from __future__ import annotations import math import numbers import numpy as np from manimlib.constants import DL, DOWN, DR, LEFT, ORIGIN, OUT, RIGHT, UL, UP, UR from manimlib.constants import GREY_A, RED, WHITE, BLACK from manimlib.constants import MED_SMALL_BUFF, SMALL_BUFF from manimlib.constants import DEGREES, PI, TAU from manimlib.mobject.mobject import Mobject from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import DashedVMobject from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject from manimlib.utils.bezier import bezier from manimlib.utils.bezier import quadratic_bezier_points_for_arc from manimlib.utils.bezier import partial_quadratic_bezier_points from manimlib.utils.iterables import adjacent_n_tuples from manimlib.utils.iterables import adjacent_pairs from manimlib.utils.simple_functions import clip from manimlib.utils.simple_functions import fdiv from manimlib.utils.space_ops import angle_between_vectors from manimlib.utils.space_ops import angle_of_vector from manimlib.utils.space_ops import cross2d from manimlib.utils.space_ops import compass_directions from manimlib.utils.space_ops import find_intersection from manimlib.utils.space_ops import get_norm from manimlib.utils.space_ops import normalize from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotate_vector from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotation_matrix_transpose from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotation_between_vectors from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotation_about_z from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Iterable, Optional from manimlib.typing import ManimColor, Vect3, Vect3Array, Self DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS = 0.08 DEFAULT_SMALL_DOT_RADIUS = 0.04 DEFAULT_DASH_LENGTH = 0.05 DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_LENGTH = 0.35 DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_WIDTH = 0.35 # Deprecate? class TipableVMobject(VMobject): """ Meant for shared functionality between Arc and Line. Functionality can be classified broadly into these groups: * Adding, Creating, Modifying tips - add_tip calls create_tip, before pushing the new tip into the TipableVMobject's list of submobjects - stylistic and positional configuration * Checking for tips - Boolean checks for whether the TipableVMobject has a tip and a starting tip * Getters - Straightforward accessors, returning information pertaining to the TipableVMobject instance's tip(s), its length etc """ tip_config: dict = dict( fill_opacity=1.0, stroke_width=0.0, tip_style=0.0, # triangle=0, inner_smooth=1, dot=2 ) # Adding, Creating, Modifying tips def add_tip(self, at_start: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Self: """ Adds a tip to the TipableVMobject instance, recognising that the endpoints might need to be switched if it's a 'starting tip' or not. """ tip = self.create_tip(at_start, **kwargs) self.reset_endpoints_based_on_tip(tip, at_start) self.asign_tip_attr(tip, at_start) tip.set_color(self.get_stroke_color()) self.add(tip) return self def create_tip(self, at_start: bool = False, **kwargs) -> ArrowTip: """ Stylises the tip, positions it spacially, and returns the newly instantiated tip to the caller. """ tip = self.get_unpositioned_tip(**kwargs) self.position_tip(tip, at_start) return tip def get_unpositioned_tip(self, **kwargs) -> ArrowTip: """ Returns a tip that has been stylistically configured, but has not yet been given a position in space. """ config = dict() config.update(self.tip_config) config.update(kwargs) return ArrowTip(**config) def position_tip(self, tip: ArrowTip, at_start: bool = False) -> ArrowTip: # Last two control points, defining both # the end, and the tangency direction if at_start: anchor = self.get_start() handle = self.get_first_handle() else: handle = self.get_last_handle() anchor = self.get_end() tip.rotate(angle_of_vector(handle - anchor) - PI - tip.get_angle()) tip.shift(anchor - tip.get_tip_point()) return tip def reset_endpoints_based_on_tip(self, tip: ArrowTip, at_start: bool) -> Self: if self.get_length() == 0: # Zero length, put_start_and_end_on wouldn't # work return self if at_start: start = tip.get_base() end = self.get_end() else: start = self.get_start() end = tip.get_base() self.put_start_and_end_on(start, end) return self def asign_tip_attr(self, tip: ArrowTip, at_start: bool) -> Self: if at_start: self.start_tip = tip else: