/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Dillon Pentz This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "importers.hpp" #include using namespace std; using namespace json11; static bool source_name_exists(const Json::array &sources, const string &name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { Json source = sources[i]; if (name == source["name"].string_value()) return true; } return false; } #define translate_int(in_key, in, out_key, out, off) out[out_key] = in[in_key].int_value() + off; #define translate_string(in_key, in, out_key, out) out[out_key] = in[in_key]; #define translate_bool(in_key, in, out_key, out) out[out_key] = in[in_key].int_value() == 1; static Json::object translate_scene_item(const Json &in, const Json &source) { Json::object item = Json::object{}; translate_string("name", source, "name", item); translate_int("crop.top", in, "crop_top", item, 0); translate_int("crop.bottom", in, "crop_bottom", item, 0); translate_int("crop.left", in, "crop_left", item, 0); translate_int("crop.right", in, "crop_right", item, 0); Json::object pos = Json::object{}; translate_int("x", in, "x", pos, 0); translate_int("y", in, "y", pos, 0); Json::object bounds = Json::object{}; translate_int("cx", in, "x", bounds, 0); translate_int("cy", in, "y", bounds, 0); item["pos"] = pos; item["bounds"] = bounds; item["bounds_type"] = 2; item["visible"] = true; return item; } static int red_blue_swap(int color) { int r = color / 256 / 256; int b = color % 256; return color - (r * 65536) - b + (b * 65536) + r; } static void create_string_obj(const string &data, Json::array &arr); static Json::object translate_source(const Json &in, const Json &sources) { string id = in["class"].string_value(); string name = in["name"].string_value(); Json::array source_arr = sources.array_items(); if (id == "GlobalSource") { for (size_t i = 0; i < source_arr.size(); i++) { Json source = source_arr[i]; if (name == source["name"].string_value()) { Json::object obj = source.object_items(); obj["preexist"] = true; return obj; } } } Json in_settings = in["data"]; Json::object settings = Json::object{}; Json::object out = Json::object{}; int i = 0; string new_name = name; while (source_name_exists(source_arr, new_name)) { new_name = name + to_string(++i); } out["name"] = new_name; if (id == "TextSource") { out["id"] = "text_gdiplus"; int color = in_settings["color"].int_value() + 16777216; color = red_blue_swap(color) + 4278190080; settings["color"] = color; color = in_settings["backgroundColor"].int_value(); color = red_blue_swap(color + 16777216) + 4278190080; settings["bk_color"] = color; color = in_settings["outlineColor"].int_value(); color = red_blue_swap(color + 16777216) + 4278190080; settings["outline_color"] = color; translate_string("text", in_settings, "text", settings); translate_int("backgroundOpacity", in_settings, "bk_opacity", settings, 0); translate_bool("vertical", in_settings, "vertical", settings); translate_int("textOpacity", in_settings, "opacity", settings, 0); translate_bool("useOutline", in_settings, "outline", settings); translate_int("outlineOpacity", in_settings, "outline_opacity", settings, 0); translate_int("outlineSize", in_settings, "outline_size", settings, 0); translate_bool("useTextExtents", in_settings, "extents", settings); translate_int("extentWidth", in_settings, "extents_cx", settings, 0); translate_int("extentHeight", in_settings, "extents_cy", settings, 0); translate_bool("mode", in_settings, "read_from_file", settings); translate_bool("wrap", in_settings, "extents_wrap", settings); string str = in_settings["file"].string_value(); settings["file"] = StringReplace(str, "\\\\", "/"); int in_align = in_settings["align"].int_value(); string align = in_align == 0 ? "left" : (in_align == 1 ? "center" : "right"); settings["align"] = align; bool bold = in_settings["bold"].int_value() == 1; bool italic = in_settings["italic"].int_value() == 1; bool underline = in_settings["underline"].int_value() == 1; int flags = bold ? OBS_FONT_BOLD : 0; flags |= italic ? OBS_FONT_ITALIC : 0; flags |= underline ? OBS_FONT_UNDERLINE : 0; Json::object font = Json::object{}; font["flags"] = flags; translate_int("fontSize", in_settings, "size", font, 0); translate_string("font", in_settings, "face", font); if (bold && italic) { font["style"] = "Bold Italic"; } else if (bold) { font["style"] = "Bold"; } else if (italic) { font["style"] = "Italic"; } else { font["style"] = "Regular"; } settings["font"] = font; } else if (id == "MonitorCaptureSource") { out["id"] = "monitor_capture"; translate_int("monitor", in_settings, "monitor", settings, 0); translate_bool("captureMouse", in_settings, "capture_cursor", settings); } else if (id == "BitmapImageSource") { out["id"] = "image_source"; string str = in_settings["path"].string_value(); settings["file"] = StringReplace(str, "\\\\", "/"); } else if (id == "BitmapTransitionSource") { out["id"] = "slideshow"; Json files = in_settings["bitmap"]; if (!files.is_array()) { files = Json::array{in_settings["bitmap"]}; } settings["files"] = files; } else if (id == "WindowCaptureSource") { out["id"] = "window_capture"; string win = in_settings["window"].string_value(); string winClass = in_settings["windowClass"].string_value(); win = StringReplace(win, "/", "\\\\"); win = StringReplace(win, ":", "#3A"); winClass = StringReplace(winClass, ":", "#3A"); settings["window"] = win + ":" + winClass + ":"; settings["priority"] = 0; } else if (id == "CLRBrowserSource") { out["id"] = "browser_source"; string browser_dec = QByteArray::fromBase64(in_settings["sourceSettings"].string_value().c_str()).toStdString(); string err; Json browser = Json::parse(browser_dec, err); if (err != "") return Json::object{}; Json::object obj = browser.object_items(); translate_string("CSS", obj, "css", settings); translate_int("Height", obj, "height", settings, 0); translate_int("Width", obj, "width", settings, 0); translate_string("Url", obj, "url", settings); } else if (id == "DeviceCapture") { out["id"] = "dshow_input"; string device_id = in_settings["deviceID"].string_value(); string device_name = in_settings["deviceName"].string_value(); settings["video_device_id"] = device_name + ":" + device_id; int w = in_settings["resolutionWidth"].int_value(); int h = in_settings["resolutionHeight"].int_value(); settings["resolution"] = to_string(w) + "x" + to_string(h); } else if (id == "GraphicsCapture") { bool hotkey = in_settings["useHotkey"].int_value() == 1; if (hotkey) { settings["capture_mode"] = "hotkey"; } else { settings["capture_mode"] = "window"; } string winClass = in_settings["windowClass"].string_value(); string exec = in_settings["executable"].string_value(); settings["window"] = ":" + winClass + ":" + exec; translate_bool("captureMouse", in_settings, "capture_cursor", settings); } out["settings"] = settings; return out; } #undef translate_int #undef translate_string #undef translate_bool static void translate_sc(const Json &in, Json &out) { Json::object res = Json::object{}; Json::array out_sources = Json::array{}; Json::array global = in["globals"].array_items(); if (!in["globals"].is_null()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < global.size(); i++) { Json source = global[i]; Json out_source = translate_source(source, out_sources); out_sources.push_back(out_source); } } Json::array scenes = in["scenes"].array_items(); string first_name = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < scenes.size(); i++) { Json in_scene = scenes[i]; if (first_name.empty()) first_name = in_scene["name"].string_value(); Json::array items = Json::array{}; Json::array sources = in_scene["sources"].array_items(); for (size_t x = sources.size(); x > 0; x--) { Json source = sources[x - 1]; Json::object out_source = translate_source(source, out_sources); Json::object out_item = translate_scene_item(source, out_source); out_item["id"] = (int)x - 1; items.push_back(out_item); if (out_source.find("preexist") == out_source.end()) out_sources.push_back(out_source); } out_sources.push_back( Json::object{{"id", "scene"}, {"name", in_scene["name"]}, {"settings", Json::object{{"items", items}, {"id_counter", (int)items.size()}}}}); } res["current_scene"] = first_name; res["current_program_scene"] = first_name; res["sources"] = out_sources; res["name"] = in["name"]; out = res; } static void create_string(const string &name, Json::object &out, const string &data) { string str = StringReplace(data, "\\\\", "/"); out[name] = str; } static void create_string_obj(const string &data, Json::array &arr) { Json::object obj = Json::object{}; create_string("value", obj, data); arr.push_back(obj); } static void create_double(const string &name, Json::object &out, const string &data) { double d = atof(data.c_str()); out[name] = d; } static void create_int(const string &name, Json::object &out, const string &data) { int i = atoi(data.c_str()); out[name] = i; } static void create_data_item(Json::object &out, const string &line) { size_t end_pos = line.find(':') - 1; if (end_pos == string::npos) return; size_t start_pos = 0; while (line[start_pos] == ' ') start_pos++; string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos); const char *c_name = name.c_str(); string first = line.substr(end_pos + 3); if ((first[0] >= 'A' && first[0] <= 'Z') || (first[0] >= 'a' && first[0] <= 'z') || first[0] == '\\' || first[0] == '/') { if (out.find(c_name) != out.end()) { Json::array arr = out[c_name].array_items(); if (out[c_name].is_string()) { Json::array new_arr = Json::array{}; string str = out[c_name].string_value(); create_string_obj(str, new_arr); arr = std::move(new_arr); } create_string_obj(first, arr); out[c_name] = arr; } else { create_string(c_name, out, first); } } else if (first[0] == '"') { string str = first.substr(1, first.size() - 2); if (out.find(c_name) != out.end()) { Json::array arr = out[c_name].array_items(); if (out[c_name].is_string()) { Json::array new_arr = Json::array{}; string str1 = out[c_name].string_value(); create_string_obj(str1, new_arr); arr = std::move(new_arr); } create_string_obj(str, arr); out[c_name] = arr; } else { create_string(c_name, out, str); } } else if (first.find('.') != string::npos) { create_double(c_name, out, first); } else { create_int(c_name, out, first); } } static Json::object create_object(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src); static Json::array create_sources(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src) { Json::array res = Json::array{}; line = ReadLine(src); size_t l_len = line.size(); while (!line.empty() && line[l_len - 1] != '}') { size_t end_pos = line.find(':'); if (end_pos == string::npos) return Json::array{}; size_t start_pos = 0; while (line[start_pos] == ' ') start_pos++; string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos - 1); Json::object nul = Json::object(); Json::object source = create_object(nul, line, src); source["name"] = name; res.push_back(source); line = ReadLine(src); l_len = line.size(); } if (!out.empty()) out["sources"] = res; return res; } static Json::object create_object(Json::object &out, string &line, string &src) { size_t end_pos = line.find(':'); if (end_pos == string::npos) return Json::object{}; size_t start_pos = 0; while (line[start_pos] == ' ') start_pos++; string name = line.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos - 1); Json::object res = Json::object{}; line = ReadLine(src); size_t l_len = line.size() - 1; while (!line.empty() && line[l_len] != '}') { start_pos = 0; while (line[start_pos] == ' ') start_pos++; if (line.substr(start_pos, 7) == "sources") create_sources(res, line, src); else if (line[l_len] == '{') create_object(res, line, src); else create_data_item(res, line); line = ReadLine(src); l_len = line.size() - 1; } if (!out.empty()) out[name] = res; return res; } string ClassicImporter::Name(const string &path) { return GetFilenameFromPath(path); } int ClassicImporter::ImportScenes(const string &path, string &name, Json &res) { BPtr file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(path.c_str()); if (!file_data) return IMPORTER_FILE_WONT_OPEN; if (name.empty()) name = GetFilenameFromPath(path); Json::object data = Json::object{}; data["name"] = name; string file = file_data.Get(); string line = ReadLine(file); while (!line.empty() && line[0] != '\0') { string key = line != "global sources : {" ? "scenes" : "globals"; Json::array arr = create_sources(data, line, file); data[key] = arr; line = ReadLine(file); } Json sc = data; translate_sc(sc, res); QDir dir(path.c_str()); TranslateOSStudio(res); TranslatePaths(res, QDir::cleanPath(dir.filePath("..")).toStdString()); return IMPORTER_SUCCESS; } bool ClassicImporter::Check(const string &path) { BPtr file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(path.c_str()); if (!file_data) return false; bool check = false; if (strncmp(file_data, "scenes : {\r\n", 12) == 0) check = true; return check; } OBSImporterFiles ClassicImporter::FindFiles() { OBSImporterFiles res; #ifdef _WIN32 char dst[512]; int found = os_get_config_path(dst, 512, "OBS\\sceneCollection\\"); if (found == -1) return res; os_dir_t *dir = os_opendir(dst); struct os_dirent *ent; while ((ent = os_readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->directory || *ent->d_name == '.') continue; string name = ent->d_name; size_t pos = name.find(".xconfig"); if (pos != -1 && pos == name.length() - 8) { string path = dst + name; res.push_back(path); } } os_closedir(dir); #endif return res; }