from __future__ import annotations import numpy as np import itertools as it import random from manimlib.animation.composition import AnimationGroup from manimlib.animation.rotation import Rotating from manimlib.constants import BLACK from manimlib.constants import BLUE_A from manimlib.constants import BLUE_B from manimlib.constants import BLUE_C from manimlib.constants import BLUE_D from manimlib.constants import DOWN from manimlib.constants import DOWN from manimlib.constants import FRAME_WIDTH from manimlib.constants import GREEN from manimlib.constants import GREEN_SCREEN from manimlib.constants import GREEN_E from manimlib.constants import GREY from manimlib.constants import GREY_A from manimlib.constants import GREY_B from manimlib.constants import GREY_E from manimlib.constants import LEFT from manimlib.constants import LEFT from manimlib.constants import MED_LARGE_BUFF from manimlib.constants import MED_SMALL_BUFF from manimlib.constants import LARGE_BUFF from manimlib.constants import ORIGIN from manimlib.constants import OUT from manimlib.constants import PI from manimlib.constants import RED from manimlib.constants import RED_E from manimlib.constants import RIGHT from manimlib.constants import SMALL_BUFF from manimlib.constants import SMALL_BUFF from manimlib.constants import UP from manimlib.constants import UL from manimlib.constants import UR from manimlib.constants import DL from manimlib.constants import DR from manimlib.constants import WHITE from manimlib.constants import YELLOW from manimlib.constants import TAU from manimlib.mobject.boolean_ops import Difference from manimlib.mobject.boolean_ops import Union from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Arc from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Circle from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Dot from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Line from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Polygon from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Rectangle from manimlib.mobject.geometry import Square from manimlib.mobject.geometry import AnnularSector from manimlib.mobject.mobject import Mobject from manimlib.mobject.numbers import Integer from manimlib.mobject.shape_matchers import SurroundingRectangle from manimlib.mobject.svg.svg_mobject import SVGMobject from manimlib.mobject.svg.tex_mobject import Tex from manimlib.mobject.svg.tex_mobject import TexText from manimlib.mobject.svg.special_tex import TexTextFromPresetString from manimlib.mobject.three_dimensions import Prismify from manimlib.mobject.three_dimensions import VCube from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject from manimlib.mobject.svg.text_mobject import Text from manimlib.utils.bezier import interpolate from manimlib.utils.iterables import adjacent_pairs from manimlib.utils.rate_functions import linear from manimlib.utils.space_ops import angle_of_vector from manimlib.utils.space_ops import compass_directions from manimlib.utils.space_ops import get_norm from manimlib.utils.space_ops import midpoint from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotate_vector from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Tuple, Sequence, Callable from manimlib.typing import ManimColor, Vect3 class Checkmark(TexTextFromPresetString): tex: str = R"\ding{51}" default_color: ManimColor = GREEN class Exmark(TexTextFromPresetString): tex: str = R"\ding{55}" default_color: ManimColor = RED class Lightbulb(SVGMobject): file_name = "lightbulb" def __init__( self, height: float = 1.0, color: ManimColor = YELLOW, stroke_width: float = 3.0, fill_opacity: float = 0.