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The milvus_benchmark is a non-functional testing tool or service which allows users to run tests on k8s cluster or at local, the primary use case is performance/load/stability testing, the objective is to expose problems in milvus project.

Quick start


  • Test cases in milvus_benchmark can be organized with yaml
  • Test can run with local mode or helm mode
    • local: install and start your local server, and pass the host/port param when start the tests
    • helm: install the server by helm, which will manage the milvus in k8s cluster, and you can integrate the test stage into argo workflow or jenkins pipeline


  • Using jenkins: Use ci/main_jenkinsfile as the jenkins pipeline file
  • Using argo: Example argo workflow yaml configuration: ci/argo.yaml

The client environment can be found in file Dockerfile

  • Local test:

    1. Set PYTHONPATH:
      $ export PYTHONPATH=/your/project/path/milvus_benchmark
    1. Prepare data:

    if we need to use the sift/deep dataset as the raw data input, then mount NAS and update RAW_DATA_DIR in, the example mount command:

      $ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=test,vers=1.0 // /test
    1. Install requirements:
      $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    1. Install the Python-SDK for milvus.

    2. Write test yaml and run with the yaml param:

      $ cd milvus_benchmark/ && python --local --host=* --port=19530 --suite=suites/2_insert_data.yaml

Test suite


Test suite yaml defines the test process, users need to add test suite yaml if adding a customized test into the current test framework.


Take the test file 2_insert_data.yaml as an example

         db_config.primary_path: /test/milvus/db_data_2/cluster/sift_1m_128_l2
         wal_enable: true
       collection_name: sift_1m_128_l2
       ni_per: 50000
       build_index: false
       index_type: ivf_sq8
         nlist: 1024
  • insert_performance

The top level is the runner type: the other test types including: search_performance/build_performance/insert_performance/accuracy/locust_insert/..., each test type corresponds to the different runner component defined in directory runnners

  • other fields under runner type

The other parts in the test yaml is the params pass to the runner, such as:

  • The field collection_name means which kind of collection will be created in milvus
  • The field ni_per means the batch size
  • The field build_index means that whether to create index during inserting

While using argo workflow as benchmark pipeline, the test suite is made of both client and server configmap, an example:


kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: server-cluster-8c16m
  namespace: qa
  uid: 3752f85c-c840-40c6-a5db-ae44146ad8b5
  resourceVersion: '42213135'
  creationTimestamp: '2021-05-14T07:00:53Z'
    - manager: dashboard
      operation: Update
      apiVersion: v1
      time: '2021-05-14T07:00:53Z'
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
          .: {}
          'f:config.yaml': {}
  config.yaml: |
      server_tag: "8c16m"
      deploy_mode: "cluster"


kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: client-insert-batch-1000
  namespace: qa
  uid: 8604c277-f00f-47c7-8fcb-9b3bc97efa74
  resourceVersion: '42988547'
  creationTimestamp: '2021-07-09T08:33:02Z'
    - manager: dashboard
      operation: Update
      apiVersion: v1
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
          .: {}
          'f:config.yaml': {}
  config.yaml: |
            wal_enable: true
          collection_name: sift_1m_128_l2
          ni_per: 1000
          build_index: false
          index_type: ivf_sq8
            nlist: 1024

How to prepare data

Source data

There are several kinds of data types provided in benchmark:

  1. Insert from local: random generated vectors
  2. Insert from the file: the other data type such as sift/deep, the following list shows where the source data comes from, make sure to convert to .npy file format that can be loaded by numpy, and update the value of RAW_DATA_DIR in to your own data path
data type sift deep

There are also many optional datasets could be used to test milvus, here is the reference:

If the first few characters in the collection_name in test suite yaml are matched with the above type, the corresponding data will be created during inserting entities in milvus

Also, you should provide the field value of the source data file path source_file if running with ann_accuracy runner type, the source datasets could be found from, SIFT/Kosarak/GloVe-200 are the datasets which are frequently used in regression testing for milvus

Overview of the benchmark



The entry file: parse the input params and initialize the other components: metric, env, runner

  • metric

The test result can be used to analyze the regression or improvement of the milvus system, so we upload the metrics of the test result when a test suite run finished, and then use redash to make sense of our data

  • db

Currently we use the mongodb to store the test result

  • env

The env component defines the server environment and environment management, the instance of the env corresponds to the run mode of the benchmark

  • local: Only defines the host and port for testing

  • helm/docker: Install and uninstall the server in benchmark stage

  • runner

The actual executor in benchmark, each test type defined in test suite will generate the corresponding runner instance, there are three stages in runner:

  • extract_cases: There are several test cases defined in each test suite yaml, and each case shares the same server environment and shares the same prepare stage, but the metric for each case is different, so we need to extract cases from the test suite before the cases runs

  • prepare: Prepare the data and operations, for example, before running searching, index needs to be created and data needs to be loaded

  • run_case: Do the core operation and set metric value

  • suites: There are two ways to take the content to be tested as input parameters:

    • Test suite files under suites directory
    • Test suite configmap name including server_config_map and client_config_map if using argo workflow
  • While using argo workflow as benchmark pipeline, we have two steps in workflow template: install-milvus and client-test

    • In stage install-milvus, is used to generate a new values.yaml which will be a param while in helm install operation
    • In stage client-test, it runs and receives the milvus host and port as the cmd params, with the run mode local

Conceptual overview

The following diagram shows the runtime execution graph of the benchmark (local mode based on argo workflow)

Test report


As the above section mentioned, we will collect the test metrics after test case run finished, here is the main metric field:

run_id      : each test suite will generate a run_id
mode        : run mode such as local
server      : describe server resource and server version
hardware    : server host
env         : server config
status      : run result
err_message : error msg when run failed
collection  : collection info
index       : index type and index params
search      : search params
run_params  : extra run params
metrics     : metric type and metric value

How to visualize test result

As the metrics uploaded to the db (we use MongoDB currently), we suppose use Redash to visualize test result from

For example, in order to find the most suitable insert batch size when preparing data with milvus, a benchmark test suite type named bp_insert_performance will run regularly, different ni_per in this suite yaml will be executed and the average response time and TPS (Number of rows inserted per second) will be collected.

The query expression:

    "collection": "doc",
    "query": {
        "metrics.type": "bp_insert_performance",
        "collection.dataset_name": "sift_1m_128_l2",
        "_type": "case",
        "server.value.mode": "single"
    "fields": {
        "metrics.value.rps": 1,
        "datetime": 4,
        "run_id": 5,
        "server.value.mode": 6,
        "collection.ni_per": 7,
        "metrics.value.ni_time": 8
    "sort": [{
        "name": "run_id",
        "direction": -1
    "limit": 28

After the execution of the above query, we will get its charts:

In this chart, we could find an improvement from 2.0.0-RC3 to 2.0.0-RC5.