from manimlib import * import numpy as np # To watch one of these scenes, run the following: # manimgl OpeningManimExample # Use -s to skip to the end and just save the final frame # Use -w to write the animation to a file # Use -o to write it to a file and open it once done # Use -n to skip ahead to the n'th animation of a scene. class OpeningManimExample(Scene): def construct(self): intro_words = Text(""" The original motivation for manim was to better illustrate mathematical functions as transformations. """) intro_words.to_edge(UP) self.wait(2) # Linear transform grid = NumberPlane((-10, 10), (-5, 5)) matrix = [[1, 1], [0, 1]] linear_transform_words = VGroup( Text("This is what the matrix"), IntegerMatrix(matrix), Text("looks like") ) linear_transform_words.arrange(RIGHT) linear_transform_words.to_edge(UP) linear_transform_words.set_backstroke(width=5) ShowCreation(grid), FadeTransform(intro_words, linear_transform_words) ) self.wait(), run_time=3) self.wait() # Complex map c_grid = ComplexPlane() moving_c_grid = c_grid.copy() moving_c_grid.prepare_for_nonlinear_transform() c_grid.set_stroke(BLUE_E, 1) c_grid.add_coordinate_labels(font_size=24) complex_map_words = TexText(""" Or thinking of the plane as $\\mathds{C}$,\\\\ this is the map $z \\rightarrow z^2$ """) complex_map_words.to_corner(UR) complex_map_words.set_backstroke(width=5) FadeOut(grid), Write(c_grid, run_time=3), FadeIn(moving_c_grid), FadeTransform(linear_transform_words, complex_map_words), ) self.wait() moving_c_grid.animate.apply_complex_function(lambda z: z**2), run_time=6, ) self.wait(2) class AnimatingMethods(Scene): def construct(self): grid = Tex(R"\pi").get_grid(10, 10, height=4) self.add(grid) # You can animate the application of mobject methods with the # ".animate" syntax: # Both of those will interpolate between the mobject's initial # state and whatever happens when you apply that method. # For this example, calling grid.shift(LEFT) would shift the # grid one unit to the left, but both of the previous calls to # "" animate that motion. # The same applies for any method, including those setting colors. self.wait(), GREEN)) self.wait() - MED_SMALL_BUFF)) self.wait() # The method Mobject.apply_complex_function lets you apply arbitrary # complex functions, treating the points defining the mobject as # complex numbers., run_time=5) self.wait() # Even more generally, you could apply Mobject.apply_function, # which takes in functions form R^3 to R^3 grid.animate.apply_function( lambda p: [ p[0] + 0.5 * math.sin(p[1]), p[1] + 0.5 * math.sin(p[0]), p[2] ] ), run_time=5, ) self.wait() class TextExample(Scene): def construct(self): # To run this scene properly, you should have "Consolas" font in your computer # for full usage, you can see text = Text("Here is a text", font="Consolas", font_size=90) difference = Text( """ The most important difference between Text and TexText is that\n you can change the font more easily, but can't use the LaTeX grammar """, font="Arial", font_size=24, # t2c is a dict that you can choose color for different text t2c={"Text": BLUE, "TexText": BLUE, "LaTeX": ORANGE} ) VGroup(text, difference).arrange(DOWN, buff=1), UP)) self.wait(3) fonts = Text( "And you can also set the font according to different words", font="Arial", t2f={"font": "Consolas", "words": "Consolas"}, t2c={"font": BLUE, "words": GREEN} ) fonts.set_width(FRAME_WIDTH - 1) slant = Text( "And the same as slant and weight", font="Consolas", t2s={"slant": ITALIC}, t2w={"weight": BOLD}, t2c={"slant": ORANGE, "weight": RED} ) VGroup(fonts, slant).arrange(DOWN, buff=0.8), FadeOut(difference, shift=DOWN)) self.wait() self.wait() class TexTransformExample(Scene): def construct(self): # Tex to color map t2c = { "A": BLUE, "B": TEAL, "C": GREEN, } # Configuration to pass along to each Tex mobject kw = dict(font_size=72, t2c=t2c) lines = VGroup( Tex("A^2 + B^2 = C^2", **kw), Tex("A^2 = C^2 - B^2", **kw), Tex("A^2 = (C + B)(C - B)", **kw), Tex(R"A = \sqrt{(C + B)(C - B)}", **kw), ) lines.arrange(DOWN, buff=LARGE_BUFF) self.add(lines[0]) # The animation TransformMatchingStrings will line up parts # of the source and target which have matching substring strings. # Here, giving it a little path_arc makes each part rotate into # their final positions, which feels appropriate for the idea of # rearranging an equation TransformMatchingStrings( lines[0].copy(), lines[1], # matched_keys specifies which substring should # line up. If it's not specified, the animation # will align the longest matching substrings. # In this case, the substring "^2 = C^2" would # trip it up matched_keys=["A^2", "B^2", "C^2"], # When