self.tip = tip return self # Checking for tips def has_tip(self) -> bool: return hasattr(self, "tip") and self.tip in self def has_start_tip(self) -> bool: return hasattr(self, "start_tip") and self.start_tip in self # Getters def pop_tips(self) -> VGroup: start, end = self.get_start_and_end() result = VGroup() if self.has_tip(): result.add(self.tip) self.remove(self.tip) if self.has_start_tip(): result.add(self.start_tip) self.remove(self.start_tip) self.put_start_and_end_on(start, end) return result def get_tips(self) -> VGroup: """ Returns a VGroup (collection of VMobjects) containing the TipableVMObject instance's tips. """ result = VGroup() if hasattr(self, "tip"): result.add(self.tip) if hasattr(self, "start_tip"): result.add(self.start_tip) return result def get_tip(self) -> ArrowTip: """Returns the TipableVMobject instance's (first) tip, otherwise throws an exception.""" tips = self.get_tips() if len(tips) == 0: raise Exception("tip not found") else: return tips[0] def get_default_tip_length(self) -> float: return self.tip_length def get_first_handle(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_points()[1] def get_last_handle(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_points()[-2] def get_end(self) -> Vect3: if self.has_tip(): return self.tip.get_start() else: return VMobject.get_end(self) def get_start(self) -> Vect3: if self.has_start_tip(): return self.start_tip.get_start() else: return VMobject.get_start(self) def get_length(self) -> float: start, end = self.get_start_and_end() return get_norm(start - end) class Arc(TipableVMobject): def __init__( self, start_angle: float = 0, angle: float = TAU / 4, radius: float = 1.0, n_components: int = 8, arc_center: Vect3 = ORIGIN, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_points(quadratic_bezier_points_for_arc(angle, n_components)) self.rotate(start_angle, about_point=ORIGIN) self.scale(radius, about_point=ORIGIN) self.shift(arc_center) def get_arc_center(self) -> Vect3: """ Looks at the normals to the first two anchors, and finds their intersection points """ # First two anchors and handles a1, h, a2 = self.get_points()[:3] # Tangent vectors t1 = h - a1 t2 = h - a2 # Normals n1 = rotate_vector(t1, TAU / 4) n2 = rotate_vector(t2, TAU / 4) return find_intersection(a1, n1, a2, n2) def get_start_angle(self) -> float: angle = angle_of_vector(self.get_start() - self.get_arc_center()) return angle % TAU def get_stop_angle(self) -> float: angle = angle_of_vector(self.get_end() - self.get_arc_center()) return angle % TAU def move_arc_center_to(self, point: Vect3) -> Self: self.shift(point - self.get_arc_center()) return self class ArcBetweenPoints(Arc): def __init__( self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3, angle: float = TAU / 4, **kwargs ): super().__init__(angle=angle, **kwargs) if angle == 0: self.set_points_as_corners([LEFT, RIGHT]) self.put_start_and_end_on(start, end) class CurvedArrow(ArcBetweenPoints): def __init__( self, start_point: Vect3, end_point: Vect3, **kwargs ): super().__init__(start_point, end_point, **kwargs) self.add_tip() class CurvedDoubleArrow(CurvedArrow): def __init__( self, start_point: Vect3, end_point: Vect3, **kwargs ): super().__init__(start_point, end_point, **kwargs) self.add_tip(at_start=True) class Circle(Arc): def __init__( self, start_angle: float = 0, stroke_color: ManimColor = RED, **kwargs ): super().__init__( start_angle, TAU, stroke_color=stroke_color, **kwargs ) def surround( self, mobject: Mobject, dim_to_match: int = 0, stretch: bool = False, buff: float = MED_SMALL_BUFF ) -> Self: self.replace(mobject, dim_to_match, stretch) self.stretch((self.get_width() + 2 * buff) / self.get_width(), 0) self.stretch((self.get_height() + 2 * buff) / self.get_height(), 1) return self def point_at_angle(self, angle: float) -> Vect3: start_angle = self.get_start_angle() return self.point_from_proportion( ((angle - start_angle) % TAU) / TAU ) def get_radius(self) -> float: return get_norm(self.get_start() - self.get_center()) class Dot(Circle): def __init__( self, point: Vect3 = ORIGIN, radius: float = DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS, stroke_color: ManimColor = BLACK, stroke_width: float = 0.0, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, fill_color: ManimColor = WHITE, **kwargs ): super().__init__( arc_center=point, radius=radius, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, fill_color=fill_color, **kwargs ) class SmallDot(Dot): def __init__( self, point: Vect3 = ORIGIN, radius: float = DEFAULT_SMALL_DOT_RADIUS, **kwargs ): super().