ /* the item_add signal. No need to insert a row, just edit the one */ /* that's created automatically. */ int newIdx = indices[0].row(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(st, "NewGroupEdit", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, newIdx)); } void SourceTreeModel::UngroupSelectedGroups(QModelIndexList &indices) { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); if (indices.count() == 0) return; OBSScene scene = main->GetCurrentScene(); OBSData undoData = main->BackupScene(scene); for (int i = indices.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; obs_sceneitem_group_ungroup(item); } SceneChanged(); OBSData redoData = main->BackupScene(scene); main->CreateSceneUndoRedoAction(QTStr("Basic.Main.Ungroup"), undoData, redoData); } void SourceTreeModel::ExpandGroup(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { int itemIdx = items.indexOf(item); if (itemIdx == -1) return; itemIdx++; obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_group_get_scene(item); QVector subItems; obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enumItem, &subItems); if (!subItems.size()) return; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), itemIdx, itemIdx + subItems.size() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < subItems.size(); i++) items.insert(i + itemIdx, subItems[i]); endInsertRows(); st->UpdateWidgets(); } void SourceTreeModel::CollapseGroup(obs_sceneitem_t *item) { int startIdx = -1; int endIdx = -1; obs_scene_t *scene = obs_sceneitem_group_get_scene(item); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { obs_scene_t *itemScene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(items[i]); if (itemScene == scene) { if (startIdx == -1) startIdx = i; endIdx = i; } } if (startIdx == -1) return; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), startIdx, endIdx); items.remove(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx + 1); endRemoveRows(); } void SourceTreeModel::UpdateGroupState(bool update) { bool nowHasGroups = false; for (auto &item : items) { if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { nowHasGroups = true; break; } } if (nowHasGroups != hasGroups) { hasGroups = nowHasGroups; if (update) { st->UpdateWidgets(true); } } } /* ========================================================================= */ SourceTree::SourceTree(QWidget *parent_) : QListView(parent_) { SourceTreeModel *stm_ = new SourceTreeModel(this); setModel(stm_); setStyleSheet(QString("*[bgColor=\"1\"]{background-color:rgba(255,68,68,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"2\"]{background-color:rgba(255,255,68,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"3\"]{background-color:rgba(68,255,68,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"4\"]{background-color:rgba(68,255,255,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"5\"]{background-color:rgba(68,68,255,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"6\"]{background-color:rgba(255,68,255,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"7\"]{background-color:rgba(68,68,68,33%);}" "*[bgColor=\"8\"]{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,33%);}")); UpdateNoSourcesMessage(); connect(App(), &OBSApp::StyleChanged, this, &SourceTree::UpdateNoSourcesMessage); connect(App(), &OBSApp::StyleChanged, this, &SourceTree::UpdateIcons); setItemDelegate(new SourceTreeDelegate(this)); } void SourceTree::UpdateIcons() { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); stm->SceneChanged(); } void SourceTree::SetIconsVisible(bool visible) { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); iconsVisible = visible; stm->SceneChanged(); } void SourceTree::ResetWidgets() { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); stm->UpdateGroupState(false); for (int i = 0; i < stm->items.count(); i++) { QModelIndex index = stm->createIndex(i, 0, nullptr); setIndexWidget(index, new SourceTreeItem(this, stm->items[i])); } } void SourceTree::UpdateWidget(const QModelIndex &idx, obs_sceneitem_t *item) { setIndexWidget(idx, new SourceTreeItem(this, item)); } void SourceTree::UpdateWidgets(bool force) { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); for (int i = 0; i < stm->items.size(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = stm->items[i]; SourceTreeItem *widget = GetItemWidget(i); if (!widget) { UpdateWidget(stm->createIndex(i, 0), item); } else { widget->Update(force); } } } void SourceTree::SelectItem(obs_sceneitem_t *sceneitem, bool select) { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); int i = 0; for (; i < stm->items.count(); i++) { if (stm->items[i] == sceneitem) break; } if (i == stm->items.count()) return; QModelIndex index = stm->createIndex(i, 0); if (index.isValid() && select != selectionModel()->isSelected(index)) selectionModel()->select(index, select ? QItemSelectionModel::Select : QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(OBSSceneItem); void SourceTree::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) QListView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); } void SourceTree::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (event->source() != this) { QListView::dropEvent(event); return; } OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); obs_source_t *scenesource = obs_scene_get_source(scene); SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); auto &items = stm->items; QModelIndexList indices = selectedIndexes(); DropIndicatorPosition indicator = dropIndicatorPosition(); int row = indexAt(event->position().toPoint()).row(); bool emptyDrop = row == -1; if (emptyDrop) { if (!items.size()) { QListView::dropEvent(event); return; } row = items.size() - 1; indicator = QAbstractItemView::BelowItem; } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* store destination group if moving to a */ /* group */ obs_sceneitem_t *dropItem = items[row]; /* item being dropped on */ bool itemIsGroup = obs_sceneitem_is_group(dropItem); obs_sceneitem_t *dropGroup = itemIsGroup ? dropItem : obs_sceneitem_get_group(scene, dropItem); /* not a group if moving above the group */ if (indicator == QAbstractItemView::AboveItem && itemIsGroup) dropGroup = nullptr; if (emptyDrop) dropGroup = nullptr; /* --------------------------------------- */ /* remember to remove list items if */ /* dropping on collapsed group */ bool dropOnCollapsed = false; if (dropGroup) { obs_data_t *data = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(dropGroup); dropOnCollapsed = obs_data_get_bool(data, "collapsed"); obs_data_release(data); } if (indicator == QAbstractItemView::BelowItem || indicator == QAbstractItemView::OnItem || indicator == QAbstractItemView::OnViewport) row++; if (row < 0 || row > stm->items.count()) { QListView::dropEvent(event); return; } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* determine if any base group is selected */ bool hasGroups = false; for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { hasGroups = true; break; } } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* if dropping a group, detect if it's */ /* below another group */ obs_sceneitem_t *itemBelow; if (row == stm->items.count()) itemBelow = nullptr; else itemBelow = stm->items[row]; if (hasGroups) { if (!itemBelow || obs_sceneitem_get_group(scene, itemBelow) != dropGroup) { dropGroup = nullptr; dropOnCollapsed = false; } } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* if dropping groups on other groups, */ /* disregard as invalid drag/drop */ if (dropGroup && hasGroups) { QListView::dropEvent(event); return; } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* save undo data */ std::vector sources; for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; if (obs_sceneitem_get_scene(item) != scene) sources.push_back(obs_scene_get_source(obs_sceneitem_get_scene(item))); } if (dropGroup) sources.push_back(obs_sceneitem_get_source(dropGroup)); OBSData undo_data = main->BackupScene(scene, &sources); /* --------------------------------------- */ /* if selection includes base group items, */ /* include all group sub-items and treat */ /* them all as one */ if (hasGroups) { /* remove sub-items if selected */ for (int i = indices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; obs_scene_t *itemScene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(item); if (itemScene != scene) { indices.removeAt(i); } } /* add all sub-items of selected groups */ for (int i = indices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[indices[i].row()]; if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { for (int j = items.