you want a substring from the source # to go to a non-equal substring from the target, # use the key map. key_map={"+": "-"}, path_arc=90 * DEGREES, ), ) self.wait() lines[1].copy(), lines[2], matched_keys=["A^2"] )) self.wait() TransformMatchingStrings( lines[2].copy(), lines[3], key_map={"2": R"\sqrt"}, path_arc=-30 * DEGREES, ), ) self.wait(2), lines, shift=2 * RIGHT)) # TransformMatchingShapes will try to line up all pieces of a # source mobject with those of a target, regardless of the # what Mobject type they are. source = Text("the morse code", height=1) target = Text("here come dots", height=1) saved_source = source.copy() self.wait() kw = dict(run_time=3, path_arc=PI / 2), target, **kw)) self.wait(), saved_source, **kw)) self.wait() class TexIndexing(Scene): def construct(self): # You can index into Tex mobject (or other StringMobjects) by substrings equation = Tex(R"e^{\pi i} = -1", font_size=144) self.add(equation)["e"])) self.wait()[R"\pi"])) self.wait() equation[R"e^{\pi i}"].copy().set_opacity(0.5), equation["-1"], path_arc=-PI / 2, run_time=3 )) # Or regular expressions equation = Tex("A^2 + B^2 = C^2", font_size=144) for part in equation[re.compile(r"\w\^2")]: self.wait() # Indexing by substrings like this may not work when # the order in which Latex draws symbols does not match # the order in which they show up in the string. # For example, here the infinity is drawn before the sigma # so we don't get the desired behavior. equation = Tex(R"\sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}", font_size=72)[R"\infty"].animate.set_color(RED)) # Doesn't hit the infinity self.wait() # However you can always fix this by explicitly passing in # a string you might want to isolate later. Also, using # \over instead of \frac helps to avoid the issue for fractions equation = Tex( R"\sum_{n = 1}^\infty {1 \over n^2} = {\pi^2 \over 6}", # Explicitly mark "\infty" as a substring you might want to access isolate=[R"\infty"], font_size=72 )[R"\infty"].animate.set_color(RED)) # Got it! self.wait() class UpdatersExample(Scene): def construct(self): square = Square() square.set_fill(BLUE_E, 1) # On all frames, the constructor Brace(square, UP) will # be called, and the mobject brace will set its data to match # that of the newly constructed object brace = always_redraw(Brace, square, UP) label = TexText("Width = 0.00") number = label.make_number_changeable("0.00") # This ensures that the method deicmal.next_to(square) # is called on every frame label.always.next_to(brace, UP) # You could also write the following equivalent line # label.add_updater(lambda m: m.next_to(brace, UP)) # If the argument itself might change, you can use f_always, # for which the arguments following the initial Mobject method # should be functions returning arguments to that method. # The following line ensures thst decimal.set_value(square.get_y()) # is called every frame number.f_always.set_value(square.get_width) # You could also write the following equivalent line # number.add_updater(lambda m: m.set_value(square.get_width())) self.add(square, brace, label) # Notice that the brace and label track with the square square.animate.scale(2), rate_func=there_and_back, run_time=2, ) self.wait() square.animate.set_width(5, stretch=True), run_time=3, ) self.wait() square.animate.set_width(2), run_time=3 ) self.wait() # In general, you can alway call Mobject.add_updater, and pass in # a function that you want to be called on every frame. The function # should take in either one argument, the mobject, or two arguments, # the mobject and the amount of time since the last frame. now = self.time w0 = square.get_width() square.add_updater( lambda m: m.set_width(w0 * math.sin(self.time - now) + w0) ) self.wait(4 * PI) class CoordinateSystemExample(Scene): def construct(self): axes = Axes( # x-axis ranges from -1 to 10, with a default step size of 1 x_range=(-1, 10), # y-axis ranges from -2 to 2 with a step size of 0.5 y_range=(-2, 2, 0.5), # The axes will be stretched so as to match the specified # height and width height=6, width=10, # Axes is made of two NumberLine mobjects. You can specify # their configuration with axis_config axis_config=dict( stroke_color=GREY_A, stroke_width=2, numbers_to_exclude=[0], ), # Alternatively, you can specify configuration for just one # of them, like this. y_axis_config=dict( big_tick_numbers=[-2, 2], ) ) # Keyword arguments of add_coordinate_labels can be used to # configure the DecimalNumber mobjects which it creates and # adds to the axes axes.add_coordinate_labels( font_size=20, num_decimal_places=1, ) self.add(axes) # Axes