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__( height=height, color=color, stroke_width=stroke_width, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, **kwargs ) self.insert_n_curves(25) class Speedometer(VMobject): def __init__( self, arc_angle: float = 4 * PI / 3, num_ticks: int = 8, tick_length: float = 0.2, needle_width: float = 0.1, needle_height: float = 0.8, needle_color: ManimColor = YELLOW, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.arc_angle = arc_angle self.num_ticks = num_ticks self.tick_length = tick_length self.needle_width = needle_width self.needle_height = needle_height self.needle_color = needle_color start_angle = PI / 2 + arc_angle / 2 end_angle = PI / 2 - arc_angle / 2 self.arc = Arc( start_angle=start_angle, angle=-self.arc_angle ) self.add(self.arc) tick_angle_range = np.linspace(start_angle, end_angle, num_ticks) for index, angle in enumerate(tick_angle_range): vect = rotate_vector(RIGHT, angle) tick = Line((1 - tick_length) * vect, vect) label = Integer(10 * index) label.set_height(tick_length) label.shift((1 + tick_length) * vect) self.add(tick, label) needle = Polygon( LEFT, UP, RIGHT, stroke_width=0, fill_opacity=1, fill_color=self.needle_color ) needle.stretch_to_fit_width(needle_width) needle.stretch_to_fit_height(needle_height) needle.rotate(start_angle - np.pi / 2, about_point=ORIGIN) self.add(needle) self.needle = needle self.center_offset = self.get_center() def get_center(self): result = VMobject.get_center(self) if hasattr(self, "center_offset"): result -= self.center_offset return result def get_needle_tip(self): return self.needle.get_anchors()[1] def get_needle_angle(self): return angle_of_vector( self.get_needle_tip() - self.get_center() ) def rotate_needle(self, angle): self.needle.rotate(angle, about_point=self.arc.get_arc_center()) return self def move_needle_to_velocity(self, velocity): max_velocity = 10 * (self.num_ticks - 1) proportion = float(velocity) / max_velocity start_angle = np.pi / 2 + self.arc_angle / 2 target_angle = start_angle - self.arc_angle * proportion self.rotate_needle(target_angle - self.get_needle_angle()) return self class Laptop(VGroup): def __init__( self, width: float = 3, body_dimensions: Tuple[float, float, float] = (4.0, 3.0, 0.05), screen_thickness: float = 0.01, keyboard_width_to_body_width: float = 0.9, keyboard_height_to_body_height: float = 0.5, screen_width_to_screen_plate_width: float = 0.9, key_color_kwargs: dict = dict( stroke_width=0, fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=1, ), fill_opacity: float = 1.0, stroke_width: float = 0.0, body_color: ManimColor = GREY_B, shaded_body_color: ManimColor = GREY, open_angle: float = np.pi / 4, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) body = VCube(side_length=1) for dim, scale_factor in enumerate(body_dimensions): body.stretch(scale_factor, dim=dim) body.set_width(width) body.set_fill(shaded_body_color, opacity=1) body.sort(lambda p: p[2]) body[-1].set_fill(body_color) screen_plate = body.copy() keyboard = VGroup(*[ VGroup(*[ Square(**key_color_kwargs) for x in range(12 - y % 2) ]).arrange(RIGHT, buff=SMALL_BUFF) for y in range(4) ]).arrange(DOWN, buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF) keyboard.stretch_to_fit_width( keyboard_width_to_body_width * body.get_width(), ) keyboard.stretch_to_fit_height( keyboard_height_to_body_height * body.get_height(), ) keyboard.next_to(body, OUT, buff=0.1 * SMALL_BUFF) keyboard.shift(MED_SMALL_BUFF * UP) body.add(keyboard) screen_plate.stretch(screen_thickness / body_dimensions[2], dim=2) screen = Rectangle( stroke_width=0, fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=1, ) screen.replace(screen_plate, stretch=True) screen.scale(screen_width_to_screen_plate_width) screen.next_to(screen_plate, OUT, buff=0.1 * SMALL_BUFF) screen_plate.add(screen) screen_plate.next_to(body, UP, buff=0) screen_plate.rotate( open_angle, RIGHT, about_point=screen_plate.get_bottom() ) self.screen_plate = screen_plate self.screen = screen axis = Line( body.get_corner(UP + LEFT + OUT), body.get_corner(UP + RIGHT + OUT), color=BLACK, stroke_width=2 ) self.axis = axis self.add(body, screen_plate, axis) class VideoIcon(SVGMobject): file_name: str = "video_icon" def __init__( self, width: float = 1.2, color=BLUE_A, **kwargs ): super().