.goreleaser.yml 1.6 KB

  1. project_name: fletd
  2. snapshot:
  3. name_template: '{{ .Env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION }}'
  4. builds:
  5. - id: fletd
  6. main: cmd/fletd/main.go
  7. binary: fletd
  8. env:
  9. - CGO_ENABLED=0
  10. flags:
  11. - -tags=release
  12. ldflags:
  13. - -s -w -X github.com/flet-dev/flet/server/commands.version={{.Version}}
  14. goos:
  15. - linux
  16. - darwin
  17. - windows
  18. goarch:
  19. - 386
  20. - amd64
  21. - arm64
  22. - arm
  23. goarm:
  24. - 7
  25. ignore:
  26. - goos: windows
  27. goarch: arm64
  28. - goos: windows
  29. goarch: arm
  30. - goos: linux
  31. goarch: 386
  32. - goos: darwin
  33. goarch: 386
  34. # dockers:
  35. # - ids:
  36. # - fletd
  37. # goos: linux
  38. # goarch: amd64
  39. # goarm: ""
  40. # image_templates:
  41. # - "flet-dev/fletd:latest"
  42. # - "flet-dev/fletd:{{ .Version }}"
  43. # #- "us.gcr.io/flet-app/flet-server:{{ .Version }}"
  44. # skip_push: true
  45. # dockerfile: Dockerfile
  46. # use: buildx
  47. # # Template of the docker build flags.
  48. # build_flag_templates:
  49. # - "--pull"
  50. # - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.created={{.Date}}"
  51. # - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.title={{.ProjectName}}"
  52. # - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.revision={{.FullCommit}}"
  53. # - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.version={{.Version}}"
  54. # #- "--build-arg=FOO={{.Env.Bar}}"
  55. # - "--platform=linux/amd64"
  56. archives:
  57. - id: fletd-archives
  58. builds:
  59. - fletd
  60. name_template: "fletd-{{ .Version }}-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}"
  61. format_overrides:
  62. - goos: windows
  63. format: zip
  64. release:
  65. prerelease: auto