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { obs_sceneitem_t *subitem = items[j]; obs_sceneitem_t *subitemGroup = obs_sceneitem_get_group(scene, subitem); if (subitemGroup == item) { QModelIndex idx = stm->createIndex(j, 0); indices.insert(i + 1, idx); } } } } } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* build persistent indices */ QList persistentIndices; persistentIndices.reserve(indices.count()); for (QModelIndex &index : indices) persistentIndices.append(index); std::sort(persistentIndices.begin(), persistentIndices.end()); /* --------------------------------------- */ /* move all items to destination index */ int r = row; for (auto &persistentIdx : persistentIndices) { int from = persistentIdx.row(); int to = r; int itemTo = to; if (itemTo > from) itemTo--; if (itemTo != from) { stm->beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), from, from, QModelIndex(), to); MoveItem(items, from, itemTo); stm->endMoveRows(); } r = persistentIdx.row() + 1; } std::sort(persistentIndices.begin(), persistentIndices.end()); int firstIdx = persistentIndices.front().row(); int lastIdx = persistentIndices.back().row(); /* --------------------------------------- */ /* reorder scene items in back-end */ QVector orderList; obs_sceneitem_t *lastGroup = nullptr; int insertCollapsedIdx = 0; auto insertCollapsed = [&](obs_sceneitem_t *item) { struct obs_sceneitem_order_info info; info.group = lastGroup; info.item = item; orderList.insert(insertCollapsedIdx++, info); }; using insertCollapsed_t = decltype(insertCollapsed); auto preInsertCollapsed = [](obs_scene_t *, obs_sceneitem_t *item, void *param) { (*reinterpret_cast(param))(item); return true; }; auto insertLastGroup = [&]() { OBSDataAutoRelease data = obs_sceneitem_get_private_settings(lastGroup); bool collapsed = obs_data_get_bool(data, "collapsed"); if (collapsed) { insertCollapsedIdx = 0; obs_sceneitem_group_enum_items(lastGroup, preInsertCollapsed, &insertCollapsed); } struct obs_sceneitem_order_info info; info.group = nullptr; info.item = lastGroup; orderList.insert(0, info); }; auto updateScene = [&]() { struct obs_sceneitem_order_info info; for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = items[i]; obs_sceneitem_t *group; if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { if (lastGroup) { insertLastGroup(); } lastGroup = item; continue; } if (!hasGroups && i >= firstIdx && i <= lastIdx) group = dropGroup; else group = obs_sceneitem_get_group(scene, item); if (lastGroup && lastGroup != group) { insertLastGroup(); } lastGroup = group; info.group = group; info.item = item; orderList.insert(0, info); } if (lastGroup) { insertLastGroup(); } obs_scene_reorder_items2(scene, orderList.data(), orderList.size()); }; using updateScene_t = decltype(updateScene); auto preUpdateScene = [](void *data, obs_scene_t *) { (*reinterpret_cast(data))(); }; ignoreReorder = true; obs_scene_atomic_update(scene, preUpdateScene, &updateScene); ignoreReorder = false; /* --------------------------------------- */ /* save redo data */ OBSData redo_data = main->BackupScene(scene, &sources); /* --------------------------------------- */ /* add undo/redo action */ const char *scene_name = obs_source_get_name(scenesource); QString action_name = QTStr("Undo.ReorderSources").arg(scene_name); main->CreateSceneUndoRedoAction(action_name, undo_data, redo_data); /* --------------------------------------- */ /* remove items if dropped in to collapsed */ /* group */ if (dropOnCollapsed) { stm->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstIdx, lastIdx); items.remove(firstIdx, lastIdx - firstIdx + 1); stm->endRemoveRows(); } /* --------------------------------------- */ /* update widgets and accept event */ UpdateWidgets(true); event->accept(); event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); QListView::dropEvent(event); } void SourceTree::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) { { QSignalBlocker sourcesSignalBlocker(this); SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); QModelIndexList selectedIdxs = selected.indexes(); QModelIndexList deselectedIdxs = deselected.indexes(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedIdxs.count(); i++) { int idx = selectedIdxs[i].row(); obs_sceneitem_select(stm->items[idx], true); } for (int i = 0; i < deselectedIdxs.count(); i++) { int idx = deselectedIdxs[i].row(); obs_sceneitem_select(stm->items[idx], false); } } QListView::selectionChanged(selected, deselected); } void SourceTree::NewGroupEdit(int row) { if (!Edit(row)) { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); main->undo_s.pop_disabled(); blog(LOG_WARNING, "Uh, somehow the edit didn't process, this " "code should never be reached.