__init__(color=color, **kwargs) self.set_width(width) class VideoSeries(VGroup): def __init__( self, num_videos: int = 11, gradient_colors: Sequence[ManimColor] = [BLUE_B, BLUE_D], width: float = FRAME_WIDTH - MED_LARGE_BUFF, **kwargs ): super().__init__( *(VideoIcon() for x in range(num_videos)), **kwargs ) self.arrange(RIGHT) self.set_width(width) self.set_color_by_gradient(*gradient_colors) class Clock(VGroup): def __init__( self, stroke_color: ManimColor = WHITE, stroke_width: float = 3.0, hour_hand_height: float = 0.3, minute_hand_height: float = 0.6, tick_length: float = 0.1, **kwargs, ): style = dict(stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width) circle = Circle(**style) ticks = [] for x, point in enumerate(compass_directions(12, UP)): length = tick_length if x % 3 == 0: length *= 2 ticks.append(Line(point, (1 - length) * point, **style)) self.hour_hand = Line(ORIGIN, hour_hand_height * UP, **style) self.minute_hand = Line(ORIGIN, minute_hand_height * UP, **style) super().__init__( circle, self.hour_hand, self.minute_hand, *ticks ) class ClockPassesTime(AnimationGroup): def __init__( self, clock: Clock, run_time: float = 5.0, hours_passed: float = 12.0, rate_func: Callable[[float], float] = linear, **kwargs ): rot_kwargs = dict( axis=OUT, about_point=clock.get_center() ) hour_radians = -hours_passed * 2 * PI / 12 super().__init__( Rotating( clock.hour_hand, angle=hour_radians, **rot_kwargs ), Rotating( clock.minute_hand, angle=12 * hour_radians, **rot_kwargs ), **kwargs ) class Bubble(VGroup): file_name: str = "Bubbles_speech.svg" bubble_center_adjustment_factor = 0.125 def __init__( self, content: str | VMobject | None = None, buff: float = 1.0, filler_shape: Tuple[float, float] = (3.0, 2.0), pin_point: Vect3 | None = None, direction: Vect3 = LEFT, add_content: bool = True, fill_color: ManimColor = BLACK, fill_opacity: float = 0.8, stroke_color: ManimColor = WHITE, stroke_width: float = 3.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.direction = direction if content is None: content = Rectangle(*filler_shape) content.set_fill(opacity=0) content.set_stroke(width=0) elif isinstance(content, str): content = Text(content) self.content = content self.body = self.get_body(content, direction, buff) self.body.set_fill(fill_color, fill_opacity) self.body.set_stroke(stroke_color, stroke_width) self.add(self.body) if add_content: self.add(self.content) if pin_point is not None: self.pin_to(pin_point) def get_body(self, content: VMobject, direction: Vect3, buff: float) -> VMobject: body = SVGMobject(self.file_name) if direction[0] > 0: body.flip() # Resize width = content.get_width() height = content.get_height() target_width = width + min(buff, height) target_height = 1.35 * (height + buff) # Magic number? body.set_shape(target_width, target_height) body.move_to(content) body.shift(self.bubble_center_adjustment_factor * body.get_height() * DOWN) return body def get_tip(self): return self.get_corner(DOWN + self.direction) def get_bubble_center(self): factor = self.bubble_center_adjustment_factor return self.get_center() + factor * self.get_height() * UP def move_tip_to(self, point): self.shift(point - self.get_tip()) return self def flip(self, axis=UP, only_body=True, **kwargs): super().flip(axis=axis, **kwargs) if only_body: # Flip in place, don't use kwargs self.content.flip(axis=axis) if abs(axis[1]) > 0: self.direction = -np.array(self.direction) return self def pin_to(self, mobject, auto_flip=False): mob_center = mobject.get_center() want_to_flip = np.sign(mob_center[0]) != np.sign(self.direction[0]) if want_to_flip and auto_flip: self.flip() boundary_point = mobject.get_bounding_box_point(UP - self.direction) vector_from_center = 1.0 * (boundary_point - mob_center) self.move_tip_to(mob_center + vector_from_center) return self def position_mobject_inside(self, mobject, buff=MED_LARGE_BUFF): mobject.set_max_width(self.body.get_width() - 2 * buff) mobject.set_max_height(self.body.get_height() / 1.5 - 2 * buff) mobject.shift(self.get_bubble_center() - mobject.get_center()) return mobject def add_content(self, mobject): self.position_mobject_inside(mobject) self.content = mobject return self.content def write(self, text): self.add_content(Text(text)) return self def resize_to_content(self, buff=1.0): # TODO self.body.match_points(self.get_body( self.content, self.direction, buff )) def clear(self): self.remove(self.content) return self class SpeechBubble(Bubble): def __init__( self, content: str | VMobject | None = None, buff: float = MED_SMALL_BUFF, filler_shape: Tuple[float, float] = (2.0, 1.0), stem_height_to_bubble_height: float = 0.5, stem_top_x_props: Tuple[float, float] = (0.2, 0.3), **kwargs ): self.stem_height_to_bubble_height = stem_height_to_bubble_height self.stem_top_x_props = stem_top_x_props super().__init__(content, buff, filler_shape, **kwargs) def get_body(self, content: VMobject, direction: Vect3, buff: float) -> VMobject: rect = SurroundingRectangle(content, buff=buff) rect.round_corners() lp = rect.get_corner(DL) rp = rect.get_corner(DR) stem_height = self.stem_height_to_bubble_height * rect.get_height() low_prop, high_prop = self.stem_top_x_props triangle = Polygon( interpolate(lp, rp, low_prop), interpolate(lp, rp, high_prop), lp + stem_height * DOWN, ) result = Union(rect, triangle) result.insert_n_curves(20) if direction[0] > 0: result.flip() return result class ThoughtBubble(Bubble): def __init__( self, content: str | VMobject | None = None, buff: float = SMALL_BUFF, filler_shape: Tuple[float, float] = (2.0, 1.0), bulge_radius: float = 0.35, bulge_overlap: float = 0.25, noise_factor: float = 0.1, circle_radii: list[float] = [0.1, 0.15, 0.2], **kwargs ): self.bulge_radius = bulge_radius self.bulge_overlap = bulge_overlap self.noise_factor = noise_factor self.circle_radii = circle_radii super().__init__(content, buff, filler_shape, **kwargs) def get_body(self, content: VMobject, direction: Vect3, buff: float) -> VMobject: rect = SurroundingRectangle(content, buff) perimeter = rect.get_arc_length() radius = self.bulge_radius step = (1 - self.bulge_overlap) * (2 * radius) nf = self.noise_factor corners = [rect.get_corner(v) for v in [DL, UL, UR, DR]] points = [] for c1, c2 in adjacent_pairs(corners): n_alphas = int(get_norm(c1 - c2) / step) + 1 for alpha in np.linspace(0, 1, n_alphas): points.append(interpolate( c1, c2, alpha + nf * (step / n_alphas) * (random.random() - 0.5) )) cloud = Union(rect, *( # Add bulges Circle(radius=radius * (1 + nf * random.random())).move_to(point) for point in points )) cloud.set_stroke(WHITE, 2) circles = VGroup(Circle(radius=radius) for radius in self.circle_radii) circ_buff = 0.25 * self.circle_radii[0] circles.arrange(UR, buff=circ_buff) circles[1].shift(circ_buff * DR) circles.next_to(cloud, DOWN, 4 * circ_buff, aligned_edge=LEFT) circles.set_stroke(WHITE, 2) result = VGroup(*circles, cloud) if direction[0] > 0: result.flip() return result class OldSpeechBubble(Bubble): file_name: str = "Bubbles_speech.svg" class DoubleSpeechBubble(Bubble): file_name: str = "Bubbles_double_speech.svg" class OldThoughtBubble(Bubble): file_name: str = "Bubbles_thought.svg" def get_body(self, content: VMobject, direction: Vect3, buff: float) -> VMobject: body = super().get_body(content, direction, buff) body.sort(lambda p: p[1]) return body def make_green_screen(self): self.body[-1].set_fill(GREEN_SCREEN, opacity=1) return self class VectorizedEarth(SVGMobject): file_name: str = "earth" def __init__( self, height: float = 2.0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(height=height, **kwargs) self.insert_n_curves(20) circle = Circle( stroke_width=3, stroke_color=GREEN, fill_opacity=1, fill_color=BLUE_C, ) circle.replace(self) self.add_to_back(circle) class Piano(VGroup): def __init__( self, n_white_keys = 52, black_pattern = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6], white_keys_per_octave = 7, white_key_dims = (0.15, 1.0), black_key_dims = (0.1, 0.66), key_buff = 0.02, white_key_color = WHITE, black_key_color = GREY_E, total_width = 13, **kwargs ): self.n_white_keys = n_white_keys self.black_pattern = black_pattern self.white_keys_per_octave = white_keys_per_octave self.white_key_dims = white_key_dims self.black_key_dims = black_key_dims self.key_buff = key_buff self.white_key_color = white_key_color self.black_key_color = black_key_color self.total_width = total_width super().