__init__(point, radius=radius, **kwargs) class Ellipse(Circle): def __init__( self, width: float = 2.0, height: float = 1.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_width(width, stretch=True) self.set_height(height, stretch=True) class AnnularSector(VMobject): def __init__( self, angle: float = TAU / 4, start_angle: float = 0.0, inner_radius: float = 1.0, outer_radius: float = 2.0, arc_center: Vect3 = ORIGIN, fill_color: ManimColor = GREY_A, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, stroke_width: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, ) # Initialize points inner_arc, outer_arc = [ Arc( start_angle=start_angle, angle=angle, radius=radius, arc_center=arc_center, ) for radius in (inner_radius, outer_radius) ] self.set_points(inner_arc.get_points()[::-1]) # Reverse self.add_line_to(outer_arc.get_points()[0]) self.add_subpath(outer_arc.get_points()) self.add_line_to(inner_arc.get_points()[-1]) class Sector(AnnularSector): def __init__( self, angle: float = TAU / 4, radius: float = 1.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__( angle, inner_radius=0, outer_radius=radius, **kwargs ) class Annulus(VMobject): def __init__( self, inner_radius: float = 1.0, outer_radius: float = 2.0, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, stroke_width: float = 0.0, fill_color: ManimColor = GREY_A, center: Vect3 = ORIGIN, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, ) self.radius = outer_radius outer_path = outer_radius * quadratic_bezier_points_for_arc(TAU) inner_path = inner_radius * quadratic_bezier_points_for_arc(-TAU) self.add_subpath(outer_path) self.add_subpath(inner_path) self.shift(center) class Line(TipableVMobject): def __init__( self, start: Vect3 | Mobject = LEFT, end: Vect3 | Mobject = RIGHT, buff: float = 0.0, path_arc: float = 0.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.path_arc = path_arc self.buff = buff self.set_start_and_end_attrs(start, end) self.set_points_by_ends(self.start, self.end, buff, path_arc) def set_points_by_ends( self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3, buff: float = 0, path_arc: float = 0 ) -> Self: self.clear_points() self.start_new_path(start) self.add_arc_to(end, path_arc) # Apply buffer if buff > 0: length = self.get_arc_length() alpha = min(buff / length, 0.5) self.pointwise_become_partial(self, alpha, 1 - alpha) return self def set_path_arc(self, new_value: float) -> Self: self.path_arc = new_value self.init_points() return self def set_start_and_end_attrs(self, start: Vect3 | Mobject, end: Vect3 | Mobject): # If either start or end are Mobjects, this # gives their centers rough_start = self.pointify(start) rough_end = self.pointify(end) vect = normalize(rough_end - rough_start) # Now that we know the direction between them, # we can find the appropriate boundary point from # start and end, if they're mobjects self.start = self.pointify(start, vect) self.end = self.pointify(end, -vect) def pointify( self, mob_or_point: Mobject | Vect3, direction: Vect3 | None = None ) -> Vect3: """ Take an argument passed into Line (or subclass) and turn it into a 3d point. """ if isinstance(mob_or_point, Mobject): mob = mob_or_point if direction is None: return mob.get_center() else: return mob.get_continuous_bounding_box_point(direction) else: point = mob_or_point result = np.zeros(self.dim) result[:len(point)] = point return result def put_start_and_end_on(self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3) -> Self: curr_start, curr_end = self.get_start_and_end() if np.isclose(curr_start, curr_end).all(): # Handle null lines more gracefully self.set_points_by_ends(start, end, buff=0, path_arc=self.path_arc) return self return super().put_start_and_end_on(start, end) def get_vector(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_end() - self.get_start() def get_unit_vector(self) -> Vect3: return normalize(self.get_vector()) def get_angle(self) -> float: return angle_of_vector(self.get_vector()) def get_projection(self, point: Vect3) -> Vect3: """ Return projection of a point onto the line """ unit_vect = self.get_unit_vector() start = self.get_start() return start + - start, unit_vect) * unit_vect def get_slope(self) -> float: return np.tan(self.get_angle()) def set_angle(self, angle: float, about_point: Optional[Vect3] = None) -> Self: if about_point is None: about_point = self.get_start() self.rotate( angle - self.get_angle(), about_point=about_point, ) return self def set_length(self, length: float, **kwargs): self.scale(length / self.get_length(), **kwargs) return self def get_arc_length(self) -> float: arc_len = get_norm(self.get_vector()) if self.path_arc > 0: arc_len *= self.path_arc / (2 * math.sin(self.path_arc / 2)) return arc_len class DashedLine(Line): def __init__( self, start: Vect3 = LEFT, end: Vect3 = RIGHT, dash_length: float = DEFAULT_DASH_LENGTH, positive_space_ratio: float = 0.5, **kwargs ): super().