\nAnd by " "\"never be reached\", I mean that " "theoretically, it should be\nimpossible " "for this code to be reached. But if this " "code is reached,\nfeel free to laugh at " "Lain, because apparently it is, in fact, " "actually\npossible for this code to be " "reached. But I mean, again, theoretically\n" "it should be impossible. So if you see " "this in your log, just know that\nit's " "really dumb, and depressing. But at least " "the undo/redo action is\nstill covered, so " "in theory things *should* be fine. But " "it's entirely\npossible that they might " "not be exactly. But again, yea. This " "really\nshould not be possible."); OBSData redoSceneData = main->BackupScene(GetCurrentScene()); QString text = QTStr("Undo.GroupItems").arg("Unknown"); main->CreateSceneUndoRedoAction(text, undoSceneData, redoSceneData); undoSceneData = nullptr; } } bool SourceTree::Edit(int row) { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); if (row < 0 || row >= stm->items.count()) return false; QModelIndex index = stm->createIndex(row, 0); QWidget *widget = indexWidget(index); SourceTreeItem *itemWidget = reinterpret_cast(widget); if (itemWidget->IsEditing()) { #ifdef __APPLE__ itemWidget->ExitEditMode(true); #endif return false; } itemWidget->EnterEditMode(); edit(index); return true; } bool SourceTree::MultipleBaseSelected() const { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); QModelIndexList selectedIndices = selectedIndexes(); OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); if (selectedIndices.size() < 1) { return false; } for (auto &idx : selectedIndices) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = stm->items[idx.row()]; if (obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { return false; } obs_scene *itemScene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(item); if (itemScene != scene) { return false; } } return true; } bool SourceTree::GroupsSelected() const { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); QModelIndexList selectedIndices = selectedIndexes(); OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); if (selectedIndices.size() < 1) { return false; } for (auto &idx : selectedIndices) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = stm->items[idx.row()]; if (!obs_sceneitem_is_group(item)) { return false; } } return true; } bool SourceTree::GroupedItemsSelected() const { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); QModelIndexList selectedIndices = selectedIndexes(); OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); if (!selectedIndices.size()) { return false; } for (auto &idx : selectedIndices) { obs_sceneitem_t *item = stm->items[idx.row()]; obs_scene *itemScene = obs_sceneitem_get_scene(item); if (itemScene != scene) { return true; } } return false; } void SourceTree::Remove(OBSSceneItem item, OBSScene scene) { OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); GetStm()->Remove(item); main->SaveProject(); if (!main->SavingDisabled()) { obs_source_t *sceneSource = obs_scene_get_source(scene); obs_source_t *itemSource = obs_sceneitem_get_source(item); blog(LOG_INFO, "User Removed source '%s' (%s) from scene '%s'", obs_source_get_name(itemSource), obs_source_get_id(itemSource), obs_source_get_name(sceneSource)); } } void SourceTree::GroupSelectedItems() { QModelIndexList indices = selectedIndexes(); std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end()); GetStm()->GroupSelectedItems(indices); } void SourceTree::UngroupSelectedGroups() { QModelIndexList indices = selectedIndexes(); GetStm()->UngroupSelectedGroups(indices); } void SourceTree::AddGroup() { GetStm()->AddGroup(); } void SourceTree::UpdateNoSourcesMessage() { QString file = !App()->IsThemeDark() ? ":res/images/no_sources.svg" : "theme:Dark/no_sources.svg"; iconNoSources.load(file); QTextOption opt(Qt::AlignHCenter); opt.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap); textNoSources.setTextOption(opt); textNoSources.setText(QTStr("NoSources.Label").replace("\n", "
")); textPrepared = false; } void SourceTree::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { SourceTreeModel *stm = GetStm(); if (stm && !stm->items.count()) { QPainter p(viewport()); if (!textPrepared) { textNoSources.prepare(QTransform(), p.font()); textPrepared = true; } QRectF iconRect = iconNoSources.viewBoxF(); iconRect.setSize(QSizeF(32.0, 32.0)); QSizeF iconSize = iconRect.size(); QSizeF textSize = textNoSources.size(); QSizeF thisSize = size(); const qreal spacing = 16.0; qreal totalHeight = iconSize.height() + spacing + textSize.height(); qreal x = thisSize.width() / 2.0 - iconSize.width() / 2.0; qreal y = thisSize.height() / 2.0 - totalHeight / 2.0; iconRect.moveTo(std::round(x), std::round(y)); iconNoSources.render(&p, iconRect); x = thisSize.width() / 2.0 - textSize.width() / 2.0; y += spacing + iconSize.height(); p.drawStaticText(x, y, textNoSources); } else { QListView::paintEvent(event); } } SourceTreeDelegate::SourceTreeDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) {} QSize SourceTreeDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { SourceTree *tree = qobject_cast(parent()); QWidget *item = tree->indexWidget(index); if (!item) return (QSize(0, 0)); return (QSize(option.widget->minimumWidth(), item->height())); }