__init__(**kwargs) self.add_white_keys() self.add_black_keys() self.sort_keys() self[:-1].reverse_points() self.set_width(self.total_width) def add_white_keys(self): key = Rectangle(*self.white_key_dims) key.set_fill(self.white_key_color, 1) key.set_stroke(width=0) self.white_keys = key.get_grid(1, self.n_white_keys, buff=self.key_buff) self.add(*self.white_keys) def add_black_keys(self): key = Rectangle(*self.black_key_dims) key.set_fill(self.black_key_color, 1) key.set_stroke(width=0) self.black_keys = VGroup() for i in range(len(self.white_keys) - 1): if i % self.white_keys_per_octave not in self.black_pattern: continue wk1 = self.white_keys[i] wk2 = self.white_keys[i + 1] bk = key.copy() bk.move_to(midpoint(wk1.get_top(), wk2.get_top()), UP) big_bk = bk.copy() big_bk.stretch((bk.get_width() + self.key_buff) / bk.get_width(), 0) big_bk.stretch((bk.get_height() + self.key_buff) / bk.get_height(), 1) big_bk.move_to(bk, UP) for wk in wk1, wk2: wk.become(Difference(wk, big_bk).match_style(wk)) self.black_keys.add(bk) self.add(*self.black_keys) def sort_keys(self): self.sort(lambda p: p[0]) class Piano3D(VGroup): def __init__( self, shading: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2), stroke_width: float = 0.25, stroke_color: ManimColor = BLACK, key_depth: float = 0.1, black_key_shift: float = 0.05, piano_2d_config: dict = dict( white_key_color=GREY_A, key_buff=0.001 ), **kwargs ): piano_2d = Piano(**piano_2d_config) super().__init__(*( Prismify(key, key_depth) for key in piano_2d )) self.set_stroke(stroke_color, stroke_width) self.set_shading(*shading) self.apply_depth_test() # Elevate black keys for i, key in enumerate(self): if piano_2d[i] in piano_2d.black_keys: key.shift(black_key_shift * OUT) key.set_color(BLACK) class DieFace(VGroup): def __init__( self, value: int, side_length: float = 1.0, corner_radius: float = 0.15, stroke_color: ManimColor = WHITE, stroke_width: float = 2.0, fill_color: ManimColor = GREY_E, dot_radius: float = 0.08, dot_color: ManimColor = WHITE, dot_coalesce_factor: float = 0.5 ): dot = Dot(radius=dot_radius, fill_color=dot_color) square = Square( side_length=side_length, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width, fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=1.0, ) square.round_corners(corner_radius) if not (1 <= value <= 6): raise Exception("DieFace only accepts integer inputs between 1 and 6") edge_group = [ (ORIGIN,), (UL, DR), (UL, ORIGIN, DR), (UL, UR, DL, DR), (UL, UR, ORIGIN, DL, DR), (UL, UR, LEFT, RIGHT, DL, DR), ][value - 1] arrangement = VGroup(*( dot.copy().move_to(square.get_bounding_box_point(vect)) for vect in edge_group )) arrangement.space_out_submobjects(dot_coalesce_factor) super().__init__(square, arrangement) self.dots = arrangement self.value = value self.index = value class Dartboard(VGroup): radius = 3 n_sectors = 20 def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) n_sectors = self.n_sectors angle = TAU / n_sectors segments = VGroup(*[ VGroup(*[ AnnularSector( inner_radius=in_r, outer_radius=out_r, start_angle=n * angle, angle=angle, fill_color=color, ) for n, color in zip( range(n_sectors), it.cycle(colors) ) ]) for colors, in_r, out_r in [ ([GREY_B, GREY_E], 0, 1), ([GREEN_E, RED_E], 0.5, 0.55), ([GREEN_E, RED_E], 0.95, 1), ] ]) segments.rotate(-angle / 2) bullseyes = VGroup(*[ Circle(radius=r) for r in [0.07, 0.035] ]) bullseyes.set_fill(opacity=1) bullseyes.set_stroke(width=0) bullseyes[0].set_color(GREEN_E) bullseyes[1].set_color(RED_E) self.bullseye = bullseyes[1] self.add(*segments, *bullseyes) self.scale(self.radius)