import os import sys from glob import glob from typing import List from xml.etree import ElementTree from nltk.downloader import _indent_xml if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: ") print(" ") sys.exit(-1) ROOT = sys.argv[1] def write(file_name: str, coll_name: str, items: List[str]) -> None: """Write `collection/{file_name}.xml` with `file_name` as the collection `id`, `coll_name` as the collection `name`, and `items` as a list of collection items. :param file_name: The id of the collection, equivalent to the file name, e.g. `all-corpora`. :type file_name: str :param coll_name: The name of the collection, e.g. `"All corpora"` :type coll_name: str :param items: A list of names for the collection items, e.g. `["abc", "alpino", ...]` :type items: List[str] """ et = ElementTree.Element("collection", id=file_name, name=coll_name) et.extend(ElementTree.Element("item", ref=item) for item in sorted(items)) _indent_xml(et) with open(os.path.join(ROOT, "collections", file_name + ".xml"), "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(ElementTree.tostring(et).decode("utf8")) def get_id(xml_path: str) -> str: """Given a full path, extract only the filename (i.e. the nltk_data id) :param xml_path: A full path, e.g. "./packages/corpora/abc.xml" :type xml_path: str :return: The filename, without the extension, e.g. "abc" :rtype: str """ return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(xml_path))[0] # Write `collection/all-corpora.xml` based on all files under /packages/corpora corpora_items = [get_id(xml_path) for xml_path in glob(f"{ROOT}/packages/corpora/*.xml")] write("all-corpora", "All the corpora", corpora_items) # Write `collection/all-nltk.xml` and `collection/all.xml` based on all files under /packages all_items = [get_id(xml_path) for xml_path in glob(f"{ROOT}/packages/**/*.xml")] write("all-nltk", "All packages available on nltk_data gh-pages branch", all_items) write("all", "All packages", all_items)