references.bib 3.0 KB

  1. @book{lamb1932,
  2. title={Hydrodynamics. Sixth edition.},
  3. author={Lamb, Horace},
  4. year={1932},
  5. publisher={Cambridge University Press}
  6. }
  7. @book{kennard1967,
  8. title={Irrotational Flow of Frictionless Fluids: Mostly of Invariable Density},
  9. author={Kennard, Earle Hesse},
  10. volume={2299},
  11. year={1967},
  12. publisher={US Government Printing Office}
  13. }
  14. @book{tuckerman1925,
  15. title={Inertia factors of ellipsoids for use in airship design},
  16. author={Tuckerman, LB},
  17. year={1925},
  18. publisher={US Government Printing Office}
  19. }
  20. @article{wang2004,
  21. title={Unsteady forces and flows in low Reynolds number hovering flight: two-dimensional computations vs robotic wing experiments},
  22. author={Wang, Z Jane and Birch, James M and Dickinson, Michael H},
  23. journal={Journal of Experimental Biology},
  24. volume={207},
  25. number={3},
  26. pages={449--460},
  27. year={2004},
  28. publisher={Company of Biologists}
  29. }
  30. @article{andersen2005a,
  31. title={Unsteady aerodynamics of fluttering and tumbling plates},
  32. author={Andersen, A and Pesavento, U and Wang, Z Jane},
  33. journal={Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
  34. volume={541},
  35. pages={65--90},
  36. year={2005},
  37. publisher={Cambridge University Press}
  38. }
  39. @article{andersen2005b,
  40. title={Analysis of transitions between fluttering, tumbling and steady descent of falling cards},
  41. author={Andersen, Anders and Pesavento, Umberto and Wang, Z Jane},
  42. journal={Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
  43. volume={541},
  44. pages={91--104},
  45. year={2005},
  46. publisher={Cambridge University Press}
  47. }
  48. @article{stokes1850,
  49. title={On the effect of internal friction of fluids on the motion of pendulums},
  50. author={Stokes, GG},
  51. journal={Trans. Camb. phi1. S0c},
  52. volume={9},
  53. number={8},
  54. pages={106},
  55. year={1850}
  56. }
  57. @article{loth2008,
  58. title={Drag of non-spherical solid particles of regular and irregular shape},
  59. author={Loth, E},
  60. journal={Powder Technology},
  61. volume={182},
  62. number={3},
  63. pages={342--353},
  64. year={2008},
  65. publisher={Elsevier}
  66. }
  67. @article{bagheri2016,
  68. title={On the drag of freely falling non-spherical particles},
  69. author={Bagheri, Gholamhossein and Bonadonna, Costanza},
  70. journal={Powder Technology},
  71. volume={301},
  72. pages={526--544},
  73. year={2016},
  74. publisher={Elsevier}
  75. }
  76. @article{duan2015,
  77. title={Sphere drag and heat transfer},
  78. author={Duan, Zhipeng and He, Boshu and Duan, Yuanyuan},
  79. journal={Scientific reports},
  80. volume={5},
  81. number={1},
  82. pages={1--7},
  83. year={2015},
  84. publisher={Nature Publishing Group}
  85. }
  86. @article {Vaxenburg2024,
  87. author = {Roman Vaxenburg and Igor Siwanowicz and Josh Merel and Alice A Robie and Carmen Morrow and Guido Novati and Zinovia Stefanidi and Gwyneth M Card and Michael B Reiser and Matthew M Botvinick and Kristin M Branson and Yuval Tassa and Srinivas C Turaga},
  88. title = {Whole-body simulation of realistic fruit fly locomotion with deep reinforcement learning},
  89. elocation-id = {2024.03.11.584515},
  90. year = {2024},
  91. doi = {10.1101/2024.03.11.584515},
  92. publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
  93. journal = {bioRxiv}
  94. }