descends from the CoordinateSystem class, meaning # you can call call axes.coords_to_point, abbreviated to # axes.c2p, to associate a set of coordinates with a point, # like so: dot = Dot(color=RED) dot.move_to(axes.c2p(0, 0)), scale=0.5)), 2))) self.wait(), 0.5))) self.wait() # Similarly, you can call axes.point_to_coords, or axes.p2c # print(axes.p2c(dot.get_center())) # We can draw lines from the axes to better mark the coordinates # of a given point. # Here, the always_redraw command means that on each new frame # the lines will be redrawn h_line = always_redraw(lambda: axes.get_h_line(dot.get_left())) v_line = always_redraw(lambda: axes.get_v_line(dot.get_bottom())) ShowCreation(h_line), ShowCreation(v_line), ), -2))) self.wait(), 1))) self.wait() # If we tie the dot to a particular set of coordinates, notice # that as we move the axes around it respects the coordinate # system defined by them. f_always(dot.move_to, lambda: axes.c2p(1, 1)) axes.animate.scale(0.75).to_corner(UL), run_time=2, ) self.wait(), dot, h_line, v_line))) # Other coordinate systems you can play around with include # ThreeDAxes, NumberPlane, and ComplexPlane. class GraphExample(Scene): def construct(self): axes = Axes((-3, 10), (-1, 8), height=6) axes.add_coordinate_labels(), lag_ratio=0.01, run_time=1)) # Axes.get_graph will return the graph of a function sin_graph = axes.get_graph( lambda x: 2 * math.sin(x), color=BLUE, ) # By default, it draws it so as to somewhat smoothly interpolate # between sampled points (x, f(x)). If the graph is meant to have # a corner, though, you can set use_smoothing to False relu_graph = axes.get_graph( lambda x: max(x, 0), use_smoothing=False, color=YELLOW, ) # For discontinuous functions, you can specify the point of # discontinuity so that it does not try to draw over the gap. step_graph = axes.get_graph( lambda x: 2.0 if x > 3 else 1.0, discontinuities=[3], color=GREEN, ) # Axes.get_graph_label takes in either a string or a mobject. # If it's a string, it treats it as a LaTeX expression. By default # it places the label next to the graph near the right side, and # has it match the color of the graph sin_label = axes.get_graph_label(sin_graph, "\\sin(x)") relu_label = axes.get_graph_label(relu_graph, Text("ReLU")) step_label = axes.get_graph_label(step_graph, Text("Step"), x=4) ShowCreation(sin_graph), FadeIn(sin_label, RIGHT), ) self.wait(2) ReplacementTransform(sin_graph, relu_graph), FadeTransform(sin_label, relu_label), ) self.wait() ReplacementTransform(relu_graph, step_graph), FadeTransform(relu_label, step_label), ) self.wait() parabola = axes.get_graph(lambda x: 0.25 * x**2) parabola.set_stroke(BLUE) FadeOut(step_graph), FadeOut(step_label), ShowCreation(parabola) ) self.wait() # You can use axes.input_to_graph_point, abbreviated # to axes.i2gp, to find a particular point on a graph dot = Dot(color=RED) dot.move_to(axes.i2gp(2, parabola)), scale=0.5)) # A value tracker lets us animate a parameter, usually # with the intent of having other mobjects update based # on the parameter x_tracker = ValueTracker(2) dot.add_updater(lambda d: d.move_to(axes.i2gp(x_tracker.get_value(), parabola))), run_time=3), run_time=3) self.wait() class TexAndNumbersExample(Scene): def construct(self): axes = Axes((-3, 3), (-3, 3), unit_size=1) axes.to_edge(DOWN) axes.add_coordinate_labels(font_size=16) circle = Circle(radius=2) circle.set_stroke(YELLOW, 3) circle.move_to(axes.get_origin()) self.add(axes, circle) # When numbers show up in tex, they can be readily # replaced with DecimalMobjects so that methods like # get_value and set_value can be called on them, and # animations like ChangeDecimalToValue can be called # on them. tex = Tex("x^2 + y^2 = 4.00") tex.next_to(axes, UP, buff=0.5) value = tex.make_number_changeable("4.00") # This will tie the right hand side of our equation to # the square of the radius of the circle value.add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(circle.get_radius()**2)) self.add(tex) text = Text(""" You can manipulate numbers in Tex mobjects """, font_size=30) text.next_to(tex, RIGHT, buff=1.5) arrow = Arrow(text, tex) self.add(text, arrow) circle.animate.set_height(2.0), run_time=4, rate_func=there_and_back, ) # By default, tex.make_number_changeable replaces the first occurance # of the number,but by passing replace_all=True it replaces all and # returns a group of the results exponents = tex.make_number_changeable("2", replace_all=True) LaggedStartMap( FlashAround, exponents, lag_ratio=0.2, buff=0.1, color=RED ), exponents.animate.set_color(RED) ) def func(x, y): # Switch from manim