__init__(start, end, **kwargs) num_dashes = self.calculate_num_dashes(dash_length, positive_space_ratio) dashes = DashedVMobject( self, num_dashes=num_dashes, positive_space_ratio=positive_space_ratio ) self.clear_points() self.add(*dashes) def calculate_num_dashes(self, dash_length: float, positive_space_ratio: float) -> int: try: full_length = dash_length / positive_space_ratio return int(np.ceil(self.get_length() / full_length)) except ZeroDivisionError: return 1 def get_start(self) -> Vect3: if len(self.submobjects) > 0: return self.submobjects[0].get_start() else: return Line.get_start(self) def get_end(self) -> Vect3: if len(self.submobjects) > 0: return self.submobjects[-1].get_end() else: return Line.get_end(self) def get_first_handle(self) -> Vect3: return self.submobjects[0].get_points()[1] def get_last_handle(self) -> Vect3: return self.submobjects[-1].get_points()[-2] class TangentLine(Line): def __init__( self, vmob: VMobject, alpha: float, length: float = 2, d_alpha: float = 1e-6, **kwargs ): a1 = clip(alpha - d_alpha, 0, 1) a2 = clip(alpha + d_alpha, 0, 1) super().__init__(vmob.pfp(a1), vmob.pfp(a2), **kwargs) self.scale(length / self.get_length()) class Elbow(VMobject): def __init__( self, width: float = 0.2, angle: float = 0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_points_as_corners([UP, UR, RIGHT]) self.set_width(width, about_point=ORIGIN) self.rotate(angle, about_point=ORIGIN) class StrokeArrow(Line): def __init__( self, start: Vect3 | Mobject, end: Vect3 | Mobject, stroke_color: ManimColor = GREY_A, stroke_width: float = 5, buff: float = 0.25, tip_width_ratio: float = 5, tip_len_to_width: float = 0.0075, max_tip_length_to_length_ratio: float = 0.3, max_width_to_length_ratio: float = 8.0, **kwargs, ): self.tip_width_ratio = tip_width_ratio self.tip_len_to_width = tip_len_to_width self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio = max_tip_length_to_length_ratio self.max_width_to_length_ratio = max_width_to_length_ratio self.n_tip_points = 3 self.original_stroke_width = stroke_width super().__init__( start, end, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width, buff=buff, **kwargs ) def set_points_by_ends( self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3, buff: float = 0, path_arc: float = 0 ) -> Self: super().set_points_by_ends(start, end, buff, path_arc) self.insert_tip_anchor() self.create_tip_with_stroke_width() return self def insert_tip_anchor(self) -> Self: prev_end = self.get_end() arc_len = self.get_arc_length() tip_len = self.get_stroke_width() * self.tip_width_ratio * self.tip_len_to_width if tip_len >= self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio * arc_len or arc_len == 0: alpha = self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio else: alpha = tip_len / arc_len if self.path_arc > 0 and self.buff > 0: self.insert_n_curves(10) # Is this needed? self.pointwise_become_partial(self, 0.0, 1.0 - alpha) self.add_line_to(self.get_end()) self.add_line_to(prev_end) self.n_tip_points = 3 return self @Mobject.affects_data def create_tip_with_stroke_width(self) -> Self: if self.get_num_points() < 3: return self stroke_width = min( self.original_stroke_width, self.max_width_to_length_ratio * self.get_length(), ) tip_width = self.tip_width_ratio * stroke_width ntp = self.n_tip_points['stroke_width'][:-ntp] =['stroke_width'][0]['stroke_width'][-ntp:, 0] = tip_width * np.linspace(1, 0, ntp) return self def reset_tip(self) -> Self: self.set_points_by_ends( self.get_start(), self.get_end(), path_arc=self.path_arc ) return self def set_stroke( self, color: ManimColor | Iterable[ManimColor] | None = None, width: float | Iterable[float] | None = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> Self: super().set_stroke(color=color, width=width, *args, **kwargs) self.original_stroke_width = self.get_stroke_width() if