[database] # The database for caching, support Redis, MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB: # redis://:@:/ # rediss://:@:/ # postgres://bob:secret@ # postgresql://bob:secret@ # mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]] # mongodb+srv://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]] cache_store = "redis://localhost:6379/0" # The database for persist data, support MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB: # mysql://[username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN] # postgres://bob:secret@ # postgresql://bob:secret@ # mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]] # mongodb+srv://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[defaultauthdb][?options]] data_store = "mysql://gorse:gorse_pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/gorse" # The naming prefix for tables (collections, keys) in databases. The default value is empty. table_prefix = "" # The naming prefix for tables (collections, keys) in cache storage databases. The default value is `table_prefix`. cache_table_prefix = "" # The naming prefix for tables (collections, keys) in data storage databases. The default value is `table_prefix`. data_table_prefix = "" [master] # GRPC port of the master node. The default value is 8086. port = 8086 # gRPC host of the master node. The default values is "". host = "" # HTTP port of the master node. The default values is 8088. http_port = 8088 # HTTP host of the master node. The default values is "". http_host = "" # AllowedDomains is a list of allowed values for Http Origin. # The list may contain the special wildcard string ".*" ; all is allowed # If empty all are allowed. http_cors_domains = [] # AllowedMethods is either empty or has a list of http methods names. Checking is case-insensitive. http_cors_methods = [] # Number of working jobs in the master node. The default value is 1. n_jobs = 1 # Meta information timeout. The default value is 10s. meta_timeout = "10s" # Username for the master node dashboard. dashboard_user_name = "" # Password for the master node dashboard. dashboard_password = "" # Secret key for admin APIs (SSL required). admin_api_key = "" [server] # Default number of returned items. The default value is 10. default_n = 10 # Secret key for RESTful APIs (SSL required). api_key = "" # Clock error in the cluster. The default value is 5s. clock_error = "5s" # Insert new users while inserting feedback. The default value is true. auto_insert_user = true # Insert new items while inserting feedback. The default value is true. auto_insert_item = true # Server-side cache expire time. The default value is 10s. cache_expire = "10s" [recommend] # The cache size for recommended/popular/latest items. The default value is 10. cache_size = 100 # Recommended cache expire time. The default value is 72h. cache_expire = "72h" # The time-to-live (days) of active users, 0 means disabled. Recommendation won't be cached for inactive users. The default value is 0. active_user_ttl = 0 [recommend.data_source] # The feedback types for positive events. positive_feedback_types = ["star","like"] # The feedback types for read events. read_feedback_types = ["read"] # The time-to-live (days) of positive feedback, 0 means disabled. The default value is 0. positive_feedback_ttl = 0 # The time-to-live (days) of items, 0 means disabled. The default value is 0. item_ttl = 0 [recommend.popular] # The time window of popular items. The default values is 4320h. popular_window = "720h" [recommend.user_neighbors] # The type of neighbors for users. There are three types: # similar: Neighbors are found by number of common labels. # related: Neighbors are found by number of common liked items. # auto: If a user have labels, neighbors are found by number of common labels. # If this user have no labels, neighbors are found by number of common liked items. # The default value is "auto". neighbor_type = "similar" # Enable approximate user neighbor searching using vector index. The default value is true. enable_index = true # Minimal recall for approximate user neighbor searching. The default value is 0.8. index_recall = 0.8 # Maximal number of fit epochs for approximate user neighbor searching vector index. The default value is 3. index_fit_epoch = 3 [recommend.item_neighbors] # The type of neighbors for items. There are three types: # similar: Neighbors are found by number of common labels. # related: Neighbors are found by number of common users. # auto: If a item have labels, neighbors are found by number of common labels. # If this item have no labels, neighbors are found by number of common users. # The default value is "auto". neighbor_type = "similar" # Enable approximate item neighbor searching using vector index. The default value is true. enable_index = true # Minimal recall for approximate item neighbor searching. The default value is 0.8. index_recall = 0.8 # Maximal number of fit epochs for approximate item neighbor searching vector index. The default value is 3. index_fit_epoch = 3 [recommend.collaborative] # Enable approximate collaborative filtering recommend using vector index. The default value is true. enable_index = true # Minimal recall for approximate collaborative filtering recommend. The default value is 0.9. index_recall = 0.9 # Maximal number of fit epochs for approximate collaborative filtering recommend vector index. The default value is 3. index_fit_epoch = 3 # The time period for model fitting. The default value is "60m". model_fit_period = "60m" # The time period for model searching. The default value is "360m". model_search_period = "360m" # The number of epochs for model searching. The default value is 100. model_search_epoch = 100 # The number of trials for model searching. The default value is 10. model_search_trials = 10 # Enable searching models of different sizes, which consume more memory. The default value is false. enable_model_size_search = false [recommend.replacement] # Replace historical items back to recommendations. The default value is false. enable_replacement = false # Decay the weights of replaced items from positive feedbacks. The default value is 0.8. positive_replacement_decay = 0.8 # Decay the weights of replaced items from read feedbacks. The default value is 0.6. read_replacement_decay = 0.6 [recommend.offline] # The time period to check recommendation for users. The default values is 1m. check_recommend_period = "1m" # The time period to refresh recommendation for inactive users. The default values is 120h. refresh_recommend_period = "24h" # Enable latest recommendation during offline recommendation. The default value is false. enable_latest_recommend = true # Enable popular recommendation during offline recommendation. The default value is false. enable_popular_recommend = false # Enable user-based similarity recommendation during offline recommendation. The default value is false. enable_user_based_recommend = true # Enable item-based similarity recommendation during offline recommendation. The default value is false. enable_item_based_recommend = false # Enable collaborative filtering recommendation during offline recommendation. The default value is true. enable_collaborative_recommend = true # Enable click-though rate prediction during offline recommendation. Otherwise, results from multi-way recommendation # would be merged randomly. The default value is false. enable_click_through_prediction = true # The explore recommendation method is used to inject popular items or latest items into recommended result: # popular: Recommend popular items to cold-start users. # latest: Recommend latest items to cold-start users. # The default values is { popular = 0.0, latest = 0.0 }. explore_recommend = { popular = 0.1, latest = 0.2 } [recommend.online] # The fallback recommendation method is used when cached recommendation drained out: # item_based: Recommend similar items to cold-start users. # popular: Recommend popular items to cold-start users. # latest: Recommend latest items to cold-start users. # Recommenders are used in order. The default values is ["latest"]. fallback_recommend = ["item_based", "latest"] # The number of feedback used in fallback item-based similar recommendation. The default values is 10. num_feedback_fallback_item_based = 10 [tracing] # Enable tracing for REST APIs. The default value is false. enable_tracing = false # The type of tracing exporters should be one of "jaeger", "zipkin", "otlp" and "otlphttp". The default value is "jaeger". exporter = "jaeger" # The endpoint of tracing collector. collector_endpoint = "http://localhost:14268/api/traces" # The type of tracing sampler should be one of "always", "never" and "ratio". The default value is "always". sampler = "always" # The ratio of ratio based sampler. The default value is 1. ratio = 1 [experimental] # Enable deep learning recommenders. The default value is false. enable_deep_learning = false # Batch size for deep learning recommenders. The default value is 128. deep_learning_batch_size = 128