import torch import sentencepiece import jieba import numpy as np from transformers.tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer jieba.add_word('') jieba.add_word('') jieba.add_word('') jieba.add_word('') jieba.add_word('') jieba.add_word('') class GPTPanguTokenizer(PreTrainedTokenizer): # Ref: vocab_files_names = { "model_file": "vocab.model" } def __init__( self, model_file, **kwargs ): self.sp = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor() self.sp.Load(model_file=model_file) self.translator = str.maketrans(" \n", "\u2582\u2583") super().__init__(**kwargs) # special token ids # self.eos_token_id = self.sp.piece_to_id("") def build_inputs_with_special_tokens(self, token_ids_0, token_ids_1=None): """ Build model inputs from a sequence or a pair of sequence for sequence classification tasks by concatenating and adding special tokens. A BERT sequence has the following format: - single sequence: `[CLS] X [SEP]` - pair of sequences: `[CLS] A [SEP] B [SEP]` Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs to which the special tokens will be added. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. Returns: `List[int]`: List of [input IDs](../glossary#input-ids) with the appropriate special tokens. """ if self.bos_token_id is not None: if token_ids_1 is None: return [self.bos_token_id] + token_ids_0 + [self.eos_token_id] bos = [self.bos_token_id] sep = [self.sep_token_id] eos = [self.eos_token_id] return bos + token_ids_0 + sep + token_ids_1 + eos else: if token_ids_1 is None: return token_ids_0 + [self.eos_token_id] sep = [self.sep_token_id] eos = [self.eos_token_id] return token_ids_0 + sep + token_ids_1 + eos def tokenize(self, text, **kwargs): """ Tokenize a string. """ seg_list = [x.translate(self.translator) for x in jieba.cut(text, cut_all=False)] return seg_list def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens): if tokens is None: return None if isinstance(tokens, str): return self._convert_token_to_id_with_added_voc(tokens) special_tokens_index = [i for i, token in enumerate(tokens) if token in self.all_special_tokens] ids = [] i = 0 for j in special_tokens_index: new_seg = " ".join(tokens[i:j]) ids.extend(self.sp.encode(new_seg)) ids.append(self._convert_token_to_id(tokens[j])) i = j + 1 new_seg = " ".join(tokens[i:]) ids.extend(self.sp.encode(new_seg)) return ids # new_seg = " ".join(tokens) # return self.sp.encode(new_seg) # # return tokens def _convert_token_to_id(self, token): return self.sp.piece_to_id(token) def _convert_id_to_token(self, index): return self.sp.id_to_piece(index) def convert_ids_to_tokens(self, ids): return self.decode(ids) def decode(self, ids, **kwargs): if isinstance(ids, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(ids, np.ndarray): ids = ids.tolist() if kwargs.get('skip_special_tokens', None) is True: ids = [token_id for token_id in ids if token_id not in self.all_special_ids] text = self.sp.decode(ids) if isinstance(text, list): text = text[0] text = text.replace(' ', '').replace('\u2582', ' ').replace('\u2583', '\n')#.replace('⁇', self.unk_token) return text def get_vocab(self): vocab = {self.sp.IdToPiece(i): i for i in range(self.sp.GetPieceSize())} return vocab @property def vocab_size(self) -> int: """ `int`: Size of the base vocabulary (without the added tokens). """ return len(self.sp)