self.has_points(): self.reset_tip() return self def _handle_scale_side_effects(self, scale_factor: float) -> Self: if scale_factor != 1.0: self.reset_tip() return self class Arrow(Line): tickness_multiplier = 0.015 def __init__( self, start: Vect3 | Mobject = LEFT, end: Vect3 | Mobject = LEFT, buff: float = MED_SMALL_BUFF, path_arc: float = 0, fill_color: ManimColor = GREY_A, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, stroke_width: float = 0.0, thickness: float = 3.0, tip_width_ratio: float = 5, tip_angle: float = PI / 3, max_tip_length_to_length_ratio: float = 0.5, max_width_to_length_ratio: float = 0.1, **kwargs, ): self.thickness = thickness self.tip_width_ratio = tip_width_ratio self.tip_angle = tip_angle self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio = max_tip_length_to_length_ratio self.max_width_to_length_ratio = max_width_to_length_ratio super().__init__( start, end, fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, buff=buff, path_arc=path_arc, **kwargs ) def get_key_dimensions(self, length): width = self.thickness * self.tickness_multiplier w_ratio = fdiv(self.max_width_to_length_ratio, fdiv(width, length)) if w_ratio < 1: width *= w_ratio tip_width = self.tip_width_ratio * width tip_length = tip_width / (2 * np.tan(self.tip_angle / 2)) t_ratio = fdiv(self.max_tip_length_to_length_ratio, fdiv(tip_length, length)) if t_ratio < 1: tip_length *= t_ratio tip_width *= t_ratio return width, tip_width, tip_length def set_points_by_ends( self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3, buff: float = 0, path_arc: float = 0 ) -> Self: vect = end - start length = max(get_norm(vect), 1e-8) # More systematic min? unit_vect = normalize(vect) # Find the right tip length and thickness width, tip_width, tip_length = self.get_key_dimensions(length - buff) # Adjust start and end based on buff if path_arc == 0: start = start + buff * unit_vect end = end - buff * unit_vect else: R = length / 2 / math.sin(path_arc / 2) midpoint = 0.5 * (start + end) center = midpoint + rotate_vector(0.5 * vect, PI / 2) / math.tan(path_arc / 2) sign = 1 start = center + rotate_vector(start - center, buff / R) end = center + rotate_vector(end - center, -buff / R) path_arc -= (2 * buff + tip_length) / R vect = end - start length = get_norm(vect) # Find points for the stem, imagining an arrow pointed to the left if path_arc == 0: points1 = (length - tip_length) * np.array([RIGHT, 0.5 * RIGHT, ORIGIN]) points1 += width * UP / 2 points2 = points1[::-1] + width * DOWN else: # Find arc points points1 = quadratic_bezier_points_for_arc(path_arc) points2 = np.array(points1[::-1]) points1 *= (R + width / 2) points2 *= (R - width / 2) rot_T = rotation_matrix_transpose(PI / 2 - path_arc, OUT) for points in points1, points2: points[:] =, rot_T) points += R * DOWN self.set_points(points1) # Tip self.add_line_to(tip_width * UP / 2) self.add_line_to(tip_length * LEFT) self.tip_index = len(self.get_points()) - 1 self.add_line_to(tip_width * DOWN / 2) self.add_line_to(points2[0]) # Close it out self.add_subpath(points2) self.add_line_to(points1[0]) # Reposition to match proper start and end self.rotate(angle_of_vector(vect) - self.get_angle()) self.rotate( PI / 2 - np.arccos(normalize(vect)[2]), axis=rotate_vector(self.get_unit_vector(), -PI / 2), ) self.shift(start - self.get_start()) return self def reset_points_around_ends(self) -> Self: self.set_points_by_ends( self.get_start().copy(), self.get_end().copy(), path_arc=self.path_arc ) return self def get_start(self) -> Vect3: points = self.get_points() return 0.5 * (points[0] + points[-3]) def get_end(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_points()[self.tip_index] def get_start_and_end(self): return (self.get_start(), self.get_end()) def put_start_and_end_on(self, start: Vect3, end: Vect3) -> Self: self.set_points_by_ends(start, end, buff=0, path_arc=self.path_arc) return self def scale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Self: super().scale(*args, **kwargs) self.reset_points_around_ends() return self def set_thickness(self, thickness: float) -> Self: self.thickness = thickness self.reset_points_around_ends() return self def set_path_arc(self, path_arc: float) -> Self: self.path_arc = path_arc self.reset_points_around_ends() return self def set_perpendicular_to_camera(self, camera_frame): to_cam = camera_frame.get_implied_camera_location() - self.get_center() normal = self.get_unit_normal() axis = normalize(self.get_vector()) # Project to be perpendicular to axis trg_normal = to_cam -, axis) * axis mat = rotation_between_vectors(normal, trg_normal) self.apply_matrix(mat, about_point=self.get_start()) return self class Vector(Arrow): def __init__( self, direction: Vect3 = RIGHT, buff: float = 0.0, **kwargs ): if len(direction) == 2: direction = np.hstack([direction, 0]) super().