coords to axes coords xa, ya = axes.point_to_coords(np.array([x, y, 0])) return xa**4 + ya**4 - 4 new_curve = ImplicitFunction(func) new_curve.match_style(circle) circle.rotate(angle_of_vector(new_curve.get_start())) # Align value.clear_updaters() *(ChangeDecimalToValue(exp, 4) for exp in exponents), ReplacementTransform(circle.copy(), new_curve), circle.animate.set_stroke(width=1, opacity=0.5), ) class SurfaceExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): surface_text = Text("For 3d scenes, try using surfaces") surface_text.fix_in_frame() surface_text.to_edge(UP) self.add(surface_text) self.wait(0.1) torus1 = Torus(r1=1, r2=1) torus2 = Torus(r1=3, r2=1) sphere = Sphere(radius=3, resolution=torus1.resolution) # You can texture a surface with up to two images, which will # be interpreted as the side towards the light, and away from # the light. These can be either urls, or paths to a local file # in whatever you've set as the image directory in # the custom_config.yml file # day_texture = "EarthTextureMap" # night_texture = "NightEarthTextureMap" day_texture = "" night_texture = "" surfaces = [ TexturedSurface(surface, day_texture, night_texture) for surface in [sphere, torus1, torus2] ] for mob in surfaces: mob.shift(IN) mob.mesh = SurfaceMesh(mob) mob.mesh.set_stroke(BLUE, 1, opacity=0.5) surface = surfaces[0] FadeIn(surface), ShowCreation(surface.mesh, lag_ratio=0.01, run_time=3), ) for mob in surfaces: mob.add(mob.mesh) surface.save_state(), PI / 2), run_time=2) for mob in surfaces[1:]: mob.rotate(PI / 2) Transform(surface, surfaces[1]), run_time=3 ) Transform(surface, surfaces[2]), # Move camera frame during the transition self.frame.animate.increment_phi(-10 * DEGREES), self.frame.animate.increment_theta(-20 * DEGREES), run_time=3 ) # Add ambient rotation self.frame.add_updater(lambda m, dt: m.increment_theta(-0.1 * dt)) # Play around with where the light is light_text = Text("You can move around the light source") light_text.move_to(surface_text) light_text.fix_in_frame(), light_text)) light = light_dot = GlowDot(color=WHITE, radius=0.5) light_dot.always.move_to(light) self.add(light, light_dot) light.save_state() * IN), run_time=5) * OUT), run_time=5) drag_text = Text("Try moving the mouse while pressing d or f") drag_text.move_to(light_text) drag_text.fix_in_frame(), drag_text)) self.wait() class InteractiveDevelopment(Scene): def construct(self): circle = Circle() circle.set_fill(BLUE, opacity=0.5) circle.set_stroke(BLUE_E, width=4) square = Square() self.wait() # This opens an iPython terminal where you can keep writing # lines as if they were part of this construct method. # In particular, 'square', 'circle' and 'self' will all be # part of the local namespace in that terminal. self.embed() # Try copying and pasting some of the lines below into # the interactive shell, circle)) self.wait(), 0)), 90 * DEGREES)) * RIGHT).scale(0.25)) text = Text(""" In general, using the interactive shell is very helpful when developing new scenes """) # In the interactive shell, you can just type # play, add, remove, clear, wait, save_state and restore, # instead of, self.add, self.remove, etc. # To interact with the window, type touch(). You can then # scroll in the window, or zoom by holding down 'z' while scrolling, # and change camera perspective by holding down 'd' while moving # the mouse. Press 'r' to reset to the standard camera position. # Press 'q' to stop interacting with the window and go back to # typing new commands into the shell. # In principle you can customize a scene to be responsive to # mouse and keyboard interactions always(circle.move_to, self.mouse_point) class ControlsExample(Scene): drag_to_pan = False def setup(self): self.textbox = Textbox() self.checkbox = Checkbox() self.color_picker = ColorSliders() self.panel = ControlPanel( Text("Text", font_size=24), self.textbox, Line(), Text("Show/Hide Text", font_size=24), self.checkbox, Line(), Text("Color of Text", font_size=24), self.color_picker ) self.add(self.panel) def construct(self): text = Text("text", font_size=96) def text_updater(old_text): assert(isinstance(old_text, Text)) new_text = Text(self.textbox.get_value(), font_size=old_text.font_size) # new_text.align_data_and_family(old_text) new_text.move_to(old_text) if self.checkbox.get_value(): new_text.set_fill( color=self.color_picker.get_picked_color(), opacity=self.color_picker.get_picked_opacity() ) else: new_text.set_opacity(0) old_text.become(new_text) text.add_updater(text_updater) self.add(MotionMobject(text)) self.textbox.set_value("Manim") # self.wait(60) # self.embed() # See for many, many more