from __future__ import annotations import itertools as it import numpy as np from manimlib.constants import DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, ORIGIN from manimlib.constants import DEGREES from manimlib.mobject.numbers import DecimalNumber from manimlib.mobject.svg.tex_mobject import Tex from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup from manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple, Optional from manimlib.typing import ManimColor, Vect3, VectNArray, Self StringMatrixType = Union[Sequence[Sequence[str]], np.ndarray[int, np.dtype[np.str_]]] FloatMatrixType = Union[Sequence[Sequence[float]], VectNArray] VMobjectMatrixType = Sequence[Sequence[VMobject]] GenericMatrixType = Union[FloatMatrixType, StringMatrixType, VMobjectMatrixType] class Matrix(VMobject): def __init__( self, matrix: GenericMatrixType, v_buff: float = 0.5, h_buff: float = 0.5, bracket_h_buff: float = 0.2, bracket_v_buff: float = 0.25, height: float | None = None, element_config: dict = dict(), element_alignment_corner: Vect3 = DOWN, ellipses_row: Optional[int] = None, ellipses_col: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Matrix can either include numbers, tex_strings, or mobjects """ super().__init__() self.mob_matrix = self.create_mobject_matrix( matrix, v_buff, h_buff, element_alignment_corner, **element_config ) # Create helpful groups for the elements n_cols = len(self.mob_matrix[0]) self.elements = [elem for row in self.mob_matrix for elem in row] self.columns = VGroup(*( VGroup(*(row[i] for row in self.mob_matrix)) for i in range(n_cols) )) self.rows = VGroup(*(VGroup(*row) for row in self.mob_matrix)) if height is not None: self.rows.set_height(height - 2 * bracket_v_buff) self.brackets = self.create_brackets(self.rows, bracket_v_buff, bracket_h_buff) self.ellipses = [] # Add elements and brackets self.add(*self.elements) self.add(*self.brackets) # Potentially add ellipses self.swap_entries_for_ellipses( ellipses_row, ellipses_col, ) def copy(self, deep: bool = False): result = super().copy(deep) self_family = self.get_family() copy_family = result.get_family() for attr in ["elements", "ellipses"]: setattr(result, attr, [ copy_family[self_family.index(mob)] for mob in getattr(self, attr) ]) return result def create_mobject_matrix( self, matrix: GenericMatrixType, v_buff: float, h_buff: float, aligned_corner: Vect3, **element_config ) -> VMobjectMatrixType: """ Creates and organizes the matrix of mobjects """ mob_matrix = [ [ self.element_to_mobject(element, **element_config) for element in row ] for row in matrix ] max_width = max(elem.get_width() for row in mob_matrix for elem in row) max_height = max(elem.get_height() for row in mob_matrix for elem in row) x_step = (max_width + h_buff) * RIGHT y_step = (max_height + v_buff) * DOWN for i, row in enumerate(mob_matrix): for j, elem in enumerate(row): elem.move_to(i * y_step + j * x_step, aligned_corner) return mob_matrix def element_to_mobject(self, element, **config) -> VMobject: if isinstance(element, VMobject): return element elif isinstance(element, float | complex): return DecimalNumber(element, **config) else: return Tex(str(element), **config) def create_brackets(self, rows, v_buff: float, h_buff: float) -> VGroup: brackets = Tex("".join(( R"\left[\begin{array}{c}", *len(rows) * [R"\quad \\"], R"\end{array}\right]", ))) brackets.set_height(rows.get_height() + v_buff) l_bracket = brackets[:len(brackets) // 2] r_bracket = brackets[len(brackets) // 2:] l_bracket.next_to(rows, LEFT, h_buff) r_bracket.next_to(rows, RIGHT, h_buff) return VGroup(l_bracket, r_bracket) def get_column(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < len(self.columns): raise IndexError(f"Index {index} out of bound for matrix with {len(self.columns)} columns") return self.columns[index] def get_row(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < len(self.rows): raise IndexError(f"Index {index} out of bound for matrix with {len(self.rows)} rows") return self.rows[index] def get_columns(self) -> VGroup: return self.columns def get_rows(self) -> VGroup: return self.rows def set_column_colors(self, *colors: ManimColor) -> Self: columns = self.get_columns() for color, column in zip(colors, columns): column.set_color(color) return self def add_background_to_entries(self) -> Self: for mob in self.get_entries(): mob.add_background_rectangle() return self def swap_entry_for_dots(self, entry, dots): dots.move_to(entry) entry.become(dots) if entry in self.elements: self.elements.remove(entry) if entry not in self.ellipses: self.ellipses.append(entry) def swap_entries_for_ellipses( self, row_index: Optional[int] = None, col_index: Optional[int] = None, height_ratio: float = 0.65, width_ratio: float = 0.4 ): rows = self.get_rows() cols = self.get_columns() avg_row_height = rows.get_height() / len(rows) vdots_height = height_ratio * avg_row_height avg_col_width = cols.get_width() / len(cols) hdots_width = width_ratio * avg_col_width use_vdots = row_index is not None and -len(rows) <= row_index < len(rows) use_hdots = col_index is not None and -len(cols) <= col_index < len(cols) if use_vdots: for column in cols: # Add vdots dots = Tex(R"\vdots") dots.set_height(vdots_height) self.swap_entry_for_dots(column[row_index], dots) if use_hdots: for row in rows: # Add hdots dots = Tex(R"\hdots") dots.set_width(hdots_width) self.swap_entry_for_dots(row[col_index], dots) if use_vdots and use_hdots: rows[row_index][col_index].rotate(-45 * DEGREES) return self def get_mob_matrix(self) -> VMobjectMatrixType: return self.mob_matrix def get_entries(self) -> VGroup: return VGroup(*self.elements) def get_brackets(self) -> VGroup: return VGroup(*self.brackets) def get_ellipses(self) -> VGroup: return VGroup(*self.ellipses) class DecimalMatrix(Matrix): def __init__( self, matrix: FloatMatrixType, num_decimal_places: int = 2, decimal_config: dict = dict(), **config ): self.float_matrix = matrix super().__init__( matrix, element_config=dict( num_decimal_places=num_decimal_places, **decimal_config ), **config ) def element_to_mobject(self, element, **decimal_config) -> DecimalNumber: return DecimalNumber(element, **decimal_config) class IntegerMatrix(DecimalMatrix): def __init__( self, matrix: FloatMatrixType, num_decimal_places: int = 0, decimal_config: dict = dict(), **config ): super().__init__(matrix, num_decimal_places, decimal_config, **config) class TexMatrix(Matrix): def __init__( self, matrix: StringMatrixType, tex_config: dict = dict(), **config, ): super().__init__( matrix, element_config=tex_config, **config ) class MobjectMatrix(Matrix): def __init__( self, group: VGroup, n_rows: int | None = None, n_cols: int | None = None, height: float = 4.0, element_alignment_corner=ORIGIN, **config, ): # Have fallback defaults of n_rows and n_cols n_mobs = len(group) if n_rows is None: n_rows = int(np.sqrt(n_mobs)) if n_cols is None else n_mobs // n_cols if n_cols is None: n_cols = n_mobs // n_rows if len(group) < n_rows * n_cols: raise Exception("Input to MobjectMatrix must have at least n_rows * n_cols entries") mob_matrix = [ [group[n * n_cols + k] for k in range(n_cols)] for n in range(n_rows) ] config.update( height=height, element_alignment_corner=element_alignment_corner, ) super().__init__(mob_matrix, **config) def element_to_mobject(self, element: VMobject, **config) -> VMobject: return element