__init__(ORIGIN, direction, buff=buff, **kwargs) class CubicBezier(VMobject): def __init__( self, a0: Vect3, h0: Vect3, h1: Vect3, a1: Vect3, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.add_cubic_bezier_curve(a0, h0, h1, a1) class Polygon(VMobject): def __init__( self, *vertices: Vect3, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_points_as_corners([*vertices, vertices[0]]) def get_vertices(self) -> Vect3Array: return self.get_start_anchors() def round_corners(self, radius: Optional[float] = None) -> Self: if radius is None: verts = self.get_vertices() min_edge_length = min( get_norm(v1 - v2) for v1, v2 in zip(verts, verts[1:]) if not np.isclose(v1, v2).all() ) radius = 0.25 * min_edge_length vertices = self.get_vertices() arcs = [] for v1, v2, v3 in adjacent_n_tuples(vertices, 3): vect1 = normalize(v2 - v1) vect2 = normalize(v3 - v2) angle = angle_between_vectors(vect1, vect2) # Distance between vertex and start of the arc cut_off_length = radius * np.tan(angle / 2) # Negative radius gives concave curves sign = float(np.sign(radius * cross2d(vect1, vect2))) arc = ArcBetweenPoints( v2 - vect1 * cut_off_length, v2 + vect2 * cut_off_length, angle=sign * angle, n_components=2, ) arcs.append(arc) self.clear_points() # To ensure that we loop through starting with last arcs = [arcs[-1], *arcs[:-1]] for arc1, arc2 in adjacent_pairs(arcs): self.add_subpath(arc1.get_points()) self.add_line_to(arc2.get_start()) return self class Polyline(VMobject): def __init__( self, *vertices: Vect3, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_points_as_corners(vertices) class RegularPolygon(Polygon): def __init__( self, n: int = 6, radius: float = 1.0, start_angle: float | None = None, **kwargs ): # Defaults to 0 for odd, 90 for even if start_angle is None: start_angle = (n % 2) * 90 * DEGREES start_vect = rotate_vector(radius * RIGHT, start_angle) vertices = compass_directions(n, start_vect) super().__init__(*vertices, **kwargs) class Triangle(RegularPolygon): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(n=3, **kwargs) class ArrowTip(Triangle): def __init__( self, angle: float = 0, width: float = DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_WIDTH, length: float = DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_LENGTH, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, fill_color: ManimColor = WHITE, stroke_width: float = 0.0, tip_style: int = 0, # triangle=0, inner_smooth=1, dot=2 **kwargs ): super().__init__( start_angle=0, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, fill_color=fill_color, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs ) self.set_height(width) self.set_width(length, stretch=True) if tip_style == 1: self.set_height(length * 0.9, stretch=True)["point"][4] += np.array([0.6 * length, 0, 0]) elif tip_style == 2: h = length / 2 self.set_points(Dot().set_width(h).get_points()) self.rotate(angle) def get_base(self) -> Vect3: return self.point_from_proportion(0.5) def get_tip_point(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_points()[0] def get_vector(self) -> Vect3: return self.get_tip_point() - self.get_base() def get_angle(self) -> float: return angle_of_vector(self.get_vector()) def get_length(self) -> float: return get_norm(self.get_vector()) class Rectangle(Polygon): def __init__( self, width: float = 4.0, height: float = 2.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(UR, UL, DL, DR, **kwargs) self.set_width(width, stretch=True) self.set_height(height, stretch=True) def surround(self, mobject, buff=SMALL_BUFF) -> Self: target_shape = np.array(mobject.get_shape()) + 2 * buff self.set_shape(*target_shape) self.move_to(mobject) return self class Square(Rectangle): def __init__(self, side_length: float = 2.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(side_length, side_length, **kwargs) class RoundedRectangle(Rectangle): def __init__( self, width: float = 4.0, height: float = 2.0, corner_radius: float = 0.5, **kwargs ): super().__init__(width, height, **kwargs) self.round_corners(corner_radius)